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This paper is INTUG's response to the EEC's express wish to obtain a wide range of views from the community at large. It specifically handles each of the Green Paper's proposed positions, outlining them briefly and giving INTUG's attitudes to them. In general, INTUG welcomes the Green Paper, declaring a belief that it fulfills its purpose of provoking wide discussion, and trusting that it will result in a positive document committed to firm future plans.  相似文献   

在纸、塑料、金属、玻璃四大包装材料中,纸包装材料的价格最便宜,而且可回收再利用,有利于环保,因此发展最快。据专家预测,纸包装材料的发展方向是:  相似文献   

The value of EEC food aid to Mauritania is assessed. Given such factors as poor record keeping, political instability as a unique import/export situation, the authors conclude that only one of the three commodities supplied under the 1978 EEC programme could be considered cost effective.  相似文献   

After describing the aims of the Community with regard to ‘harmonization’ and the legal basis for its activities in working towards that aim, the author discusses the relation of EEC labelling policy to that of other international organizations and then sets out in detail the proposals in the draft Directive currently before the Council of Ministers. In conclusion, she discusses the adaptation of UK legislation to comply with the Directive, and examines the reasons behind the slow completion rate of Community provisions, which ‘has been acutely disappointing for those who favour a free European market in foodstuffs’.  相似文献   

The focus of this assessment is the European Community's ‘Stocktaking of the Common Agricultural Policy’. While the CAP has attracted considerable scrutiny and controversy, the Stocktaking represents the most authoritative review of agricultural policy from within the EEC bureaucracy. The authors evaluate first the extent to which the Stocktaking's own analysis is a fair reflection of achievements under the objectives which the CAP has set for itself. Second, they ask whether the proposals for policy reform advocated in the Stocktaking are appropriate. They conclude that the Stocktaking's proposals — and their subsequent interpretation within the EEC — are not adequate to tackle the problems facing EEC agriculture.  相似文献   

John Cathie 《Food Policy》1985,10(1):14-28
This paper traces post-war agricultural policy in the USA and compares it with the developing policies of the EEC. It examines the reasons for, and the results of, the protectionist policies which have been adopted in each case, and how the present conflict between the two trading blocs were inevitable, due to the foundations laid in the 1950s. The grain sector is used to illustrate the dominant tendencies in US agricultural policies, which include a programme of food aid used as an outlet for US agricultural capacity. The conclusion outlines how the EEC, with its potential for further growth in grain exports, can learn from the US experience in this, and other, aspects of agricultural trade.  相似文献   

Decision making on integrated rural development projects is a complex affair. Dr van den Noort isolates some important elements in the process, puts them into an economic policy framework and examines them in relation to some experiences in the Netherlands and the EEC. A wide gap emerges between the philosophy and practice of agricultural and rural policy which bodes ill for the future of the EEC. If agricultural policies and rural development are to lead to greater intergration in the EEC then they must be used to increase a still to be defined general welfare function for the EEC and not to further narrow-minded regional policies.  相似文献   

Historically, agricultural productivity has been much greater in Western Europe than Eastern Europe. Although productivity now seems to be improving at similar rates in all areas, Western Europe still seems to be about 50% more efficient than Eastern Europe. P.C. van den Noort examines the evidence and suggests the possibility of increased exchange of agricultural products, inputs and expertise.  相似文献   

绿色食品配绿色包装   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近日,笔者去了几家超市和蔬菜市场,看到很多货架上赫然醒目挂着“绿色食品”的招牌,特别是以鲜嫩的半成品蔬菜、新鲜的水果以及大米、小米、面粉居多。笔者问了几位售货员:什么是绿色食品?有的说无污染的、无化学成份的;有的说安全的,优质营养食品。笔者仔细看了绿色食品,却发现其包装却不是绿色包装,存在着不容忽视的急需解决的问题。何谓绿色包装?据专家介绍,是指对生态环境和人体健康无害、无环境污染、能循环复用和再生利用、可促进持续发展的包装。如发达国家提出的“4R+1D”包装原则,即低消耗、开发新绿色材料、再利…  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the second enlargement of the EEC on the agricultural sector of Egypt. The authors consider the impacts on Egypt's agricultural trade and, through the use of a linear programming model, the long term impacts of EEC enlargement. The authors conlude that, in short run, the southward expansion of the EEC will impose only a limited additional burden on the Egyptian economy. But, in the long run the burden placed on Egypt by increased protectionism in the expanded EEC could be much more severe.  相似文献   

Within the framework of increasing US and Japanese competition, an interpretation is given of the future development lines of European telecommunications. Europe is lagging behind in this sector; this is explained in terms of the subdivision of services at the national level and the fragmentation of industrial areas within the respective countries. The minimum basis for recovery should be the establishment of a common European base in the telecommunications sector. A European scenario is proposed with particular attention devoted to the Italian problems in restructuring and development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop and apply a methodology for identifying, assessing and segmenting customers for business solutions. Firstly, criteria for evaluating solution customers are identified from the literature. These criteria are then refined and differentiated through interviews with 23 solution project managers. Secondly, a longitudinal case study with three solution suppliers and five of their customers is conducted to transfer the selection criteria into a managerial methodology which is validated by both solution suppliers and customers. The developed methodology comprises 21 criteria which are structured into two dimensions: the quality of the relationship to date and the customer's potential for future solution partnership. By combining these two dimensions into a portfolio analysis, four customer segments are identified to help suppliers determine customer attractiveness. The study's contribution lies in bridging academic knowledge and managerial practice to develop a new methodology for helping solution providers to make better informed decisions and reduce the risk of solution failure.  相似文献   

“MadejnChina”是常常被人们夹在话语中的一个英文短语。近十年前,它用来形容中国“世界工厂”的地位,带点自豪的意思;现在,它越来越多地被用来表达对中国产品仿冒、质量不可靠的戏谑。  相似文献   

"十二五"是中国纺织工业转型升级的攻坚期,纺织产品技术水平的提升势在必行,而作为其支撑的纺织机械行业,则必须紧跟纺织业发展的脚步。棉纺、毛纺、麻纺、丝绸、长丝织造、化纤、印染、产业用、针织、家纺等行业发展现状反映出来的问题和诉求,都在一定程度上描绘着相关领域装备技术的发展方向和前景。  相似文献   

Facing increasing environmental concerns, many developing countries—especially Brazil, Russia, India, and China (the BRICs), which serve as the world's major business-to-business (B2B) servicing hubs offering manufacturing and sourcing services—seek solutions to reduce damage caused to the environment. We draw on Systems Theory to investigate the manner in which sourcing options of input materials affect the environmental performance of servicing firms in the BRICs. We hypothesize that servicing firms in developing countries can lower pollution intensity by (i) substituting dirty inputs with clean inputs and (ii) substituting domestically sourced inputs with inputs imported from developed countries. Based on the industry-level input-output matrix for the BRICs over the period 1995–2009, our empirical findings suggest that firms significantly improved their environmental performance by using cleaner inputs and more inputs imported from developed countries. We demonstrate service innovation in the form of green sourcing by using clean materials accessible through trade liberalisation to achieve environmental benefits. We advance knowledge of green supply chain management and green sourcing strategies of servicing firms in developing countries.  相似文献   

In recent years, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) has become a microcosm of the political battles in Congress. The Democratic-controlled Wheeler Commission entitled its Net Neutrality Order “Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet.” Not to be outdone, the Republican-controlled Pai Commission that overturned that Order entitled its own “Restoring `Internet Freedom.” And like Congressional pronouncements, Commissioners look to grab headlines with dramatic statements of impending doom if their policies are not enacted. We show that the untold societal damage that both sides claim have relatively little to no factual support. Outmoded distinctions between information and telecommunications services exacerbate the situation because a good deal of regulatory history is built on them. As a potential way forward toward reliance on theoretically-sound, evidence-based decision-making, the authors recommend moving away from the silo mentality of focusing on whether particular services are information services or telecommunications services (e.g., Broadband Internet Access Service (BIAS)) toward a focus on packet transmission across broadband networks. Such an approach would facilitate fresh perspectives with the objective of more collaborative, less confrontational regulatory decision-making.  相似文献   

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