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United Airlines has been voted the "Best American Airline Serving China" in the inaugural Business Traveller China travel awards. The award comes after United was voted in September "Best North American Airline" by Business Traveller China's sister publication, Business Traveller Asia-Pacific.  相似文献   

First I briefly review the emergence and development of business ethics, following three stages (1978–1984; 1984–1994; 1994 to the present) and driven by four factors: the inheritance of Chinese traditional ethics; the influence of Marxist philosophy and ethics; the reflections on the economic reform; and the influence of business ethics from abroad. Then, from a practical and a theoretical perspective, I discuss the main challenges for business ethics in China: issues of the economic system, of corporate ethics, and of management. After commenting on the role of business ethics for the social development in China, I offer some reflections about what China can contribute to, and learn from, other peoples.  相似文献   

The purpose of this:paper is to provide a general descri tion of the international business education in the People's Repub!e of China. Specificall , three key .elements, vir. the system; the curriculum; and the facu r ty are discussed. Information contained in this paper contributes as foundation upon which further research can be built to enhance the understanding and subsequently the irnprovement of the international business education in such a country where international business is inevitably emerging.  相似文献   

2005年1月1日,中国家具进口关税将降到零,实行零关税与国际市场接轨。过去,我们把外资企业进入中国比喻“狼”来了。现在不仅是“狼”来了,而是“狼群”来了。家具实行零关税后,世界各国家具将长驱直入挺进中国市场。到中国来不仅是销售,而是来安营扎寨,“定  相似文献   

What materials are needed for foreign-funded enterprises to increase capital? Where to handle? For foreign-funded enterprise adjusting registered capital,please submit the examination and approval materials to the former approval organ for direct examination and approval in according to the provisions including the Circular of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, and the State Administration of Industry and Commerce on Relevant Provisions and Procedures for Foreign Investment Enterprises to Adjust Total Investment and Registered Capital (Wai Jing Mao Fa [1995] No. 366) and the Notice on printing and distributing the Provisions on the Alteration of Investors' equity in Foreign Investment Enterprises.  相似文献   


WeChat business is an emerging way of doing business in China, which can be considered as a marriage between traditional e-business and social networking communications. In WeChat business, firms have developed customer relationships along two distinct ways: business relationships and friendships. However, research on the combination of business relationships and friendships is relatively nascent, and there are contradictory findings. In this study, we examine the effectiveness of the two relationship strategies using data from a field experiment through the WeChat platform by an apparel firm. Results from the field experiment suggest that development of friendships with new customers can help the strategy of developing business relationships; but developing friendships and business relationships with experienced customers negates each other. The study contributes to the literature on relationship marketing and role theory, and helps WeChat managers clarify how new social networking relationships with customers can be effectively leveraged.  相似文献   

Brazil has the largest economy in Latin America, and the world's tenth largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity. In recent years, Brazil has become a well developed nation and its exports are increasing, with major export industries that include aircraft, coffee, automobiles, soybean, steel, textiles, and electronics. Its biggest investment boom in history is still under way as it continues to focus on attracting investment from foreign countries.  相似文献   

论我国零售银行业务的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国零售银行业务在短短的几年时间内获得了较快的发展,实规了历史性的跨跃,但与发达国家相比,总体规模依然很小,零售银行业务占商业银行利润来源和业务总量的比重仍然偏低.我国零售银行业务的发展仍然存在着许多问题:商业银行的风险控制能力比较薄弱,产品同质性高.缺乏核心竞争力,银行的服务意识和营销能力不足,公司治理不完善,缺乏有效的激励约束机制.拓展国有商业银行零售银行业务,应强化风险管理,构筑风控体系,完善公司治理结构,健全激励约束机制,加强客户关系管理,实施差别化服务,从而更快更好地创造客户价值,实现银行价值与客户价值的有机统一.  相似文献   

浅析我国连锁药店经营管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年,我国连锁药店在政府大力支持以及市场竞争和自身发展的需求下快速发展。连锁药店的发展具有品牌、规模、经营管理、低价、专业化、渠道网络等优势,但也存在规模小、数量多、人才缺乏、信息系统不完善、没有健全的配送中心等问题。应通过培养专业人才,建立完善的信息系统,实现信息共享,降低跨区域连锁的物流成本,开拓农村市场,提高品牌意识等对策,促进我国连锁药店的发展。  相似文献   


American universities have a valuable product for export to China, a world-class business education. Currently, the demand for Western-style business education far exceeds the supply. The undergraduate university system in China offers an excellent, though under-utilized, venue for providing Western-style business education to large numbers of China's next-generation business leaders. This paper describes the official procedures for establishing joint business education programs in Shanghai as well as the benefits and challenges of international collaboration.  相似文献   

靳晓东 《中国市场》2009,(10):150-150,157
商业秘密是知识产权的重要内容,本文在介绍国外商业秘密保护制度的基础上对其进行分析,指出了商业秘密的特点及其保护措施,并对我国有关商业秘密保护制度提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Amid rising costs and moderating economic growth,there is increasing urgency for China to enact market reforms in order to transition to a more innovative and sustainable economic model,according to the 2012 State of American Business in China White Paper released by the American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China). The annual White Paper,now in its 14th edition,is written by representatives from over 1,200 member companies of AmCham China.It outlines key developments and challenges across a wide range of industries in which US member companies operate in China,from agriculture to financial services to retail It also contains suggestions for both the US and Chinese government on how to improve the business climate.  相似文献   

时间过得真快.屈指一算,<中国流通经济>已经出版200期了.这是一件值得庆贺的事情. 我觉得,之所以值得庆幸,值得祝贺,是因为流通经济在我国经济学中是一个新的领域,一定程度上带有创新的意义、拓展的意义.  相似文献   

尊重儿童权利是尊重人权、履行社会责任的一部分”。5月15日,由联合国儿童基金会、联合国全球契约、救助儿童会共同开发的《儿童权利和企业原则》在北京发布。全球契约中国网络秘书处执行主任程多生在会上指出,企业应开始注重儿童权利这一社会责任议题,在自身活动和业务关系中尊重和支持儿童权利,包括在工作场所、市场交易、社区和生态环境中。  相似文献   

鉴于外资商业企业在华投资带来的相应问题:在某些区域、某些零售业态中,外商投资企业实际已经获得绝对垄断控制力,对市场有序发展构成了前进障碍。本文概括了外商投资零售企业在华投资格局特点,并对此格局成因、影响、走势进行判断。在此基础上,明确了今后相当一段时期政府的职责和企业的使命,以提升中国本土零售企业竞争力。  相似文献   

在2010年,那些富于成长性的商业模式大都离不开这几个关键词:消费、跨界、渠道创新、竞争壁垒成功的创业者无不致力于  相似文献   

本文提出我国国际贸易的电子商务服务模式,应建立国家级的统一数据交换出口,为进出口企业、银行、物流公司等服务商及政府监管机构建立统一的数据交换平台,使国内外与国际贸易活动相关的机构完成电子商务协同作业。本文分析了这种服务模式的建设构架、优势和政府应发挥的作用。  相似文献   

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