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正优酷土豆的合并完成,可能标志着中国一个新视频时代的到来——用户、内容与平台的结合,流量、资源与营销的结合,或许将引领视频营销"合"趋势。2012年8月20日,优酷土豆合并方案获在香港召开的双方股东大会高票批准通过,优酷土豆集团公司正式诞生。从3月11日两家公司签订最终协议开始计算,历经了半年时间,优酷和土豆终于完成了此次合并。此次合并是通过100%换股方式完成,中间不涉及任何现金,在中国互联网的并购案中尚属首例。合并后的优酷土豆集团,将保留优  相似文献   

国内两大视频网站优酷和土豆发表声明.称双方于3月11日签订协议,优酷和土豆将以10096换股的方式合并。优酷股东及美国存托凭证持有者将拥有合并后新公司约71.5%的股份.土豆股东及美国存托凭证持有者将拥有新公司约285%的股份。数据显示.2011年第四季度.中国视频市场份额分布中,优酷位列第一,占据21.896.土豆位列第二,占据13796。  相似文献   

李瀛寰 《大经贸》2012,(4):81-83
有人认为,王微种熟的土豆给了古永锵,优酷此举是为了消灭一个竞争对手"埋土豆"。一一袭白衣的王微,优雅的文艺青年王微,经过了离婚官司的百般折磨并让土豆网流血上市的王微,此刻会如何面对优酷与土豆合并一事呢?尽管所有的公开信息都在强调"合并",但几乎所有人也都明白:土豆网就是被优酷吃  相似文献   

2012年3月1 2日对于优酷、土豆而言是一个极具有纪念意义的日子,优酷和土豆宣布将以100%换股方式合并,土豆网将因此退市.这一消息震惊了互联网,各大视频网站纷纷对此发表了自己的看法,众说纷纭,总体来说各界对两者的合并还是抱着积极的态度.人们常说没有永远的敌人,也没有永远的朋友,优酷与土豆原本水火不容的双方竟然选择合并,这其中一定包含着种种深意,当然最重要的目的还是获得盈利,文章从财务的角度详细阐述优酷、土豆合并的深远意义.  相似文献   

3月12日,优酷股份有限公司(NYSE:YOKU)(“优酷”)和土豆股份有限公司(NASDAQ:TUDO)(“土豆”)共同宣布双方于3月11日签订最终协议,优酷和土豆将以100%换股的方式合并。“战略合并完成后,土豆将保留其品牌和平台的独立性.帮助加强和完善优酷土豆的视频业务。”  相似文献   

李峰 《中国广告》2013,(1):147-148
优酷和土豆的合并,带来的并不仅仅是合的力量,两家企业相近却又不同的DNA的结合,将催生出视频产业更有效更强大的商业模式。2012年3月12日,优酷网官方微博发布消息称,优酷土豆宣布合并。双方以100%换股的方式合并。合并后新公司名为"优酷土豆股份有限公司"。2012年8月20日,优酷土豆股合并方案获批准通过,公司正式成立。合并后的新视频平台备受多方关注,优酷土豆集团董事长兼  相似文献   

沈瀛 《成功营销》2014,(1):52-53
正当多屏、技术、自制等诸多变量不断影响视频网站时,视频营销的变革升级的时态也早就变成了"现在进行时"。"大家总说多屏是未来、自制是未来、盈利是未来;但我们认为,多屏是现在,自制是现在,而优酷土豆集团的盈利就在现在。"在刚刚结束的优酷土豆媒体推介会上,优酷土豆集团董事长兼CEO古永锵指出视频正"未来照进现实"。实际上,在多屏、技术、自制等诸多变量不断推动视频网站发展的同时,视频营销变革升级的时态也早就变  相似文献   

李欣 《成功营销》2013,(3):29-29
本山大叔宣布从此退出春晚小品界,不要觉得这是一个搞笑时代的终结,因为,在优酷土豆上,本山传媒的优秀剧目正大波袭来。2013年的农历年,有本山传媒的好戏陪你"欢乐开年"。2013年1月,刘老根大舞台,"欢乐开年——2013优酷土豆集团春季节目品鉴暨与本山传媒合作发布会"召开。优酷土豆集团在此宣布与集演艺、影视、艺术教育于一身的大型文化  相似文献   

薛羽 《国际广告》2011,(1):118-119
网络视频已经成为当前热议的互联网应用。国内视频行业的目光,不约而同地聚集在优酷与土豆两大视频网站在美国的上市进程上。  相似文献   

内容版权、服务器带宽正成为视频网站的两座成本大山,整个行业陷入难以盈利的深渊。以优酷和土豆为例,过去一年他们亏损分别高达3.77亿元、5.53亿元。某种程度上,这促成了优酷、土豆的牵手。与PPS总裁徐伟峰的对话,自然离不开这两座大山。  相似文献   

按照对效率与公平偏好的不同,初次分配效率与公平的政策组合有四种类型:"轻效率,轻公平"型;"轻效率,重公平"型;"重效率,轻公平"型;"重效率,重公平"型。不同社会发展阶段收入分配政策的制定实际上是对这四种政策组合的选择,以选择能带来最大化效用的分配制度。用分粥模型形象地对效率与公平的各种政策组合进行模拟,并根据收入分配效用函数对效率与公平政策组合的效用选择状况进行分析,结果表明,在初次分配"重效率"目标不变的前提下,消除收入分配不公平、减少贫富差距的关键在于同时建立初次分配"重公平"的机制。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to find out if significant differences exist in patterns of expenditures between elderly and non-elderly consumers, taking poverty status into account. Cluster analysis was used to identify expenditure patterns. Four different expenditure patterns were found. Elderly middle-income and affluent households were more likely to belong to service-using cluster than non-elderly poor households. Nonelderly households were more likely to belong to shelter-dominated cluster than elderly households. Poor households were more likely to belong to homebound cluster, while non-poor households were more likely to belong to car-centred cluster.  相似文献   

Propensity to plan is an indicator of financial capability that contributes to consumer financial well‐being. Previous research has shown that propensity to plan is positively related to objective financial well‐being but little research was found to examine its association with subjective financial well‐being. Using financial satisfaction to measure subjective financial well‐being, this study addressed this research gap and had three objectives: (1) to explore factors associated with propensity to plan, (2) to examine the association between propensity to plan and financial capability factors, and (3) to examine the association between propensity to plan and financial satisfaction. Using data from the 2015 US National Financial Capability Study, the results showed socioeconomic differences in propensity to plan. The results suggest consumers with more economic resources had higher scores in propensity to plan. In addition, propensity to plan was positively associated with financial capability factors, suggesting financial planning is a desirable financial behavior. Finally, propensity to plan made unique contributions to financial satisfaction after controlling for socioeconomic and other financial capability factors.  相似文献   

Hoteliers who have a project under development increasingly are being asked by labor-union organizers to sign so-called neutrality agreements—sometimes under duress. While labor unions do not operate in all hotel markets, this organizing tactic seems to be gaining currency where unions are present. By signing a neutrality agreement, the hotelier agrees not to oppose the union's organizing efforts, to allow the union to contact employees during work hours, and to allow the union access to employee directories. Without the agreement, the union would not be allowed any of those things, and the hotelier would be allowed to state its case publicly for why employees might not want to be represented by a union. The duress comes from the union's potential threat to use political connections to hamper the project's permits and to invoke the activity of other labor unions. The key element missing in the neutrality agreement is the employees' consent to the arrangement. Given that workers are legally given the right by U.S. labor law to decide via a secret ballot whether they do or do not want to be represented by a union, a neutrality agreement that allows for employers to recognize a union via a “card check” provision appears to abrogate that right to a secret vote by effectively sealing the matter before the hotel even begins hiring. Recent court rulings point to the likelihood that if workers formally complain to the National Labor Relations Board about such agreements, those agreements could be set aside.  相似文献   

构建宿迁农业加快发展的长效机制,应明确宿迁农业发展的战略方向,推动宿迁农业发展的产业化经营,建立健全农民合作经济组织体系,从本地区农业的特点出发发展多种类型的合作经济组织,构建宿迁农村人才培养的机制,推动农村实用人才的培养,提升农村远程职业教育水平,为农民接受培训创造条件。  相似文献   

We posit that entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are distinct entrepreneurial behaviors that differ in terms of their salient outcomes for the individual. Since individuals are likely to differ in their attitudes to these salient outcomes, and in their entrepreneurial self-efficacy, we hypothesize that a different strength of intention for entrepreneurship versus intrapreneurship will be due to individual differences in self-efficacy and in their attitudes to the outcomes from entrepreneurial, as compared to intrapreneurial, behavior. We find that while self-efficacy is significantly related to both entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial intentions, attitudes to income, ownership, and autonomy relate only to entrepreneurial intentions, while attitude to risk relates only to intrapreneurial intentions.  相似文献   

长期以来 ,以证券市场为代表的我国资本市场一直处于低效弱效状态 ,这一市场态势已成为当前提升我国金融体系国际竞争力、深化经济体制、社会保障改革与金融市场应对加入WTO的最大障碍。我们的社会各界特别是政府部门应在借鉴外国高效的资本市场监管基础上 ,从立法与政策上采取得力措施进一步完善市场参与主体约束机制 ,改进入市股权所有制成份结构 ,准许国有法人股入市流通 ,健全市场信息披露制度 ,充分发挥市场价值规律 ,形成内在的价格均衡机制 ,降低平均交易成本 ,增强投融资效率 ,从而提高我国的资本市场效率 ,为提高我国金融体系国际竞争力、深化经济体制、社会保障改革 ,为应对加入WTO后的金融环境扫清障碍。  相似文献   

Multinational corporations (MNCs) entering and operating in China have been significantly changing their dominant strategies over the past two decades to cope with China's shifting competitive and regulatory environments. The new strategies have resulted in a status shift such that MNCs are no longer merely “foreign investors”; they have become “strategic insiders” who view their large-scale China operations as key to their overall corporate success. To provide an overarching picture of this status shift, this article identifies and discusses shifting competitive parameters facing MNCs (from scant to strong competition, from niche to massive competition, from single- to multi-market competition and from structural similarity to multiplicity), as well as the shifting regulatory parameters they face (from entrance to operational intervention, from separation to convergence with domestic policies and from national control to regional regulation). This article also analyzes the shifting dominant strategies MNCs use to deal with changing environmental landscapes, including shifts from parent to national integration, from production relocation to value chain localization, from competence transfer to competence building, from competition to coopetition, from repetition to adaptive diversification and from alliance building to restructuring. This article concludes by discussing how the above strategic shifts provoke the extension and rethinking of extant MNC theories and what future issues merit particular attention.  相似文献   

Although the courts have ruled that companies are legal persons, they have not yet made clear the extent to which political free speech for corporations is limited by the strictures legitimately placed upon corporate commercial speech. I explore the question of whether or not companies can properly be said to have the right to civil free speech or whether corporate speech is always de facto commercial speech not subject to the same sorts of legal protections as is the right to civil free speech. In the absence of clearly defined legal precedent, I emphasize moral reasons for determining the appropriate limits of corporate civil free speech. Appealing to arguments typically used to justify individual rights to civil free speech, I examine the extent to which this sort of justification may or may not be legitimately extended to corporations. I conclude that corporate rights to civil free speech must be restricted because granting rights of free speech to institutions may, in practice, undermine the moral rationale and practical feasibility of guaranteeing rights of civil free speech to individuals. Furthermore, I argue that granting corporations full rights to civil free speech will undercut attempts to develop good moral character in corporate institutions by undermining the efforts of watchdog organizations.  相似文献   

Eight months ago, as the risk of sovereign default in Greece fi rst emerged, the Intereconomics Forum invited a number of contributors to examine the options available to EU policymakers. As the threats to European Monetary Union resurface now, six of the same authors return in this issue’s Forum to reassess the situation, in particular with regard to the EU’s recent policy responses to the ongoing crisis. Whereas both optimists and pessimists could support their views with strong arguments eight months ago, the EU’s current predicament has shifted the prevailing sentiment strongly toward the pessimistic view. From the Irish bailout to the precarious status of Portugal, not to mention the potentially disastrous situation looming in Spain, our contributors are uncertain whether EU policymakers are up to the challenge of defending the euro. As evidence of this, several point to the EU Council’s October decision to establish a permanent crisis resolution mechanism to ensure an orderly state insolvency procedure, which did little to calm markets. Nonetheless, most of these economists still see ways for the EU to escape the crisis without being forced to abandon the common currency.  相似文献   

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