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This paper presents a new methodology combining multiple criteria sorting or ranking methods with a project portfolio selection procedure. The multicriteria method permits the comparison of projects in terms of their priority based on qualitative and quantitative criteria. Then, a feasible set of projects, i.e. a portfolio, is selected according to the priority defined by the multiple criteria method and satisfying a set of resources and logical constraints. The proposed portfolio selection methodology is called Priority Based Portfolio Selection (PBPS) and can be applied in different contexts. We present an application in the urban planning domain where our approach allows us to select a set of urban projects based on their priority, budgetary constraints, and urban policy requirements. Given the increasing interest of historical cities to reuse their cultural heritage, we applied and tested our methodology in this context. In particular, we show how the methodology can support the prioritization of the interventions on buildings with some historical value in the historic city center of Naples (Italy), taking into account several points of view.  相似文献   

高明 《中国房地产》2011,(11):55-60
本文针对国内外研究学者在多项目管理领域的最新成果进行了概括性论述,分析了房地产开发企业多项目管理产生的背景、存在的问题以及解决方法,对多项目管理的研究具有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

We study Pareto optimal partitions of a “cake” among n players. Each player uses a countably additive non-atomic probability measure to evaluate the size of pieces of cake. We present two geometric pictures appropriate for this study and consider the connection between these pictures and the maximization of convex combinations of measures, which we studied in Barbanel and Zwicker [Barbanel, J.B., Zwicker, W., 1997. Two applications of a theorem of Dvoretsky, Wald, and Wolfovitz to cake division. Theory and Decision 43, 203–207].  相似文献   

We consider the problem of partitioning a ‘cake' C among n players. Various criteria have been considered for deciding whether a partition P1,P2,…,Pn of C, where piece Pi goes to player i, is a ‘good' partition. See, for example, Barbanel (1996) [Barbanel, J.B., 1996. Super envy-free cake division and independence of measures. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 197, 54–60] or Brams and Taylor (1996) [Brams, S.J., Taylor, A.D., 1996. Fair Division: From Cake-Cutting To Dispute Resolution. Cambridge Univ. Press]. In this paper we study certain real numbers (the ‘partition ratios' of this paper's Section 2) which can be associated in a natural way with any partition. We show that various types of products of these numbers provide us with useful information about certain trades and transfers between players.  相似文献   

This article investigates the nature and relationship of project portfolio control techniques and portfolio management performance, and how this relationship is moderated by situational idiosyncrasies of internal and external dynamics, industries, governance types, and geographic location. A worldwide questionnaire with 242 responses was used, of which 136 high‐performing responses were filtered out for quantitative analysis of best practices. Three portfolio control factors were identified: portfolio selection, portfolio reporting, and decision‐making style. Two measures for portfolio management performance were identified: achievement of desired portfolio results and achievement of project and program purpose. The results indicate that different portfolio control mechanisms are associated with different performance measures. A contingency model was developed, including moderating effects by contextual variables.  相似文献   

Steven A.  Satheesh  Javier  Amirali 《Socio》2006,40(4):297-313
When faced with limited resources, project managers must determine which projects to fund at what levels from a pool of potential ones. This problem of project selection is inherently multiobjective since various factors, such as the available budget, the chance of success, and the efficient allocation of the project team, must be considered simultaneously. The uncertainty of the data at the time decisions are made further complicates project selection. In this paper, a multiobjective, integer-constrained optimization model with competing objectives for project selection is formulated using probability distributions to describe costs. The objectives correspond to important project criteria, such as: rank (value), managerial labor needed, and average cost. The subjective rank is determined via the Analytic Hierarchy Process. The model is applied to a data set from a US government agency that involves 84 separate projects. The results indicate improved budgetary efficiency compared to the actual project selection, thus supporting use of the model for public sector project selection. The model is unique since it integrates multiobjective optimization, Monte Carlo simulation, and the Analytic Hierarchy Process.  相似文献   

Previous research has found supporting evidence of a positive relationship between project risk management and project success, but literature on how risk management is applied to and integrated with project portfolios has been scarce. Based on a literature review, a comprehensive conceptual model is developed, which highlights the three components of portfolio risk management: organization, process, and culture. This study investigates their linkage to portfolio success, mediated through risk management quality, and, therefore, provides principles for more effective portfolio risk management. The developed framework can be used for further empirical research on the influence of portfolio risk management and its success.  相似文献   

Process improvement programs such as Six Sigma, Lean, and Lean Sigma are very important and deserve serious academic research attention. However, definition problems make it difficult to study any specific type of process improvement program. Therefore, this study defines two organizational level program management factors, Strategic Project Selection (SPS) and Project Management Infrastructure (PMI), that are independent of any specific process improvement program. Drawing upon current literature, this study develops and tests theoretical models that relate SPS and PMI to operational performance improvement and to each other. Using empirical data collected from 53 supplier plants of one large high-tech firm, this study finds that at the plant level, SPS mediates the relationship between PMI and operational performance improvement. This insight contributes to both theory development and practice, suggesting that a viable strategy for a process improvement program’s success is to focus on PMI in order to enhance SPS and ultimately improve performance. Not to be reproduced or quoted without written permission from the authors.  相似文献   

Government funding agencies spend significant amounts of R&D funds through funding programs. While allocating funds among sectors or scientific disciplines, the Decision Maker (DM) wants to maximize the total impact by supporting R&D activities in those sectors with higher scientific, social and economic return. On the other hand, the DM wants to balance the funding budget over sectors or disciplines. In this study, we incorporate the results of “sectoral impact assessments” into the public R&D project portfolio selection (RDPPS) problem. We develop a two-stage model. In the first stage, we make sectoral budget allocation decisions to maximize the total impact of the budget while ensuring a relative balance among sectors. In the second stage, we maximize the total score of supported projects under allocated sectoral budgets. We illustrate the proposed approach on an example problem. We show the value of the proposed approach by comparing our results with alternative policy options.  相似文献   

Many investors do not know with certainty when their portfolio will be liquidated. Should their portfolio selection be influenced by the uncertainty of exit time? In order to answer this question, we consider a suitable extension of the familiar optimal investment problem of Merton [Merton, R.C., 1971. Optimal consumption and portfolio rules in a continuous-time model. Journal of Economic Theory 3, 373–413], where we allow the conditional distribution function of an agent’s time-horizon to be stochastic and correlated to returns on risky securities. In contrast to existing literature, which has focused on an independent time-horizon, we show that the portfolio decision is affected.  相似文献   

This article describes an architecture-based approach to IT valuation. This approach offers organisations an instrument to valuate their application and project portfolios and to make well-balanced decisions about IT investments. The value of a software application is assessed in terms of its contribution to a selection of business goals. Based on such assessments, the value of different applications can be compared, and requirements for innovation, development, maintenance and phasing out can be identified. IT projects are proposed to realise the requirements. The value of each project is assessed in terms of the value it adds to one or more applications. This value can be obtained by relating the ‘as-is’ application portfolio to the ‘to-be’ portfolio that is being proposed by the project portfolio. In this way, projects can be ranked according to their added value, given a certain selection of business goals. The approach uses ArchiMate to model the relationship between software applications, business processes, services and products. In addition, two language extensions are used to model the relationship of these elements to business goals and requirements and to projects and project portfolios. The approach is illustrated using the portfolio method of Bedell and has been implemented in BiZZdesign Architect.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper provides a selective review of the theoretical literature on delegated portfolio management as a principal–agent relationship. The main focus of the paper is to review the analytical issues raised by the peculiar nature of the delegated portfolio management relationship within the broader class of principal–agent models. In particular, the paper discusses the performance of linear versus nonlinear compensation contracts in a single-period setting, the possible effects of limited liability of portfolio managers, the role of reputational concerns in a multiperiod framework, and the incentives to noise trading. In addition, the paper deals with some general equilibrium dimensions and asset pricing implications of delegated portfolio management. The paper also suggests some directions for future research.  相似文献   

现代企业发展中,物流和市场营销都已经成为企业战略的重要组成部分,物流为企业的正常生产和经营提供有力的基础保障,市场营销是使企业持续生存和发展的战略手段。从市场营销对物流的影响出发,分析了基于市场营销的物流管理发展的新趋势。  相似文献   

Projects are expected to bring value to their constituents. Value management in project portfolios has centered on the maximization of commercial value and identification of future business prospects. In this study, the goal is increased understanding of the identification and assessment of strategic, non‐commercial value in project portfolios. We map the relevant dimensions of strategic value and supplement previous frameworks with the non‐commercial aspects. Ecological, societal, and learning values have only been studied conceptually and qualitatively in earlier research. We propose future research on these values in quantitative settings and exploring collective sensemaking as part of project portfolio value management.  相似文献   

By re-examining the link between fairness and commitment in supply chain relationships, this study elaborates on the existing theory that views fairness only as an antecedent. It proposes that commitment can also precede perceived fairness, thus redefining the link between the concepts as bidirectional in buyer–supplier relationships. The study examines both the buyer and supplier perspectives. Based on interviews at 24 technology industry firms in Finland, this empirical study demonstrates that buyer commitment has a positive impact on how suppliers perceive distributive fairness in the relationship. In turn, this effect is reciprocated by the suppliers through a commitment in the form of relationship-specific investments and continuous improvements that are perceived as fair by the buyer. As a managerial implication the study emphasizes the importance of fairness evaluation to the relationship parties.  相似文献   

Understanding and dealing with the unknown is a major challenge in project management. An extensive body of knowledge—theory and technique—exists on the “known unknowns,” i.e., uncertainties which can be described probabilistically and addressed through the conventional techniques of risk management. Although some recent studies have addressed projects where the existence of unknown unknowns (unk unks) is readily apparent or may be assumed given the type of project—e.g., new product development or new process implementation—very little work has been reported with respect to projects in general on how a project manager might assess its vulnerability to unk unks. In this paper, we present a conceptual framework to deal with (i.e., recognize and reduce) knowable unk unks in project management. The framework is supported by insights from a variety of theories, case analyses, and experiences. In this framework, we first present a model of the key factors—relating to both project design and behavioral issues—that increase the likelihood of unk unks and a set of propositions linking these factors to unk unks. We then present a set of design and behavioral approaches that project managers could adopt to reduce knowable unk unks. Our framework fills a gap in the project management literature and makes a significant practical contribution: it helps project managers diagnose a project to recognize and reduce the likelihood of unk unks and thus deal more effectively with the otherwise unrecognized risks and opportunities.  相似文献   

垛位是否合理是影响后方仓库中箱装军用物资供应保障能力的一个重要因素。首先根据后方仓库中箱装军用物资堆垛优化原则和储存策略,建立了基于收发频率和同一性原则的多目标优化模型—箱装军用物资垛位优化数学模型;然后通过分析模型,提出采用Pareto遗传算法对垛位优化问题进行了求解,并给出求解的详细步骤;最后选用一个实例进行了应用,证明了该模型的合理性和算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对传统项目管理方法在宏观控制方面存在的不足,分析项目管理的特点,依据系统动力学原理,结合项目动态系统的特征,建立了一个系统动力学模型.它更侧重于项目的宏观管理,侧重于对难以准确量化的复杂因素的分析,使项目管理更加科学化.  相似文献   

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