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Organizations are turning to the collective knowledge of selling teams in order to manage increasingly complex customers and solutions. One specific cross-functional unit that organizations are commonly using when selling to business-to-business customers is a team of sales and marketing personnel. While the interface between sales and marketing has received attention in the literature, which notes the inherent advantages and challenges of incorporating both roles on a team, opportunities remain to examine sales and marketing selling centers (SMSCs): instances where sales and marketing jointly and directly interact on a relatively temporary basis in customer-facing situations. The authors utilize a discovery-oriented, theories-in-use inquiry to better understand customer-facing SMSC processes, facilitators, and outcomes. Based on insights captured from 29 in-depth interviews with informants who each served on SMSCs in both sales and marketing roles, this study extends sales research by providing a dual perspective of those working on SMSCs, thus enhancing the utility of such malleable selling teams.  相似文献   

Solution sellers increasingly use value-based selling and pricing strategies to market and monetize their offerings. Performance-based contracts constitute a key component of value-based pricing strategies. The present study explores solutions to the challenges solution sellers may encounter while developing value-based selling processes and implementing value-based pricing. The research design builds on the explorative action research methodology. While our study confirms earlier research on barriers to value-based selling and pricing, we also identify legal-technical contract design issues as an important but previously unknown barrier. We further identify integration as the appropriate theoretical framework for conceptualizing the barriers. Finally, we identify functional contracting as a solution for value-based sellers to overcome the barriers arising from deficient precontractual integration. The study highlights the role of contracts as barriers to be overcome by legal sales efforts when implementing value-based selling and pricing strategies. Further, the study stresses the utility of functional contracting in pre-contractual integration.  相似文献   

Business services markets are very competitive and a key challenge for knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) firms is delivering effective solutions for business customers. As solution providers, KIBS firms need to invest competencies that supports their capacity to solve customers' problems. We examine how KIBS firms address this challenge by investigating how solution-provision competence (SPC), as a firm-level competence, contributes to the delivery of effective solutions, and how and when KIBS firms leverage SPC to transform knowledge gained from various search paths into effective solutions for customers. The results show that distal search enriches knowledge diversity, which helps foster solution-provision competence but only up to a point, after which the relationship turns negative, with distal search showing a diminishing effect on solution-provision competence. In addressing the diminishing returns of distal search to solution-provision competence, we show that higher levels of proximal search and strategic flexibility reverse the diminishing effect of high levels of distal search on solution-provision competence; however, employee collaboration did not help counter the diminishing returns (e.g., marginal benefits). Finally, we demonstrate that solution-provision competence helps KIBS firms offer effective solutions tailored to business customers' specific needs.  相似文献   

Social Media Apps (SMA) are widely used to facilitate individual communications. In company situations, they are utilized as a channel to communicate with their customers. However, studies examining how SMA have been utilized in the Business-to-Business (Social Media Benchmarking Report, 2014) context are lacking. Using a model based on Media Synchronicity Theory (MST), we present one of the first empirical studies investigating the relationship between the capabilities of SMA (transmission velocity, parallelism, symbol sets, rehearsability, and reprocessability) and B2B communication and business performance. Five case studies based on face-to-face interviews with the senior managers/owners of SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) were conducted. The data were analyzed and the findings confirmed the SMA media capabilities as explained by MST. The findings also revealed a missing SMA capability, that of information security and control, which has been added to the proposed model and which may be an important addition to MST. This study calls for more research to verify this finding.  相似文献   

The role of electronic networks in B2B relationships has been growing exponentially. From massive internet B2B exchanges to tiny RFID chips, B2B is increasingly becoming e-B2B. Whilst e-B2B has been explored intra-nationally, its international counterpart is less well documented; as has been the role that culture might play in the development of international e-B2B relationships. In this paper we address this important issue of international e-business relationships. Specifically we explore the interconnection between national e-readiness and cultural values, and address the research question: How do cultural values impact a nation's readiness to engage in e-business? Drawing upon international surveys we link cultural values with national e-business infrastructure. Our findings suggest an intriguing link between cultural values and a nation's readiness for e-B2B. From these results we develop managerial recommendations and extrapolate research opportunities.  相似文献   

This research aims to examine the nature of the moderating influence of empowerment on the effect of service training and internal marketing on service quality in a high customer contact B2B setting, and to investigate the differential effects of internal marketing, service training, and empowerment on service quality across domestic and international operations. Data from 880 customer-contact employees show several direct and interaction effects. Our analysis shows that the three focal variables, internal marketing, service training and empowerment positively relate to service quality. Our results support a positive moderating influence of empowerment on the relationship between internal marketing and service quality, and between service training and service quality. Finally, our hypotheses for the moderating influence of type of service operations (domestic/international) on the effect of internal marketing and service training on service quality were also supported. Our results suggest that offering service employees the skills, ability and power to do their job is essential in both domestic and international operations, and also helps maximize the effects of a firm's internal marketing efforts and service training. Overall, the findings inform managers as to how their employee focused strategies for service quality can be managed effectively across domestic and international markets.  相似文献   

This paper follows the call of Lusch and Vargo (2010) expressed in their influential paper for a new science of the market to transcend the various sub-disciplines of Marketing, including B2B Marketing. The paper applies and expands the multidisciplinary components of this new science in the transitional context of Poland. The authors suggest that this new science, in the context of Poland's transition, is best reflected in the innovative term ‘Curative International Marketing’. The authors conclude that still existing transitional gaps in Poland can be the result of neglecting the micro internal and meso B2B relationships. Macro factor development can be partially seen as a success story but also negatively affected B2B and internal relationships. The unconsidered concept of identity is regarded center stage to explain the relationship related phenomena. Based on the philosophy of Curative International Marketing, a future focus on B2B and internal relationships is regarded to be on the top of the agenda to improve value co-creation, and provide for a better health level of market systems as a whole.  相似文献   

Sales deployment decisions are among the most important and most difficult decisions facing sales organizations. Sales- force decision models have been developed as analytical tools for deployment analysis, but model use poses difficult problems for many firms. We propose an operational approach for the strategic analysis of selling effort deployment and provide three examples of how it might be used in deployment analysis.  相似文献   

基于B/S结构的销售管理系统   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
销售是供应链管理的重要环节,也是企业生产、管理、运作的关键。随着Internet的迅猛发展,新经济时代的销售是一个动态、渐进的过程,基于B/S结构的销售管理系统接受并应用流行于国际企业的现代营销管理的新方法,即"客户关系管理(CRM)",使销售从无序的管理走向更科学的管理,使管理者更能把握业务的中心。本文对基于B/S结构的销售管理系统的组成、功能、特点等进行了进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

In the current business and political climate, deliberations concerning international trading agreements and their importance to B2B firms are increasing. Although the volume and value of international exchanges are growing, this study reveals that literature exploring issues concerning B2B international business, and particularly the role technological advancements play supporting B2B cross-border trade, is limited. This paper provides an overview of research contributions published in the Industrial Marketing Management (IMM) journal in order to reveal the current state of knowledge, identify research gaps, and propose further research directions. Following a two-stage approach, we reveal that although ‘trade’ is at the heart of IMM research, there is a scarcity of empirical studies examining technological advancements and B2B international, as well as local, trade; some attention, however, has been placed on the exploration of B2B international trade issues. Building on our findings, we propose future research directions.  相似文献   

今年上半年,受欧债危机的影响,欧美玩具消费市场持续低迷,同时,欧美等国家纷纷提高了玩具的安全和环保标准,这对以外销型为主的东莞玩具产业而言是个不小的冲击。在危机面前,东莞众多玩具企业纷纷加快转型升级,力求突破产业困局,实现做大做强。  相似文献   

Initiation is still an unclear phase of B2B relationship development. Here, we build on existing theoretical knowledge derived from relationship development, project marketing and international business literature. We use this to analyze three cases of business relationship initiations between Norwegian and South Korean actors in the shipping industry. By piecing together theoretical and empirical insights, we develop a dynamic model of the relationship initiation process that highlights the role of initiation contributors in international project business. The developed model reveals that multiple entities— such as contacts, rituals and standards—serve as initiation contributors. These trigger or facilitate the focal dyadic relationship initiation, while also preparing future initiations in the focal context. Thus, our key contribution is to bring processual and contextual dimensions to business relationship initiation. Our research also suggests practical insights as to which actors and entities suppliers need to mobilize, in order to initiate new business relationships in international project business contexts.  相似文献   

This paper addresses issues of global innovation in multinational corporations by examining the patterns of communication and control in international R&D operations. Using a sample of 110 international R&D units from 15 multinational corporations, we identify three types of R&D unit role (local adaptor, international adaptor, international creator). We show that: (1) each type of R&D unit is managed primarily through a different mode of control; (2) local and international adaptors both focus their communication on their internal corporate network; and (3) international creators have strong internally and externally oriented networks of relationships. The implications for the management of global innovation are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The importance of communication skills of the salesperson (SP) on buyer satisfaction is fait accompli. However, how various facets of listening, along with the core components of SP's communication (i.e., content and diligence) contribute to the value creation process is poorly understood. The current research presents a conceptual framework to explain these effects and tests the model empirically. The authors conceptualize a framework for how critical aspects of SP's communication with customers differentially influence imagery versus transactional value creation. This process is explained with an application of the dual process theory. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) is employed to examine the theorized pathways within a sample of buyers of a large manufacturing firm in the United States. Results exhibit that while various facets of listening differentially contribute to the two value types, the core aspects of SP's communication mainly affect transactional value creation. Theoretical contributions and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

In today's world industrial firms strive to achieve technical closeness in a multiplicity of cross-cultural environments. As yet, the management sciences appear not to have created concepts and procedures that have both heuristic merit and the potential to serve as a practical tool for describing and facilitating cross-cultural communication at the personal and organizational levels. This paper, drawing on the detailed evidence of five industrial firms' interactions (buying, selling, conducting market research and technical fact-finding) in and with France, the U. S. S. R., and Japan, will advance the concept of communication competence, an organizational capacity to interpret, and anticipate changes in, foreign sociocultural environments (Holden's Ph. D thesis, January 1986). It will be demonstrated that the concept of communication competence can be developed as a multi-dimensional device for assessing firms' capacities to sustain technical closeness and making evaluative comparisons of their performance.  相似文献   

In academic and business literature, suppliers providing solutions to their business-to-business (B2B) customers are often described as achieving increased customer retention, higher sales volumes, and enhanced cross-selling. Yet there is limited empirical evidence to support the positive impact of solutions on these customer-related outcomes. Moreover, it is unclear whether suppliers obtain similar outcomes from buyers at different relationship life-cycle stages. This paper aims to address these two gaps and tests the contingency role of the relationship life-cycle in driving future customer outcomes. It proposes that there is a positive effect for solutions provided to recent customers (labeled as “accelerator” role) rather than to established ones (labeled as “leverage” role). Results from a longitudinal analysis of the sales database of a North American company providing solutions to its customers empirically support the “accelerator” role of solutions.  相似文献   

Humor is an oft used promotional tool in advertising, and the question naturally arises as to whether humor can also be designed to accomplish specific goals in the industrial selling process. In this article, principles of humor are applied to the buyer/seller process, with particular reference to the steps of the sale. The judicious use of humor by the industrial salesperson can enhance the sales presentation and favorably influence the overall buyer/seller relationship, provided the salesperson has adequate knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of humor.  相似文献   

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