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Using panel data of 17 OECD countries for 1980–2011, we find that the distributional consequences of fiscal consolidations depend significantly on the level of private indebtedness. Austerity leads to a strong and persistent increase in income inequality during periods of private debt overhang. In contrast, there are no discernible distributional effects when private debt is low. This result is robust to alternative identifications of fiscal consolidations, to different ways of defining periods of private debt overhang, and to controlling for the state of the business cycle and the level of government debt. We explore different channels through which our findings can be rationalized.  相似文献   

When young individuals face binding debt constraints, their human capital investments will be insufficiently financed by private creditors. If generations overlap, then a well-designed fiscal policy may be able to improve human capital investments by replacing missing capital markets with an intergenerational transfer scheme. The optimal (balanced budget) fiscal policy in this context entails the joint provision of an education subsidy for the young and a pension program for the old, financed with a tax on those in their peak earning years. We demonstrate, however, that the desirability of such a cradle-to-grave policy depends crucially on the assumption of an exogenous debt constraint. If debt constraints arise endogenously for reasons of limited commitment, then the optimal (balanced budget) fiscal policy looks radically different. Furthermore, we find that cradle-to-grave type policy interventions may actually lead to lower levels of human capital investment as altered default incentives induce private creditors to contract the supply of student loans by an amount greater than the subsidy. In some cases, the constrained-optimal policy entails zero intervention. These results highlight the importance of taking seriously the reasons for why debt constraints exist.  相似文献   

This paper investigates nonlinear effects of government debt on private consumption. The estimated consumption function shows smooth regime switching depending on the debt-to-GDP ratio, and a higher level of government debt crowds out private consumption to a greater extent.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the average impact of government debt on per-capita GDP growth in twelve euro area countries over a period of about 40 years starting in 1970. It finds a non-linear impact of debt on growth with a turning point – beyond which the government debt-to-GDP ratio has a negative impact on long-term growth – at about 90–100% of GDP. Confidence intervals for the debt turning point suggest that the negative growth effect of high debt may start already from levels of around 70 to 80% of GDP. The channels through which government debt is found to have a non-linear impact on the economic growth rate are private saving, public investment and total factor productivity.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyse the relationship between interest rates on government bonds (GB) and the fiscal consolidation rule by using an overlapping generation model with endogenous and stochastic growth settings. Our key findings are summarized as follows. First, contrary to conventional view, we find that interest rates on GB may decline as public debt accumulates relative to private capital. Second, the simulation reveals that the economy may exhibit discrete changes with divergent interest rates, implying that the observed trend of relatively low interest rates on GB with public debt accumulation may not continue indefinitely in the future. Third, fiscal consolidation rule plays a key role in determining equilibrium interest rates.  相似文献   

The crowding-out hypothesis has received extensive theoretical treatment but little supporting empirical examination. This paper presents the results of several empirical tests of the crowding-out hypothesis. These tests examine the impact of debt finance on aggregate demand, employment, inflation, and the unemployment rate. The results indicate that debt-financed fiscal initiatives crowd out a substantial amount of private spending, but do have a net expansionary effect on economic activity.  相似文献   

Coordination risk and the price of debt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Creditors of a distressed borrower face a coordination problem. Even if the fundamentals are sound, fear of premature foreclosure by others may lead to pre-emptive action, undermining the project. Recognition of this problem lies behind corporate bankruptcy provisions across the world, and it has been identified as a culprit in international financial crises, but has received scant attention from the literature on debt pricing. Without common knowledge of fundamentals, the incidence of failure is uniquely determined provided that private information is precise enough. This affords a way to price the coordination failure. Comparative statics on the unique equilibrium provides several insights on the role of information and the incidence of inefficient liquidation.  相似文献   

We present a theory of unsecured consumer debt that does not rely on utility costs of default or on enforcement mechanisms that arise in repeated-interaction settings. The theory is based on private information about a person's type and on a person's incentive to signal his type to entities other than creditors. Specifically, debtors signal their low-risk status to insurers by avoiding default in credit markets. The signal is credible because in equilibrium people who repay are more likely to be the low-risk type and so receive better insurance terms. We explore two different mechanisms through which repayment behavior in the credit market can be positively correlated with low-risk status in the insurance market. Our theory is motivated in part by some facts regarding the role of credit scores in consumer credit and auto insurance markets.  相似文献   

The recent dramatic rise of government deficits in most advanced countries to counter the effects of the global financial crisis arouses renewed interest for one of the perennial topics of fiscal policy: the sustainability of government debt. This paper explores maximum sustainabile debt in a two-good, two-country overlapping generations (OLG) model and analyzes existence and dynamic stability of steady states as well as the transitional dynamics of private capital when government debt remains below the maximum sustainable level. We find that maximum government debt levels for both countries exist and are negatively related. Moreover, if sustainable government debt is unilaterally expanded, private capital is crowded out in both countries while the terms of trade of the debt-expanding country are unaffected if capital income shares are internationally equal.  相似文献   

We estimate a panel vector autoregression model to examine the relationship between external debt and economic growth. We use a large dataset based on 123 countries, classified according to income levels over the period 1990–2015. While total external debt appears to have a negative effect on growth rate overall, it is positively associated with income growth in the lower- and upper-middle income countries. Further disaggregating external debt into its components reveals that public external debt negatively affects economic growth across all income categories of countries, whereas the impact of private external debt is not statistically significant. We do not detect a common threshold level in the relationship between public debt and economic growth across countries. Savings and investment are the primary channels through which external debt impacts economic growth. These results are robust to various model specifications, additional controls, and identifying restrictions.  相似文献   

《European Economic Review》1986,30(3):529-560
We analyze the pattern of growth of a nation which borrows abroad and which has the option of repudiating its foreign debt. We show that the equilibrium strategy of competitive lendrs is to make the growth of the foreign debt contingent on the growth of the borrowing country. We give a closed-form solution to a linear version of our model. The economy, in that case, follows a two-stage pattern of growth. During the first stage, the debt grows more rapidly than the economy. During the second stage, both the debt and the economy grow at the same rate, and more slowly than in the first stage. During this second stage, the total interest falling due on the debt is never entirely repaid; only an amount proportional to the difference of the rate of interest and the rate of growth of the economy is repaid each period.  相似文献   

Debt is not frequently analyzed in relation to the conflict between controlling and outside shareholders. At the same time, debt leverage stands as a key variable in the design of a control contract as it has a strong disciplinary role. A simple option valuation model is used to show that debt is also a governance variable because it can moderate or enhance private benefits. It is argued that an asymmetrical self-regulation mechanism may develop in the case of control by a dominant shareholder. The joint questions of control, private benefits, and debt levels are linked within an inside corporate governance framework. At low levels of leverage, debt is relatively less disciplinary compared with a non-private benefits case. When leverage exceeds a threshold point, it becomes strongly disciplinary. We show that under given conditions, a self-regulation mechanism develops where the controlling shareholder is incentivized to hold less debt when he/she wants to increase his/her private appropriation rate.  相似文献   

Today, the major reason for external debt is to finance high public deficits. This study aims to examine the relationship between external indebtedness and growth variables. In this context, Markov-switching model is used because it allows the examination of unobservable variables in an observable model and provides steady algorithm to achieve robust optimization by iterations in a dynamic system, and is more flexible than prior models. This paper concentrates on the analysis of Turkey and utilizes the data set for the period of 1974 to 2009. Throughout the analyses, the relationship between growth and external borrowing is examined in terms of public and private external borrowing. Paper yields that, according to results of multivariate dynamic Markov-switching model, the main growth variables such as investment and human capital have positive impact on growth as expected. Findings can be summarized as follows; firstly, public and/or private external borrowing has negative impact on growth both in regime at zero and regime at one. Secondly, the negative impact of public borrowing on economic growth and development is higher than that of private borrowing on economic growth and development. Eventually, the conclusion reveals that the economic development and borrowing variables do not follow a linear path.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the relationship between government foreign debt and the growth rate of per capita GDP based on a total sample of 77 countries, as well as sub‐samples of various regions. Cross‐sectional estimates of the coefficient of foreign debt based on the total sample have a negative sign, but are not always statistically significant. Available data from African countries indicate that foreign debt and the growth rate of per capita GDP were negatively related at a high level of significance. For industrialized and Latin American sub‐samples, this relationship is negative but statistically insignificant. The sub‐sample Asian and other developing countries show a positive but insignificant relationship. JEL classification: F34, H6, O23.  相似文献   

We examine a concerted debt reduction deal between a sovereign debtor, a private creditor, and an official creditor, who insures the deposits of the commercial bank. Our results show that a weakening of the financial position of the commercial bank reduces the contribution of the commercial bank and increases that of the official creditor, without affecting the net terms faced by the debtor. This result is robust to changes in seniority. Moreover, leaving both creditor values unchanged requires that commercial banks retire debt at “unfairly” high prices, while official creditors make a net contribution.  相似文献   

Market discipline is a regulatory mechanism which has as its main task the punishment of bad risk management by financial institutions. Subordinated debt holders are considered by the literature as the most propitious private agent to discipline the financial institutions. The key to prove the existence of market discipline is to show the relationship between banks’ asset prices and its respective risks. The main objective of this article is an empirical analysis of the relation between credit risk (ratings and accounting information) and debentures return for the Brazilian case. The results denote a weak presence of market discipline in Brazil.  相似文献   

With a severe debt overhang problem in Spain, either public or private, the analysis of the factors that influence companies' leverage in this country reveals essential, in particular for the high-indebted firms. This study benefits from the quantile regression approach advantages over the OLS method to analyze the leverage determinants for a large sample of companies for the 2001–2011 period depending on their level of indebtedness. This method reveals that for the highly-leveraged companies many factors are no longer significant and that cash flow variable is crucial if the companies would like to decrease their debt levels.  相似文献   

In an attempt to resolve the existing controversy about the cause and effect relationship between external dept and economic slowdown, Granger causality tests are conducted with data on indebted developing countries of Asia and Pacific. The results of these tests indicate that the Bulow–Rogoff proposition that the external debts of developing countries are a symptom rather than a cause of economic slowdown is rejected. They also indicate that the Dornbush–Krugman proposition that external dept leads to economic slowdown is also rejected. Moreover, a feedback-type relationship is not rejected for two countries. In view of the mixed results, this paper also estimates the nexus of inter-relationship between public and private external dept accumulation, capital accumulation and production within a simultaneous equation system. The estimation results indicate that the full effects of the public and private external depts on GNP are small and of an opposite sign, whereas an increase in the GNP level raises substantially the public and private external depts. These findings support Bulow–Rogoff's proposition that the external debts of developing countries are not a primary cause of economic slowdown.  相似文献   

The existence of an empirical relationship between the adoption of an IMF programme and the concession of a debt rescheduling by commercial creditors is tested using a bivariate probit model. If countries who have arrangements with the IMF are more likely than others to obtain a rescheduling of their external debt, we could conclude that the adoption of an IMF programme could work as a sort of signal of a country's “good intent” which is thus rewarded with the debt relief. The results confirm the existence of a significant effect of the adoption of an IMF programme on the subsequent concession of a debt rescheduling by private creditors.  相似文献   

The empirical literature is replete with evidence that budget deficits and government debt affect (traditional view) or do not appreciably affect (Ricardian equivalence) private consumption. However, the validity of the relative empirical estimates can be questioned to the extent that they do not adequately distinguish among countries with varying levels of indebtedness. The present paper attempts to address this problem by using Johansen's cointegration technique and by sorting the sample countries into groups, according to the ratio of debt to GDP. The empirical evidence generated finds support for the debt-illusion hypothesis as a means of expounding variations in consumers' behaviour among countries with varying degrees of indebtedness.  相似文献   

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