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LEE Teck-Heang Azham Md. Ali 《现代会计与审计》2008,4(8):30-37
The audit expectation gap is critical to the auditing profession because the greater the unfulfilled expectations from the public, the lower is the credibility, earning potential and prestige associated with the work of auditors. The aim of this paper is to uncover the causes of an audit expectation gap. It is revealed that the existence of an audit expectation gap is due to complicated nature of an audit function; conflicting role of auditors; retrospective evaluation of auditors' performance; time lag in responding to changing expectation; and self-regulation process of the auditing profession. 相似文献
本文对制度基础审计与风险导向审计进行了比较分析,指出了两种审计模式的具体特点,阐述了制度基础审计模式和风险导向审计模式两者的利弊得失及其适用的审计环境,以期从理论和实务上对两种审计模式有一个较为全面的认识. 相似文献
This paper examines limited-dependent rational expectations (LD-RE) models containing future expectations of the dependent variable. Limited dependence is of a two-limit tobit variety which may, for example, arise as a result of a policy of imposing limits on the movement of the dependent variable by means of marginal as well as intramarginal interventions. We show that when the forcing variables are serially independent the model has an analytical solution which can be computed by backward recursion. With serially correlated forcing variables, we discuss an approximate solution method, as well as a numerically exact method that, in principle, can be implemented by stochastic simulation, although in practice it is limited by available computational capacity. The paper discusses some properties of the approximate solutions and reports the results of a limited number of Monte Carlo experiments in order to illustrate the computational feasibility of using the exact solution when the fundamentals are serially independent and the approximate solution when they are serially correlated. 相似文献
审计方法的变革是现代审计的一个重要标志。在审计发展的历史长河中,审计方法不断地变化与调整,特别是制度基础与风险基础审计方法的先后出现,使审计工作跨入了一个崭新的时代。 相似文献
It is generally assumed in the popular management literature that the TQM (total quality management) and BPR (business process re-engineering) movements are the two latest expressions of an increasing sophistication in management techniques and principles. Following this logic it only is a matter of time before they will be superseded by yet another management innovation. This paper aims to explode this ‘beyond’ myth by exposing the underlying logic of TQM and BPR implementation patterns in two case companies. Empirical findings will be related back to critical approaches to the study of TQM and BPR. Concrete suggestions as to how to move beyond the quick fix managerial mode will be proposed. Our approach is intended to provide a counterweight to the unreflective discourse surrounding TQM and BPR by breaking open the naturalness of this discourse. It supplies a few landmarks for managers and researchers to take a step back, hesitate, and reflect on the phenomenon of planned organizational change. 相似文献
本文在总结已有成果的基础上,分析了开展管理审计对内部审计权威性、内部审计目的、内部审计工作的复杂程度、内部审计的质量控制的影响和要求,并对发展我国企业内部审计提出了相关建议. 相似文献
无论企业当前主营业务多么旺盛,都有衰败之时;所以跨越当前财务增长曲线,向新业务转型,是企业重获生机的必然之选卓越绩效企业的转型经验表明,只有在市场增长曲线、能力增长曲线、人才开发增长曲线三个隐藏曲线的拐点出现之前谋求转型,转型才有成功的把握寻求新的增长点,谋求产业转型总是一些企业的迫切需求。尤其在当前新技术革命大潮奔涌、金融危机后市场环境巨变的情况下,转型浪潮正席卷全球。惠普、诺基亚、微软、海尔、苹果等一大批企业面对核心市场的巨大增长压力,都在积极谋求转型,开辟新的业务。但其中一些企业无奈地发现,自己就像风雨中的一叶扁舟,早已无法掌握自己的航向。最新的失败案例是柯达,百年企业由于转型失败,无奈走上破产之路。而另一些企业却能不断恰逢其时地踩着新业务的增长波,超越激烈竞争的成熟产业红海,成为新领域的遥遥领先者,比如苹果。 相似文献
在外部的审核实践中,经常会发现一些组织的内审,遗漏了对最高管理层(以下简称管理层)的审核,外审员据此开出不合格后,受审核方有的面露难色,认为不好纠正。这的确是个比较复杂的问题。本文愿就内审审核管理层的要求、问题、原因分析和纠正措施,结合标准的要求、指南性意见和审核案例,做一番探讨,提供一些技术支持,以期这一比较普遍的问题能够有所解决。 相似文献
本文通过剖析管理层收购(MBO)在我国的现状,揭示了我国MBO操作中的不透明和暗箱操作现象,提出了从收购主体合法性审计、定价审计、信息披露审计以及MBO后的审计等方面,对管理层收购审计的策略与重点。 相似文献
Aumann and Drèze (2008) characterised the set of interim expected payoffs that players may have in rational belief systems, in which there is common knowledge of rationality and a common prior. We show here that common knowledge of rationality is not needed: when rationality is satisfied in the support of an action-consistent distribution (a concept introduced by Barelli (2009)), one obtains exactly the same set of rational expectations, despite the fact that in such ‘weakly rational belief systems’ there may not be mutual knowledge of rationality, let alone common knowledge of rationality. In the special case of two-player zero-sum games, the only expected payoff is the minmax value, even under these weak assumptions. 相似文献
R.A. Batchelor 《Journal of econometrics》1981,16(2):199-210
Following Lucas, expectations have become central to macroeconomic theory. Empirical implementations generally start from tendency surveys, where respondents indicate the expected direction of change. Carlson and Parkin, and others, turn this into quantitative measures by assuming aggregate expectations followed a normal distribution. These show signs of irrationality. However, the Central Limit Theorem requires only that such a distribution lie in the class of ‘stable probability laws’. Indeed, the Lucas information assumptions, and evidence on individual survey responses, argue against the limiting case of normality. Experiments on European Business Surveys show that substitution of skewed stable distributions can eliminate symptoms of irrationality previously found in survey-based expectations measures. 相似文献
近几十年来,内部审计发展迅速.国际内部审计界在理论上取得了许多富于价值的研究成果,同时在实务上也总结出一些行之有效的做法,使得内部审计在规范组织行为、提高组织经营效率和效果方面发挥了重要的作用.目前,内部审计已成为单位内部管理中不可或缺的组成部分,其重要作用已在世界范围内得到认可. 相似文献
Max Visser 《Quality and Quantity》1994,28(4):435-444
The analysis of long-term social and political developments in Western countries is often difficult because of a lack of sufficient survey data. Almost always official election and census statistics are available over long periods, yet the use of these data for individual-level inferences runs the risk of the ‘ecological fallacy’. In this paper we propose a method to go beyond the fallacy, the Duncan-Davis technique for area-classified data. The method is discussed and used to assess the amount of religious voting among Dutch Catholics in the 1971 general election. While the technique is only moderately helpful in this case, it is expected to be far more useful for the analysis of older elections. 相似文献
Ann Vanstraelen 《European Accounting Review》2013,22(3):419-442
Anglo-American countries like the US and the UK allow companies to switch auditors every year. In contrast, some continental European countries restrict auditor switching by allowing only renewable long-term audit mandates. This paper aims to analyse the impact of renewable long-term audit mandates on audit quality. Audit quality is considered from the viewpoint of the external users of the financial statements. It is questioned whether renewable long-term audit mandates have an impact on the auditor's reporting behaviour and on auditor independence. This research is motivated by the lack of consensus in the literature on the impact of the length of the auditor client relationship on audit quality. Moreover, few empirical studies use publicly available secondary data in order to determine whether perceived threats to auditor independence actually compromise auditor independence. Therefore, our research methodology consists in the development of a logistic regression model in which the explanatory variables are measured using publicly available data. The results of the study suggest that long-term auditor client relationships significantly increase the likelihood of an unqualified opinion or significantly reduce the auditor's willingness to qualify audit reports. A significant difference was also found between the auditor's reporting behaviour in the first two years versus the last year of the audit mandate. Auditors are more willing to issue an unqualified audit report in the first two years of their official mandate than in the last year of their mandate. This could be an indication that the decision to renew the auditor's mandate is already taken and known to the auditor before he has issued his last audit report within his current mandate. The policy implications of these findings could be in favour of mandatory auditor rotation to maintain the value of an audit for the external users. However, given recent theoretic evidence on the adverse effects of mandatory auditor rotation, there is a need to develop alternative measures to safeguard auditors' independence. 相似文献
从审计一个单位的财务收支,到审计一个单位领导人任期内所负的经济责任,是具有中国特色社会主义制度下的审计事业的创新。按照中纪委、中组部、监察部、人事部、审计署联合发文要求,从2001年开始,对县以上党政领导干部任期经济责任审计要积极试点并逐步推开,朱钅容基总理指出“经济责任审计只审省级以下的不行,要审省长、审部长,官越大就越得审”。总理的指示,既反映了党中央、国务院对经济责任审计工作的高度重视和严格要求,也体现了党中央反腐倡廉和从严治党的坚强决心,经济责任审计是一个沉重的世纪话题。我省抚州市(原抚州地区)审计局于2000年3月率先开展了县级领导干部经济责任审计试点,先后完成了10批79人(次),其中县委书记5人、县(区)长14人、局长(主任)40人、厂长(经理)6人、县(区)法院院长、检察院检察长14人。本刊为认真了解各级党政领导对经济责任审计的意见与建议,3月8日至10日对其中3名县委书记进行了专访。 相似文献