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Extensive empirical work shows that bidders do not gain from the acquisition of publicly traded targets but experience positive excess returns in the acquisition of privately held firms. This study investigates how two important differences between private and public firms, namely, informational uncertainty and ownership characteristics, impact the returns to acquirers. A sample of targets that were acquired shortly after filing for an IPO was collected to circumvent the lack of information on private firms. In spite of the special characteristics of these targets, the listing effect is still prevalent in this sample. The results of the analysis are consistent with the hypothesis that acquirers gain in the acquisition of private firms because these targets have a relatively weaker bargaining position due to informational and agency problems and costly access to external capital markets to finance growth opportunities.  相似文献   

骆祚炎 《上海金融》2007,(11):23-27
从静态比较和时间变化特征看,我国居民金融资产和不动产的财富效应都很微弱。金融资产的平稳增长及其相对较强的流动性使金融资产略大于住房资产的财富效应。住房消费的条件限制、价格过快上涨及流动性约束,抑制消费需求的扩大。消费对收入存在过度敏感性削弱了两种资产的财富效应。为了通过财富效应来促进消费,必须增强政策的可预见性,形成股市和房地产市场稳定的预期,促进两个市场的平稳发展,适度增强金融资产和住房资产的流动性。  相似文献   

普通高等学校办学理念要从创造有形财富转向创造无形财富。无形财富的创造首先体现在高等学校对先进文化的启蒙;无形财富创造其次体现在高等学校对制度变迁推动;无形财富创造再次体现在高等学校对人与自然和谐理念的推进。实现这一理念需要普通高等学校办学理念有一个彻底的转变,将高等学校建设成为与世俗世界有巨大差别的异质化组织。  相似文献   

境外国有资产是国有资产的重要组成部分.近年来,中航油、中信泰富等事件的发生使境外国有资产遭受巨大损失,如何保障境外国有资产的安全成为关注的话题.本文分析了我国境外国有资产审计制度演进过程和现行境外国有资产审计监管的运行框架,认为实现该项改革的重点在于完善境外国有资产审计制度和加快开拓注册会计师境外审计业务的步伐.  相似文献   

The literature on wealth effects associated with the announcements of convertible-bond and warrant-bond offerings is reviewed. The findings of 35 event studies, which include 84 sub-samples and 6310 announcements, are analysed using meta-analysis. We find a mean cumulative abnormal return of?1.14% for convertibles compared with?0.02% for warrant bonds, the significant difference confirming a relative advantage for warrant bonds. Abnormal returns for hybrid securities issued in the USA are significantly more negative than those issued in other countries. In addition, issuing hybrid securities to refund debt does not seem to be favoured by investors. Finally, several factors identified as important by theory or in prior research are not significant within our cross-study models, suggesting that more evidence is needed to confirm whether they are robust.  相似文献   

Equilibrium models of the business cycle such as those developed by Lucas (1973) and Barro (1976), Barro (1980) are often used to analyze the effects of monetary disturbances on the economy. These models typically view monetary injections as arising through lump-sum transfer payments that are independent of an agent's holdings of money. This paper examines the effects caused by misperceptions about money for the more realistic case when money is injected through open market operations. The major result is that unperceived open market operations have a negative wealth effect.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》1997,21(10):1431-1450
We examine voluntary acquisitions of solvent stock-held thrift institutions since 1979, and find that bidding firms suffered losses, target firms gained, and the impact of the merger on the bidder-target pair was positive on average. During the post-FIR-REA period acquirers experienced smaller losses and targets experienced smaller gains relative to the pre-FIRREA period. An investigation into the motives of bidding firm management provides evidence indicating the presence of synergy, agency, and hubris motivations in the pre-FIRREA period. Although the acquisitions environment underwent substantial changes in the post-FIRREA period, we find no evidence of corresponding changes in acquisition motivations.  相似文献   

This paper examines how executive compensation influences the market value of the firm's assets. After controlling for endogeneity, we find that boards have set the incentive to incur risk (vega) to maximize shareholder value, but that incentives to increase returns (delta) do not maximize shareholder value. We also find that current levels of cash compensation do not maximize shareholder value. Finally, we consider the moneyness of stock options. We find that the level of at- and out-of-the money options maximize shareholder value, but the level of in-the money options do not maximize shareholder value.  相似文献   

In this article we examine the effects of committed costs (CC) on compensation and effort (production) decisions in a principal-agent (P-A) setting. In the case where moral hazard is present, the compensation and effort (production) decisions are independent of CC whenever P has constant absolute risk aversion. When P has decreasing absolute risk aversion, he demands as increased risk premium, therefore increases the spread of the compensation schedule, and induces A to increase effort (production) and vice versa. The optimal compensation scheme can be decomposed to conform to incentive schemes that are generally observed in practice. In particular, we decompose the optimal compensation scheme that depends on CC into two parts—a part that is based on cash flows and a part that is based on income (after allocating committed costs). In the case where effort is observable, CC does not effect the compensation scheme and effort decisions, when P has constant absolute risk aversion. In contrast to earlier studies that examine the owner-manager case, when P has decreasing absolute risk aversion, effort (production) could either increase or decrease. The presence of moral hazard affects the effort (production) decision differently than when risk-sharing considerations alone exist. The reduction in A's compensation induced by increased CC never exceeds the amount of CC.  相似文献   

桂萍  胡庆为 《保险研究》2011,(6):121-127
由于车险市场中的信息不对称,道德风险对车险经营构成了重大威胁。因此,车险道德风险已成为国内外学者研究的热点问题。本文在对车险道德风险的内涵、风险因素、博弈分析、风险防范等进行详细综述的基础上,探讨了研究中存在的不足及未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

企业对固定资产全面清查常常每会计年度搞一次,由于它在企业经济业务量中所占比重少,容易被审计人员忽略.然而笔者在审计过程中发现,有些企业在固定资产清查中,利用虚假的盘盈、盘亏,达到操纵企业利润、转移国有资产的非法目的.  相似文献   

受托投资管理业务(也称委托理财),是指证券公司作为受托投资管理人,依据有关法律、法规和投资委托人的投资意愿,与委托人签订受托投资管理合同,把委托人委托的资产在证券市场上从事股票、债券等金融工具的组合投资,以实现委托资产收益最优化的行为。一般来看,证券公司为了粉饰财务报表通常的操作手法有五种,在审计过程中应引起关注。1.受托理财合同到期,签定协议续约受托理财合同到期,但由于行情不好时,如把账户上的股票抛出退出股市,就会实现真正的亏损。证券公司的普遍做法是,与客户协商延长委托理财期限,以减少损失。虽然证监会不允许承…  相似文献   

In contrast to the previously documented cross-border discount, we find that there is positive cross-border effect for US acquirers during late 1990s and early 2000s. This is especially particular the case for those that acquire/merge with targets from segmented financial markets where acquirers experience significantly higher positive abnormal returns than those that acquire targets from integrated financial markets. Furthermore, firms acquiring segmented-market targets are also characterized by significantly higher post-merger operating performance improvement. The results indicate that the observed positive cross-border effect is mainly due to the increase in the number of transactions involving targets from segmented markets, in which the average firm experience significant financial constraints. We contend that value is created by a combination of firms with different financial market integration status, in which funds are provided to high cost firms. The finding that the value creation is even higher within the group of acquirers with a lower cost of capital provides additional support for our conjecture.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of three transfer pricing methodologies for an intangible asset that is developed through bilateral, sequential investment. In general, a royalty-based transfer price that can be renegotiated provides better investment incentives than either a non-negotiable royalty-based transfer price or a purely negotiated transfer price, and in some cases induces first-best investment. This result contrasts with previous research that finds that the inability to limit renegotiation of initial contracts reduces investment efficiency. Further, I examine how tax transfer pricing rules inform optimal internal transfer prices when the firm decouples internal and external transfer prices.  相似文献   

For a household, home ownership provides necessary shelter, potential investment returns associated with property appreciation and a hedge against increased housing related cash outlays. In addition to potential appreciation, individual households benefit over time from a housing dividend defined as the difference between the market rent for the individual household’s housing unit and the household’s actual house ownership costs. The purchase of a house can substantially fix a household’s recurring housing related expenditures and generates a hedge (implied housing dividend) that increases with ownership tenure. This expenditure hedge (dividend) to home ownership is documented using pooled, cross-year samples from the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX). The housing dividend delivers a non-trivial effect on household non-housing expenditures after controlling for housing value, housing equity, financial assets and income.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine how the value of failed bank assets differs between two types of FDIC resolution methods: liquidation and private-sector reorganization. Our findings show that private-sector reorganizations do not deliver the expected cost-savings from 1986 to 1991, a period of industry distress. On a univariate basis, the net loss on assets is lower for a private-sector reorganization than for a liquidation in both a period of industry distress and of industry health. However, institutions with higher quality assets and higher franchise values are more likely to be resolved using a private-sector resolution. Once we control for this selection bias, we find that institutions that are resolved during periods of industry distress result in higher resolution costs than liquidation. During periods of industry health, private-sector resolutions are less costly than liquidations. We show that if a bank that failed during the post-crisis period instead failed during the crisis period, its net loss as a percent of assets would have been 3.232 percentage points higher. Given that the average net loss on assets ratio is 21.42 percent during our sample period from 1986 to 2007, the increase in costs is economically significant.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyze empirically the factors that enabled S&Ls to respond, concerning their demand for home mortgage assets, to the record high interest rates, inverted yield curves, and new competition for deposits by money market mutual funds. These factors include changing regulatory accounting procedures, increased participation in the secondary mortgage market, and increased asset diversification allowed for by Garn-St. Germain. The empirical results are based on a model of the demand for home mortgage assets specified in terms of an optimal marginal portfolio adjustment model. The results show that changing regulatory procedures and the subsequent impact on secondary mortgage markets had the most impact. The increased lending power granted by Garn-St. Germain had little effect on the demand for home mortgage assets by S&Ls.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the cross-listing literature by documenting the speed of convergence to market efficiency for foreign stocks listed on the NYSE. We find that, on average, it takes 30–60 minutes for a foreign stock to achieve market efficiency. For a comparable US stock, it takes only 10–15 minutes. The significant difference between foreign and US stocks remains robust when the speed is measured by the number of transactions rather than in calendar time. After relevant firm characteristics are controlled for, the time that it takes for foreign stocks to reach efficiency is significantly negatively related to the quality of their home country institutions. We find that one possible channel through which institutions affect the speed is through their impact on information asymmetry.  相似文献   

工商银行股份有限公司于2005年10月28日正式挂牌,这对于工行人是件大事,对银行业也是一件大事。  相似文献   

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