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春节即将来临,不少人开始提前购买机票。目前,销售机票的渠道很多。一些不法分子总是利用这个“商机”,采取各种手段向乘客出售假机票。  相似文献   

因机票低折扣引起的国航、川航和上航三家航空公司与东航之间的封杀和反封杀战,在国家民航局和中国航空运输协会的干预下,双方最终鸣金收兵,达成和解。为防止航空公司之间的低价战,1月12日从中航协传出消息,国家民航局拟对699条航线进行价格干预,规定航空公司不能低于成本价销售机票。  相似文献   

商品定价问题一直是经济学研究的重要问题,因为它涉及资源配置以及社会生产和消费的效率,对机票定价同样如此。可是我国民航却对打折问题反反复复,摇摆不定,这说明我国民航没掌握好价格理论。机票定价是一个比较复杂的问题,值得专门研究。  相似文献   

朱星辉  魏星  朱金福  高强 《价值工程》2012,31(11):13-15
各大航空公司纷纷结盟支付宝等第三方支付平台,实现航空公司官网机票直销业务,以期降低分销成本,提高收益;可以预见直销将逐步成为航空公司机票销售的主要渠道。论文首先引入航空公司直销渠道竞争与合作静态一次博弈模型,分析了博弈的结果,从而得到航空公司直销渠道合作与竞争的纳什均衡策略。航空公司之间的博弈是一种长期博弈,因此在静态一次性博弈基础上,建立航空公司直销渠道竞争与合作的动态重复博弈模型,博弈结果是要求航空公司应该采取长期合作策略。最后,分析航空公司之间利益分配问题以及长期合作可能存在的问题和解决建议。  相似文献   

电子客票及其分销渠道分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾昊 《企业活力》2007,(1):48-49
一、电子客票及其发展趋势 电子客票是纸质机票的一种替代品,将旅客信息电子化后存储在航空公司订座系统的电子客票数据库中,同时将普通纸质机票的票面内容显示在订座和离港的终端上。相对于纸质机票而言,二者所反映的内容和信息完全一致。其主要区别在于,电子客票是一种虚拟机票,是由一组数字构成的电子票号,旅客凭借这组数字和身份证就可以直接安检和登机。  相似文献   

结合座位分配的机票浮动定价策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、引言 航空业为提高收益经历了长久摸索,进行了多种尝试,至今仍未得到满意答案.航空机票从政府定价到折扣销售使航空客运走向市场化,但是非科学的折扣与需求并不完全相符,不仅不能使航空公司收益趋于最大,也不能使更多乘客收益.要达到合理定价就需要进行科学研究,机票定价和座位存量分配是航空公司收益管理研究的两个主要方面,定价研究则是其中重要而又薄弱的方面,而定价与存量分配的整合研究则更是未来研究的重点.航空公司收益管理通过制定价格和座位优化配置策略,平衡供需,使航班机票销售收入近于最大化,由此可以直接提高2-10%的航班收益.  相似文献   

机票“禁折令” 进入1999年,人们首先听到的消息是机票不再打折了。 1月2 5日,民航总局规定“对旅行社团体机票的最高优惠价不得超过10%,散客10人以下票价一律不打折”,这是民航总局继1998年5月宣布对机票价格实行“浮动管理”,最大优惠幅度不得超过2 0%以来正式颁布的“禁折令”,而此时距中国老百姓享受“一种机票,多种折扣”仅一年有余。民航总局解释限价的理由是“因竞争降价和销售代理市场混乱,引起民航整体效益下滑”。 到8月份,民航主管部门宣布,年初出台的国内航线实行统一票价的政策发挥了效用,1…  相似文献   

通过系统移植,国际级航空公司获得了99.95%的可靠性 2007年11月,来自瑞士苏黎世的纪实报告:瑞士的国家航空公司——瑞士国际航空,在全球70个地区拥有105间分公司,6500名员工。目前,瑞士国际航空公司14%的机票销售都是由公司门户网站的在线航班预定系统完成的,其销售额正在以每年30%的速度不断增长。然而,现有自由软件平台的预定系统却无法满足销售增长的速度。  相似文献   

1999财经政策扫描审计参考审计参考1、机票“禁折令”进入1999年,人们首先听到的消息是机票不再打折了。1月25日,民航总局规定“对旅行社团体机票的最高优惠价不得超过10%,散客10人以下票价一律不打折”,这是民航总局继1998年5月宣布对机票价格实行“浮动管理”,最大优惠幅度不得超过20%以来正式颁布的“禁折令”,而此时距中国老百姓享受“一种机票,多种折扣”仅一年有余。民航总局解释限价的理由是“因竞争降价和销售代理市场混乱,引起民航整体效益下滑”。民航禁折,旅游部门首当其冲,游客减少,而民航…  相似文献   

飞机的优势,不言而喻,一个字——快。然而机票动辄上千的价格却让不少处于工薪阶层的人们望而却步。机票网站的出现,使机票在原有的价格上大打折扣,帮助了不少赶时间而又囊中羞涩的人群。  相似文献   

This paper estimates the long- and short-run elasticities for Lotto. It is particularly concerned with the dynamic response to price variations since, for some goods, this has sometimes been used to infer the presence of addiction. The price elasticity is identified through variation in the expected value of a Lotto ticket induced by rollovers whose high frequency results in surprisingly high variation in the expected value of holding a ticket. Unit root tests are applied to the series in order to identify their time series properties and to avoid a spurious regression problem. The series are found to be stationary. We apply instrumental variables to account for the endogeneity which arises due to correlation between the expected value and the dependent sales variable. The estimated long-run elasticity exceeds the short-run elasticity and this supports the hypothesis that there is an element of addictive behaviour in sales. The Lottery is regulated and the regulator's objective is to maximize sales. Our estimated long-run price elasticity of demand is inconsistent with revenue maximization and we find that greater revenue for the 'good causes' could be raised from the game if a smaller proportion of sales revenue were allocated to them.  相似文献   

文章运用证券业风险控制理论及多年积累的券商营运风险控制经验,提出券商运营风险控制的相关数学模型,利用面向对象设计思想建立模型库,引入确信度概念及Stanford确信度代数反绎推理机制,建立券商风险控制专家系统,并根据这一专家系统,实现对财富证券各营业部、总部各业务部门运作情况及总部各经营管理指标进行实时监控、实时风险评估,及时防范与化解风险。  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of copyrights on firm value and on the demand for firm output. Using panel data on franchise value and ticket sales from the National Football League over the 1991–2000 period, we analyze the effect of copyrights (in this case, team logos) using several parametric estimators, the Arellano and Bond [1991. Some tests of specification for panel data: Monte Carlo evidence and an application to employment equations. Review of Economic Studies 58, 277–297] dynamic panel data estimator, and a semi-non-parametric method based on difference-in-differences propensity score matching. We find a negative effect of logo changes on franchise value that is robust across multiple specifications. In addition, logo changes also appear to have a moderate positive, albeit not particularly robust, impact on ticket sales.  相似文献   

南京地铁Reader_9200_2C系列轨道交通专用读写器是一款针对轨道交通行业的特点,专门研究满足轨道交通行业需求的、交易处理内置型非接触式IC卡读写器。它可用于轨道交通自动售检票系统和票务清分系统中的自动售票机、自动加值机、票房售票机、自动检票机、初始化编码机等设备。  相似文献   

A bstract .   State-sponsored lotteries are a lucrative source of revenue. Despite their low payout rates, lotteries are extremely popular, particularly among low-income citizens. State officials laud the benefits of lottery proceeds and promote the fun and excitement of participation. This entertainment value is one explanation for lottery demand by the poor: individuals with lower incomes substitute lottery play for other entertainment. Alternatively, low-income consumers may view lotteries as a convenient and otherwise rare opportunity for radically improving their standard of living. Bad times may cause desperation, and the desperate may turn to lotteries in an effort to escape hardship. This study tests these competing explanations. We examine lottery sales data from 39 states over 10 years and find a strong and positive relationship between sales and poverty rates. In contrast, we find no relationship between movie ticket sales, another inexpensive form of entertainment, and poverty rates.  相似文献   

This article examines how efficient art organizations are in raising funds from private giving. We measure fundraising efficiency using a Bayesian estimation approach using the stochastic frontier production model. We show that fundraising efficiencies are generally quite low for art organizations in the U.S. when private giving is only considered as a fundraising output; however, when the effect of fundraising on ticket sales is considered, fundraising efficiencies improve substantially. We also show that government grants have a negative impact on fundraising efficiency and therefore partially crowd out private giving.  相似文献   

A bstract . Oklahoma and Georgia, two outstanding college football contenders, challenged the National Collegiate Athletic Association's (NCAA) long standing control over television sales of game broadcasts. The case, Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma and the University of Georgia Athletic Association vs. National Collegiate Athletic Association , alleged violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act. 1 It captured the attention of those involved in sports and of the legal profession but its significance is wider. It involved basic economic issues. Plaintiffs held that television was not a threat to ticket revenues, the NCAA structure gave control to colleges with little or no interest in football. and the arrangement did not achieve competitive balance. The NCAA's behavior is found to be that of a classic cartel and ending its control widened consumer choice and upgraded product quality.  相似文献   

基于因素分析法的石油企业利润影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
龚攀  刘金兰  张婷婷 《价值工程》2011,30(35):131-132
文章以因素分析法为基础,对影响石油企业收入的总销量,流向比例,汽柴比,牌号比例,到位价格率和到位价格等因素进行深入的分析探讨,这对于石油企业指导日后的生产经营情况,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

2010年上海世博会主要收入分析与预测   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文讨论了2010年上海世博会基本的收入来源,指出门票与旅游收入将是2010世博会主要的收益。在调查问卷以及上海往年年鉴数据的基础上,对门票与旅游收入的数量进行了初步的分析与预测。  相似文献   

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