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李敏 《山东纺织经济》2011,(12):9-10,16
我国服装企业主要以中小型企业为主,服装企业对我国经济的增长、促进就业、增加税收、创造外汇以及对国有经济战略性调整等方面做出了贡献。但是,目前存在融资难尤其是上市融资难的问题。本文首先对我国服装企业进行了概述,介绍了服装企业普遍的融资方式。然后,指出了服装企业上市融资面临的问题。最后,根据所提出的问题叙述了这些问题的解决方法。  相似文献   

This article examines how the problem of surplus labor isbeing dealt with in some of China's state-owned enterprises. Primarily using interview data from the period 1995-1997, as well as published sources, the article looks at the main methods employed by large state-owned enterprises to reduce the level of surplus labor in their workforce. It also considers how smaller state-owned enterprises are coping in an era where mergers, closures, and bankruptcies are becoming much more common as a means of dealing with loss-making firms, resulting in widespread redundancies in the state-owned enterpriseworkforce. The article illustrates that the potential political repercussions of job losses, as well as direct intervention by local authorities, continue to hinder the freedom of enterprise management to adjust employment levels in the interests of efficiency and productivity. The article also notes the importance of how decisions about downsizing and redundancy are communicated and justified to employees if resistance and social instability are to be minimized. The employment treatment of production workers will be considered separately from that of cadres, since these two groups are subject to different employment regulations and political constraints.  相似文献   

2014年是全面深化改革的开局之年,进行混合所有制改革,是国有煤炭企业发展的必由之路。混合所有制改革关键在于完善现代企业制度,而人力资源管理是现代企业制度的重要内容。针对国有煤炭企业进行混合所有制改革过程中人力资源管理存在的问题进行了分析,并提出通过建立和现代企业制度相适应的用人机制,加强绩效管理,完善激励机制,加强企业文化建设与整合等相关措施,改善人力资源管理的方法和手段,推动混合所有制改革的进行。  相似文献   

2008年国际金融危机发生后,俄罗斯启动了新一轮私有化,范围涉及海陆运输、机场港口、水电能源等众多行业。2011年初,俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft,简称"俄油")与BP股权互换并结成战略联盟合作开发石油资源的新的合作模式可以视为俄罗斯2009年启动的新一轮私有化进程的一部分,尽管这次股权互换交易因细节问题而没有最终达成,但这一合作模式本身也为中俄能源合作提供了一种新视角。对比贷款换石油和上下游一体化合作模式,股权互换的模式可能会成为今后外国公司与俄油气合作的模式之一。如果俄罗斯政府继续秉承对俄罗斯国有企业"抓大放小"的改革趋势,对中国公司进入俄罗斯油气上游相关领域或许是一个机会,但俄罗斯的法制环境、税收政策处于多变之中,需要我们密切关注并加以认真研究。  相似文献   

石油化工设备的安全性管理问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石化行业已到了单元装置高参数、大型化、企业实现规模经济的发展阶段,其大型化、高参数带来的安全问题使得设备安全管理难度加大,采用计算机技术、减少人员、提高效率是降低工程和管理费用的最有效的方法。化工过程企业现代管理技术决策系统(MCIS)由管理信息系统(MIS)和分散型计算机控制系统(DCS)组成,是实现企业安全性管理所必须的,旱实施、旱得益。软件开发过程中应充分考虑企业的特点.并随法规等因素的变化随时进行修订。  相似文献   

本文通过分析传统体制下国有企业内部劳动力市场运行的低效率对下岗失业人员增多的影响,阐述了在经济转轨过程中国有企业内部劳动力市场的缺陷及其修复机制。文章认为,国有企业所依托的内部劳动力市场上的工资决定和就业政策的制度性特征,是造成目前国有企业就业弱势群体就业困难的内在原因,并提出了牺牲效率为代价而过多地使用被动的失业政策无助于从根本上解决问题。为此,应从修复内部劳动力市场运行机制入手,打通内外部劳动力市场,配套使用主动和被动的失业政策,才是减少国有企业就业弱势群体的根本途径。  相似文献   

中小企业是推动国民经济发展,构造市场经济主体,促进社会稳定的基础力量。特别是当前,在确保国民经济适度增长、缓解就业压力、实现科教兴国、优化经济结构等方面,均发挥着越来越重要的作用。但也应看到,融资问题已成为制约中小企业发展的最大障碍和瓶颈。基于制度经济学的研究视角,通过交易费用理论、产权理论及强制性制度变迁理论对中小企业融资难问题进行剖析。  相似文献   

This study compares the predictions of institutional theory with those of the contingency perspective of strategic human resource management (SHRM) on the selection of an employment mode. Empirical data were collected from multinational enterprises, including the electronics and garment industries, that operate in China to test the relative importance of the determinants of the selection of an employment mode. The results provide greater support for the SHRM predictions than for the institutional theory predictions. The implications of the findings for researchers and practitioners are discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

用工"双轨制"是当前我国企事业单位的一种普遍现象,也是造成劳动关系矛盾的根源之一。这种现象至今依然存在的一个重要原因是人们对并轨改革心存顾忌。用工制度改革缺乏理论支撑。本文从制度适应性效率的视角。通过组织运作的模型抽象与模拟。对用工的"双轨制"和"单轨制"进行比较。得出的结论表明:用工"单轨制"更具适应性效率。更能促进组织绩效的快速增长:用工"双轨制"具有刚性特征,组织很难自行进行矫正;在并轨改革过程中。国家需发挥政策制定的主导作用,有必要出台相关的政策法规强制推行用工"单轨制"。  相似文献   

通过对石油企业贯标工作的分析,找出了贯标工作中存在的不足,提出了贯标工作的措施和管理方向。从而在各种用工形式之间建立一个有机整体和有效运行机制,提高企业用工的总体效益和水平,为取得更好的改革发展业绩做出新的贡献。  相似文献   

Organizational slack has been recognized as critical to firm performance, although its impact is not always positive. Slack may be used to fuel innovation or alternatively excess resources may be squandered on pet projects. However, most research on slack is rooted in studying private firms in developed economies, especially the United States. Whether prior research on organizational slack can readily inform our understanding of state-owned enterprises’ (SOEs) behavior is questionable since SOEs prioritize goals such as social welfare and full employment differently than do the privately owned enterprises (POEs). The differences between SOEs and POEs influence their sources and use of slack due to the nature of their ownership, budget constraints, and agency relations. To bring insight to this issue we develop an institutional change lifecycle model to study the relationship between slack and the economic and social aspects of SOE performance.  相似文献   

文章主要针对工业工程专业核心课程基础IE的课程内容,结合高职特点与企业实际要求,有针对性地提出一套科学的课程改革思路,努力开创基础IE新的教学方式,转变教学方法,为进一步建立健全课程实训体系,完善人才培养目标,促进毕业生就业做出一些贡献。  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2018,42(10):810-823
The literature on Smart Cities has not as yet paid adequate attention to the rural sector, and the potential in villages for creating smart and sustainable solutions for the 21st century. This paper focuses on linking proposed smart city strategies to smart village policies to ensure that rural youth have improved opportunities for employment through ICT initiatives to ensure digital inclusion, using primary surveys undertaken in India. The motivation was to understand how mobile telephony could be a catalyst to create Smart Villages in India, where young people can chart out new pathways to realize their aspirations with regard to tertiary education and new avenues for diversifying into rural non-agricultural employment. We use data obtained from a household survey in villages in the states of Punjab and Tamil Nadu to examine the mobile phone usage preferences of rural educated youth to identify the way forward in improving the accessibility of services on the supply side. We make the case that where youth are using mobile phone access to increase their social information base it is indeed possible that the new social media groups formed by rural youth become a powerful conduit for generating new employment opportunities. The key to accessing this solution is to use a demand driven model for mobile services that would permit a bottom of governance model to generate sustainable growth of enterprises and improved human development of these villages.  相似文献   

In an empirical study of teleworking practices in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in west London, organisational factors such as management attitudes, worker autonomy and employment flexibility were found to be more critical than technological provision in facilitating successful implementation. Consequently, we argue that telework in most SMEs appears as a marginal activity performed mainly by managers and specialist mobile workers.  相似文献   

近年来,中国企业在国际市场上的崛起使原有市场巨头感受到威胁,频频发起专利侵权诉讼;诉讼的目的不在于确认侵权获得胜诉,而在于利用知识产权制约竞争对手。发达国家加强知识产权战略运用,鼓励并支持本国企业利用知识产权与中国企业竞争;同时还运用多种手段促使欠发达国家加大知识产权保护力度;知识产权成为西方国家“国家安全”的壁垒,给中国企业国际化带来严峻的挑战。在此形势下,中国石油企业应该意识到:遭遇和应对知识产权纠纷是中国企业走出国门不可避免的成长经历,积极应对这些纠纷有助于推动企业知识产权运用能力的提高;提前布局或紧跟国际业务发展步伐,在主要市场积累一定数量高质量的专利权,是有效应对知识产权纠纷的基础;知识产权纠纷是领先企业限制后发企业的一种手段或竞争对手之间的市场竞争行为。对于走出去的中国企业来说,需要加强知识产权预警工作,防范知识产权风险。  相似文献   

国有企业工作经历、企业家才能与企业成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资本的高效配置和企业家才能的充分发挥关系到经济的可持续发展,制度建设如果能促进资源合理流向具有企业家才能的企业家,就能创造更多就业和社会财富。基于全国1997—2016年的私营企业调查数据,本文考察企业家的国有企业工作经历对企业成长的影响。研究结果显示,企业家的国有企业工作经历使得企业在市场扩张和盈利能力等方面表现更好,带来了更高水平的企业成长。机制讨论表明,企业家行为带有明显的烙印效应,国有企业工作经历为企业家带来了更多的社会资本和更高的公司治理水平,从而促进了企业成长。为了缓解由于选择性偏误等带来的内生性,本文采用倾向得分匹配、处理效应模型、代理变量、双差分模型等方法进行处理,结论仍然稳健。中国经济要向资源配置效率改善型模式转变,企业家才能的发挥至关重要,国有企业改革不仅应注重产权等方面的改革,同时也要充分重视国有企业改革带来的人力资本溢出效应。在不断深化国有企业改革的大背景下,本文从企业家才能培育和人力资本配置效应的角度考察国有企业改革问题,倡导国有企业改革进程中进一步营造企业家才能发挥的空间和制度安排,提高人力资本配置效应,从而促进中国经济健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

指出,应牢牢把握十八届三中全会的精神实质,坚持从宏观到微观、从直接到间接对接煤炭企业,创新发展思路。认为,要理解市场在资源配置中起"决定性"作用,创新市场战略;要理解取消国有企业行政级别,创建新型用人机制;要理解大力发展混合所有制经济,构建规范的现代企业制度;要理解逐步增加国有企业利润上缴比例,抓好企业经营;要理解实行资源有偿使用制度和生态补偿制度,认真履行企业社会责任。  相似文献   

从2014年3月起我国公司注册资本方式改为认缴出资,且注册程序也大大简化了,这意味着我国正逐步放开管制,促使公司资本更有效地参与市场经济。资本出资、验资方式的改变,旨在提高市场经济的运行效率,所以本文选取小型工业企业作为研究对象,因为其对注册资本登记制度的改革最为敏感及受益,通过对其前后运行效率的评价研究来检验市场经济的运行效率和公司注册资本制改革的效果。得出结论:改革前后企业运行效率的主要影响因素是相同的,只是顺序有点变动;山东政策落地效果最好;江苏、广东充分调动社会资本力量的参与;浙江狠抓市场环境优化、扩大企业出口;河南高创业热情带动就业。表明公司注册资本制的改革是有效的,能够改善绝大多数省份企业运行效率。但同时也发现存在资本结构不合理、市场环境不好、市场化水平低等问题,就此提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

加工贸易是我国对外贸易的重要组成部分和利用外资的重要方式,加工贸易对促进我国经济增长、扩大就业及推进我国工业化进程做出了显著的贡献。与东部沿海发达省市相比,河北省加工贸易无论在规模总量、发展速度上都处于非常低的水平,为此应该在加强河北省软硬环境建设、制定合理的产业政策、鼓励民营企业开展加工贸易、促进加工贸易产业集群的建立、鼓励开展境外加工贸易等方面采取措施,以促进加工贸易的发展。  相似文献   

There is increasing recognition of the potential contribution of local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) towards employment and economic growth in Singapore. Unfortunately, SMEs tend to have a high mortality rate. A survey was conducted among owners or managers of local SMEs to identify factors perceived as important in affecting business failures. The research results indicate that endogenous factors were viewed by respondents as more critical in causing SME failures than exogenous factors. Important exogenous and endogenous factors in specific areas were identified.Lau Geok Theng is Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 0511, tel: (65) 772-3179, fax: (65) 779-5941. Jasmine Lim Wang Boon is with the United Overseas Bank, Singapore.  相似文献   

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