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随着计算机技术的迅猛发展和广泛应用,现代内部审计需要有与之相适应的技术手段。信息技术对内部审计师来说曾经是“能懂最好”,现在则已成为其基本要求。计算机辅助审计技术是一个受审计人员控制的专用计算机程序,可用于测试或分析计算机文档中的数据,其使用目的是为了更好地实现审计目标。本文阐述了计算机辅助审计技术产生的背景、定义和功能,重点分析了其在银行内部审计非现场及现场审计中的应用和效果,探讨了使审计人员熟练掌握该技术的途径。  相似文献   


This paper aims to describe and analyse the thought patterns of Swedish auditors with regard to the way in which they audit information provided by listed companies, and possible changes in their duties. Eighty-two auditors were interviewed using the repertory grid technique and open-ended interview questions. To check the stability in the thought patterns of the respondents, six retests were made and, to validate the findings, an expert panel and two reference groups consisting of auditors and other representatives of the accounting and auditing professions were consulted. Distinct patterns emerged in the mean grid of the thought patterns of all the respondents. One dimension was related to the time perspective, past versus future, and another to auditing practice. Auditors devote a relatively long time and considerable effort to objects that can be satisfactorily verified, but not to objects that they perceive as being of primary importance to investors and other stakeholders. This inconsistency in the thought patterns of the auditors is similar to the gap between auditing in practice and stakeholders' expectations of auditing, which is a phenomenon frequently found in previous research. Moreover, the auditors were very reluctant to make statements about any information except that elicited according to current practice. In addition to this traditional view, the auditors appear to be more concerned about their own situation than that of the parties they are meant to be protecting. Doing things right seems to be more important than doing the right things. That the auditors spend much time on objects that they themselves do not consider to be of primary importance for the investors and other stakeholders, and their unwillingness to change current practice is of great concern in Sweden, where there is a strong belief in self-regulation of the auditing profession.  相似文献   

以2004—2016年我国A股上市公司的并购事件为样本,研究并购双方共享审计师对并购绩效的影响,并考察了信息不对称程度对两者之间关系的调节作用。结果表明并购双方共享审计师能显著提高并购方及目标方的并购绩效;对于信息不对称程度更大的跨行业、跨地域并购事件,共享审计对并购绩效的正向影响更为显著。进一步检验发现共享审计可以显著降低并购双方之间的信息不对称程度,进而导致较低的并购溢价。  相似文献   

财务报告舞弊行政处罚与可感知审计质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2001年至2008年间非金融类、非外资类正常交易A股公司为研究样本,考察财务报告舞弊行政处罚是否传递了可感知审计质量信息,实证研究结果表明:投资者总体上并不认可财务报告舞弊行政处罚传递了可感知审计质量信息,仅当投资者观察到反映坏消息的审计意见(如审计师出具非标审计意见、审计意见未改善等)和反映审计师声誉信息(如审计师受到行政处罚)的情况下,投资者才认为财务报告舞弊行政处罚传递了可感知审计质量信息。  相似文献   

面对电脑信息化的审计环境,审计人员在审计规划时,应考虑电脑信息系统的特征,充分了解信息系统的内部控制结构及风险评估,积极应用网络对审计的正面影响,防范负面影响。  相似文献   

审计报告质量是审计质量的综合体现,直接影响到审计信息使用者的决策、审计机构及人员审计风险的扩展与释放,法律责任的承担等。本文通过研究,试图构建我国的审计报告质量特征体系,以期对审计报告质量进行评判,进一步提升审计质量,增强审计信息相关性,弥合审计期望差距,使审计与其信息使用者实现良性互动。  相似文献   

审计师强制轮换具有双重性,关键是利大于弊还是弊大于利。本文认为,不能期望通过审计师强制轮换解决审计工作的全部问题,其影响的实际结果还要经过经验的积累和实践的探索。因此,应加强审计师的职业道德教育和诚信教育,规范收费标准和审计师的报告行为,强化上市公司财务的披露义务,加强审计师强制轮换的制度设计等,以使审计师强制轮换尽可能发挥扬长避短的效果,更好地发挥审计师的鉴证作用,提升资本市场信息披露质量。  相似文献   

We analyze empirically the usefulness of combining accounting and auditing data in order to predict corporate financial distress. Concretely, we examine whether audit report information incrementally predicts distress over a traditional accounting model: the Altman's Z‐Score model. Although the audit report seems to play a critical part in financial distress prediction because auditors should warn investors about any default risks, this is the first study that uses audit report disclosures for predicting purposes. From a dataset of 1,821 Spanish distressed private firms, we analyze a sample of distressed and non‐distressed firms and develop logit prediction models. Our results show that while the only accounting model registers a classification accuracy of 77%, combined models of accounting and auditing data exhibit considerably higher accuracy (about 87%). Specifically, our findings indicate that the number of disclosures included in the audit report, as well as disclosures related to a firm's going concern status, firms’ assets, and firms’ recognition of revenues and expenses contribute the most to the prediction. Our empirical evidence has implications for financial distress practice. For managers, our study highlights the importance of audit report disclosures for anticipating a financial distress situation. For regulators and auditors, our study underscores the importance of recent changes in regulation worldwide intended to increase auditor's transparency through a more informative audit report.  相似文献   

本文从博弈的角度对非对称信息下的审计市场进行了分析,认为目前我国的审计市场存在逆向选择效应,面临成为“柠檬市场”的威胁。审计市场要避免出现逆向选择,建立以会计师事务所品牌为手段的“信号传递机制”是必然之路。  相似文献   

通过对2001年—2009年中国首次公开发行证券的审计相关数据进行模型检验后发现,在中国首次公开发行证券的审计中,行业专门化的审计师通过实施差异化的竞争战略获取审计收费溢价,进而获得超额利润,行业专门化的发展道路可以成为会计师事务所行之有效的一种竞争战略。  相似文献   

中国特色的审计精神源于党领导下的审计实践,具有鲜明的辩证特性与丰富的内涵意蕴。为了满足审计人员的精神需求,审计精神教育需要开展必要的精神生产与精神交往活动,实现个体层面的审计精神内化以及整体层面的审计精神传承。审计精神教育需要彰显政治属性、加强文化认同、融合时代要素,推进知识体系构建、集体记忆塑造、共同体意识构筑,从而将意识形态注入受教育者的价值体系。当前的审计精神教育工作无法全面满足审计人员的精神生活需要,应当通过加强审计精神教育理论研究、提升审计精神教育能力、引导审计精神需求观念等方式来化解教育实践中的主要矛盾。  相似文献   

基于2017—2021年我国A股上市公司的经验证据,实证检验企业ESG表现对关键审计事项披露的影响。研究发现,企业ESG表现越差,审计师为应对风险披露的关键审计事项越充分,具体表现为披露数量更多、披露内容更详细。进一步分析发现,ESG表现通过影响企业的经营风险和信息风险,从而影响到关键审计事项披露的信息量,并且在审计师具有行业专长和媒体关注度较高的情况下,企业ESG表现对关键审计事项披露的影响更明显。研究结论不仅丰富了企业ESG表现经济后果的相关文献,而且对新审计报告准则实施后审计师更准确地识别审计风险、提供更有效的审计服务具有启示意义。  相似文献   

政府审计信息公开是腐败治理的重要途径。政府审计信息是审计机关控制的并反映所有政府审计关系人各种审计行为信息的总称。政府审计行为是最重要的政府审计信息对象。政府审计信息可以根据行为主体、行为发生逻辑、行为性质、行为对象、行为发生时间进行分类。目前在信息公开实践中,政府审计信息边界模糊、体系不完整,影响了政府审计信息公开作用的发挥,因此需要准确把握政府审计信息的边界,建立科学审计信息内容体系,优化审计信息公开的内容结构。  相似文献   

本文联系上市公司“达尔曼”因财务造假最终退市,分别从审计的追求目标、审计独立性的制度设计以及改进审计行业管理三个方面论述了如何保障审计的真实性。认为审计应当追求结果真实,在注册会计师的选聘上应引进独立审计代理委托人以真正解决独立性,并且要切实有效加强行业管理,以避免注册会计师在审计中的机会主义行为。  相似文献   

不同阶段电子数据的操作都会留下表现各异的轨迹。从操作系统、计算机应用系统、数据传输、数据采集和分析等不同层面深入分析审计电子数据轨迹在计算机系统中表现形式,可以为审计人员提供有效的审计方法。  相似文献   

In the audit literature, it was postulated that audit firms are differentiated due to their quality and, thus, the fees charged are a function of quality. We hypothesize that this may lead to audit firm specialization in different amounts of auditing, leading to a differential audit fee structure. This hypothesis is empirically tested by using a very large sample of audit fees paid to then Big Eight auditors. The results are consistent with the hypothesis in that three Big Eight auditors are observed to charge significantly different fees when compared with the other firms.  相似文献   

财务报表是由管理层负责编制的,即使由注册会计师依据一般公认审计准则进行了审计,财务报表所揭露的信息终究是财务性、历史性的,公开时点远在企业经济行为之后。尽管如此,注册会计师审计仍然被视为公司管理舞弊控制的重要防线。在管理舞弊控制方面,审计师有自己的职业优势,也存在着职业劣势。从理论上讲,高质量审计应该能够在管理舞弊控制方面有着良好表现,控制管理舞弊应该能够提高审计质量,能否以实证研究的方式为理论提供数据支持呢?本文的实证结论与相关学者的研究结论都表明,如果不改善中国内地独立审计制度安排,理论上的高质量审计在中国内地是难以发挥其高质量审计功能的。  相似文献   

内部审计独立性国际比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
独立性是审计的灵魂和本质,是保证内部审计人员客观公正地从事审计活动的先决条件。但由于各国政治、经济、法律、文化等方面的差异,其对内部审计独立性的理解和要求不尽相同。本文结合中外内部审计准则中的有关规定,对内部审计独立性进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

西方国家从20世纪60年代就开始研究审计人员对内部控制判断是否具有一致性及能否用数学方法来描述内部控制状态这两个问题,本文对这些研究文献进行综述,综述的重点在于研究的具体问题、研究方法及研究结论。  相似文献   

This study tests a model of how auditors make decisions when presented with environmental risk information in the context of a task that requires their professional opinion on a company's forecasted information. Auditing provided a small-world context where declarative and procedural knowledge have been well documented in terms of the rules for analysing financial information. This research uses a conceptual modelling approach to determine auditors' perceptions of environmental risk information and the effects on their judgement and decision choices when issuing an examination report supporting forecasted financial statements. Auditors were provided with environmental risk information that they had to process and integrate in their decision-making. The results demonstrated that auditors act on unfamiliar declarative knowledge using their standard procedural knowledge. The results from eighty-four senior auditors displayed evidence that auditors' perception of environmental risk information is downplayed compare to the traditional accounting information during their judgement and decision choice phases. When confronted with conflicting information, auditors tend to place more reliance on financial rather than environmental risk information. One of the implications of this study is that auditors should be trained to handle non-traditional information, such as environmental risk.  相似文献   

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