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I review studies of the determinants of market performance in the aircraft, passenger airline, supermarket, liner shipping, and hospital industries, and of mergers and market performance in markets for fast food, soft drinks, and retail gasoline. Common factors are that more competitive market structures accompany better market performance, and that firm conduct and industry-specific factors play independent roles.  相似文献   

Competition policy attempts to address the potential for market failure by encouraging competition in service markets. Often, in wireless communication service markets, national regulatory authorities seek to encourage entry via the spectrum assignment process. Instruments used include the assignment mode (auction or beauty contest), setting aside licenses and providing bidding (price and quantity) credits for potential entrants, and making more licenses (spectrum blocks) available than there are incumbent firms (excess licenses). The empirical analysis assesses the effectiveness of these policy instruments on encouraging entry. The econometric results show that the probability of entry is enhanced by using auction assignments and excess licenses. Furthermore, quantity, but not price, concessions encourage entry.  相似文献   

中国大飞机产业化的市场约束与进入条件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
中国大飞机项目成功的关键在于实现产业化,而能否产业化又取决于市场基础。由于民用大飞机产业属于买方约束条件十分严格的市场,中国大飞机项目产业化的基本立足点应该是储备进入市场的条件。目前中国国内民用航空市场的结构状况不利于国产大飞机进入市场,应当对航空公司作进一步重组的市场制度安排。为了能使中国的大飞机在实现规模化生产之前就能获得“买家”的订单,有必要在航空运输市场重组现有的航空公司,减少航空公司的数量,鼓励更有实力的航空公司的涌现。  相似文献   

Mahka Moeen 《战略管理杂志》2017,38(10):1986-2004
Research summary : This article examines the capability antecedents of firm entry into nascent industries. Because a firm's technological investments in nascent industries typically occur before market entry, this study makes a distinction between firm capabilities at the time of market entry and at the time of initial investment. At the time of market entry, core technical capabilities and complementary assets influence the likelihood of entry. However, at the time of investment, a firm's integrative capabilities as well as the initial stocks of related technical capabilities and complementary assets become critical, as they enable endogenous development of core technical capabilities and complementary assets by the time of entry. The empirical sample consists of firms involved in field experiments in agricultural biotechnology during the period 1980–2010. Managerial summary : New product commercialization in a nascent industry typically requires access to not only core technologies of the focal industry, but also supporting commercialization assets. However, firms may not possess these critical capabilities when they first invest in the industry. Instead, empirical evidence from the context of agricultural biotechnology shows that at the time of first investment, a firm's integrative capabilities partly explain their likelihood of entry. Integrative capabilities encompass a set of practices that enable effective coordination and communication, and in turn put firms in an advantageous position to develop the needed capabilities by the time of entry. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Innovation is one of the most important issues facing business today. The major difficulty in managing innovation is that managers must do so against a constantly shifting backdrop as technologies, competitors, and markets constantly evolve. Managers determine the product portfolio through key decisions about product development and market entry. Key strategic questions are what portfolio strategies provide the greatest reward. The purpose of this study is to understand the relative financial values of each component of a product portfolio. Specifically, the paper examines the short‐term and long‐term financial impacts of product development strategy and market entry strategy. These strategies reflect two critical tensions that must be balanced in product portfolio decision making and essentially determine a firm's product portfolio. In doing so, the paper also investigates how a firm's capabilities drive each component of a product portfolio. From the empirical analyses in the context of the biomedical device industry, the paper found important insights regarding product portfolio strategies. First, a large product portfolio helps a firm's financial performance. In particular, the pioneering new products have strongest impacts on short‐term performances, and nonpioneering mature products do not provide significant contribution. Second, the results indicate a persistent first‐mover advantage. The first‐to‐market new products yield not only an immediate effect, but also persistent long‐term effects, suggesting that it is important to be first in the market even though there may be short‐term losses. Third, the results suggest the need to balance between “mature” and “new” products. Also, firms need to balance “first‐to‐market” and “late‐entered” products. Because a new or pioneering product requires more resource, it may hurt other products in the portfolio. Thus, without support from mature or follower products, new products and pioneering products alone may not increase firm sales or profit. Fourth, from a long‐term perspective, the paper found that the financial market only rewards a firm's overall capability to deliver new products first in the marketplace. Thus, short‐term performance is mainly driven by product‐level innovativeness, whereas firm‐level innovativeness enhances forward‐looking long‐term performance. Fifth, the paper also found that pioneering new products are driven by integrating both primary and complementary technological capabilities. And nonpioneering new products are mainly driven by the capabilities in primary technology domain. These results provide important insight into the relative value and timing of return on investment in radical versus incremental innovation and alternative market entry strategies. By understanding the performance trade‐offs of these different factors in the short and long term, one can develop better guidelines for optimizing innovation strategies, and their dependence on both external and internal environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We analyze the potential entry of a new product into a vertically differentiated market. Here the entry-deterrence strategies of the incumbent firm rely on “limit qualities.” The model assumes quality-dependent marginal production costs and considers sequential quality choices by an incumbent and an entrant. Entry-quality decisions and the entry-deterrence strategies are related to the fixed cost necessary for entry and to the degree of consumers’ taste for quality. We detail the conditions under which the incumbent increases its quality level to deter entry. Quality-dependent marginal production costs in the model entail the possibility of inferior-quality entry as well. Welfare is not necessarily improved when entry is encouraged rather than deterred.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the factors that determineentry into the Swedish pharmaceuticals market. The analysis is based onpanel data for 22 different substances covering the years 1972 to 1996. Theresults show that profit opportunities in a particular market have apositive impact on entry. In addition, there is some evidence suggestingthat the length of the patent protection period has a negative impact onentry.  相似文献   

The digital revolution is fundamentally reshaping the business landscape by generating abundant new opportunities and novel business models. As a new source of value creation, a start-up’s business model is critical for its survival and growth. How, then, should a digital start-up design its business model? The present study departs from existing viewpoints on the topic and proposes a strategic orientation view. By integrating the resource-based view and the demand-side perspective, we examine the impact of strategic orientation in business model design on the performance of start-ups in the digital economy. Using a data set of digital start-ups, our empirical results show that both technology and consumer orientations are beneficial to the performance of start-ups. However, it would be counterproductive for a digital start-up to seek a balance between both strategic orientations in business model design. Furthermore, the positive relationship between consumer orientation and firm performance becomes more prominent in a highly open technological environment, but is weakened in environments characterized by high user interactivity. This study advances business model design research by proposing a strategic orientation view, and contributes to business model theory building by offering an integrated view that embraces the resource-based view and the demand-side perspective.  相似文献   

中国加入WTO后,润滑油市场面临新的竞争形势,在分析润滑油行业及润滑油市场特点的基础上,说明润滑油消费的特点并提出相应的营销策略,根据国外大石油公司的发展战略,提出国内企业的新战略;营销联盟,连锁经营和网上营销。  相似文献   

中国的标签市场,低、中、高档次标签并存。目前,在标签印刷领域,单张纸印刷规模下降,卷筒纸印刷数量上升。高档次的原材料用量越来越大,薄膜标签也将越来越多地应用在商品上。随着经济的发展,中国将成为世界上最大的不干胶标签应用市场。可以说,中国的不干胶印刷商机无限,大有可为。  相似文献   

中国企业海外市场进入模式选择研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
海外市场进入模式选择是企业国际化战略决策的核心内容。进入模式选择的科学与否.直接影响企业的国际化经营绩效。传统的经济学选择模型都是从"经济效益最大化"角度出发。构筑"成本一收益"分析框架,这对于发达国家跨国公司有一定指导意义;然而对于中国这样的发展中国家,多数企业还处在国际化的初级阶段,它们进入海外市场的动因很大程度上是为了学习先进的技术和管理经验.企业的进入模式选择必须考虑特定战略动因的实现。针对中国企业的实际情况,本文构造了一个分层次树型选择模型和动态的多目标进入模式决策模型.以期对中国企业的海外市场进入模式选择有所启示。  相似文献   

在我国转型经济的特定体制环境中,军品市场的形成和完善总是与市场交易主体持续回应和消解进入壁垒相联系。军品市场进入壁垒的形成,不仅源于一般市场环境中的竞争压力,更重要的是来自于政府对国防科技工业的特殊管制。  相似文献   

为了对山东省入境旅游市场有客观全面的把握,本文对山东省入境旅游的年际变化、市场结构以及竞争态势进行分析,通过综合分析,认为山东省入境旅游发展潜力巨大。在分析的基础上,对山东省入境旅游的市场开拓提出一些政策性建议。  相似文献   

多种条件约束决定了真实经济世界的资源配置效率必然偏离古典微观经济学完全竞争均衡模型关于效率问题的推演逻辑。短期边际成本定价趋势与固定成本长期补偿之间的矛盾决定了完全竞争均衡结构内生着不稳定性。“产品竞争度周期假说”在一定程度上证伪了传统的市场结构进化理论。寡头结构有寡头垄断均衡和寡头竞争均衡之别,后者作为市场结构自然演化的结果,能够增进组织绩效和提高行业效率,并实现市场稳定。因此,市场行为基础上自然演进的行业集中度提高是有益的。市场从竞争到垄断都不惠顾社会公平问题。市场结构、组织效率与经济稳定之关系研究无论对产业组织理论创新还是对产业政策制定来讲都具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This article provides evidence of a correlation between licensing exam difficulty and salaries in a regulated profession. Exam difficulty is positively correlated with salaries across states and over time, both at the aggregate and individual state levels. The magnitude of this correlation is substantial: a 1 per cent increase in exam difficulty implies a 1.7 per cent increase in median entry‐level salaries. Exam difficulty does not significantly affect the inter‐quartile difference in salaries.  相似文献   

商务模型与民营企业绩效   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,国内关于影响企业绩效因素的研究大多选取局部分析方法,难以得出整体性结论。新兴的商务模型理论为全面分析影响企业绩效的因素提供了理论架构。本文首次运用该理论对民营企业绩效开展了计量研究。结果提示,提高民营企业绩效可以从多侧面的商务模型改良入手,这也初步验证了商务模型方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of a countrys regulatory setting and competitive environment the performance of second-generation (2G) mobile on telecommunication. We consider three dimensions of sector performance: entry time, service prices and diffusion. We address the question of non-random selection arising from cross-country differences in the timing of the commercialization of new technologies. Our empirical exploration shows that this type of sample selection may indeed be a substantial problem in cross-country studies on technology diffusion and yield biased estimates of the policy variables of interest. Our estimation results suggest that standardization accelerates 2G entry and diffusion, although within-standards competition triggers less aggressive price competition than between-standards competition. We also find that an early monopolist will price more aggressively to build up an installed base. Furthermore, we find that liberalizing markets for incumbent technologies (i.e., fixed line telephony) has accelerated the commercialization of 2G.  相似文献   

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