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从买房开始,不专业的购房就注定是弱势群体。买房就像是一场赌博,用一生的积蓄和开发商的良知在赌。赢了皆大欢喜,输了自认倒霉。关于房屋质量的维权之路,是漫长而艰辛的。至今为止,福建只有极少数楼盘因房屋质量问题,通过法律途径,居民得到开发商赔偿,大多数的事件都不了了知。[第一段]  相似文献   

寒冷的天气、价格高位运行、政策收紧以及开发商促销降价意愿不强等多重因素,致使佛山2月的楼市进入了一个短暂休眠期。  相似文献   

维权理由:新买的商品房在验收时发现有质量问题经开发商数次维修仍不能入住,维权结果:刘孜6月16日将开发商告上法庭。维权启示:如果沟通解决不了问题法院是最后的选择。  相似文献   

从燕郊的诸多楼盘项目来看,现在很多都在借助楼盘生态、和谐的理念来吸引购房者,而很多在燕郊生活居住的人都深有感触,出了小区门,基本无处可去,项目内外的截然不同让人很难相信这是一个个在北京人人皆知的著名项目。  相似文献   

王岚 《东南置业》2014,(5):31-35
近期,各地频出针对楼市限购的“微调”政策,引发舆论的广泛关注。4月22日,无锡市政府印发关于无锡市户籍准入登记规定的通知,规定2014年5月1日起,无锡市范围内(包括无锡市区和江阴、宜兴二市)执行统一的户籍准入登记规定,在无锡市购买成套商品住宅(含二手房)、户均建筑面积达60平方米以上,且在本市有稳定工作的人员,准予本人、配偶和未成年子女来锡落户。  相似文献   

10月全国房价环比首降大约从今年七八月份起.在北京工作的山东人霍小姐就明显感到手机每天收到的卖房广告多了起来-10月份以来.更是每天要收到10多条类似的短信.且大多打着低价入市、大幅优惠的旗号。霍小姐觉得.开发商和中介是真的着急了。然而在限购的情况下.她并没有购房资格。  相似文献   

季菲 《楼市》2013,(Z1):44-47
房价穿越、房闹步步惊心、房企死去活来2012年的杭州楼市矛盾四起,冲突鲜明。房价没有最低只有更低,一波波降价潮席卷而来,扣人心弦;房闹没有最狠只有更狠,一个个老业主怒上心头,无恶不作;营销花样没有最新只有更新,一场场技艺对决相继开席,艳惊四座……我们安安稳稳度过了世界末日,但楼市的2012却给我们留下来了许多的惊吓、惊喜、惊艳。  相似文献   

第三季度商品住宅交易量大幅下降北京市房地产交易管理网统计数据显示,今年第三季度,京城共销售期房商品住宅18676套,销售面积186.4万平方米;同期,全市共销售现房商品住宅3573套,销售面积56.2万平方米。据此得出,第三季度全市网上销售的期房商品住宅日均销售203套,销售面积20259平方米;同期,现房商品住宅日均销售39套,销售面积6109平方米。  相似文献   

快速奔跑了十几年的中国楼市也需要"喘口气"了。令人欣喜的是,在此轮调整中,中国房地产已经有了一些"理性回归"的苗头。我们看到,房价打破了"只涨不跌"的神话,开始理性回归,上半年,全国70个大中城市中,新建商品住宅房价环比下降的城市达55个;我们也看到,房企们更为理性务实,一些品牌开发商迫于业绩的压力,以价换量促销打折、大打"亲民牌"吸引刚需及改善型人群,在公司战略上也不再是盲目地扩张而是做细做精,更加关注楼盘的品质与配套服务;  相似文献   

根据交通部门规定,于7月1日起正式终止收费;而从7月6日零时起,洛溪大桥全天24小时只允许7座(含7座)以下的小客车、摩托车和本市编码线路公交车通行,其他途经车辆一律请绕道行驶,楼巴也不能再在洛溪大桥上穿梭。此外,洛溪二桥的规划,地铁三号线的建设、新光快速路的开通等有关番禺交通问题,也被提上议程。  相似文献   

日前,燕郊至北京市区将建轨道交通的消息再次得到有关方面的确认.北京市规委负责人对新闻媒体表示,北京会用城际铁路、地铁、城市道路等多种形式与周边7个城市连接,而燕郊,则是其中重点.……  相似文献   

2月14日,燕郊180万平方米大盘天洋城二期开盘,均价仅在3580元/平方米,已经回落至该区域2006年时的水平,如此价格使该项目在开盘当天受到消费者认可,截止到目前认购率已达80%.天洋城的低价热销引发了行业的高度关注.……  相似文献   

记者曾在网上看到一个帖子:燕郊"上上城"房子的一位业主住进新房没多久,就因交通不便决定"卖房换地儿"。结果却被中介告知,卖房的多,买房的少。想卖掉这套房,难!导致这种现象的一个重要原因,是大量的炒  相似文献   

"新特区"的加冕,使长沙从众多的二线城市中脱颖而出,一跃成为全国瞩目的明星城市。随着"两型社会"建设中各项政策的落实和推进,"新特区"效应必将慢慢实现,调整期过后的长沙楼市或将再次成为全国的聚焦点  相似文献   

Previous criticisms of comparative advantage theory have mainly stressed the inapplicability of its theoretical assumptions. This article focuses on the dilemma involved in using it as a guide to practical policy. Since its inception, comparative advantage theory has gradually split into two schools, representing two ways of thinking and two methodologies. Economic policy based on comparative advantage may succeed in the short run but fail in the long run, because the development model based on this approach has an inherent destructive mechanism.  相似文献   

Information technology is driving business and industry into the future. This is the essence of reengineering, process innovation, downsizing, etc. Non-profits, schools, libraries, etc. need to follow or risk efficiency. However, to get their fair share of information technology, they need to help with funding.  相似文献   

冷链物流风生水起——冷链市场五人谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷链物流开始悄然升温。 几年前“只闻楼梯响”的各类冷链物流研讨会,如今演变成真金白银的投入。从去年中外运收购漳州裕和集团旗下的上海裕和冷藏快运,到最近G锦投动议成立上海锦江国际低温物流公司,这一切动向都表明曾被冷落的冷链物流,开始引起各路商家的注目。而蒙牛集团在安徽马鞍山兴建的自动化立体冷库的投入使用,京客隆低温物流中心的成功运营,说明无论是生产企业,还是零售企业,对冷链节点的投入已经开始发挥效益。但总体来看,冷链物流刚刚进八成长期。  相似文献   

The Chinese government has launched extensive reforms to encourage integration with the global economy. Our research investigates the implications for human resource management practices of the changing business environment in China, ownership of organizations, organizational strategies and strategic integration of the HR function. We conducted two surveys in major Chinese cities in 1994/5 and 2001/2, with managers of state-owned, privately owned, collectively owned and foreign-invested enterprises.

Regression analyses showed that organizational strategy and organizational ownership, in contrast with earlier research, were not found to be strong predictors of HRM practices. The changing business environment in China and participation by the HR function in strategic decision-making were the strongest predictors of HRM practices. Overall, a strategic role for the HR function and implementation of ‘Western’ HRM practices are becoming more prevalent in China, although the legacy of traditional practices endures and new challenges are emerging.  相似文献   

This study developed a decision tree framework to predict and distinguish employee responses to problematic working conditions. In this framework, job satisfaction and self-efficacy were antecedent variables; five responses from the modified EVLN typology were used as dependent variables. Data from 367 police officers in Taiwan were analyzed to examine the linear and quadratic relationships between job satisfaction and each of the five responses. The sample was further divided into six groups according to individual job satisfaction and self-efficacy. In each group, specific response patterns were analyzed through paired sample t-tests. The pattern analysis results partially supported the prediction of decision tree framework.  相似文献   

This paper presents an agent-based artificial cryptocurrency market in which heterogeneous agents buy or sell cryptocurrencies, in particular Bitcoins. In this market, there are two typologies of agents, Random Traders and Chartists, which interact with each other by trading Bitcoins. Each agent is initially endowed with a finite amount of crypto and/or fiat cash and issues buy and sell orders, according to her strategy and resources. The number of Bitcoins increases over time with a rate proportional to the real one, even if the mining process is not explicitly modelled. The model proposed is able to reproduce some of the real statistical properties of the price returns observed in the Bitcoin real market. In particular, it is able to reproduce the unit root property, the fat tail phenomenon and the volatility clustering. The simulator has been implemented using object-oriented technology, and could be considered a valid starting point to study and analyse the cryptocurrency market and its future evolutions.  相似文献   

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