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Extensive literature demonstrates that compulsory schooling laws improve educational attainment, well-being, civic involvement, and labour market outcomes. However, at-risk youth incapacitated to schools may impact the learning environment and school safety. The purpose of this article is to study whether raising the minimum dropout age (MDA) requirement above 16 increases crime committed within US public high schools. A difference-in-difference estimation exploits changes in state-level MDA laws over time and indicates that schools in states that raise their MDA requirement to 18 incur more overall crime relative to schools in states that do not, while no effect on overall crime is identified when the MDA requirement is raised to 17. Furthermore, these effects persist for 4 years after passage and more intensely in metropolitan areas. Coupling this research with existing literature suggests that when the MDA requirement is raised to 18, only a small portion of the observed reduction in juvenile crime is displaced to schools. Analysis by category of crime reveals schools incur more physical attacks, no change in illegal drug and property crimes, and fewer violent crimes in states that raise their MDA requirement to 18, while illegal drug crimes increase in states that raise their MDA requirement to 17.  相似文献   

洗钱犯罪具有诸多上游犯罪,腐败犯罪是其中之一。腐败犯罪,特别是跨国腐败犯罪,日益演化成为跨国洗钱犯罪。犯罪行为人利用国际金融快速便捷的汇兑工具,实施转移腐败赃款的活动。通过跨国洗钱活动,可以使犯罪分子获取大量的现金,并进而从事经营活动,聚敛更多的非法财产,获取更多的经济资源,从而为进一步实施腐败活动提供经济支持。为此,国际社会给予高度重视,在腐败资产追回和预防腐败资产转移目标下,探讨反洗钱国际合作,以及犯罪资产分享等理论和实践问题,为腐败资产追回和预防腐败资产转移探索国际合作途径,提高反腐败国际合作成效提供方法上的参考。我国为研究实施《联合国反腐败公约》,投入较大的精力,成立了国家预防腐败局,并广泛开展反腐败国际合作,推动实施《联合国反腐败公约》的步伐。本文就围绕以上问题,从反腐败国际合作实践角度,运用实证思考方法加以研究,以期为反腐败调查、追回腐败资产、开展反洗钱合作提供总结与建议性思想材料。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展以及人们对自身的生命权和健康权要求的不断提高,职业安全问题日益受到广泛的重视。作为世界工厂的我国,在职业安全与健康方面也面临着严峻的挑战。现实中,由于生产中雇主和雇工之间关于安全问题的信息不对称性、不确定性带来职业安全的内部性;由于职业安全产权缺乏明确的界定,又会产生职业安全的外部性。而无论是内部性还是外部性,都会导致职业安全问题的市场失灵,这为政府进行相应的社会性规制提供了前提与条件。基于此,本文从内部性和外部性两个方面对职业安全进行了研究,深刻探析了职业安全的负内部性和负外部性的产生及其在现实中的表现,最后提出构建工伤保险、强行信息披露和明确雇工的安全工作权利三个政策建议,以期对我国职业安全规制的进一步改革提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

The commercial casino industry experienced an unprecedented expansion in the United States during the 1990s. As the industry has grown, so has the anecdotal evidence that links the casino industry with political corruption. However, there have been no empirical analyses of the issue. We use state-level panel data from 1985–2000 to posit a Granger causality analysis of the relationship between corruption convictions of state public officials and the predicted adoptions of casinos at the state level. We find evidence that predicted casino adoptions Granger cause corruption convictions. This finding is suggestive of a scenario of regulatory capture and may help explain why state-level gaming regulatory agencies have a history of softening gaming regulations after the initial introduction of casinos. Our study provides the first empirical evidence linking casinos to political corruption.  相似文献   

Matti Virén 《Applied economics》2013,45(14):1869-1879
This paper provides an extended supply of labour model which allows for different intensities of legal and illegal (criminal) activities and in which criminal activities may be considered both as work and leisure. Heterogeneity of individuals is also taken into account. The model is estimated from Finnish aggregate time-series data, pooled Finnish municipalities data and pooled international cross-country data. With the Finnish aggregate data, a volume index of crime is constructed and then used in testing the model. All empirical results give strong support to the hypothesis that apprehension and punishment are important deterrents of crime. By contrast, the role of sosioeconomic and demographic variables turns out to be of little importance.  相似文献   

I focus on the effect of changes in public security (policing) on private security measures that potential victims can take. In particular, I look at the tradeoff between different types of private security measures – such as using or carrying guns, carrying less cash or keeping less valuables at home, and using burglar alarms or Lojack – and study how this tradeoff is affected by changes in public security. If private householders’ direct security expenses are strongly substitutable with public policing (e.g., for guns which may be more useful in badly policed areas), an increase in policing results in a drop in these expenses; it also results in carrying or keeping less cash (an indirect security measure which reduces the prize a criminal can seize). If, however, householders’ direct security expenses are “complementary” to policing in the sense that they are more effective when police response is rapid (e.g., for burglar alarms), more policing increases these expenses unless the efficacy of joint (public and private) security expenses on combating crime encounters very sharply diminishing returns; moreover, a rise in policing also induces carrying or keeping more cash. An increase in penalties increases the tendency to keep cash on hand, and also reduces crime, provided that as private precautions increase, with policing constant, it takes a larger increment in security spending to compensate for a specific drop in penalties. The results are consistent with some empirical trends in crime rates, policing, penalties and private precautions.  相似文献   

This paper specifies and solves a two-stage, game theoretic model of a mixed market for crime control. In the first stage of the model, private targets and the government choose levels of policing. In the second stage, criminals choose targets and the severity of the crimes that they commit.The paper's key results are as follows. First, private policing can both divert crime to targets that lack private protection and also increase the severity of the crime that these less-protected targets suffer. Second, an increase in private policing reduces the aggregate expenditure on traditional policing. This is an instance of a political incentive externality, where private policing affects the objective function of the government. Specifically, it reduces the level of traditional policing that is consistent with the Samuelson condition for efficient provision of a public good. Third, the substitution of private for public policing carries with it a change in the technology of policing. In effect, private policing leads to a shift from enforcement and punishment towards monitoring and target hardening. This, in turn, may lead to an increase in the severity of crime. Fourth, the mixed policing equilibrium is inefficient, and, in some situations, mixing may reduce the utility of all targets.  相似文献   

This paper stresses the role of industrial organization of crime, and explores how organized crime affects wage inequality. We find that, when only unskilled workers (or both skilled and unskilled workers) engage in organized crime, an increase in the number of criminal groups will increase wage inequality if (1) the skilled sector is more capital intensive than the unskilled sector, and (2) the price elasticity of demand for the skilled product is large enough. However, when there are only skilled workers engaging in organized crime, condition (1) is sufficient to widen wage inequality, irrespective of the price elasticity.  相似文献   

文章基于经典产权制度的7大模型,对经典产权制度进行了全面的梳理与评述,无论是逐利动机模型、"公地悲剧"模型、交易成本模型、产权界定模型、微观产权模型、比较分析模型还是法经济分析模型,各有优劣,且它们之间并非结论一致。该现状反映了理论的中性与理论的非完美性。文章通过比较分析法,得出的结论是任何产权制度理论在阐释中国问题时都有局限性,故而建议变通使用经典产权制度理论。之所以对经典产权经济的相关研究进行综合评述,目的是为研究中国少数民族产权制度做好铺垫,尤其是现在产权经济研究的走向问题,当它似乎变得不再那么红极一时,它的理论适应性是否可以在中国少数民族推广,是否能够为中国少数民族产权经济发展指引方向。  相似文献   

We explore the relationship between gambling and the use of credit at the individual and household levels using representative pooled cross-section data from the UK Expenditure and Food Surveys (EFS) (2001–2007). Gambling and the use of credit are shown to be positively correlated at the household level. We find that both the incidence and amount of gambling vary according to household income and the positive association between gambling and credit is stable across household income. It is also apparent that there is strong intra-household correlation in both gambling activity and the use of credit, with stronger relationships in lower income households.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between crime and agglomeration where the land, labor, product, and crime markets are endogenously determined. Our main theoretical findings are the following: (i) better accessibility to jobs decreases crime in the short run but may increase crime in the long run; (ii) the per-capita crime rate increases with city size; (iii) when allowing for endogenous policing, lower commuting costs make the impact of police on crime more efficient.  相似文献   

在知识经济背景下,知识产权能力是企业发展不可或缺的能力。从创造、运用、管理3个维度剖析了企业知识产权能力,探讨其对企业成长的影响机制,并分析了区域知识产权保护强度在这一过程中的调节作用。通过对计算机应用上市企业数据的实证分析,发现知识产权能力可以有效促进企业成长,企业所在区域知识产权保护强度对这一影响存在显著正向调节作用。  相似文献   

对武器装备创新市场化、军民融合和国际化发展趋势进行分析,探讨了武器装备创新发展对国防知识产权制度的内在要求,分析了现有国防知识产权对武器装备创新的作用机制,指出其更多表现为一种约束机制。在此基础上,阐述我国国防知识产权的制度变迁及特征,并针对产权模式、产权交易和产权保护等提出相应制度安排。  相似文献   

本文从主流的委托一代理理论出发.对企业所有权在非人力资本与人力资本之间的配置提出了一个超越委托一代理理论的分析框架.以此为基础.反思了现有国有企业产权改革,笔者坚持人力资本拥有企业所有权的产权改革方向,也指出已有产权改革的误区在于过多地倾向于将人力费本产权赋予企业高层经营者,而忽视了企业中普通职工的人力资本产权塑造,需要推进改革,摸索普通职工物质费本和人力资本的形成途径,增加对普通人力资本产权的扶持.  相似文献   

科技型中小企业知识产权融资模式选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着知识产权运用的深化,知识产权融资已成为科技型中小企业融资的新途径。文章基于资源基础论,对知识产权融资能力进行了分析,将其分解为知识产权财务能力和知识产权战略能力。现有知识产权融资模式偏重政府自上而下的推动,忽视了中小企业对知识产权融资的承接能力,由此导致企业对知识产权融资的认可度不高。科技型中小企业知识产权融资模式需要从企业能力出发,以知识产权财务能力和战略能力为抓手,建立知识产权融资模式的选择模型,厘清企业知识产权融资的需求和特点,针对企业情况合理配置各类知识产权融资方式。科技型中小企业知识产权融资模式只有建立在企业自身能力基础之上,才能推动企业积极投入,进而吸引相关主体参与并推广知识产权融资活动。  相似文献   

Income inequality and crime in the United States   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jongmook Choe   《Economics Letters》2008,101(1):31-33
This paper investigates the relationship between income inequality and crime. Results show that there is a strong and robust effect of relative income inequality on burglary. Effect on robbery is also strong and robust in most cases.  相似文献   

Medieval Japanese governments only haphazardly enforced claims to scarce resources. Necessarily, this presented landholders with a void. To obtain the enforcement they needed, many turned to institutions affiliated with the fractious Buddhist faith instead. Temples and monasteries enjoyed an exemption from tax on their lands and controlled an array of financial and human resources with which they could adjudicate and enforce claims to scarce resources. To obtain access to that exemption and those resources, landholders “commended” their rights in land to them, and paid them a share of the harvest. In exchange, the temples and monasteries exempted them from tax, adjudicated disputes internal to the estate and protected their estates against external threats. Effectively, the temples and monasteries competed in a market for basic governmental services.By helping to secure basic claims to property, the temples and monasteries helped to promote investment and growth; by competing against the government itself, they helped to forestall the crippling effect of a predatory monopolistic state.  相似文献   

国有金融产权交易实现条件与和谐发展路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国有商业银行股改上市是一次“脱胎换骨”的重大转型,以产权交易为导向,是对我国原有的以市场结构调整为取向,对银行业进行增量的、局部均衡的改革的重大突破。但是股改上市并不是改革的最终目的,国有银行要实现产权交易长期和谐发展以厦成功转型仍然存在不少现实障碍。以股改上市为契机,真正实现产权结构变革,完善内部治理结构才是国有银行的最终出路。  相似文献   

产权约束、投资低效与通货紧缩   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:33  
本文从产权逻辑来诠释 2 0 0 3年以来的投资膨胀。文章认为 ,在土地转让权含糊不清和银行产权约束不力的背景下 ,土地和信贷市场的价格机制无法给出市场定价 ,客观造成了巨大套利空间的存在。当经济景气时 ,一些地方政府、企业和银行三方共谋土地和贷款这两种最关键的生产要素 ,从而导致投资的非理性膨胀 ,并通过金融加速器效应带来宏观经济的大幅波动。从根源上讲 ,过度投资和投资低效的本质是产权约束和地方政府政绩观导向的问题。因而 ,本文提出的相应政策含义是 ,在短期内主要以经济杠杆来控制总量 ;在中长期应转变政府职能 ,推进产权改革。  相似文献   

在对企业技术创新的影响因素和市场结构进行分析的基础上,阐释了企业技术创新的动态博弈过程,认为寡头垄断的市场结构最有利于企业技术创新。在成本和技术存在显著差异的条件下,技术领先企业从事创新,技术跟随企业从事模仿是一个Nash均衡解;在成本和技术相似条件下,两个企业同时选择技术创新策略是一个最优博弈策略。该动态过程可能使技术跟随企业成为技术领先企业,同时,对如何提高我国企业的技术自主创新能力,缩短与技术强国的差距提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

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