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国际科技创新中心作为原始创新策源地,是全球创新版图的重要组成部分,也是推进创新型国家建设的重要平台。按照国际科技创新中心的发展定位和目标,对其创新能力进行评估是科技创新中心可持续发展的重要基础,也可以为其他科技创新中心建设提供有益借鉴。本文首先梳理了国际科技创新中心的概念、内涵和我国国际科技创新中心建设发展的脉络,然后对比分析国外典型科技创新中心评价指标体系,在此基础上,为我国国际科技创新中心建设提出相关建议。  相似文献   

“十一五”时期,我国将面临一系列两难问题的挑战,迎接这些挑战必须继续坚持改革开放,积极推进制度创新和科技创新。制度创新要解决国有企业的合理定位,区别对待提供公共产品的国有企业和竞争性国有企业,探索政企分开的有效形式。科技创新要在引进和消化国外先进技术的基础上,大力支持财政、金融、人事等方面的自主创新,促使我国由制造业大国转向制造业强国,同时努力借鉴科技创新国际合作的先进经验,促进科技国际创新合作的制度化。  相似文献   

Collaborative innovation has received the attention of management scholars for decades. The primary focus of our research is to explore the mechanisms that drive innovation catch‐up of latecomers in an emerging economy through research and development collaborations (i.e., academic and industrial collaborations). Using a sample of 1,066 firms in a high‐tech cluster in China, we find that collaborative innovation strategy has an inverse U–shaped effect on a firm's innovation performance. In addition, the relationship between collaborative innovation strategy and innovation performance is positively moderated by absorptive capacity © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

人才是国际科技创新中心建设的核心要素。“十四五”期间,深化科技体制改革,完善创新生态,激发人才创新活力是我国加快国际科技创新中心建设的重要内容。本文在梳理美国硅谷、以色列特拉维夫和日本筑波科学城等典型国际科技创新中心在吸引国际人才、培育青年科技后备人才、加强创业教育培训、完善公共服务和营造宽容失败的创新生态等方面经验的基础上,从汇聚全球英才、培育青年后备人才、激发人才创新活力、优化人才服务保障和营造良好创新生态等方面提出我国加快建成国际科技创新中心的相关建议。  相似文献   

我国企业自主创新的障碍与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,当前我国缺乏创新人才,企业远未成为创新主体,国家创新战略存在偏颇与失误,风险投资机制远未建立和完善。这成为我国企业自主创新能力提升的关键性障碍,严重制约了我国经济增长与国际竞争力的提升。文章指出,为培育和提升我国企业自主创新能力,一要进行人才机制创新、管理机制创新及动力与激励机制创新,二要进行创新体系的结构优化、产业结构的调整优化与引进技术的结构优化。  相似文献   

佟萍 《商》2013,(16):36-36,17
在我国,高校图书馆是学生获取知识、信息的主要场所,随着人们对于知识重要性的不断认识,高校图书馆管理创新思路受到越来越多的关注。随着社会经济的发展,人们的思想观念也发生了巨大的转变,图书馆的职能已经由单纯的储藏书籍,成为了一个传播知识、交流思想的社会平台。在新的管理技术以及应用需求的推进下,我国高校图书馆创新管理成为高校发展的焦点问题。  相似文献   

在经济全球化的背景下,技术创新与国际贸易和国际投资等涉外经济活动的联系愈来愈紧密,而不同涉外经济活动对技术创新的影响不同。本文运用1990~2008年期间的数据,实证检验了出口贸易、进口贸易、外商直接投资和对外直接投资对我国技术创新能力的影响效应。结果表明,外商直接投资和进口对技术创新的影响最大,出口贸易次之,而对外直接投资对技术创新的影响最小。  相似文献   

强化创新意识,是银行参与国际竞争与国际银行业接轨的需要,是增强企业发展后劲,培植优良客户群体,提高管理水平和效益水平的需要。实施金融创新必须解决缺乏创新原动力,资产业务创新少,效益观念淡薄等问题。要以人为本,建立新业务创新考核激励机制;以加快技术进步,构建金融创新的科技支撑力;以加强内部管理,为金融创新提供坚实的基础。  相似文献   

随着经济的全球化,企业之间的竞争越来越激烈,而竞争主要依赖于科学技术,强化技术创新已经成为世界企业管理的一股潮流。中小企业在各国经济发展中占据主要的地位和发挥了独特的作用。因此加强中小企业技术创新建设,促使其健康发展,对中小企业的成长乃至国家经济发展都具有积极的推动作用。通过对美、日中小企业技术创新战略的比较分析,提出中国中小企业的技术创新战略选择。  相似文献   

文章基于对理论价值的辩证性思考,主要从开发式与探索式创新的视角回顾改革开放以来管理学在中国的理论创新现状,并进一步提出未来演进的相关理论命题从而构建“中国管理学理论知识创造与传播的发展模型”。基于对相关理论文献的推演以及对中国管理学纵向的实际考察,文章认为管理学在中国的理论创新存在多元化的开发与探索象限;虽然数十年以来管理理论的贡献水平逐渐提高,这也在很大程度上符合主流学术共同体的制度逻辑,但是中国管理学理论知识的有效创造与传播还应该兼顾其他理论创新程度较低或者非理论化研究的可能空间,甚至需要保持上述不同象限之间的平衡,从而为全球管理知识的更新做出来自中国的独特价值贡献。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore whether the performance of the green innovation brought positive effect to the competitive advantage. This study found that the performances of the green product innovation and green process innovation were positively correlated to the corporate competitive advantage. Therefore, the result meant that the investment in the green product innovation and green process innovation was helpful to the businesses. This study argued that the businesses should cognize the correct value and positioning of the green innovation.Dr. Chen is the assistant professor in the Department of Business Administration in National Yunlin University of Science & Technology in Taiwan. His research focused on management of technology, innovation management, corporate environmental management and intellectual capital. Dr. Lai is the professor in the Department of Business Administration in National Chengchi University in Taiwan. His research focused on management of technology, new product development and operation management. Dr. Lai is also the legislator in Taiwan. Dr. Wen is the professor in the Graduate Institute of Technology and Innovation Management in National Chengchi University in Taiwan. His research focused on corporate environmental management, marketing management of technology and entrepreneurship management. Dr. Wen is also the head of the EMBA (Executive MBA) program in the College of Commerce in National Chengchi University in Taiwan.  相似文献   

政府补贴对企业创新的影响存在争议,在美国重点打击中国战略性新兴产业的背景下,补贴这一产业政策的有效性再次引起热议。本文以2012-2017年沪深A股战略性新兴产业上市公司为样本,研究在国际知识产权保护加强的背景下政府补贴对战略性新兴产业创新绩效的影响。研究发现:中国政府实施的补贴政策有利于促进战略性新兴产业创新,但国际知识产权保护加强约束了中国政府补贴的规模和空间,从而抑制了补贴政策对战略性新兴产业创新的激励作用;此外,基于企业和产业异质性视角,国际知识产权保护的加强主要抑制了补贴对国有企业、内资企业和新材料产业创新的促进作用。进一步完善补贴政策和国内的知识产权保护制度,有利于提升中国在构建国际经济新秩序中的话语权。  相似文献   

The influence of organizational ambidexterity on innovation and the growth of enterprises has gradually become an important research topic in the field of strategic management and organization theory. This paper builds up a theoretical framework of the relationship between organizational ambidexterity and innovation performance with regards to corporate entrepreneurship orientation. We select 175 companies from high and new technology industries in China’s three large cities, Beijing, Tianjin and Dalian, as samples to carry out an empirical test. We find that the balance and complement of organizational ambidexterity are positively correlated with the innovation performance of enterprises; a corporate entrepreneurial orientation has a significantly moderating effect on the relationship between the balance dimension of organizational ambidexterity and innovation performance, yet it has no significant positive moderating effect on the relationship between the combined dimension of organizational ambidexterity and innovation performance.  相似文献   

中国科协建设高水平科技创新智库是完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的内在要求。本文基于对“十四五”时期科技创新智库建设的新形势新要求的分析,借鉴国际知名智库管理经验,立足中国科协自身特点,提出推进高水平科技创新智库建设的建议。一是明确智库发展战略目标和定位,从组织架构、运行机制和学术支撑三个方面夯实智库建设基础。二是形成智库核心产品,畅通智库影响渠道,提升智库影响力。三是建议实施养“心”工程、强“翼”工程和链“家”工程,协同推进中国科协高水平科技创新智库建设。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the links between knowledge-oriented leadership, open innovation and knowledge management in the international business context. Open innovation has become crucial for an increasing number of multinational enterprises (MNEs) to gain and maintain competitive advantage and become a market leader. Despite the recent proliferation of papers dealing with open innovation practices of MNEs, there is limited work investigating the role of knowledge management (KM) capability on the relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation. Given MNEs’ growing interest in open innovation, the lack of research on knowledge-oriented leadership and KM capability in the open innovation context is a significant research gap in our knowledge. In response, we conducted a study on the mediating role of KM capability in the linkage between knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation (inbound and outbound), using data collected from 172 subsidiaries of MNEs based in France. A structural equation modelling approach is employed to study the impact of the latent variables associated with knowledge-oriented leadership and KM capability on open innovation. The results indicate that higher levels of knowledge-oriented leadership can lead to enhanced KM capability and improved open innovation outcomes. That is, knowledge-oriented leadership has a direct, positive impact on KM capability and open innovation. Also, KM capability is found to mediate the linkage between knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation. This study provides useful insights for managers who wish to enhance open innovation activities in MNEs, and offers useful guidance to international business scholars, encouraging further research in this area.  相似文献   

本文利用1999~2007年中国省区面板数据和系统GMM方法研究了中间产品和服务贸易的国际R&D对中国技术创新效率的影响,结果表明:中间产品和服务贸易的国际R&D对中国的技术创新效率有显著的影响。研究结果同时显示:中间产品的国际R&D促进了东中西部的技术创新效率的提高,服务贸易的国际R&D对东部影响显著,对中西部不显著。人力资本吸收能力显著影响了国外研发的外溢,但对中西部不显著。因此,提高国内研发的转化率、增加人力资本存量和调整服务业结构是政府的政策导向。  相似文献   

The current study examines attributes of a diffusion process associated with an institutionally driven administrative innovation (IDAI) that was designed to mitigate international supply chain logistic risk. Using a sample of firms who adopted this type of administrative innovation (AI), we find that managers' adoption and persistence decisions differed from observed behaviors associated with economically driven AIs. For example, with IDAIs, large firms are the characteristic early adopters and the innovation persists in spite of a lack of a clearly compelling economic rationale for its continued support. These findings are drawn from an analysis of respondent data pertaining to Customs‐Trade Partnership Against Terrorism—an AI that has been previously identified as being an example of such a development. The results prompt us to rethink on the mechanisms governing AI adoption and persistence decisions and enhance the theoretical richness surrounding research into not only IDAIs but also other related areas such as certified management standards.  相似文献   

本文把我国进、出口贸易以及净出口同时作为解释变量,利用1978-2004年的统计数据,运用相关的计量分析方法,实证检验它们各自对我国技术创新的影响。研究表明,我国基于国际贸易的技术创新效应不太显著,特别是对于国家财政科研拨款的作用不明显。最后提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

跨国公司研发国际化对我国技术创新的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研发国际化作为跨国公司全球竞争新战略正逐渐显现,这种战略既给东道国带来了良好的机遇,也带来了巨大挑战。本文时跨国公司研发国际化趋势以及跨国公司在华研发现状做出总结,分析了跨国公司国际化特别是在华跨国公司研发本土化对我国技术创新的影响,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

信息技术革命和国际垂直分工深刻地改变了全球制造业的生产格局和竞争基础,传统的企业间竞争正逐渐演化为供应链间的竞争。对2011-2018年A股制造业上市公司的实证分析发现:供应商集中度负向影响企业创新,但这一效应在市场地位较高的企业中得到弱化;客户集中度与企业创新则呈显著正相关,且在市场地位较高的企业中得到强化。研究还发现,融资约束缓解是供应链集中度影响企业创新活动的作用渠道。研究对于供应链与创新活动之间的关系做出了文献贡献,并对创新驱动发展战略下企业根据自身市场地位权变性地从事创新活动提供了实践指导。  相似文献   

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