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技术引进、研发外溢和二次创新   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文利用专利竞赛模型 ( patent race) ,探讨技术引进及其二次创新活动中技术引进费用与自身应用性研发投入的关系以及二次创新速度和市场均衡时参与该竞赛的厂商数目的决定。同时也分析了研发外溢效应对模型的冲击。文章的主要结论是 :技术引进与自身应用性研发投入是互补抑或替代关系需视两者相对大小而定。双方的关系呈现阶段性变化。此外 ,随外溢效应的增强 ,整个参与竞赛的厂商数目和厂商应用性研发投入水平均趋于下降 ,但是整个社会引进技术的二次创新速度却趋于加快  相似文献   

中韩船舶企业技术引进战略与技术创新比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾珂舟 《经济师》2008,(6):86-88
韩国船舶企业将技术引进战略与技术创新有效地结合起来,通过技术引进,对先进技术进行消化、吸收和二次创新,大大推动了韩国船舶企业自主创新的发展。而我国船舶企业的技术引进战略与技术创新联系不够紧密,对自主创新的推动作用不大,文章分析了中韩船舶企业对技术引进战略的使用及其对技术创新的影响,提出了中国船舶企业应大力发展以自主创新为目的的技术引进战略的对策。  相似文献   

笔者在对我国创新模式与创新周期分析的基础上,基于高技术产业面板数据,采用格兰杰因果检验、面板数据、面板向量自回归模型系统研究了自主创新投入与引进技术投入的绩效及互动关系。结果表明,我国引进技术的总体利用和二次创新良好,总体绩效较高,引进技术与自主创新的替代与互补效应并存,呈现互补效应大于替代效应的良好态势。实证研究未发现我国存在"低效率技术引进陷阱"现象,在原发性创新方面我国还有较大差距。  相似文献   

本文通过分析我国技术引进的现状与方式.指出引进技术的关键在于通过消化吸收、扩散创新以实现国家综合经济实力的提高。由此论证了技术扩散的影响因素及实现机制、文章最后介绍日本“引进技术网络”的经验,并提出我国实现引进技术消化吸收、扩散创新的实施对策。  相似文献   

二次创新是目前我国大中型企业学习国外技术最有效的途径,是在引进技术基础上实现自主创新的必由之路。哈尔滨动力设备股份有限公司多方式、高起点地在引进技术基础上进行二次创新,将技术改造和科研攻关与二次创新紧密结合,产学研联合自主创新、中外企业合作创新,走出了一条有特色的自主创新之路。  相似文献   

中国技术引进已达到一定的规模,但仍存在忽视对引进技术的消化吸收、引进技术结构不合理等问题。由于缺乏风险分担机制,引进技术时,企业倾向于引进成套设备,加上技术出口国对出口技术的限制政策,导致通过技术引进难以得到核心与关键技术,且由于科研机构与企业缺乏有效的合作机制,普遍存在对引进技术消化吸收不足。要改变这种不合理的技术引进结构,必须完善资本市场,建立技术引进与技术创新的风险分担机制和科研机构与企业技术合作机制,并重视引进技术与人才培养相结合,加强技术的情报交流。  相似文献   

吉林省企业对引进技术进行再创新的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林老工业基地振兴已进入关键期,技术创新将成为引领全省经济实现新的更大发展的核心动力。本文分析了吉林省对企业引进技术进行再创新的基本特征,指出影响企业对引进技术进行再创新的一些关键性问题,结合吉林省实际,从体制、机制改革和调整技术引进结构等方面入手提出对策建议。  相似文献   

工资刚性的存在使技术进步排斥就业,而依赖于技术引进的我国技术进步使就业排斥效应趋于长期化。这使得我国在丧失丰厚禀赋劳动力资源优势的同时,就业形势更加严峻。技术分解是化解技术引进对就业的负面影响的有效途径。技术分解实质上是一个针对引进技术以降低成本为目的的劳动反替代资本过程,企业追求成本节约行为带来就业补偿与创造的正外部性效应。引导企业实施对引进技术的分解,能实现技术进步、成本降低和促进社会就业之间的协调。  相似文献   

加入 WTO对我国技术引进既有正面影响又有负面影响。对此,我们在引进技术时要转变引进观点,要基于外向经济发展和战略引进;要注意技术引进前后的相关问题,要研究引进技术的消化、创新问题;要多引进环境友好技术和软件技术。在引进技术中要处理好知识产权问题,排除不合理的限制性条件。  相似文献   

技术是工业企业的生命线。引进先进技术,并使引进的技术内化,加以创新,是企业发展的真正活力。近代章华毛绒纺织公司在这方面有成功的经验。章华毛绒纺织公司的技术引进包括机器设备和技术人才。机器设备引进具有的先进性、配套性和渐进性特征,以及引进技术人才的金字塔结构,增强企业对引进技术的内化创新能力,提高企业的科技应用水平,使企业扭亏为盈,获得较大的发展。  相似文献   

Health, Wealth, Fertility, Education, and Inequality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors use a new cross-country dataset to estimate the strength of the links between different dimensions of social and economic development, including indicators of health, fertility, and education, as well as material wellbeing. This differs from previous studies in employing data for different income groups in each country in order to provide direct evidence on factors driving inequality, and in using a unique measure of material wellbeing that does not rely on PPP comparisons.  相似文献   

In this survey, we discuss how intellectual property rights (IPR) protection in the South affects trade flows, foreign direct investment (FDI) flows, and technology transfers from the North to the South. We also discuss optimal IPR policies and their effect on innovation. Our discussion covers both theoretical studies and empirical evidence. This survey is both comprehensive and critical. It aims to give readers the current state of IPR and globalization literature. Some issues have been studied more thoroughly, whereas for others the surface has only been scratched upon. This survey gives readers a clearer picture of the literature and may help them find future research topics.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the role of trade, remittances, and institutions in economic development in a large sample of developing countries using recently developed instruments for all these variables. Both cross-country (over 30 years) and dynamic panel data (over 5-year periods) regressions of growth rates on instrumented trade, remittances, and institutions provide evidence of a significant impact of trade, institutions, and remittances on growth. While institutions foster growth, remittances hamper it. The effect of trade on growth is positive in cross-sectional regressions but ambiguous in dynamic panel data regressions. These results are indicative of a more important role for trade in explaining growth in the very long run compared with over shorter horizons.  相似文献   

The debate about the Prebisch-Singer thesis has focused on primary commodities with some extensions to manufactures. We analyse trends in country terms-of-trade for goods and services rather than those for commodities according to the World Bank income classification. We find that the natural logarithm of the terms of trade for all groups except for the poorest has common unit roots, but none has individual unit roots. As low-income countries have no unit roots over-differencing is inefficient and biases significance levels in first differences against the fall in the terms of trade. For the low-income countries the terms of trade of goods and services are falling at a rate that is significantly negative without and with endogeneity treatment by system GMM. A comprehensive analysis of the effects of time dummies supports the result of falling terms of trade for low-income countries. When all coefficients are country-specific 50% of all low-income countries have falling terms of trade in a simultaneous equation estimation using the SUR method. Food and financial crisis have no effect on the number of countries with falling terms of trade, but (dis-)improve the terms of trade or the significance of the results for a very small number of countries.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the key elements of Modinomics, defined as “everyone's participation, everyone's progress.” It investigates the reasons why Modinomics was necessary, the key elements of Modinomics, and how this policy was implemented. It argues that India's economic policy has had continuity since the economic reform package of 1991, so Modinomics has involved a high component of better implementation. Nevertheless, there have been some major policy changes as well. The paper discusses the deep structural reforms of demonetization and a Goods and Services Tax as well the new Insolvency and Bankruptcy Act. The paper examines the record of economic growth under Modi as well as new welfare and employment programs to make economic growth more inclusive. Finally, the paper examines the medium and long‐term growth prospects for India.  相似文献   

This article examines cross-elasticity effects in excise taxation for markets characterized by monopolistic competition and over-shifting. Extending the constant elasticity demand model to consider cross-elasticity leads to notably different results regarding tax revenue maximization. With nonzero but weak cross-elasticity effects relative to the price elasticity, we derive a higher optimal tax-price ratio compared to prior research. With strong cross-elasticity, revenue can continually be increased by raising the excise tax. Overall, the study offers government greater incentive to use excise taxes to obtain revenue.  相似文献   

Liberal critics often object to basic income (BI) on the grounds that it violates reciprocity and is biased toward those who choose voluntarily to opt out of work and thus violate the principle of liberal neutrality toward conceptions of the good life. In the first part of this paper I argue that liberal neutrality favors BI. Marxist critics of BI are less likely to accept liberal neutrality, but I argue in the second part that the argument for BI in the first part applies with equal force to Marxist objections that BI is unfairly exploitative of workers. Marxists are also less likely to accept current labor market trends, seeing socialism as affording more opportunity for guaranteeing everyone a right to decent work, and suspecting BI of making the unfair inequalities of capitalism a little more palatable while diverting attention from a more equitable socialist alternative. I argue that BI is not incompatible with socialism or Marxism, and should not be opposed to but rather combined with strategies for full employment.  相似文献   

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