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检验报告是实验室工作的最终产品,也是实验室工作质量的最终体现。检验报告数据的准确与否,直接关系到客户的切身利益,也关系到实验室的形象和信誉。那么如何进行过程质量控制,才能保证检测数据的准确可靠呢?众所周知,实验室检测数据的准确与否受到人员、仪器设备、标准物质、检测方法、检测环境条件、样品自身质量及实验室质量控制管理等诸多因素  相似文献   

检测实验室最终的"产品"是检验报告,但由于检验报告只出具原始记录的最终检测数据,而大量的检测信息和检测数据都体现在原始记录中,如果原始记录的信息和数据出现错误,势必导致最终检验报告的数据错误。本文论述了原始记录的重要性及如何作好原始记录。  相似文献   

检测实验室最终的“产品”是检验报告,但由于检验报告只出具原始记录的最终检测数据,而大量的检测信息和检测数据都体现在原始记录中,如果原始记录的信息和数据出现错误,势必导致最终检验报告的数据错误,本文论述了原始记录的重要性及如何作好原始记录。  相似文献   

如何对质检报告实施质量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
检验报告是质检机构最主要的"产品",是质检机构管理能力、人员素质、检验工作质量等综合素质的集中表现,是质检机构检验报告公正性的最终体现。产品质量检验机构是以相关的法律为准绳,依靠科学仪器和标准检验方法,并严格按程序公正操作,从而为顾客提供客观准确的检验报告的机构,是以提供科学的检测数据为主要服务内容的机构,  相似文献   

锅炉压力容器压力管道电梯等特种设备检验报告,是受检设备能否安全使用的技术凭证,是保障安全生产的依据。随着工业化的发展,受检设备的增加,出具的检验报告数量将逐年增多,传统的手工管理方式难以达到快速、准确、适时检索的目的。因此,利用计算机技术实现检验报告的信息化管理至关重要。目前,市场上使用的检验报告管理软件往往是成套软件打包,不仅价格较贵,而且操作较复杂、维护困难。不能完全满足检验报告管理和实际工作的需要。针对这一问题,在借鉴国内现有的一些检验报告管理系统软件的基础上,我们开发了能够满足检验工作需求的检验报…  相似文献   

本文介绍的条码检验报告管理系统是以计算机技术为基础,以条码检测报告为检测对象,《检测报告编写规则》为标准,采用C/S架构模式来设计的。介绍了系统研究背景及设计要求,详细阐述了系统的设计和软件开发。该系统满足辽宁省最新地方标准的要求,满足条码检验的日常工作需要,可以实现对条码检验工作的规范与管理,提高条码检验的工作效率。  相似文献   

由于废水的水质在检测的过程中容易受到环境因素的影响,部分项目只能够检测一次,因此给废水的水质检测误差的有效控制带来了很大的困难。这就要求在试验的过程中一定要通过对误差的分析来确保消除误差的方式能够满足废水的水质检验需求,进而实现数据的完善,然后把检测的误差降到最低,这样才能够保证废水水质相关检测数据的相对真实,进而为工作人员的分析与检验提供必要的依据。  相似文献   

浅谈检测机构质量管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
检验检测数据的准确、可靠是检测机构存在的基础,而要做到检测数据的精准、可靠,先要做到的就是质量管理。做好质量管理工作,实际上就是在质量体系的框架下采取有效质量控制手段做好质量保证工作,实现质量管理体系持续、有效的完善和运行。文章对检测机构质量管理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

祁雅琴 《大众标准化》2010,(Z1):112-113
质量技术监督实验室是面向社会的窗口机构,它出具的检验报告是实验室检测工作的最终产品,也是实验室工作质量的最终体现。检测数据的准确性和可靠性直接关系到客户的切身利益,也关系到实验室的形象和信誉。主要介绍了如何确保实验室管理的有效性和检测数据的准确性。  相似文献   

余清  洪源 《价值工程》2013,(30):174-175
本文从现代食品安全形势出发,以加工食品检验检测数据为研究对象,提出了加工食品风险数据库的构建思路。采用OLAP分析工具,实现对风险数据信息源库的管理和数据的筛查分析,并提出综合检测数据分析结果、食品危害物风险系数R、生产工艺等诸多因素,开展专家研判,初步实现对加工食品风险数据的预警分析。  相似文献   

Decentralization of the public health system should lead to health resources being managed more in line with citizens’ preferences. A decentralized system is more flexible in that it can better adapt resources to local needs. Moreover, if regional political parties have responsibility for public health policies, citizens will be able to elect those parties whose positions are more in line with their preferences. However, the role of political parties in public health management has received little attention in the literature. Focusing on the decision to provide reserve service capacity to deal with demand uncertainty, we analyse whether there have been differences between central and decentralized health authorities in Spain and whether these can be explained to some extent by the way different political parties manage the trade-off between being able to cover demand and the economic costs involved. Using data on Spanish public hospitals for the period 1996–2006, we model the difference between observed and potential output using an output-oriented distance function. Reserve capacity is modelled as a function of demand uncertainty, economic costs and the political party in power. We find differences in the way resources are managed by central government and decentralized authorities, even within the same political party. We also find differences between the decentralized authorities themselves according to the political party in power. We conclude that decentralization of public health in Spain has provided regional political authorities with greater flexibility to manage reserve capacity in line with citizens’ needs and preferences.  相似文献   

A central doctrine of NPM requires the adoption of commercial management techniques to address the espoused goals of saving money and improving collaboration and service co-ordination. This article examines the evidence base for NPM mergers and uses study data to explain how two ingrained features of professional work helped to produce unintended outcomes at an early UK case involving a specialist mental health provider and an acute trust. The emergence of a de facto mental health trust within the merged entity arose from senior professionals' capacity to ‘buffer’ the work of colleagues from the rationalizing spectre of the merger. The persistence of ‘loosely coupled’ practices and structures restricted improvements in collaboration and service co-ordination. It is argued that these two enduring characteristics of professional organization will shape the outcomes of future NPM mergers in mental health care e.g. the creation of social care trusts and mental health ‘super-trusts’) and in other fields such as higher education.  相似文献   

Starting slowly with the 1996 Welfare Reform Act and culminating in the 2010 Affordable Care Act, means-tested public health insurance eligibility expanded to include adults in low-income families regardless of their asset holdings. This paper quantifies the effects of these eligibility expansions within the context of the 2010 Affordable Care Act. I construct a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with indivisible labor supply expanded to include an endogenous household choice of health insurance coverage and calibrate it to U.S. data. I establish that changes in the distribution of labor and welfare associated with removal of asset testing are driven by exit of high productivity and high wealth households from the labor market. I then expand my analysis to the 2010 Affordable Care Act to demonstrate that removal of asset testing is critical to the obtained results even when combined with other provisions of the Act. Finally, I find that a simple asset test for eligibility of health insurance transfers undoes the distortion to the household labor supply decision among high productivity types. These results are robust to the introduction of employer premium contributions, an independent health insurance market, and idiosyncratic shocks to eligibility for employment-based health insurance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Over the past two decades the National Health Hospital Service has been subjected to considerable changes in is organization. ‘New’ public sector management (NPM) has been given the task of changing hospital culture and making service provision more efficient. Nurses, as the largest occupational group within the National Health Service (NHS), have attracted considerable management attention and there are two distinct accounts concerning how NPM has supposedly gained control of the nursing labour process. Firstly, it is proposed that the physical division of labour of health care professionals is now firmly in the hands of hospital management through the use of Tayloristic techniques. Secondly, alternative accounts suggest that public sector organization cultures have been successfully orientated toward a customer service ethos, and that the convincing discourse of ‘quality’ is achieving some success as a normative control device. This paper investigates the responses of nurses to NPM, whichever form this may take, and presents data collected as part of a longitudinal study carried out in an NHS Trust hospital. It charts the changes which have occurred in the nursing labour process over a six year period, but especially draws upon more recent data to show how nurses, over a period of time, develop their own ways of reinterpreting management's desires. It argues that management is more likely to continue to rely on nurses’ traditional autonomy in the delivery of health care in recognition that nurses may resist some but accommodate many of the demands made of them.  相似文献   

通过对西安市主城区的实地调查,运用条件价值评估法(CVM)和二元logistic方法,对居民城市生活垃圾分类回收减量化管理的总经济价值及支付意愿的影响因素进行了分析。结果显示,研究范围内的居民对于5年内将西安市垃圾产量降低50%这项政策的平均支付意愿是11.56元/户.月(按5%修整均值),实现这项政策的总经济价值为11102821.51元/月(2009)。分析结果一方面能够使社会对城市生活垃圾分类回收的价值产生科学认识,表明垃圾分类回收使得人们在获得收益的同时还能够享受环境改善所带来的福利;另一方面可以为政府和社会投资提供参考依据。  相似文献   

We consider unit root testing allowing for a break in trend when partial information is available regarding the location of the break date. This takes the form of knowledge of a relatively narrow window of data within which the break takes place, should it occur at all. For such circumstances, we suggest employing a union of rejections strategy, which combines a unit root test that allows for a trend break somewhere within the window with a unit root test that makes no allowance for a trend break. Asymptotic and finite sample evidence shows that our suggested strategy works well, provided that, when a break does occur, the partial information is correct. An empirical application to UK interest rate data containing the 1973 ‘oil shock’ is also considered.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of spatial efficiency wage premiums as a partial explanation for both inter-industry and geographic wage differentials. The empirical approach is based on an analysis of panel data for six select manufacturing industries operating within specific (U.S.) states. Besides testing for the existence of a regional "wage curve," this research adds to the evidence on traditional determinants of spatial wage differentials. An explicit treatment of regional cost-of-living conditions is unique to the analysis; also, industry wage structures are accounted for in explaining regional wage differences. The findings here contribute to an initial body of evidence on regional efficiency wages. The empirical evidence indicates that the relationship between regional wages (nominal or real) and the local unemployment rate is much more complex than implied by the wage curve.  相似文献   


Hybrid professional managers have been associated with improvements in the performance of public sector organizations. However, less attention has been given to differences within this category. Drawing on board human capital theory, we focus on an emerging group of ‘organizing professionals’ with earlier and deeper exposure to management training and education: generalist clinical hybrids drawn from public health in the Italian healthcare system. Specifically, we investigate the impact that these hybrid hospital CEOs have on organizational performance in comparison with other backgrounds. The results indicate that this form of generalist hybrid professionalism has distinct, if not dramatic, consequences for performance.  相似文献   

This study, different from previous ‘individual level’ research, explored ‘company-level’ expatriate training, expatriation policies and the perceived willingness on the part of expatriates to take on an enhanced role in organizational performance. Based on data from 254 Taiwanese SMEs with foreign investments, an Eastern and SME version of expatriate management is presented. The most significant predictors of expatriate premature return and company sales are the ‘number of expatriates’ and ‘ratio of expatriates with managerial positions’. Companies that have a greater percentage of expatriates with spousal accompaniment experience more premature return while insufficient training explains lower company sales. Insights regarding regional expatriate differences and methodological implications are also elaborated.  相似文献   

Over the last decade or so, networking has become a ‘vogue concept’ in small business research, connecting with wider debates on learning and regional development. Participation in inter-firm networks is seen to provide small firms with access to a broader pool of resources and knowledge, helping them to overcome size-related disadvantages. In particular, the role of such networks as channels for innovation and learning within regions and localities has been emphasized in the context of an apparent shift towards a knowledge-driven economy. In this paper, we provide an empirically-grounded analysis of networking, trust and embeddedness amongst small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Aberdeen oil complex. Drawing upon survey and interview data, it is argued that connections to extra-local networks play a crucial role in providing access to wider sources of information and knowledge. At the same time, an Aberdeen location still matters to oil-related firms because of the access it offers to crucial forms of industry-specific information and expertise. In concurring with recent calls for more empirically-grounded research which seeks to ‘test’ theoretical propositions against relevant data, we suggest in conclusion that a combination of firm surveys and face-to-face interviews provides an appropriate way forward.  相似文献   

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