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The present paper uses the model-dependent and the modeL independent approach to measure the RMB exchange market pressure (EMP) and the central bank's intervention using monthly data from January 1999 to June 2008. It is determined that the RMB has been under great appreciation pressure over the past decade. However, the pressure has been weakening since 2005. The two approaches provide significantly different results in terms of the estimated RMB EMP indices and the estimated central bank's interventions. The differences may lead to different predietions of potential currency crises. According to the estimation of the RMB EMP, and based on the model-independent approach, the paper shows that China has been under threat of an appreciation currency crisis since 2008. Therefore, China should adopt a moreflexible exchange rate regime to prevent a potential crisis.  相似文献   

王楠  吕建黎 《特区经济》2006,211(8):74-75
本文从分析中央银行外汇市场干预的主要渠道入手,总结出我国中央银行外汇市场干预的现状及存在的主要问题,最后结合人民币汇率制度的改革,提出了完善我国中央银行外汇市场干预的若干对策建议。  相似文献   

Since the abolition of the official peg and the introduction of a managed float in April 2012, the Central Bank of Myanmar has operated the daily auctions of foreign exchange aimed at smoothing exchange rate fluctuations. Despite the reforms, however, informal trading of foreign exchange remains pervasive. Using the daily informal exchange rate and Central Bank auction data, this study examines the impacts of auctions on the informal rate. Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models indicate that the auctions did not reduce the conditional variance of the informal rate returns. Overall, the auctions have only a quite modest impact on the informal exchange rate.  相似文献   

毛军 《理论观察》2001,(2):115-116
外币利率市场化对商业银行的发展带来了机遇.也增加了风隆。因此.商业银行必须建立起高效的现代利率风险管理机制。要密切关注和监测国内外金融市场利率的汇率动态。对外币走势进行科学预测.建立合理的外币存款定价机制.建立模拟分析模型,建立完善的利率风险内控制度,并加强利率风险管理人才的培养。  相似文献   

外汇储备增长对我国物价影响的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2007年以来,我国物价水平出现持续攀升的势头。2008年1~4月份,居民消费价格水平同比上涨8.2%。与物价上涨相对应的是我国外汇储备水平创出了历史新高,截至2008年6月末,我国外汇储备余额达1.8万亿美元。那么,外汇储备增长与物价上涨之间有没有直接的联系?本文从短期和长期两个视角,理论和实证相结合探讨了我国外汇储备增长对物价上涨的影响及其作用机制。  相似文献   

文章利用2002年1月-2011年12月期间我国中央银行外汇干预的月度数据,估计出外汇市场压力并采用事件分析法对我国央行外汇干预的有效性进行了研究.结果表明,我国央行的外汇干预是有效的,但干预效果具有不对称性,央行卖出美元支持人民币升值的效果好于买入美元引导人民币贬值的效果;参考一篮子货币的汇率制度下的干预效果好于盯住美元汇率制度下的效果.  相似文献   

The subprime mortgage crisis and the resultant inflationary monetary policy in the USA have left the Chinese economy subject to four risks in particular. First, China's exports to the USA might continue to decline. Second in the medium term, the higher US inflation rate will lead to a weak dollar, which will negatively affect China's exports. Third in the long term, when the US Federal Reserve decreases money supply to control inflation, the US economy might enter another recession, hurting China "s exports further. Fourth, China's foreign exchange reserve assets might suffer heavy losses when the US inflation rate rises. Conventional foreign exchange investment strategies are insufficient for dealing with these four risks. Investment by China in the major US banks is suggested in the present paper. This strategy would mitigate if not eliminate all four risks. China could gain considerable financial returns on investments with only moderate risk.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a generalisation of the noise trader transmission mechanism to examine the impact of central bank intervention on exchange rates. Within a heterogeneous expectation exchange rate model intervention operations are supposed to provide support for chartist or fundamentalist forecasts, which forces portfolio managers to adjust their foreign currency positions. The empirical examination of the hypothesis is done by applying a Markov regime-switching approach to daily DEM/US-dollar exchange rates and intervention data of the Deutsche Bundesbank and the Federal Reserve from 1979 to 1992. It is shown that chartists profits rose whenever these central banks intervened on the foreign exchange market. This is not true for those who follow a fundamentalist approach.JEL Classification Numbers: F31, C32, E58, G15  相似文献   

我国外汇储备规模形成、影响与改进探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国外汇储备规模稳步上升,储备量一直居高不下。巨额的外汇储备有利于维护国家经济安全,维持汇率稳定。增强国际清偿力,维护国家和企业的对外信用水平,其在给我国经济带来动力的同时,也存在着巨大的负面影响。因此,确定一个合理的外汇储备规模才能保证我国经济持续、稳定、健康的发展。文章针对我国外汇储备规模的现状、成因及其影响进行分析,探讨外汇储备规模合理化方法。  相似文献   

资本管制、结售制度与资源配置效率:透视中国外汇储备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来我国外汇储备的超常规增长对经济发展产生重要影响。对外汇储备形成机理进行研究发现,我国巨额外汇储备是由多种因素交互作用的结果,不完全的市场机制很大程度促进了我国外汇储备的增长。应放松资本管制,逐步施行资本账户开放和人民币自由兑换;改变现有的外汇结售制度,建立主权财富基金;推进汇率制度改革,形成利率-汇率联合机制;发展金融衍生产品市场等。  相似文献   

戴明 《华东经济管理》2002,16(2):107-109
本文分析我国现行结售汇制的利弊 ,并对存在问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

曹萍 《华东经济管理》2005,19(10):139-141
文章分析了我国的外汇储备情况,并从外汇储备的角度分析了人民币汇率问题,最后对存在的问题提出了政策性建议,近年来,随着中国外汇储备的持续高速增长,人民币汇率问题成为热点问题。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to assess the extent of volatility spillovers between the equity market and the foreign exchange market in South Africa. Multistep family of the General Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity models are used for this end, whereby volatility shocks obtained from the mean equation estimation in each market are included in the conditional volatility of the other market, respectively. The paper selects the appropriate volatility models for each market following criteria such as covariance stationarity, persistence in variance and leverage effects. The finding of the paper indicates that there is a unidirectional relationship in terms of volatility spillovers from the equity market to the foreign exchange market. The paper supports the view that the extent of foreign participation in the South African equity market possibly contributes to this phenomenon.  相似文献   

适度的外汇储备对于保证国家金融与经济安全、维持汇率稳定以及增强我国国际信誉有着重要作用。外汇储备并非越多越好,过多外汇储备会产生诸多问题,积累各种风险。在金融危机影响不断加深的情况下,有必要对我国外汇储备进行动态管理,尽快研究外汇储备的规模管理、结构管理、效率管理与政策管理,以实现外汇储备的安全、保值与增值目的。  相似文献   

李勇   《华东经济管理》2007,21(8):140-144
流动性过剩是近年来我国经济发展中凸现出来的经济现象.文章从理论与实证两方面分析外汇储备对我国基础货币投放的影响,得出我国流动性过剩与现行汇率制度和外汇管理体制下国际收支双顺差所带来的外汇占款之间存在着密切的相关性,是造成流动性过剩的主要原因.因此,我国要彻底解决流动性过剩问题必须要深化汇率形成机制和外汇管理体制改革.  相似文献   

张晓娟 《华东经济管理》2007,21(10):116-120
截至2006年9月末,中国的外汇储备已达9879亿美元,储备总量居世界首位.然而,在为对外开放的巨大成就欢欣鼓舞的同时,我们又面临着如何管理好这笔巨额资金的问题.当前,我国外汇储备管理的重点在于确定符合国情的适度外汇规模,完善外储管理的法律基础,促进相关部门的信息沟通与政策协调,强化储备管理中的风险控制与审计监督机制.此外,还要大力探索外汇储备的积极管理模式,在确保储备安全性和流动性的前提下,注重资金管理的综合效益.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether, during the Asian crisis, contagion occurred from Thailand to the other crisis countries through the foreign exchange market, and, if so, determines the contribution of this contagion to the crisis. More specifically, we examine whether the effect of the exchange market pressure (EMP) of Thailand, the origin of the crisis, on the EMP of four Asian crisis countries increased during the crisis. Instead of measuring contagion by the commonly used correlation coefficients, we apply regression analysis. To control for the impact of macroeconomic fundamentals, we construct a time-varying indicator measuring the fragility of each economy. Additionally, we control for spillovers and common external shocks. We find evidence of contagion from Thailand to Indonesia and Malaysia, with 13 and 21 percent of the pressure on the respective currencies attributable to that contagion. For Korea and the Philippines there is no evidence of contagion from Thailand. JEL no. F30, F31, G15  相似文献   

陈春   《华东经济管理》2009,23(5):141-145
近些年来我国外汇储备(未含香港、台湾地区)规模增长迅速,逐年呈上升趋势,到2008年9月底外汇储备余额已超过1.9万亿美元。超过万亿美元规模的巨额储备,意味着我国有着充裕的国际支付能力。但不断增长的外汇储备也会产生诸多的不良影响。文章重点分析了持续不断增长的高额外汇储备给我国经济发展所带来的负效应,以期对加强外汇储备管理有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

This paper studies the role of foreign exchange market intervention in the price discovery process of the USD–JPY market. Using the tick-by-tick bid and ask quotes from the Electronic Broking Services (EBS), we find that Japanese official intervention affects the relative contributions of bid and ask quotes to price discovery of the USD–JPY exchange rate. The empirical results show that bid quotes usually respond to information more promptly than ask quotes, as measured by information share on a daily basis. The asymmetry in price-discovery efficacy of bid and ask quotes, however, declines in magnitude on days in which Japanese monetary authorities intervene in the USD–JPY market.  相似文献   

In late February 2006, China surpassed Japan to become the world's largest holder of foreign exchange reserves. Beijing is now faced with the growing challenge of how to handle these vast reserves effectively. Although China's soaring foreign exchange reserves indicate that its overall strength has grown, they have created internal and external pressures on the balance of the economy, and introduced risks to the financial system. It is estimated in the present study that foreign exchange reserves of approximately US$ 400bn in 2005 would have been appropriate under circumstances of a managed floating exchange rate regime and capital control. China's actual reserves have far exceeded its normal demand. The objective of China is to maintain an optimal level that maximizes net benefits as a whole. Four main policy options are available for China to achieve its target: spending and investing foreign exchange reserves, gradual liberalization of the capital account, diversification of foreign exchange reserves and a switch in holders of foreign exchange reserves. Spending and investing in foreign exchange reserves can be undertaken in combination with liberalization in the capital account, given careful consideration of the risks involved. Liberalization should be extensive but gradual so that companies and individuals can adjust to changes in financial markets and manage portfolios while avoiding unnecessary risks. (Edited by Xiaoming Feng)  相似文献   

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