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特稿坚持科学发展促进社会和谐努力实现劳动保障事业的新发展矫学柏2-3抓好劳务输出促进农民增收史步军12劳动保障工作是构建和谐社会的重要支柱王玉振12访谈省劳动保障厅厅长矫学柏就贯彻实施国务院《关于完善企业职工基本养老保险制度的决定》答本刊记者问2-3省劳动保障厅厅长矫学柏就贯彻实施省政府《山东省企业工资支付规定》答本刊记者问9视点我省农村劳动力转移的现状与对策房明李洪吉1农村劳动力转移就业过程中亟待解决的问题孙波1职业技能培训:农村劳动力就业的金钥匙杨卫华1进城务工人员社会保险问题初探田晓雯费平1山东省技能人才…  相似文献   

<正>2019年以来,山东省公共就业和人才服务中心成功牵头举办四届山东省“十大返乡创业农民工”评选活动,共评选出40名省级优秀返乡创业典型。2022年第四届山东省“十大返乡创业农民工”大赛已于11月底结束,决赛通过线上路演形式最终从各市32名候选人中确定10名人选。为进一步掌握农民工获奖选手及其企业发展状况、加强后续跟踪服务,近期山东省公共就业和人才服务中心采取工作座谈、实地走访、电话访谈、书面调研等形式,重点对前三届返乡创业典型发展情况开展调研。  相似文献   

詹国芳  包晶冰 《价值工程》2019,38(32):22-25
以东阳市木雕企业电子商务发展现状为主题,设计调查问卷,通过发放问卷及访谈形式了解目前东阳木雕企业与电子商务融合现状:包括参与意愿、采用的电子商务模式、企业电商人才配备等。调查发现,东阳木雕企业在电子商务发展转型过程中存在参与意愿不高、电商业务规模未成形、人才缺乏、对政策不了解等问题。政府和企业应该从政策宣传、引进大型电商企业、建立电商产业园、研发新产品、创建文创旅游产品自建站等方式作出努力,提高东阳木雕企业的电子商务发展水平。  相似文献   

张正 《价值工程》2010,29(29):223-224
本文以江苏省为例,通过调查问卷和访谈的方式对高职院校辅导员工作状况进行了调查,旨在了解高职院校辅导员工作满意度现状,分析影响辅导员工作满意度的因素,并就如何提高辅导员工作满意度提出相关建议。  相似文献   

<正>为深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神,落实中央人才工作会议、山东省第十二次党代会和省委人才工作会议部署,大力加强人才引育创新,11月21日上午,山东省委人才工作领导小组举办了第二届山东人才创新发展大会暨第十二届中国·山东海内外高端人才交流项目洽谈会集中展示大会,会议以视频方式召开。大会自6月24日启动以来,采取线上线下相结合的方式,省市联动连续举办180余场人才、项目对接交流活动,  相似文献   

郝晓圆 《价值工程》2011,30(16):307-307
在现代,人力资源发展的理论和技术日趋成熟,公共卫生人力资源的发展更是被列为国际优先议程,国际发达国家已经将公共卫生人力资源发展列为战略性和常规性工作内容。我国公共卫生人力资源发展的研究明显滞后,在一定程度上影响了公共卫生工作的总体开展。本文就我国公共卫生人力资源的现状作出一些探讨。  相似文献   

人才资源成为第一资源的知识经济时代,人才尤其是高层次人才日益成为促进一个国家和地区经济、社会发展的重要力量。高层次人才战略是关系到国家长远利益和全局利益的谋划。在对高层人才战略内涵及其特征进行分析的基础上,对高层次人才战略模式的类型进行了研究,并以山东省经济社会人才现状为基础,提出了山东省的高层次人才战略,即以科研导向型向产业导向型转变。  相似文献   

随着城市化规模不断扩大,就业环境和形势越来越严峻。上海作为国际大都市汇集各方人才,青年白领阶层作为社会发展的中坚力量,竞争压力、工作强度大。因此本文通过对在沪工作的都市青年白领们的调查与访谈,重点考察其情绪压力,了解和发现他们生活压力现状,探索社会工作支持性服务在对都市青年白领压力管理的意义。同时探究如何运用技巧性服务缓解都市青年白领压力症候群现象,透过符号互动论以及冲突理论探讨隐藏其背后的社会原因,找寻应对压力方式的途径及有效支持。  相似文献   

为了探究公众对我国食品安全现状的认知,为高校食品专业开展食品安全科普活动提供依据,本研究开展了问卷调查和访谈调查。调查结果显示,大部分人对我国当前食品安全现状满意度不高。应鼓励和支持高校食品专业大学生开展食品安全科普活动,以发挥专业、技术、人才优势;应采用形式多样、互动体验的食品安全科普活动方式;应摸索和总结高校食品专业大学生开展食品安全科普活动的规律。  相似文献   

<正>实施乡村振兴战略,是党中央的重大决策部署,是决胜全面建成小康社会、全面建设社会主义现代化国家的重大历史任务。为进一步摸清乡村人才队伍现状,准确掌握乡村人才振兴工作开展情况,近期山东省菏泽市曹县有关部门对乡村人才情况进行了调研,并形成了调研报告。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a significant growth in knowledge transfer partnerships to improve the quality and timeliness of health care. These activities require an increasing level of interdependence between academic and health care professionals, with important implications for human resource management. To understand these knowledge transfer partnerships, we conducted an in-depth longitudinal study based on 99 interviews and 5 focus group workshops across academic and health care professionals in nine university-based knowledge transfer partnerships in England. We explore how academic professionals of lower and higher status organizations develop a new form of professional work, based on the principles of collaborative professionalism, during their involvement in partnerships with health care professionals. We illuminate how the interdependent work between academic professionals and health care professionals in the development of a new academic specialization is shaped by the status of their organizations.  相似文献   

山东省会展业虽然起步较晚,但发展较快,并且有着自身的文化和资源优势。对山东省会展业的发展现状做了阐述,分析了山东省会展业的特点和不足。在此基础上,提出了发展山东省会展业的相关建议。  相似文献   

刘秀芳  周升起 《价值工程》2012,31(2):105-106
本文从山东省旅游要素资源和山东省旅游市场占有率两个方面来分析山东省旅游服务贸易竞争力,通过分析得出山东省旅游要素资源丰裕度在全国排中等水平,而旅游市场占有率在全国排名远远落后于其他省份,山东省旅游服务贸易竞争力较弱。最后,针对山东省旅游服务贸易的现状及竞争力程度提出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

Recent workforce reforms have led to the widespread expansion of non‐professionally affiliated (NPA) support and assistant roles within UK public services. Research into these roles has been confined to a limited range of settings, with a focus on the consequence of change for professional workers. This article explores the emergence of ‘co‐production’, whereby NPA workers contribute alongside the professional in a distinct, complementary way. Findings are drawn from semi‐structured interviews with frontline workers and managers within the context of mental health workforce reform. The results build a picture of NPA working life characterised in part by autonomy and responsibility. At the same time, NPA workers rely on colleagues for support and are subject to being used indirectly by professionals. Contextual influences are considered. The conceptual implications of the analysis are brought out, both for the NPA role itself and for the broader issues involved in front line service work.  相似文献   

山东省农产品物流运作模式构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中从山东农产品物流的现状和基础进行分析。、提出了构建山东省农产品物流集约化运作的框架。该框架主要体现在以下几个方面:基于邮政系统的农产品物流运作框架,基于新华书店系统的农产品物流运作框架,基于农村供销合作社系统的农产品物流运作框架和基于农村经纪人整合资源的农产品物流运作框架。  相似文献   

This article addresses the enactment of public procurement and its influence on adoption and diffusion of innovation, using a case study of public procurement of a low-tech medical device innovation in Swedish healthcare. Based on interviews and documentation, the article illustrates the various perspectives of the different professions involved in the complex task of setting the requirement specification for the tender. The technology identities of the medical device (innovation) are constructed and negotiated by the actors: procurement administrators, health-care professionals and suppliers within the adoption space. Examining the enactment of the procurement process as part of the adoption space is a way to deepen our understanding of the social component within public procurement.  相似文献   

Co-ordinating collective work and communicating a shared understanding of tasks is necessary to accomplishing organizational goals. Stigma could exacerbate co-ordination challenges between public and private organizations by further widening differences in goals and incentives among employees. Using relational co-ordination theory, we explore how stigma can influence employee behaviour in the context of healthcare delivery. We study healthcare professionals and frontline workers involved in the fight against AIDS in India to examine how public health systems fail due to a lack of communication and co-ordination, and that these failures are worsened by stigma. When stigma is present, relationships between employees become strained due to misaligned work routines, lack of information sharing and cooperation failure. Our findings reveal emergent responses from frontline employees that mitigate co-ordination failures through: (1) role adaptation to improve predictability of tasks; (2) social purpose identification to promote a common understanding and engage stigmatized clients; and (3) affective attachment that encourages extra-role behaviours and task ownership. We draw implications for relational co-ordination and stigma, as well as public-private co-ordination in public health systems.  相似文献   


This study examines the use of the cost/benefit argument by human resources professionals in municipal sector organizations. The analysis compares their approach to the social influence exercised by line managers. Drawing from critical incidents generated from in-depth interviews, the results suggest that human resources professionals and line managers use the cost/benefit argument in much the same way with greater use of the weak form. Both groups exert influence through rational persuasion in the form of ‘light’ financial arguments. A second wave of data collection was initiated to add the perspective of city managers relative to the use of this form of rational persuasion by human resources professionals and public works managers. Content analysis of the interviews conducted with city managers was revealing of different views of the public works and human resources departments, suggesting that the use of the stronger form of the cost/benefit argument by human resources professionals may actually be associated with lower influence capability.  相似文献   

This paper examines how heterogeneous technologies impact the coordination of knowledge work in complex socio-technical settings. It is based on an in-depth field study of critical care practices characterized by intensive knowledge work and technological heterogeneity. We observe that heterogeneous technologies create workflow gaps within which health professionals adapt technology use to contingencies and local needs, prioritize interventions, and identify problems before they become detrimental to patient care. These adaptations provide opportunities for health professionals to continuously align work across heterogeneous technologies and to accomplish broader professional and ideological goals. Our analysis shows that health professionals use three coordination practices when working across heterogeneous technologies: controlling and enhancing information, reconstructing workflows, and circumventing requirements. We theorize how these practices address coordination needs associated with heterogeneous technologies and discuss implications for knowledge work. We provide a more complete understanding of coordination practices in complex, socio-technical settings which contributes to both knowledge work and coordination literatures.  相似文献   

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