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在城市劳动力下岗失业的大背景下,城市居民及其所在社区的一些政府官员,往往对农村劳动力进城怀有一种戒备的心态,认为农村劳动力进城会冲击城市就业市场,是跟城市人“抢饭碗”。城市政府一方面通过实施“再就业工程”,给失业和下岗人员以种种间接的就业支持和保护,另一方面,政  相似文献   

本文基于我国四省实地调研资料,分析了农村进城就业人员的永久迁移意愿、社会保障需求及影响因素。研究发现,农村进城就业人员绝大多数有意愿留城定居,但多数仍因工作和收入问题移民难度很大,在进城定居这个问题上十分谨慎和理性。移民政策、教育程度和工作稳定状况是影响其留城定居的重要因素。进城就业人员的主要养老方式已经转为依靠自己储蓄,而不再是传统上的子女养老,在长期利益与即期间仍然偏重后者,社会保障意识有待加强。农村进城就业人员的永久迁移和相关社会保障制度改革亟待完善。  相似文献   

近日,随着《福建省农村进城灵活就业人员办理农村社会养老保险服务窗口业务管理暂行办法》的出台,该省农村进城灵活就业人员也可以享受养老保险待遇了。以其就业所在地上一年度农民月人均纯收入为月缴费基数,缴费费率为18%,其中单位(雇主)缴10%,个人缴8%。参保对象还可根据自己的情况,在8%费率内增加缴纳养老保险费。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着大批农村劳动力进城务工,农村的女性劳动力已经成为推动城市建设和经济发展的重要组成部分.然而,由于农村女性身体素质较差、心理素质较弱、科学文化素质和思想道德素质普遍较低等自身原因以及性歧视、行业需求等社会因素的影响,在农村女性人力资源的开发、利用等方面存在严重的问题,这就使得我国农村女性的非正规就业现象凸显.本文作者通过调查问卷素材,研究了农村女性非正规就业的现状,并讨论非正规就业对社会的负面影响,以期为政府解决农村女性的非正规就业问题提供决策依据.  相似文献   

目前,农村农技人员队伍中普遍存在着离职和换岗的工作流动现象。这种单向的工作流动形式,将导致农村科技人才数量短缺、能力弱化等问题,进而对农业科技成果推广造成不利影响。鉴于此,本文利用对湖北省392位农村农技人员的调查数据,应用交叉列表分析法、多类别Logit模型,探讨了农村农技人员工作流动意愿的特征及影响因素。结果表明:第一,当前农村农技人员队伍呈现出较为明显的不稳定性,57.4%的农村农技人员具有工作流动意愿,其中,具有离职意愿的占11.1%,具有换岗意愿的占33.3%,尚未确定离职或换岗的占55.6%。第二,年轻、具有中共党员身份、拥有高级职称的男性农村农技人员,其工作流动意愿更加强烈。第三,农村农技人员的工作单位特征、经济因素、社会地位、工作压力等因素对其工作流动意愿有显著影响。  相似文献   

农村劳动力流动的影响因素一直是理论界研究的热点。本文综合前人研究的结果,对农村劳动力流动的影响因素进行归纳分析。  相似文献   

随着灵活就业方式的发展,灵活就业人数迅速增加,灵活就业人员的养老问题也日益突出。本文从灵活就业人员的养老保险参保率问题出发,以灵活就业人员参加养老保险的影响因素为切入点,分析提高灵活就业人员养老保险参保率的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文利用五城市调查数据,对进城农民工的就业状况进行了实证分析。分析结果表明:①进城农民工就业呈现出行业高度集中、非正规部门比重高、劳动时间长、工资水平低、雇佣关系不规范等特征。②进城农民工的劳动保障状况很差,其保障水平与城市本地劳动力的保障水平存在巨大差距。③进城农民工的小时工资在地区间存在显著差异。③农民工的人力资本状况对其小时工资有显著影响,但不同行业和不同雇主类型的农民工小时工资没有显著差异。本文最后揭示了这些结论的政策含义,并提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

The survival of family farming in Europe is a crucial issue, as it assures landscape maintenance in marginal areas and provides transmission and accumulation of site-specific knowledge in agricultural activity. Using data from a sample of Italian horticultural farms, we explored the multiple forces driving farm succession in a high value added sector. In addition to the traditional factors examined in the literature (farm, farmer and family features), we treated the farm transfer choice as the complement of the decision to migrate out of the agricultural sector, testing the effects of local labour market conditions (employment, income gap between farm and non-farm sector) and population density around the farm, as a proxy of rural-urban interface relationships. It has been shown that both traditional factors and territorial and labour market conditions influence the probability of farm succession. Interestingly labour market conditions exerted an effect in line with occupational choice theory only in less inhabited areas; in more densely populated regions a rural-urban linkage effect seems to prevail, creating an environment that fosters succession of young horticultural farmers. Peri-urban areas may thus be a favourable location for professional and specialised horticultural farms, as well as multifunctional and de-specialised ones, if their assets are properly protected against farmland subtraction. More generally, these findings confirm the validity of a more comprehensive approach toward farm succession, which takes occupational choice theory and rural-urban farm adaptation strategies into account.  相似文献   

Private landholders’ contributions to biodiversity conservation are critical in landscapes with insufficient formal conservation reserves, as is the case in Australia's tropical savannas. This study reports results from a discrete choice experiment conducted with pastoralists and graziers across northern Australia. The experiment was designed to explore the willingness of pastoralists and graziers to sign up to voluntary biodiversity conservation contracts. Understanding preferences for contractual attributes and preference heterogeneity were additional objectives. Such knowledge can increase effectiveness and efficiency of conservation programs by informing contract design, negotiation and administration. Random parameter logit modelling showed that of contract attributes, conservation requirement, stewardship payment, contract duration and flexibility in contract conditions significantly influenced choices. Land productivity was a significant factor as were attitudes. There was significant heterogeneity of preferences for all contract attributes. Models were run for best–worst scaling responses and the first preferences subset, with the latter model deemed superior. Latent class modelling distinguished four classes of decision‐makers and illustrated different decision heuristics. Conservation investment strategies, which offer farmers contract options that meet biodiversity requirements while accommodating heterogeneous attribute preferences, are likely to lead to increased participation rates. Complementary suasion efforts are also required which espouse the benefits that pastoralists derive from biodiversity and participation in voluntary conservation contracts.  相似文献   

A thorough examination of the causes of land-use change is necessary to effectively deal with the magnitude of changes across the globe. Chihuahua, Mexico is experiencing rapid land-use changes due to processes of globalization. The emergence of Mexico's maquiladora program is an indicator of economic globalization that has had far-reaching social and environmental consequences. This article examines population and income patterns from 1970 to 2000 as part of a hierarchical system and tests whether or not processes of globalization can be detected in the patterns. Findings indicate that population and income concentrate primarily in Juarez, while simultaneously deconcentrating in most other municipios of the State. Moreover, these patterns correlate with patterns of maquiladora concentration. Additional findings identify proximity to the US and established urban centers as drivers of population concentration. These findings support the notion that patterns and processes of globalization are important drivers of population and income concentration at the local level in Chihuahua, Mexico. Finally, the findings support the conceptualization of population land-use and income concentration as part of a hierarchical system.  相似文献   

A级旅游景区体现的是相应A级的品质,也是旅游景区的品牌,更是旅游产业发展的重要支撑。选取郑州市、开封市和洛阳市为研究区域,采用GIS空间分析方法,对87处A级旅游景区空间分布特征及影响因素进行研究,得出以下结论:1郑汴洛A级旅游景区总体呈核心—边缘状分布格局;存在明显的城区—县域差异及"三点一线"旅游带的格局特征,在中心城区集聚程度最高,县域内景区的空间分布集聚程度较低且呈现离散状组团式分布。2已有的资源禀赋、地形地貌特征、交通区位条件和重要河流水系分布等因素通过综合作用共同影响着郑汴洛A级旅游景区的空间分布。  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how the future of Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo is partly to be found in its past. It looks at the complex and often ambivalent role many autochthonous land chiefs continue to play in the processes of urban expansion currently taking place in Kinshasa.  相似文献   

Women play an important role in the agricultural production process in developing countries, yet their role in making decisions about what to grow and implications for household welfare remains poorly understood. In this article, I study women's empowerment in northern Mozambique as it relates to agriculture, considering in particular the factors associated with women managing the plots that they nominally control. Women control about 30% of the plots in the data, but only manage about 70% of those plots. Using a unique panel data set, I find that women are more likely to manage plots when households have had historic access to off‐farm labor, typically completed by men. When women manage plots, they tend to grow crops with less complicated production techniques and are less likely to grow the main area cash crop. However, conditional on historic access to off‐farm labor their farm incomes are the same as among men.  相似文献   

This paper develops a spatial conjunctive use model of an irrigation project in which the regulatory agency determines investments in the centralized distribution system and farmers decide the level of on-farm technology in the field. Irrigation return flows are assumed to recharge the groundwater aquifer. It is shown that there is specialization in production with upstream farmers using surface water and downstream farmers pumping from the aquifer. An empirical model suggests that the proportion of return flows has a significant effect on the level of investments in water distribution as well as in the field. For example, if return flows are relatively high, it may be optimal to allow for significant water losses from the canal and the fields. It suggests that the project pricing and technology adoption policies may need to be tempered by consideration of the basinwide impacts of water diversions.  相似文献   

殷莺  黄涛珍 《水利经济》2011,29(2):66-70
在分析我国集体土地房屋拆迁补偿政策依据及其对农村移民利益保障作用的基础上,以江苏省Y市高新技术产业园区为例,对拆迁冲突中涉及的农村移民、地方政府和开发商这三方利益主体进行角色定位,分析其利益冲突的表现和成因,并提出保障农村移民及化解利益冲突的对策,以期为完善集体土地房屋拆迁政策、规范拆迁行为、保障农村移民的权利提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Water Safety Plan is an international tool developed by the World Health Organization to enable the implementation of better water quality guarantees regarding human health issues. This current tool´s template deals with water quantity suring the occurrence of floods and droughts only as emergency situations. The key issues of this paper are how we may integrate proactive drought and flood planning into the so-called Water Safety Plans. The city of Caraguatatuba, north coast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, has a large tourist flow a high rate of population growth, and is currently drafting the Water Safety Plan. This article aims to analyze the Caraguatatuba Water Safety Plan and compare its elaboration steps and respective contents to the international practices related to the management of water conflicts with spatial guidelines in order to propose improvements. The methodology starts with an overall view of the Brazilian water system and steps and procedures of Caraguatatuba Water Safety Plan. The case of Caraguatatuba was compared with international practices, and more detailed comparison with a Spanish practice. The key findings were: the need of establishing a legal framework to ensure the plans’ successful implementation and accomplishment of recording the occurrence of extreme water events and its incorporation in the diagnostic step in the planning system, and the elaboration of multiple progressive scenarios establishing land use and occupation guidelines. The spatial guidelines improvements are: specific construction criteria for flood zones, targeting activities compatible with flood zones, patrimony insurance for flood management and creation of catchment points for temporary supply, limitation of non-essential uses as swimming pool and car washers, reduce irrigated land for agricultural crops, adoption an exchange bank for the granting of water resources, proportional fee by water quality and improve water use in industrial processes for drought management.  相似文献   

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