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This paper investigates the two‐way relationship between deep integration and production networks trade. We capture deep integration with a set of indices constructed in terms of policy areas covered in preferential trade agreements. We estimate an augmented gravity equation to investigate the impact of deep integration on production networks trade. The results show that on average, signing deeper agreements increases production networks trade between member countries by almost 12 percentage points. In addition, the impact of deep integration is higher for trade in automobile parts and information and technology products compared with textile products. To analyse whether higher levels of network trade increase the likelihood of signing deeper agreements, we follow the literature on the determinants of preferential trade agreements. The estimation results show that, after taking into account other PTA determinants, a ten percentage increase in the share of production network trade over total trade increases the depth of an agreement by approximately 6 percentage points. In addition, the probability of signing deeper agreements is higher for country pairs involved in North–South production sharing and for countries belonging to the Asia region.  相似文献   

This research examines the nature of logistics performance and the contribution of logistics to the firm by empirically investigating the impact of logistics performance on organizational performance. Logistics performance is tested as a second‐order formative construct comprised of three dimensions: logistics efficiency; logistics effectiveness; and logistics differentiation. Results indicate that logistics performance positively impacts organizational performance. Theoretical and empirical support is also provided for measuring logistics performance as a second‐order formative construct, indicating that efficiency, effectiveness, and differentiation are not necessarily trade‐offs, but rather are complementary. Importantly, perceptual measures for organizational performance collected from managerial respondents were strongly correlated with secondary financial data for participating organizations obtained from Compustat, lending empirical credence to the logistics performance–organizational performance relationship.  相似文献   

Contrary to the predictions of the 2 × 2 × 2 Heckscher–Ohlin model, empirical evidence shows that the skill premium increased in some developing countries and decreased in others after trade liberalisation. This paper attempts to reconcile the empirical evidence with the theoretical predictions by introducing a model where South–South trade can produce the observed patterns of skill premia in the South. In this context, South–South trade expands the import range of the country that reduces the tariff. This increases the demand for and the cost of skilled workers in the other country. This also leads the country that reduces the tariff to expand its export range and reduce its import range. Therefore, the country that reduces the tariff experiences an increase in its export range, which leads to an increase in the skill premium. As the impact on the import range is ambiguous, it is possible that the other country experiences a decline in the skill premium. Thus, trade liberalisation between Southern countries can cause an increase in the skill premium in one and a decrease in the skill premium in another.  相似文献   

推进中俄农业合作生产基地建设,要加快建设高水平的中俄农业合作生产基地;积极推进黑龙江省对俄农产品生产和加工基地的建设;拓展在俄罗斯远东地区的农产品合作生产基地的建设;制定并完善中俄农业经济合作的投资保障措施。发展中俄相邻地区农产品贸易与物流,应完善农产品贸易信息平台和贸易政策;积极开展农产品在俄罗斯的质量认证和获取市场准入;围绕俄罗斯远东市场规划建立国际物流体系。  相似文献   

Trade between developing countries, or South–South trade, has been growing rapidly in recent years following reductions in tariff barriers. However, significant barriers remain, and there is currently reluctance in many developing countries to undertake further reductions, with a preference instead for focusing on opening up access to developed country markets, or maintaining the status quo given that multilateral liberalisation may result in the erosion of preferential access enjoyed by some developing countries. This emphasis on Northern markets represents a missed opportunity for developing countries. To assess this we compare the potential effects of the removal of barriers on South–South trade with the gains from developed country liberalisation and from regional free trade areas within Africa, Asia and Latin America. A general equilibrium model, the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) model, containing information on preferential bilateral tariffs, is used to estimate the impacts. The results indicate that the opening up of Northern markets would provide annual welfare gains to developing countries of $22 billion. However, the removal of South–South barriers has the potential to generate gains 40 per cent larger. The results imply that giving greater emphasis to removing barriers between as well as within continents could prove a successful Southern survival strategy.  相似文献   

中美物流成本比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对中美物流成本进行了定性和定量的对比分析,认为我国物流成本居高不下既有技术因素方面的原因,更有制度因素方面的原因。为降低我国物流成本,应切实转变政府职能,彻底打破行政性垄断;大力发展第三方物流,提升工商企业的核心竞争力;建立健全有关法律、法规,为现代物流业发展创造良好的制度环境;加快发展行业协会组织,充分发挥行业协会的作用;重视现代物流领域的研究和创新,加快培养现代物流专业人才。  相似文献   

Although quality, safety, and sustainability are important concerns in logistics, managers are sometimes reluctant to invest in these areas because it is not always clear how such investments will benefit firm performance. Empirical literature provides little guidance in the context of logistics as previous studies report mixed findings across a diverse set of industries, which may not be directly applicable to logistics. To address this gap, we conducted an event study to estimate the stock market reaction to quality, safety, and sustainability award announcements in logistics. Based on 244 award announcements during the period 2004–13, we found that stock market participants react positively to announcements of these awards. The market reaction appears to be stronger for sustainability awards than for quality and safety awards. Our results also suggest that the market reacts more favorably to quality and sustainability award announcements for firms with better past financial performance and for smaller firms.  相似文献   

Private enterprise carries out the complex operations of cross‐border logistics that are the lifeblood of global supply chains. Yet, the efficiency of these activities depends on government agencies that provide the logistics infrastructure for global trade. Thus, public–private partnerships (PPPs) play an important role in facilitating improvements in cross‐border logistics. While private enterprise and the public sector are key stakeholders in the quality of cross‐border logistics, research that examines PPPs in logistics management is relatively sparse. To address this gap, the current study aims to develop empirically based theoretical insights into the nature and role of PPPs in the context of cross‐border logistics. The study employs a grounded‐theory analysis of case study data collected at the U.S./Canadian border. Findings show that private enterprise collaborative capability and public interagency cooperation determine the performance of PPPs which, in turn, influence the quality of cross‐border logistics.  相似文献   

国际服务贸易作为国际间新的经济形态,是世界经济高度化、一体化发展的结果,应当看到这个新的经济增长点和经济发展的重要机遇,进行战略性的思考和长远的安排.国际物流服务贸易作为国际运输服务贸易的升华和发展,是国际服务贸易一个新的课题,对于促进国际间从商品、技术、知识到服务的全面融合,提高我国国际服务贸易水平具有重要意义,将成为我国新的经济增长点和战略选择.为推进国际物流服务贸易,可从两方面着手进行:一方面是以系统物流为独立的服务形态进入到国际服务贸易领域里面去,这是国际物流服务贸易的主体;另一方面是作为国际实物商品贸易共生、配套、派生的物流服务,随同实物商品国际贸易进入到国际贸易领域,在多数情况下,这已经成为国际商品贸易的一部分,不容忽视.此外,推进国际物流服务贸易,除了要从数量上推进外,还要注重内涵的扩展.而且国际服务贸易与国际物流服务贸易的发展,会遇到很多困难和问题,对此要有充分的准备.  相似文献   

亚太区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)各成员国的物流绩效的提高,对促进成员国的贸易发展、提升国际贸易水平具有重要意义。利用RCEP各成员国的物流绩效指数(LPI),通过多角度分析、探索物流高水平发展的新路径。分析发现中国在基础设施方面取得了一定的成效,但在清关及物流服务质量和能力方面依然有待提高。通过物流绩效指数聚类,将RCEP成员国分为三类不同物流水平的国家,第一类为物流高水平国家,包括新加坡、日本、澳大利亚、韩国、新西兰和中国;第二类为物流中水平国家,包括印度尼西亚、越南、马来西亚和泰国;第三类为物流低水平国家,包括柬埔寨、文莱、菲律宾、老挝和缅甸。通过计算各成员国LPI变异系数发现,物流高水平国家的物流绩效基本保持稳定,低水平国家中有的能持续上升,有的表现则很不稳定。物流中水平国家,需要保持持续增长趋势,才能不断缩小与物流高水平国家之间的差距,而物流低水平国家则需要全方位的提升。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), an instance of North–South trade liberalization, on returns to skill in Mexico. Mexico is abundant in low-skill workers relative to the US and Canada, and so, by the Heckscher–Ohlin–Samuelson trade model, NAFTA ought to have raised the relative earnings of low-skill workers, that is, lowered returns to skill in Mexico. Analysis of Mexican labour micro-data yields the finding that while returns to skill in industries producing tradeables have risen, ceteris paribus, since Mexico embarked upon trade liberalization by joining the GATT in 1986, this rise was less pronounced by 1999 in industries liberalized relatively rapidly by NAFTA, launched in 1994, than in industries liberalized relatively slowly by this phased trade treaty. This is considered evidence of NAFTA holding back rise in returns to skill, since it is plausible such a dampening would have been more marked in industries more rapidly exposed to trade with Mexico's skill abundant northern neighbours. Hence, this study suggests trade with developed nations may lower returns to skill in developing nations.  相似文献   

我国机场企业航空物流发展战略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,机场作为全球动态物流链的重要支点,日益成为促进和加强贸易发展的重要载体。本文运用SWOT分析法,构造了内部要素评价矩阵和外部要素评价矩阵,提出我国机场企业内部状况总体上处于优势,面临的机会大于威胁,机遇大于挑战,其航空物流在总体上应采取增长型的发展战略。但随着航空物流传统优势的逐渐弱化,其面临的威胁不断增加,我国机场企业航空物流的发展应重点关注基于关键资源的制胜战略、基于信息技术的供应链整合战略、面向机场的航空物流网络化战略和第四方物流发展战略。  相似文献   

This paper studies how international trade affects emigration in developing countries. This is a new aspect as previous studies investigated the impact of immigration on trade from host countries perspective. However, there are also reasons to believe that trade may affect the propensity to emigrate in the home countries, leading to potential brain drain in developing countries, especially given the theoretical hypothesis in Stolper–Samuelson (S–S) theorem within Heckscher–Ohlin (H–O) factor-proportion model that more educated workers are more likely to emigrate due to an increase in international trade. When low-skill abundant developing countries liberalize trade, the reward of the scarce factor (skilled labor) is reduced in these countries, but it increases in the high-skill abundant developed countries. Therefore, skilled workers in the developing countries see a strong incentive to migrate to developed countries. To test this hypothesis, this paper utilizes a panel of 133 developing countries for the period of 1980–2010 and finds that high-skilled workers are more likely to emigrate with trade while there appears to be no effect of trade on low-skilled workers.  相似文献   

本文通过构建非约束性向量自回归模型和包含协整约束条件的向量自回归模型以及脉冲响应函数,研究我国物流业和我国国内外贸易之间的关联性。经验实证研究表明,我国物流业、对外贸易和国内贸易三者之间存在且仅存在唯一协整关系,物流业的发展对国内贸易和对外贸易的促进作用是长期且持续稳定的,三者之间存在明显的联动机制,与对外贸易相比,国内贸易对物流业发展的推动作用要显著得多,二者之间的联动效应更为突出。  相似文献   

中国东北地区位于东北亚区域地理中心,是"一带一路"向北开放的重要窗口和东北亚地区合作的中心枢纽。"一带一路"将振兴东北老工业基地战略与韩国"新北方政策"联系起来,成为推动中国东北地区与韩国发展战略对接与合作的重要力量。在"一带一路"框架下,中国东北地区与韩国积极加强基础设施建设,开展经贸和投资合作,强化金融和货币领域合作。在此基础上,东北地区与韩国还将发展跨境电子商务,构建智能物流体系,加强金融合作,为中韩发展战略对接与合作创造广阔发展前景。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the links between product quality and the pro‐trade effect of ethnic networks using a large panel on bilateral stocks of immigrants with information for 19 OECD destination countries and 177 origin countries. In line with the approach of Rauch and Trindade, we classify traded goods according to their quality level and separately estimate pro‐trade elasticity of ethnic networks for each subgroup. We allow for heterogeneity of immigrants according to both the level of per capita income of their country of origin and their education level. Our findings suggest that the trend of the pro‐trade effect of immigrants over quality seems to be driven by the North–South specialisation across varieties for both supply and demand. Indeed, ethnic networks mostly facilitate imports of those varieties for which their countries of origin have a comparative advantage; as for exports, ethnic networks are more effective in promoting exports to their homeland of those varieties for which there is relatively higher demand. We show that the same trend applies to products characterised by the same degree of differentiation according to the classification proposed by Rauch and – given their lower liquidity constraints and advantages in human capital – we find a greater impact of high‐skilled migrants consistent across all quality levels.  相似文献   

Transportation costs are an important topic in international trade, but seldom have researchers paid attention to general equilibrium trade modelling with transportation costs and explored their relevant effects. This paper uses numerical general equilibrium trade model structures to simulate the impacts of transportation costs on welfare and trade for a Canada–US country pair case. We compare two groups of model structures: Armington assumption models and homogeneous goods models. Within these two groups of models, we also compare balanced trade structures to trade imbalance structures and production function transportation costs to iceberg transportation costs. Armington goods models generate more absolute welfare gains from transportation cost elimination than homogeneous goods models. Welfare gains under balanced trade structures are larger in production function transportation cost scenarios than in iceberg transportation cost scenarios, but under trade imbalance structures, welfare gains are greater under iceberg transportation cost scenarios. Canada's welfare gains in the iceberg transportation cost scenario are significantly larger than gains in the production function transportation cost scenario. On trade effects, homogeneous goods models generate more export and import gains, balanced trade structures have more trade variations, and iceberg transportation costs generate more trade effects.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of obstacles facing exporting firms in developing countries by diagnosing the efficiency of trade logistics in the Middle East and North Africa region (MNA). Using logistics chain analysis for six export commodities, it presents evidence that transport and non‐transport logistics costs for export commodities from the MNA region are quite substantial, ranging from 7–25 per cent of landed product prices. Underlying these costs are key bottlenecks identified as: inefficient trucking and transport services, low export volume leading to long shipping times and the need for costly inventory accumulation, aggressive, obstructive customs authorities and procedures, low and inconsistent product quality, an underdeveloped transport intermediary sector, inefficient cross‐border transit procedures and others. Recommended actions to address developing a national transport policy, overhauling the regulatory regime for the trucking sector, export promotion measures, increasing competition in port and air freight services, reorienting customs authorities towards trade facilitation and developing cross‐border transit procedures similar to the TIR Carnets model.  相似文献   

This paper presents new data on services trade regulation for 46 countries in 22 services sectors over 6 years (2014–2019). The data consist of qualitative information which is scored and weighted to produce composite indices. They cover market access and national treatment restrictions with respect to all GATS modes of supply, but also behind the border domestic regulation such as licensing, non-transparent regulatory procedures and competition policy. The database is updated annually. The trade restrictiveness indices (STRIs) are significantly correlated with services trade flows, but also with the performance of the sectors subject to the restrictions including logistics performance indicators, interest spreads, density of ATMs and secure servers, broadband penetration and outcomes such as legal rights and the time to resolve insolvency.  相似文献   

建立有效的检验检疫监管体系促进现代物流业的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁瑜 《中国市场》2008,(41):17-19
随着世界经济的快速发展和现代科学技术的进步,现代物流业作为现代经济的重要组成部分和工业化进程中最为经济合理的综合服务模式,正在全球范围内得以迅速发展。一个国家的物流发展水平成为衡量一个国家现代化程度和综合国力的重要标志之一。在经济全球化不断深化的今天,物流早已走出国门,与国际贸易紧密结合,成为各国互通有无、互利互惠的重要载体。而在现代物流整体供应链上,检验检疫部门肩负着严把国门的重要职责,对物流速度有着举足轻重的影响。如何促进现代物流业的发展,成为检验检疫系统一个新课题。  相似文献   

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