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我国是脑血管病发病率非常高的国家之一 ,每年至少有200万新的脑血管病例 ,脑血管病已成为中老年人健康的大敌 ,那么脑血管病的诱因是什么 ?病后又如何进行护理呢?脑血管病的几种诱因高血压、高血脂 :“两高”是脑出血、脑血栓的重要发病因素之一 ,人体血清胆固醇含量高于200毫克 ,就会危及脑血管的健康 ;吸烟 :吸烟人高血压、中风的患病率明显高于不吸烟者。严重的脑出血、急性心肌梗死更易发生在吸烟者身上 ;糖尿病 :此病患者易发生动脉粥样硬化 ;超重肥胖 :肥胖者患脑血管病的几率高于正常体重者 ;家庭病史 :父母有脑血管病的人发…  相似文献   

寻珍问药编者按:脑血管疾病在老年人中常见多发.治疗起来也有很大的难度,故此本期"寻诊问药"栏目专门介绍首都几位治疗脑血管病的专家。北京协和医院神经内科的主任医师谭铭德先生,擅长临床神经病学和老年神经病学,尤其在脑血管病和帕金森综合症等老年神经疾病方面...  相似文献   

王忠诚(1925--)神经外科专家。山东省烟台人。 1950年毕业于北京大学医学院。北京市神经外科研究所所长、教授。50年代,在我国开展脑血管造影新技术,提高了颅内病变的确诊率,1965年出版了我国第一部神经外科专著《脑血管造影术》,推动了我国神经外科的发展。70年代,在国内开展了脑血管病的外科治疗,脑血管吻合术治疗缺血性脑血管病、巨大动脉瘤及多发动脉瘤的手术切除、脑血管畸形的综合治疗等方面,都有新建树。  相似文献   

脑卒中是一种致残性很高的脑血管病,康复治疗是患者肢体功能恢复的重要方法,本文综述了常见的脑卒中康复疗法。  相似文献   

目前,导致人类死亡的最主要疾病就是心血管病,脑血管病和恶性肿瘤,心血管是常见病,多发病,也是造成人类死亡的主要疾病,心血管病常见的有:高血压病,心率失常、冠心病等,而冠心病是心脏猝死的最常见原因。  相似文献   

科学家说,人的脑血栓形成是因为缺乏一种叫“激酶”的物质。北京大学生命科学学院茹炳根教授及其科研组根据这一原理,从蚯蚓里提取“激酶”,制成Ⅱ类新药“蚓激酶胶囊”,经临床人体试验证实,具有明显抗栓、溶栓柞用。这一国家“八五”重点攻关项目日前已通过鉴定验收。 据介绍,脑血管病是老年的常见和多发病,死亡率很高。年轻人因为体内有大量的激酶可溶解血栓,所以一般不易发病。茹教授说,这就需婆补充足够的激酶去激活体内已设有活性的纤溶酶原,以达到疏通血管的功效。 茹教授说,脑血管病人在使用该药后,在自觉症状积分、血液流变学积分、红细胞聚集指数、血浆纤维  相似文献   

在脑血管病偏瘫后遗症患者的治疗过程中,做好患者的康复工作非常的必要,将机器人应用于患者的康复训练中,对于患者康复工作的顺利开展具有非常重要的作用,本文就主要在对上肢康复机器人的机械结构设计、运动学分析的基础上,对其运动学仿真予以简单分析.  相似文献   

番水 《英才》2000,(11)
高血压(中医称之为眩晕)是日常生活中的常见病。只要你有工作压力、生活负担和昼伏夜出,嗜食肥甘的习惯,就不得不面对它,重视它,因为高血压往往是诱发心,脑血管疾病的基础。而高血压性脑出血占脑血管病的1/3,仅次于脑血栓形成居第二位,死亡率却占首位,是高血压病人死亡主要原因之一.  相似文献   

中风,又称脑血管意外,是一种中老年的常见病,具有发病迅速、死亡率高、致死率高和恢复缓慢的特点,脑血管病已成为我国城镇居民十大死亡原因的第二位,是严重危害人民生命健康的疾病。面对虎视眈眈的‘中风’恶魔,坐以待毙,还是奋起抗争,防中风于未然?无疑后者更为可取,特别是中风的高危人群和中风先兆患者,更要积极预防,十几年来的实践也证  相似文献   

在不久前北京召开的华恒灵芝研讨会上,刚刚从美国归来的心脏病专家惠汝太博士披露了一个触目惊心的数字:在我国,心脑血管病死亡率已占城市死亡人口的42%,就是说每5个死亡人中,就有2个人死于心脑血管病。而形成心脑血管病的主要原因就是动脉硬化。然而,由于动脉硬化是一个  相似文献   

本文具体分析了关于价值本质的几种学说,包括需要说、属性说、效用说等对于企业审美文化价值本质这一问题的适用性。然而,对于企业审美文化这样一个具体而复杂的客体而言,其价值本质问题不能直接引用任何一种现有说法。从实践、实践结果出发,从企业审美文化的存在、功能和发展出发来理解企业审美文化价值,才能深刻探寻到其本质。  相似文献   

随着科学技术和社会生产力的迅速发展,机械产品日益复杂,社会对机械产品的质量和生产效率提出了越来越高的要求。一种灵活、通用、高精度、高效率的自动化生产设备——数控车床应运而生,随之而来的是数控车床编程技术的产生。  相似文献   

国内外食品添加剂标准差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了CAC、美国、加拿大、欧盟以及我国食品添加剂标准现状,分析了我国与CAC、美国、加拿大及欧盟食品添加剂使用标准存在的差异,并提出了完善我国食品添加剂标准的措施和建议。  相似文献   

CAC食品标准体系对我国食品安全标准体系的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章首先分析了CAC食品标准体系和我国食品安全标准体系的现状,然后通过两者的对比,找出我国食品安全标准体系与CAC食品标准体系之间的差距,并分析了这些差距对我国的不利影响,最后提出如何通过借鉴CAC食品标准体系加快完善我国食品安全标准体系的建议。  相似文献   

It is commonly accepted that some financial data may exhibit long-range dependence, while other financial data exhibit intermediate-range dependence or short-range dependence. These behaviours may be fitted to a continuous-time fractional stochastic model. The estimation procedure proposed in this paper is based on a continuous-time version of the Gauss–Whittle objective function to find the parameter estimates that minimize the discrepancy between the spectral density and the data periodogram. As a special case, the proposed estimation procedure is applied to a class of fractional stochastic volatility models to estimate the drift, standard deviation and memory parameters of the volatility process under consideration. As an application, the volatility of the Dow Jones, S&P 500, CAC 40, DAX 30, FTSE 100 and NIKKEI 225 is estimated.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2007,31(2):184-203
We analyze comovements among three stock markets in Central and Eastern Europe and, in addition, interdependence which may exist between Western European (DAX, CAC, UKX) and Central and Eastern European (BUX, PX-50, WIG-20) stock markets. The novelty of our paper rests mainly on the use of 5-min tick intraday price data from mid-2003 to early 2005 for stock indices and on the wide range of econometric techniques employed. We find no robust cointegration relationship for any of the stock index pairs or for any of the extended specifications. There are signs of short-term spillover effects both in terms of stock returns and stock price volatility. Granger causality tests show the presence of bidirectional causality for returns as well as volatility series. The results based on a VAR framework indicate a more limited number of short-term relationships among the stock markets.  相似文献   

This article deals with the practices of French corporate environmental disclosure with a focus on climate-related risks. In particular, it aims to analyse the compliance of CAC 40 firms with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (2017), an international initiative made up by Financial Stability Board to enhance financial transparency. On the basis of a content analysis of firms' reference documents spanning 2015–2018, we constructed the Climate Compliance Index (CCI) to evaluate whether firms disclose information on climate risks and opportunities about governance, strategy, risk management and metrics. Our results highlight a gradual increase of the CCI despite disparities across sectors and management areas. The content analysis allows us to develop a set of indicators frequently reported by domain and to identify and define climate risks and opportunities and their financial impacts per sector, which is a first step to improve the disclosure of non-financial information.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose new option pricing models based on class of models with jumps contained in the Lévy-type based models (NIG-Lévy, Schoutens, 2003, Merton-jump, Merton, 1976 and Duan based model, Duan et al., 2007). By combining these different classes of models with several volatility dynamics of the GARCH type, we aim at taking into account the dynamics of financial returns in a realistic way. The associated risk neutral dynamics of the time series models is obtained through two different specifications for the pricing kernel: we provide a characterization of the change in the probability measure using the Esscher transform and the Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure. We finally assess empirically the performance of this modelling approach, using a dataset of European options based on the S&P 500 and on the CAC 40 indices. Our results show that models involving jumps and a time varying volatility provide realistic pricing and hedging results for options with different kinds of time to maturities and moneyness. These results are supportive of the idea that a realistic time series model can provide realistic option prices making the approach developed here interesting to price options when option markets are illiquid or when such markets simply do not exist.  相似文献   

New regulation in the European Union has introduced the mandatory disclosure of key audit matters (KAMs) to audit reports. The EU has identified KAMs as significant risks, significant transactions or events, or significant judgments by auditors. This paper aims to determine the factors that influence the number of KAMs that auditors disclose in the main European countries under the new regulation. We predict that the litigation risk, reputation loss, auditor–client relationship, precision of accounting standards, and the effect of regulators and supervisors’ activities affect the number of KAMs that auditors disclose. The sample consists of firms on the FTSE 100, CAC 40, or AEX 25 that have disclosed KAMs at the 2016 fiscal year‐end. In line with our hypotheses, the findings show that a higher number of business segments (complexity) and more precise accounting standards lead to the disclosure of a higher number of KAMs. Contrary to our expectations, the results indicate that a positive association exists between the audit fee and the number of KAMs disclosed. As audit fees can be related to higher client risk, this finding could indicate that litigation risk dominates any auditor–client dependence. Further, although auditors often view their audits of banks as complex, the findings show a negative association between banks and the number of disclosed KAMs. This evidence may be related to the fact that financial institutions are in a highly regulated and supervised industry that reduces the need to disclose the KAMs.  相似文献   

王长菊  刘芬 《价值工程》2013,(2):283-284
目的:探讨老年住院手术病人的疾病构成特点。方法:对2004年2011年我院老年住院手术病人病案资料进行回顾性分析。结果:以60-岁组老年手术病人最多,男性病人多于女性病人,眼及附器疾病在系统疾病中占第一位,老年眼病手术病人居多,白内障是老年眼病的首要疾病,循环系统以心脑血管疾病为主,手术以血管造影为主,肿瘤和消化系统疾病患者比较多的原因,与地区居民生活习惯有关。结论:应加强眼及附器疾病、循环系统疾病、消化系统疾病、肿瘤、损伤、中毒和外因的某些其他后果、泌尿生殖系统疾病、肌肉骨骼系统和结缔组织疾病的防治,对老年手术患者术前术后关心照顾,提高老年人的生活质量。  相似文献   

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