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本文利用农户调查数据及山东省统计数据,主要从收支角度分析了农村消费问题,发现收入水平低、支出负担重、收支预期不确定等因素是制约农村居民消费的主要原因,因此促进农民增收、拓宽就业渠道、增强消费信心、提高城镇化率是刺激农村消费市场的有效措施。  相似文献   

孙岩  刘昕 《海南金融》2009,(9):78-81
本文运用全国农村社会经济典型调查资料汇编和农村固定观察点数据库,对中国农村非正规借贷状况恶量和收支构成进行了统计分析,表明农村非正规借贷随着农户家庭收支的增加而增加。非正规借贷主要以有息借款为主,其中一半用于生活消费,一半用于生产消费。从地区来看,非正规借贷在我国东部地区比较活跃。  相似文献   

农村税费改革调整了国家、集体、农民三者之间的分配关系,改变了乡镇财政、村级组织和农村家庭的收支结构和收支规模,影响了农业生产、农村消费和农村资金流动,并直接在农村金融业运行过程中表现和反映出来.  相似文献   

农民收入增长缓慢。预期收入较低、支出较高、农村基础设施差是制约农村消费市场发展的因素。要增加农民收入、改善农村消费环境,改变收支预期。  相似文献   

金融机构的现金收支统计,是国民经济活动在现金收支流通环节的综合反映,现金投放的多少与消费需求关系密切,消费需求又直接影响着商品零售物价指数,现金收支统计主要目的是为央行调控市场货币流通量提供统计数据。通过数据变化反映出不同时期市场现金流量的增减变化情况,掌握现  相似文献   

本文基于海南省农户消费的抽样调查数据,对农户的收支状况、消费需求及其影响因素进行分析。结果表明,由于缺乏产业多样化的创收渠道,农户的消费能力非常有限;尽管农村地区存在一定的消费需求.但是受收入水平较低、社会保障不健全等制约,这些需求难以形成现实的购买力。在配套措施没有跟进的情况下,农村消费政策出台的时机显得不够成熟,大力推行会削弱农户的可持续发展后劲,最终影响农村地区的整体发展和建设。  相似文献   

财政是政府从事资源配置和收入分配的收支活动,通过收支活动调节社会总需求和总供给的平衡,以达到优化配置、公平分配、经济稳定和发展的目标。农村财政分配格局即农村地区财政分配的局势和态势,主要是县乡两级财政分配格局。  相似文献   

农村消费信贷发展的基本情况   (一)量入为出仍然是落后地区消费的主流.受传统观念的影响,人们的超前消费意识淡薄.长期以来,我们提倡勤俭持家的家庭生活方式,人民群众养成了量入为出的消费习惯,特别是在贫困地区,这种观念尤为突出,用老百姓自己的话说就是“吃饭穿衣量家当,有多大的力,办多大的事“,那种“花未来的钱,圆今天的梦“的观念难以被贫困地区居民尤其是农村居民所接受,这是制约消费信贷发展的主观因素.以定西市为例,2004年,全市人口达296.99万人,其中:农村人口264.8万人,占总人口的89.2%,成为消费的主要群体.通过对460户农村居民收支情况的抽样调查表明,农民人均总收入从2000年的1610元上升到2004年的2145元,上升33.2%,生活和固定资产消费支出由2000年的916元上升到1328元,上升45%;消费支出增长大于收入增长11.8个百分点,收支差始终维持在350元左右不变.   ……  相似文献   

消费信用与信用消费问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
消费信用和信用消费可使消费得以较大限度地扩张和结构提升。制约消费信用和信用消费的因素有:预期收支不确定、供给结构矛盾、市场无序竞争、消费观念未更新、消费信贷缺风险防范机制。消费信贷操作不规范、消费信贷资金来源有限。制定消费末提高居民货币收入,建立健全社会保健机制、创造良好的消费市场环境、开拓农村市场、调整税费政策,要建立规范的消费信贷制度、鼓励商业银行和流通企业进行营销方式创新。  相似文献   

本文认为,当前中国内需不足的核心在于居民消费不振,而居民消费不足的短板在于农村居民消费严重滞后。与西方消费者以及中国城镇消费者不同,中国农户消费模式表现出短视、阶段性特点,储蓄动机强而消费动机弱。农村群体性消费习惯初步形成了这种消费模式;并在体制变迁引致的农户收支不确定性以及信贷缺失等因素的共同作用下,合成了农户居民"跨时消费、代际传递"消费模式。实证的结论进一步表明,农户收入、不确定性以及信贷约束几乎解释了农户居民消费函数的全部。  相似文献   

随时、随地、随意是经常提到的描述信息化建设的用语,它所倡导的是在现代化社会中,信息化为社会提供任何时间、任何地点、任何方式服务的理想境界,达到这个境界是信息化事业建设者的目的.  相似文献   

陈琍 《涉外税务》2003,(11):56-57
根据美国《国内收入法典》第61款的定义,毛所得是指纳税人任何来源的所得(有特别规定的除外),并列举了15项应计入毛所得的所得,其中第3项就是处置财产的利得。 但在一些特殊的财产交易中,确定处置财产所实现的收入较为困难。征纳双方在这个问题上引起了为数不少的争执,1943年的国际货运公  相似文献   

We analyse different forms of debt mutualisation in a union of countries. One country suffers from a political distortion and may resort to (partial) debt default. We consider a debt repayment guarantee, which can be “unlimited” or ”limited”, i.e. only be invoked when the guarantee threshold is not exceeded. We also explore the ”blue–red” bonds proposal, under which blue debt is guaranteed, while red debt is not guaranteed. Only a suitably chosen limited guarantee induces the government to reduce debt and raises union welfare. This result is upheld under the time-consistent solution when there are costs to the rest of the union of not providing financial rescue. Making the guarantee also conditional on sufficient structural reform may in addition stimulate reform effort, thereby raising union welfare.  相似文献   

An Assessment of Privatization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mounting empirical evidence of privatization's benefits coincideswith increasing dissatisfaction and opposition among citizensand policymakers. This dissatisfaction reflects the growingquestioning of the benefits of privatization, the general downturnof global markets in the past few years and the resulting swingof the pendulum back toward increased governmental supervision,the overselling of privatization as a panacea for all economicproblems, and the concern that privatization does not producemacroeconomic and distributional gains equivalent to its microeconomicbenefits. This article takes stock of the empirical evidenceand shows that in competitive sectors privatization has beena resounding success in improving firm performance. In infrastructuresectors, privatization improves welfare, a broader and crucialobjective, when it is accompanied by proper policy and regulatoryframeworks. The article argues that despite the growing concernsprivatization should be neither abandoned nor reversed. Rather,there should be a strengthening of efforts to privatize correctly:by better tailoring privatization to local conditions, deepeningefforts to promote competition and regulatory frameworks, enforcingtransparency in sales processes, and introducing mechanismsto ensure that the poor have access to affordable essentialservices.   相似文献   

贫困经济学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
贫困现象的存在是一个无法回避和难以消除的客观现实。贫困形成的原因是十分复杂的,既有人文资源的又有自然环境的,既有历史的又有现实的,..,常常是几种原因交错,需要“外力”援助。这种“外力”即来自于政府-扶持贫困是政府的天职。  相似文献   

An anatomy of trading strategies   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
In this article we use a single unifying framework to analyzethe sources of profits to a wide spectrum of return-based tradingstrategies implemented in the literature. We show that lessthan 50% of the 120 strategies implemented in the article yieldstatistically significant profits and, unconditionally, momentumand contrarian strategies are equally likely to be successful.However, when we condition on the return horizon (short, medium,or long) of the strategy, or the time period during which itis implemented, two patterns emerge. A momentum strategy isusually profitable at the medium (3- to 12-months) horizon,while a contrarian strategy nets statistically significant profitsat long horizons, but only during the 1926-1947 subperiod. Moreimportantly, our results show that the cross-sectional variationin the mean returns of individual securities included in thesestrategies play an important role in their profitability. Thecross-sectional variation can potentially account for the profitabilityof momentum strategies and it is also responsible for attenuatingthe profits from price reversals to long-horizon contrarianstrategies.  相似文献   

This paper tests the effectiveness of contingent immunization, a stop loss strategy that allows portfolio managers to take advantage of their ability to forecast interest rate movements as long as their forecasts are successful, but switches to a pure immunization strategy should the stop loss limit be encountered. This study uses actual daily transactions in the Spanish Treasury market covering the period 1993–2003 and uses performance measures that accounts for skewness and kurtosis as well as mean variance. The main result of this paper is that contingent immunization provides excellent performance despite its simplicity.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the pricing of two types of secured debt and shows that secured debt can be used to increase the value of the firm. In particular, it is shown that some profitable projects will not be undertaken by a firm which can use only equity or unsecured debt to finance them but will be undertaken if they can be financed with secured debt. Secured debt is priced for a firm with two assets and some unsecured debt outstanding. The pricing results are used to illustrate the benefits of the security provision of secured debt.  相似文献   

旅游文化的诠释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游文化的定位是旅游文化理论研究和实践运用的前提,准确地把握将有助于旅游文化的切实发展。文章从学科、行业以及实践三个角度进行了分析,认为旅游文化是旅游和旅游业的灵魂,在旅游学科里处于指导的地位;在旅游实践中决定着旅游产品、旅游服务质量的提升。  相似文献   

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