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In this paper we provide an overview of E-Alliance, a software infrastructure we are developing to support negotiation activities in concurrent inter-organisational alliances. Our baseline is to offer a collaboration framework which fully preserves the autonomy of organisations grouped in an alliance, while enabling concurrency of their activities, flexibility of their negotiations and dynamic evolution of their environment. We propose to support negotiation between the partners within such alliances by combining different technologies, such as software engineering techniques, middleware-level coordination facilities and multiagent systems support. We present our approach in the context of a sample scenario of an alliance where partners are printshops capable of (out/in) sourcing print jobs among them to better accomplish their customers' requests.  相似文献   

Are self‐employed workers more satisfied with their jobs compared to wage and salary workers? Using The National Survey of Families and Households: Wave I, 1987–1988, and Wave II 1992–1994 several expectations are evaluated in this article. First, self‐employed persons should enjoy higher job satisfaction than others. Second, a portion of the association between job satisfaction and self‐employment should be explained by higher levels of self‐efficacy and by lower levels of depression among the self‐employed compared to others. Third, self‐employment veterans are a select group and should be different systematically from self‐employment newcomers with respect to reported job satisfaction. Findings offer support for the first and second arguments above but not the third. Post‐hoc analysis suggests that among the newly self‐employed, the association between job satisfaction and self‐employment depends on both the quantity and quality of time invested in the business. Implications of these findings and directions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relative attractiveness of production level jobs provided by multinational firms in Mexico's maquiladora industry. We take the position that workers themselves are an important and often overlooked source of information relevant to the controversy focusing on the responsibilities of multinational companies to their employees in the developing world. We conducted interviews with 59 maquila production level workers in the Mexican cities of Cd. Juárez and Chihuahua. Using a relative attractiveness framework that compared maquila jobs to other employment available in the local economy, maquila line and technical workers responded to questions addressing why they were working at a maquila, their work history, the attractiveness of maquila jobs compared to both their prior jobs and the jobs held by friends and family, and whether they planned to continue working in the maquilas. While the responses from maquila workers are diverse, they suggest that maquila jobs provide attractive employment for the economically disadvantaged in Northern Mexico.  相似文献   

We exploit information from a classification of occupations to identify separately formal qualification requirements linked to a job and formal qualifications of a worker who filled the job for the universe of firms in Slovenia. We find that exporters were more likely to hire over‐qualified workers than they did prior to becoming exporters even though they did not change the qualification requirements of their vacancies. Firms were more likely to demand other skills (leadership, knowledge of foreign languages) once they began to export. These findings suggest that skill upgrading by exporters reflects differences in terms of skill demand as well as the way workers match to jobs. This distinction is blurred in existing studies on skill upgrading by exporters because these studies rely solely on the information about the qualifications of hired workers. Our findings are consistent with a framework in which firms become more productive and offer higher wages once they start to export, workers' qualifications and firms' productivity are complementary inputs, and search is costly.  相似文献   

Changes in the size of establishments — as opposed to the turnover of workers across a given set of jobs — account for a non-negligible component of gross workers flows. Based on a rich database of establishment-level employment records in western Germany, this paper analyses the magnitude and determinants of job turnover and its relation with labour turnover. Consistently with findings from other countries, it is shown that job turnover is mainly the byproduct of the dispersion of establishment-level outcomes within any industry rather than of job reallocation across different sectors. The role played by disturbances to consumer preferences over differentiated products is also assessed in an attempt to shed some light on the determinants of this tremendous heterogeneity of establishment-level employment changes within each industry.The views expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the OECD. The author would like to thank Boyan Jovanovic and an anonymous referee for useful comments on an initial draft.  相似文献   

How do labor markets adjust to trade liberalization? Leading models of intraindustry trade (Krugman (1981), Melitz (2003)) assume homogeneous workers and full employment, and thus predict that all workers win from trade liberalization, a conclusion at odds with the public debate. Our paper develops a new model that merges Melitz (2003) with Shapiro and Stiglitz (1984), so also links product market churning to labor market churning. Workers care about their jobs because the model features aggregate unemployment and jobs that pay different wages to identical workers. Simulations show that, for reasonable parameter values, as many as one-fourth of existing “good jobs” (those with above average wage) may be destroyed in a liberalization. This is true even as the model shows minimal impact on aggregate unemployment and quite substantial aggregate gains from trade.  相似文献   

In the human quest for meaning, work occupies a central position. Most adults spend the majority of their waking hours at work, which often serves as a primary source of purpose, belongingness, and identity. In light of these benefits to employees and their organizations, organizational scholars are increasingly interested in understanding the factors that contribute to meaningful work, such as the design of jobs, interpersonal relationships, and organizational missions and cultures. In a separate line of inquiry, scholars of business ethics have examined meaningful work as a moral issue concerning the management of others and ourselves, exploring whether there are definable characteristics of meaningful work to which we have moral rights, and whether there are moral duties to ourselves and others to fulfill those rights. In this article, we examine contemporary developments in both disciplines about the nature, causes, and consequences of meaningful work; we explore linkages between these disciplines; and we offer conclusions and research opportunities regarding the interface of ethical and organizational perspectives on performing and providing meaningful work.  相似文献   

The large numbers of children working in developing countries continue to provoke calls for an end to such employment. However, many reformers argue that efforts should focus on ending the exploitation of children rather than depriving them of all opportunities to work. This posture reflects recognition of the multiplicity of needs children have and the diversity of situations in which they work. Unfortunately, research typically neglects these complexities and fails to distinguish between types of labor market jobs, dismisses household chores as irrelevant, and conceptualizes children’s needs largely in terms of the education they require for successful careers. Based on data collected in schools in Franca, Brazil, where children often combine school with work in the shoe industry, this study first examined the implications of labor market jobs and household work for their health, life satisfaction, and education. Analyses suggested that both forms of work negatively affected children’s welfare, but the effects of household work were more extensive, especially for girls. The second part focused on children with labor market jobs and examined how facets of their jobs as well as their after-work household duties affected their welfare. A lack of discretion on the job undermined the health of both boys and girls, higher pay adversely affected boys’ education, and housework had detrimental effects on all indicators of girls’ welfare. This paper discusses the implications of these findings for further research and suggests the needs for attention to different forms of work activities within families. It concludes with suggestions for multinationals sourcing in developing areas that go beyond the usual calls for ridding their facilities and supply networks of child workers.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(4):391-400
Crowdsourcing is becoming recognized as a powerful tool that organizations can use in order to get work done, this by freelancers and non-employees. We conceptualize crowdsourcing as a subcategory of outsourcing, with compensated crowdsourcing representing situations in which individuals performing the work receive some sort of payment for accomplishing the organization's tasks. Herein, we discuss how sites that create a crowd, such as Amazon Mechanical Turk, can be powerful tools for business purposes. We highlight the general features of crowdsourcing sites, offering examples drawn from current crowdsourcing sites. We then examine the wide range of tasks that can be accomplished through crowdsourcing sites. Large online worker community websites and forums have been created around such crowdsourcing sites, and we describe the functions they generally play for crowdsourced workers. We also describe how these functions offer opportunities and challenges for organizations. We close by discussing major considerations organizations need to take into account when trying to harness the power of the crowd through compensated crowdsourcing sites.  相似文献   

Reduction of risk of occupational injuries is one of the most challenging problems faced by industry. Assessing and comparing risks involved in different jobs is one of the important steps towards reducing injury risk. In this study, a comprehensive scheme is given for assessing and comparing injury risks with the development of injury count model, injury risk model and derived statistics. The hazards present in a worksystem and the nature of the job carried out by workers are perceived as important drivers of injury potential of a worksystem. A loglinear model is used to quantify injury counts and the event-tree approach with joint, marginal and conditional probabilities is used to quantify injury risk. A case study was carried out in an underground coalmine. Finally a number of indices are proposed for the case study mine to capture risk of injury in different jobs. The findings of this study will help in designing injury intervention strategies for the mine studied. The job-wise risk profiles will be used to prioritise the jobs for redesign. The absolute indices can be applied for benchmarking job-wise risks and the relative indices can be used for comparing job-wise risks across worksystems.  相似文献   

Seasonal workers in areas of tourism such as holiday accommodation are, largely on the basis of the pay and conditions that apply, generally viewed as some of the ‘poorest cousins' of the labour market. In this article, the acceptability of such a view is both disputed and reassessed. It is argued that such jobs are often held by those who voluntarily participate in the seasonal labour market but, aside from this, that involuntary participants may also benefit, perhaps, for example, in gaining respite from the dole. Moreover, and regardless of the motives behind participation, seasonal jobs are often laced with substantial non-pecuniary attractions that set them aside from other, far less satisfactory, forms of intermittent employment.  相似文献   

Reduction of risk of occupational injuries is one of the most challenging problems faced by industry. Assessing and comparing risks involved in different jobs is one of the important steps towards reducing injury risk. In this study, a comprehensive scheme is given for assessing and comparing injury risks with the development of injury count model, injury risk model and derived statistics. The hazards present in a work system and the nature of the job carried out by workers are perceived as important drivers of injury potential of a work system. A loglinear model is used to quantify injury counts and the event-tree approach with joint, marginal and conditional probabilities is used to quantify injury risk. A case study was carried out in an underground coal mine. Finally a number of indices are proposed for the case study mine to capture risk of injury in different jobs. The findings of this study will help in designing injury intervention strategies for the mine studied. The job-wise risk profiles will be used to prioritise the jobs for redesign. The absolute indices can be applied for benchmarking job-wise risks and the relative indices can be used for comparing job-wise risks across work systems.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of software agents being used as proxies for the procurement of computational and network resources. Mechanisms such as single-good auctions and combinatorial auctions are not applicable for the management of these services, as assigning an entire resource to a single agent is often undesirable and appropriate bund sizes are difficult to determine. We investigate a divisible auction that is proportionally fair. By introducing the notion of price and demand functions that characterize optimal response functions of the bidders, we are able to prove that this mechanism has a unique Nash equilibrium for an arbitrary number of agents with heterogeneous quasilinear utilities. We also describe decentralized negotiation strategies which, with approrpate relaxation, converge locally to the equilibrium point. Given an agent with a sequence of jobs, we show how our analysis holds for a wide variety of objectives.  相似文献   

Based on psychological contract theory and expectancy disconfirmation theory, we posit that if employers support their staff by endorsing their continuing education and training, these employees will in turn be more satisfied and will perform better not only in their studies but also in their jobs. We also propose that such an endorsement will have a positive disconfirmation effect on employees' job satisfaction and performance when their perceived organizational support is relatively low. Using 434 part‐time postgraduate students in Hong Kong, China, as our survey sample, we found support for our propositions.  相似文献   

Another look at offshoring: Which jobs are at risk and why?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many recent articles regarding offshoring have made sweeping, industry-wide generalizations about the impact of this process, but have not typically addressed the specific types of jobs that are at risk and why. In this paper, we develop a framework that integrates several key variables–the (changing) need for proximity, the regulatory environment, firm-level security and intellectual property rights concerns, and the socio-political context within which the offshoring phenomenon is unfolding–which collectively help explain how vulnerable particular jobs are to offshoring. We use this framework to examine what types of healthcare and information technology jobs are most and least at risk to offshoring, and suggest extending this model to other industries in order to better understand which jobs are most vulnerable to offshoring and why.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the importance of new firm formation to economic growth. It begins by providing data that describe the United States as having had greater employment growth than most developed nations of the world over the last 25 years, and focuses upon why job growth in the United States has exceeded that of other nations.Job Creation by Firm Size. We first examine the data on the relative contribution of small and large firms to U.S. job growth. By summarizing research that is uniformly expressed in two-year periods and defines small firms as those with less than 100 employees, conclusive evidence emerges that small firms are the major sources of net new creation.Firm Entry/Exit Rates and Economic Growth. Further understanding of small firm job creation is obtained when we examine firm entry and exit data. Here we find that firm entry rates vary considerably from period to period (range: 10.4%–12.5%), whereas exit rates remain relatively stable from period to period (range: 9.6%–10.4%). Thus, variation in entrepreneurial activity—the formation of new firms—is the major cause of net increases in the number firms. In both the United States and the United Kingdom, net firm increases are positively related to overall economic activity.Firm Entry/Exit and Job Creation. Further exploration of this correlation can be conducted by examining job creation and loss defined by source: entries, expansions, exits, and contractions. The data for 1976 through 1984 shown here demonstrate that new entries account for 74.0% of the 50.8 million new jobs created. Expansions of existing firms accounted for 26.0%. Small firms (less than 500 employees) produced 54.6% of the entry jobs and 56.8% of the expansion jobs.On the other hand, job losses totaled 33.8 million, 79.0% due to exits and 21.0% to contractions. Small firms account for 53.6% of the jobs lost from exits and 47.8% of those lost from contractions. Overall, small firms account for 60.5% of the 17.0 million net new jobs.Given the data that show correlation between net firm formation rates and economic growth, the finding that entry rates vary more than exit rates, and the finding that new entries create most of the new jobs, it can be concluded that firm formation—especially small firm formation—is a significant factor in economic growth. Increases in small firm formation rates have a significant effect on net job creation.Schumpeter's Model and Observed Market Turbulance. Another finding from this data on job creation by entry, expansion, exit, and contraction is the large amount of job creation and destruction activity taking place. For the period studied, three jobs were created and two jobs destroyed for each net new job created. This describes a turbulent job market with many workers moving from job to job. The labor markets are much less stable that normally envisioned.This observed phenomenon fits well with Schumpeter's theory of capitalism; he proposes that capitalistic growth occurs because entrepreneurs use innovations to form new firms which enter existing markets. When successful, these growing new firms destroy existing market structures, causing decline of established firms while creating increased demand and producing overall economic growth. If Schumpeter is correct, one would expect to find high rates of firm formation and failure, and large numbers of jobs created by new firms, while many jobs are lost by exits and contractions of established firms. The findings reported here show this.Government Policy Affects on Entry/Exit. Our results also show that formation of small, new firms is a necessary requirement for economic growth. Historically, however, Government policy has not considered small firm entry as a central issue. Thus, government policies can and have had a negative effect on entry rates and therefore upon economic growth rates.Furthermore, high rates of new firm formation cause a great deal of turbulence in labor markets, with three jobs created and two lost for every one net new job. Such labor turbulence may be seen by policy makers as undesirable as it entails considerable worker movement from job to job. As such, policy makers have recently proposed policies to protect workers from job loss due to contractions and exits. However, such protection policies, as demonstrated in recent European experience, will also construct barriers to entrepreneurial entry. The result may be a decline in small firm entry and a decline in economic growth.Instead of protecting specific jobs, appropriate policies are those that facilitate movement of workers from job to job. Adequate unemployment compensation for short term unemployment, fully vested and portable pension plans, and retraining programs are examples of policies that allow the labor market to remain flexible while reducing the negative effect on those who lose jobs.  相似文献   


The employment portfolio of Japanese retail businesses is composed of regular employees and part-time workers. Even though part-time workers are assigned to significant jobs, their wages tend to be lower than those of regular employees. However, the job satisfaction and motivation of part-time workers are not low. This article aims to consider why part-time workers have a positive attitude toward their jobs. Data were collected from part-time workers of retail businesses (n?=?1133). The specific focus is on two groups: part-time workers compared to regular employees and part-time workers compared to other part-time workers. Results showed that the group compared to part-time workers had more positive job attitude than others. From the point of view of social comparison, the job attitude of part-time workers may differ depending on the choice of who they compare themselves against. The implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

With the advent of e-commerce, new platform sales have been created in the online retailing industry, and choosing the best platform has become a challenge for manufacturers. For instance, marketplace and web-store are two e-channels for selling goods directly to end customers. In the marketplace, manufacturers sell their products directly to online customers through e-tailers' platforms and share revenue with e-tailers. In the web-store channel, manufacturers sell their products directly to end customers through their platforms and do not need to e-tailers' platforms. However, some manufacturers and e-tailers continue with reseller channel yet. Reseller channel is another conventional channel in which manufacturers distribute their products to e-tailers, then e-tailers choose retail prices and sell them to consumers. Therefore, with these three different channels, the key question is when and under what conditions manufacturers can choose marketplace or reseller channel in addition to their web-store channels to grow their market share. In this paper, we analyze these three different e-channels and the conditions that manufacturers adopt the marketplace or reseller channel. For this purpose, we consider a model with two manufacturers and one e-tailer in which the manufacturers have their web-store channels, and they are willing to adopt another channelـ reseller or marketplace. The manufacturers offer a return policy in their web-store channels as a competitive strategy for attracting more customers. We find that offering return policy in web-store channels has no effect on the choice between the marketplace and reseller channel, but it has an impact on the amount of manufacturers' profits in each channel. Also, we demonstrate that regardless of offering return policy, as the coefficient of cross-channel effect increases, the manufacturers' profits, whether they choose reseller channel or marketplace channel, increase. But, as the coefficient of cross-channel effect increases, the e-tailer's profit increases when both manufacturers choose reseller channel, otherwise decreases. If manufacturers offer a return policy, the e-tailer's profit is highest when both manufacturers choose reseller channel, and if they do not offer a return policy, the e-tailer's profit is highest when both manufacturers choose marketplace channel.  相似文献   

This article explores the impact of the growing non-standard workforce on trade union membership and union policy in Australia in the context of neoliberal policy responses to globalization. It is no coincidence that trade union density has rapidly declined in Australia as the non-standard employment share has rapidly increased. The characteristics of the jobs and the workers filling non-standard jobs are largely outside of the traditional domain of trade unions. While trade unions are faced with an increasingly hostile political environment in Australia, one of the real challenges they confront is to make themselves more relevant for non-standard employees and to increase their recruitment among non-standard employees.  相似文献   


How do employees in “new services”, such as coffee baristas and gym trainers in India, see their jobs? In this paper, we build on extensive fieldwork in gyms and coffee chains that cater to the emerging Indian middle classes. Our research highlights the importance of respect and recognition in making service interactions more meaningful for new service workers. Generally hailing from the lower middle classes, new service work offers important opportunities to interact with and learn from English-speaking upper middle-class customers and clients. Besides the opportunity to interact and learn, the acknowledgement they receive for their skills and (bodily) accomplishments make such professions attractive as well. Even if this holds the potential for upward socioeconomic mobility, our findings also point at the resilience of social hierarchies. Drawing on literature on service interactions and new middle-class formation in India, this paper provides important insight into how young Indians navigate and negotiate the opportunities and pitfalls that come with the country's changing socioeconomic landscape.  相似文献   

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