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针对营销渠道行为研究网络视角缺乏的问题,引入了社会网络理论中的两个重要变量——网络密度和网络中心性,并在农产品营销渠道中考察了农户人际关系的网络密度和农户的网络中心性对渠道冲突与满意的影响,以及冲突和满意对交易关系的稳定性(农户续约意愿)的影响。实证研究发现,订单农业中农户的人际关系网络结构对渠道冲突与满意行为有显著影响;农户与农产品收购企业之间的冲突与满意对交易关系稳定性具有显著影响。  相似文献   

本文借鉴营销渠道理论,对连锁药店的发展历程,渠道权力的来源,渠道权力增强的影响因素以及权力失衡下,新的主要渠道冲突形式进行了分析。针对连锁药店渠道权力增强后,使用渠道权力影响制药企业行为而引发的渠道冲突,分别从制药企业和连锁药店双方提出了化解策略。  相似文献   

在电子商务迅猛发展的背景下,互联网提供了快速、有效的信息,使得营销渠道的成员之间的信息共享得到进一步加强,从而使营销渠道成员的权力出现了新的配置。本文从渠道权力角度出发,通过对电子商务环境下营销渠道成员关系变革的分析,来分析营销渠道成员之间的冲突。  相似文献   

基于渠道权力的渠道冲突解决   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现实的经济生活中,营销渠道成员之间的冲突大量存在着,而且直接影响企业的经济利益。因此解决渠道冲突非常重要。本文借鉴了前人对于渠道权力的研究成果,从渠道权力的角度来分析如何解决渠道冲突的问题,并且本文还以惠普公司的案例解释了渠道权力在解决渠道冲突中的重要性。  相似文献   

会展营销已经成为一种非常重要的营销方法。通过对2015西湖艺术博览会的调查研究,了解了会展营销渠道权力的具体表现:展会网络中心性与运用强制性权力有显著的正向关系,展会网络密度与强制性权力和非强制性权力都没有显著关系;强制性权力与渠道冲突有显著正向关系,非强制性权力与渠道冲突有显著负向关系;强制性权力与渠道合作没有显著关系,非强制性权力与渠道合作有显著正向关系。结果还表明,举办方应该致力于发展展会的网络中心性,加强营销渠道的合作以及对参展商的管理和控制,强化危机意识,做好会展营销的应急预案和风险管控措施,以期为展会的举办方和参展商提供决策借鉴。  相似文献   

传统渠道权力与依赖研究将研究视野局限在由两个渠道成员构成的二元渠道关系内,关注关系内的资源依赖特征而缺少对关系以外更大范围的渠道关系网络的关注。针对这一缺陷,文章引入了社会资本理论,并实证性地考察了制造商社会资本对其渠道权力和经销商依赖的影响。研究发现,制造商的社会资本对其渠道权力有显著的正向影响,但对经销商的渠道依赖没有显著影响。同时,以中国本土社会心理学理论为基础,研究证实在中国文化背景下渠道权力作为依赖的前因变量对其有显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

近年来,渠道冲突在家电业已经成为一种普遍现象,并影响到了家电厂商之间的关系和渠道效率。本文基于渠道权力理论,从家电厂家角度提出运用渠道权力这一重要工具来预防和解决渠道冲突的思路,以使家电厂商通过高效协同的渠道来传递和实现顾客价值,在日趋激烈的市场中赢得竞争优势。  相似文献   

基于渠道权力的营销渠道结构整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚振  陆巍  钟爱群 《商业时代》2006,(11):43-44
营销渠道是目前我国实业界和理论界所关注的重点。本文借鉴西方营销学者有关渠道权力问题的研究成果,从分析营销渠道现状出发,讨论了渠道权力的内涵、渠道成员的权力关系问题以及渠道的冲突,并构建了渠道权力视角下的渠道结构整合概念模型,以便于生产企业获得营销渠道竞争优势。  相似文献   

基于社会网络理论,文章探究企业社交媒体行为对网络嵌入治理的影响,即制造商企业不同社交媒体行为如何促进网络嵌入治理以及合作伙伴网络结构嵌入特点能否强化上述关系。文章以制造商和经销商的合作关系为研究情境,从制造商角度收集308份问卷,实证检验结果表明:社交媒体任务交互行为和关系交互行为均正向影响网络嵌入治理;经销商网络密度增强社交媒体任务交互行为对网络嵌入治理的正向影响,而与文章预期相反的是,经销商网络中心性无法增强社交媒体关系交互行为对网络嵌入治理的正向影响。文章丰富了跨组织关系管理领域关于社交媒体使用的讨论,并从社会网络层面关注跨组织关系治理问题,为企业寻求和建立一条新的跨组织关系治理机制提供决策依据。  相似文献   

张闯 《财经论丛》2006,(5):96-101
本文通过对中国农产品营销渠道的考察,发现了渠道权力结构的过度倾斜与权力的失效问题。作者认为,在渠道权力结构理论背后存在着一个隐含命题,即渠道关系双方的规模与实力应当是对等的,或者二者之间的反差在一个合理的区间内。在渠道关系中,如果一方是为数众多、分散且规模弱小的成员,而另一方是规模巨大、实力较强的成员时,就会出现权力结构的过度倾斜,而当渠道中权力弱势地位一方采取一致性的“反抗”行为时,权力优势成员的权力就会失效。  相似文献   

夏春玉  郭奇  张闯 《财贸研究》2019,30(5):70-79
企业投机行为治理是营销渠道及B2B营销研究的核心和前沿领域之一。已有研究主要遵循二元分析范式,即关注由两个渠道成员构成的渠道关系中的企业投机行为及其治理问题。由于现实中的渠道结构是网络化的,传统二元分析范式极大地限制了对企业投机行为及其治理机制的理解。有鉴于此,依据社会网络理论、交易成本理论及代理理论,以"制造商—批发商—零售商"三元渠道网络为分析对象,先对批发商在此网络中的多元化投机行为进行分类与界定,继而提出一种新的治理机制——制造商网络嵌入治理机制,即制造商在保持与批发商、零售商渠道结构不变的情况下,与零售商建立非交易性联系。在此基础上,重点探讨这种治理机制对抑制三元渠道网络中企业投机行为的作用机制及路径。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of power imbalances in a dyadic channel relationship and an individual's locus of control orientation on a transaction-specific decision. Both manifest and latent relative power are independently manipulated in favor of either the manufacturer or distributor in an experimental setting. The primary dependent measure is the likelihood of cooperation by the distributor. Results indicate a strong effect along the manifest dimension, perceived direct influence over the transaction. A moderate effect is observed along the latent dimension, a vast imbalance in company size. The direction of these effects on cooperation is dependent upon which party possesses the relative power advanatage. An exploratory path analysis reveals an indirect causal relationship between locus of control and cooperation.  相似文献   

营销渠道冲突的认识与控制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王颖  刘益 《商业研究》2005,(7):40-42
在渠道管理中,冲突历来是渠道管理者十分关注的一个重要方面。如何认识、分析、控制冲突是管理者比较头疼的问题。由此从渠道冲突的概念和分类出发,揭示渠道冲突产生的原因和主要控制方式,并对一个普遍存在的冲突现象,即窜货问题进行较为深入的探讨,对引导企业理解和管理冲突有很强的现实意义。  相似文献   


Although researchers in the area of channel behavior have examined issues of dependence and trust on satisfaction, commitment and cooperation independently, the joint effects of dependence and trust on the listed dependent variates have received little attention in the literature. This study seeks to fill that void via an experiment conducted in Singapore. Extending on the work of Andaleeb (1996), an experimental design to create treatment groups with differing levels of dependence and trust was used to establish the relationships between the dependent and independent constructs. Research results highlight the important mediating effect of trust on dependence in determining attitudinal and behavioral outcomes. Specifically, all three dependent constructs were rated highly under conditions of high trust, regardless of the level of dependence, pointing to the overbearing influence of trust in shaping channel dynamics.  相似文献   

The present paper focuses on the interactive relationship between new, technology-based firms and their network environment. The paper analyzes the mechanisms through which new, technology-based firms become immersed in innovation and manufacturing networks. The concept of embeddedness is developed and used to depict such mechanisms.A systemic evolution model of new, technology-based firms is proposed. The model depicts the evolution of new, technology-based firms in manufacturing and innovation networks. The model emphasizes the catalyzing role of new, technology-based firms in national systems of innovation.Network embeddedness is empirically explored in five case studies of Finnish new, technology-based firms. The systemic evolution model serves as an interpretative scheme for the case studies. The analysis of the organic relationship between new, technology-based firms and their systemic environment also serves to reveal the implications of embeddedness for new, technology-based firms.  相似文献   

Purpose: This study examines the effects of an embedded network on the contractual relationship between exchange parties under conditions reflecting varying levels of environmental volatility and investigates the role of an important network factor—the embedded network—in the contractual relationship between manufacturers and their suppliers.

Methodology: The empirical test was conducted with manufacturing companies in the context of manufacturer–supplier relationships. Construct measures were based on existing measures and previous research. Measurement reliability and validity were established using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and an overall measurement model was assessed with structural equation modeling using LISREL.

Findings: The results of a survey of manufacturers indicate that firms in an embedded network preferred “soft” contracts even when they face volatile environments, whereas those facing volatile environments in a less embedded network preferred “hard” contracts with explicitly specified written requirements. Network partners carefully evaluated embedded networks (a critical factor that has not received enough attention) before forming contractual relationships in a network perceiving interfirm relationships differently.

Originality: The study introduces network embeddedness to explain governance mechanisms in volatile environments and shows that the explicit recognition of embedded network may facilitate the development of contracts with specific provisions as the contractual relationship evolves.  相似文献   

葛文霞 《江苏商论》2012,(7):18-21,41
本文在回顾渠道权力理论相关文献的基础上,深入分析我国家具业内销渠道网络建设受阻的原因,并有针对性地提出了家具业内销网络建设的一般路径。本文的研究将为我国家具企业争取渠道权力、正确处理供销关系进而拓宽内销渠道网络、打开国内市场提供理论依据。希望对正徘徊在国门内外的家具企业有一定的启发,对于其他出口转内销的产业也同样能起到某种程度上的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

销售渠道的本质是利益的有序分配,这种分配又是以利润分配为纽带、以品牌为依托、以产品为核心开展与进行的。渠道冲突最终损害的是市场中最基本的客户关系,即制造企业与消费者的关系,危害制造商的品牌。然而经销商行为的不确定性、代理过程中的投机行为、信息不确定性、品牌沟通效率低下等方面因素损害了制造商的品牌,应从资源依赖、组织基础两种制造商品牌维护模型及在此模型下建立强势品牌、实施品牌扩张两种制造商品牌保护策略。  相似文献   

随着电子营销渠道的建立,网络营销环境下的多渠道冲突日趋加剧。以新的视角,从渠道权力配置的变化、利益之争和制造企业的渠道管理水平等方面对网络营销环境下多渠道冲突的成因进行探讨,以期为制造企业在新环境下进行有效的多渠道冲突管理提供理论参考。  相似文献   


This exploratory study sets out to assess the presence of dominance, conflict and cooperation in channel relationships between grocery suppliers and retailers in Malaysia. There have been extensive studies on these channel issues in markets of developed countries but very little is known in markets of developing countries such as Malaysia. The initial assessment identifies traces of dominance, conflict and cooperation in the Malaysian channel environment. The findings suggest that the retailers perceive the suppliers as being more in control of the grocery distribution channels as indicated by the extent of influence they exert on channel functioning. The suppliers also acknowledged their roles in channel functioning as they felt that most channel issues are within their control. There also appears to be evidence of relationship characteristics identical to aspects of relationship marketing.  相似文献   

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