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The paper by Lange, Chi and Zhou (hereafter ‘the authors’) serves not only as a useful reminder about the importance of optimization techniques in implementing modern statistical methods but also as a collection of various techniques along with citations for further study. The authors point out that it is useful to be able to ‘mix and match’ these techniques. My brief comments will focus on a few aspects of this mixing and matching.  相似文献   

Despite its rapid growth in recent years, Project Management has received very little critical attention, particularly when compared to the more ‘hyped’ managerial fashions such as TQM (cf. Wilkinson and Willmott, 1995 ) and BPR (cf. Grey and Mitev, 1995 ; Grint, 1994 ). My intention in this paper is to critically examine the ongoing construction of Project Management as a professional discipline in modern organizations. Drawing on an understanding of ‘discipline’ based in Foucauldian work, I will briefly trace the historical construction of Project Management as a form of managerial knowledge, outlining the key models and techniques which make up contemporary Project Management. Through an empirical study of the articulation and reproduction of Project Management within two Financial Services institutions, the everyday construction of Project Management as an ‘objective’ and ‘abstract’ body of knowledge will be described. I then contrast this with the embodied and power‐laden operation of Project Management, with disciplinary effects not only on those employees whose work is restructured in line with Project Management principles but equally upon self‐professed Project Management professionals themselves.  相似文献   

Historicizing Planning,Problematizing Participation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, I offer speculations which share the intentions of this symposium to bring to light seldom acknowledged configurations of knowledges, and to indicate different ways of thinking historically about urban problems and planning policies. I suggest that a genealogical or critical historical sensibility has much to contribute to these projects by tracing how policies and programmes come into being in response to specific conditions and within specific sets of presuppositions, and are rarely the products of unified histories or singular rationalities. But these policies are also configured in discursive terrains that already shape the form of problems and their possible solutions. That is, before policies or concepts can ‘travel’, they have to come into being under certain ‘conditions of possibility’. The main focus of this article is to suggest that posing a policy, programme or set of practices as a ‘problematization’ as a consequence of certain conditions of possibility can productively indicate different avenues of enquiry that trace the disparate ‘pre‐travel’ emergences of what may (or may not) then become ‘travelling’ policies. I indicate some questions and possible research directions arising from taking participation in planning as a particular form of problematization and calling attention to the taken‐for‐granted nature of ‘participation’ as it is theorized and practised in the fields of urban planning and participatory development.  相似文献   

This critical commentary on Ohlson's paper (in this issue) problematises the concept of ‘successful’ accounting research; highlighting its ex-post, variable nature as a socially manufactured object. Contrasting Ohlson's notion of a singular body of shared ‘common knowledge’ in accounting with the plurality of knowledges valued by different research communities, the commentary advocates a deliberate courting of heterogeneous research paradigms so as to stimulate insightful scholarship. The commentary also reflects on systemic trends underlying the growth of research measurement programmes, and points out that the quest for ‘successful’ research could perversely undermine the generation of memorable and innovative research. Finally, individual researchers are encouraged at each career stage to determine for themselves the intended results to which they aspire, conscious that there are multiple notions of ‘successful’ research and therefore multiple routes to success.  相似文献   

What is the role of the researcher in a world that is continuously enacted and reconfigured in sociomaterial practices, a world in which subject and object, structure and agency, body and mind, knower and known, are assumed to be ontologically inseparable? In this article, I explore this question by drawing on my own experiences of reconsidering essentialist and representationalist assumptions, and becoming a sociomaterial researcher. My exploration draws on my experiences of conducting a qualitative longitudinal case study at the Swedish Migration Board. Specifically, I show what it can mean to ‘invite materiality’ into interviews, examine the conditions of possibility to become in certain ways by tracing the genealogy of practices, and engage with data relationally rather than categorically. By accounting for my experience of working through these practices, I aim to develop and articulate an understanding of what the ontological position underlying a sociomaterial approach implies for epistemology, and of how we can act (or, rather, intra-act) more creatively and responsibly as sociomaterial researchers. Moreover, I highlight differences in the kinds of knowledge that a sociomaterial approach grounded in relational and performative onto-epistemologies, as opposed to a socio-material approach, grounded in critical realism, produce about the unfolding of organizational practices—specifically, the practices unfolding in the reception area of the Swedish Migration Board. The paper contributes to the current debate on sociomaterial approaches, and in particular to the development of practices available to draw upon for researchers taking a sociomaterial approach.  相似文献   

In supply chain management (SCM), two topics have gained importance over the last years. On the one hand, sustainable SCM (SSCM) has become increasingly relevant and many publications have contributed to the topic. On the other hand, information technology (IT) is being progressively considered as a key enabler for efficiency in supply chains. Several research efforts have contributed to the field of IT for SSCM. However, this paper is the first recent attempt to summarise the current state of the art of how IT can affect SSCM in any structured way and to compare it with IT for ‘general’ SCM to give guidance for future research. This paper surveys 55 peer-reviewed articles that were retrieved through keyword searches (until May 2014). The analysis identifies research deficits as well as a lack of scientific discourse employing empirical techniques and a lack of investigations on the social sustainability. Additionally, possible topics for further research were derived by comparing the survey’s results with the current research on IT for ‘general’ SCM following the analysis of 631 articles. Six fields could be identified, namely output/effects of IT, machine communication and multiagents, inputs and IT-supported processing, IT-enabled interorganisational exchange, quantitative IT approaches and a sector focus.  相似文献   

In the social sciences, several scientific paradigms are mutually isolated owing to their use of specific sets of methodological criteria and quality control procedures. In this article, the central hypothesis, to be tested by conceptual analysis and logical reasoning, is that recommended procedures for quality control in quantitative as well as qualitative research can be derived from a common base of regulative ideas. By ‘qualitative’, we mean the complex of ethnographic, anthropological, symbolic interactionist, ethnoscience and related approaches. A second goal is to demonstrate the use of regulative ideas as a parsimonious and fruitful base for a comparative analysis of methodological canons. Although our focus is on the comparison of quantitative and qualitative (or: naturalistic) research, we also pay attention to policy research as opposed to fundamental research.  相似文献   

This paper takes an ethnographic study of the recruitment of women at BMW MINI between 2003 and 2006 as the basis to explore the impact of the concepts of ‘native categories’ and ‘recontextualisation’ on diversity management and cross-cultural management. I consider how managers' and workers' subconsciously held cultural categories relating to gender and work affected efforts to increase the number of female line workers in the plant, and how these were further complicated by the recontextualisation of German native categories in a British context. In doing so, this paper will develop a better understanding of the way native categories affect management and international business, provide an addition to the literature on recontextualisation, by introducing the concept of ‘native categories’ to research exploring the effects of recontextualisation on cross-cultural knowledge transfer, international human resource management strategy and marketing, and, finally, develop some understanding of how diversity management initiatives can fail in practice.  相似文献   

Using the experience of metropolitan Rio de Janeiro, this article contributes to the broader debate on development regimes, rescaling and state spatial restructuring in Brazil, and its specificities in relation to the international discussion on the transformations in Atlantic Fordism. I argue that the transition from a (peripheral) development state to a competitive and rescaled regime has been accompanied by important continuities. Legitimized through discourses around development poles and trickle‐down effects, the national‐developmental regime has systematically promoted some spaces as opposed to others, without much emphasis on the social and environmental dimensions of spatial policies. The emerging competitive state spatial regime, whether in its neoliberalized, or its more recent ‘rolled‐out’ national‐developmental version, is merely expected to aggravate the historical socio‐environmental contradictions in the production of space. Moreover, scale has proven contested and strategic‐relational, both molding and being influenced by actors that seek to use scalar politics to reach their interests. My analysis suggests that, within this scenario, neither economic growth, nor regulatory and institutional strengthening, nor financial resources are likely to produce structural transformation in the inherited spaces of Greater Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of high-performance work systems (HPWS) on the rent appropriation of employees and shareholders in firms from the viewpoint of appropriation theory. Applying a meta-analytical approach I test the hypothesis that HPWS shift the balance of power between stakeholder groups in an organization, favouring employees over other stakeholders. This hypothesis is confirmed. However, the overall results of HPWS are positive for both stakeholder groups, as HPWS also increase firm value creation. My study also emphasizes the need to decompose the construct ‘firm performance’ into value creation and value distribution among stakeholder groups. Directions for future research and recommendations for management practice conclude the paper.  相似文献   

Most research on employee involvement (EI) has focused on large or ‘mainstream’ organizations. By adopting those schemes which ‘appear’ to work well in larger organizations, smaller firms assume there will be enhanced employee commitment beyond formal contractual requirements. The main question in this paper is whether EI schemes designed by management will suffice under the 2004 Information and Consultation of Employees (ICE) Regulations. The paper focuses on SMEs which tend to favour informal and direct EI, and it remains unclear how these methods will be played out under the new regulatory environment. Evidence from four case studies is presented here and it suggests that the ICE Regulations impose new challenges for smaller firms given their tendency to provide information rather than consult with employees. It also appears organizational factors, workplace relations history and the way processes are implemented at enterprise level may be far more important than size itself.  相似文献   

The idea of employment for people with a severe persistent mental illness (SPMI) has great merit and much research has been conducted which identifies the value of such initiatives. However, it seems that the success stories remain limited. This paper draws on the literature and research findings therein to suggest that the issue of employing someone with a SPMI is complex and that the reality of being able to achieve long-term satisfactory outcomes for all parties involved in employment relationships needs careful consideration. It contends that the idea of people with SPMI gaining meaningful work is important but that in doing so, there is a need to review the meaning of ‘work’ to one which incorporates a broader view of ‘occupation’ and inclusion of ‘daily activities’ as work. In addition, this paper emphasises the necessity to take an integrated approach which considers the needs and capabilities of the individual with SPMI and so, keep everyone well and safe, and improve individual’s quality of life. In light of this, this paper presents a diagram that articulates the various domains which need to be considered if someone with a SPMI is to engage with meaningful and sustained ‘work’.  相似文献   

The purpose of this commentary is to address the issues raised by Ohlson from the point of view of analytical accounting research. The aim is not only to provide some input to young researchers who are going to publish good research using analytical methods, but also to give some hints to help users of analytical accounting research to understand and interpret the findings of this type of research. Ohlson has taken on a task of identifying a set of critical factors which are likely to lead to successful research. Good research is defined as research that makes an impression. Thus, it is not enough to get the research published – not even in a premier journal. The research should have an impact, the community should learn something. As Ohlson notes, there is enough ‘ordinary’ research. In my view this is the right attitude. Short-term optimization is also widespread in the research community and that is not what we should strive for. With the objective in place, I will continue to analyze the question in relation to analytical research. I start out discussing the aim of analytical research by providing a few examples of good models. The first is the Feltham-Ohlson model and the second is the agency model. Both are simple and elegant models dealing with difficult issues. The analysis proceeds to characterize good models. A good model is a simple model that zooms in on the problem under scrutiny. It is a ‘minimal’ model that contains the problem and nothing outside the problem. I then proceed to characterize good research in an analytical framework. This is research that tackles a problem that is of interest to the users and the researcher. In this process I also identify current notable analytical research. Finally, I contrast this to the recommendations of Ohlson.  相似文献   

Innovating to improve public service is regarded as potentially obligatory, not merely laudable, part of good public management. However, the moral content of an obligation to innovate is not well understood. How can we innovate ethically? In academic bioethics and research ethics, the obligatory nature of the ‘research imperative’ is discussed and criticized. In this article, I outline the content of what I call the ‘innovation imperative’ and draw a parallel between the innovation imperative and the research imperative, arguing that the ethical principles that govern innovation in public service are similar to those governing research imperative in biomedical sciences.  相似文献   

Ananya Roy introduces the concept ‘subaltern urbanism’ in her 2011 article ‘Slumdog Cities: Rethinking Subaltern Urbanism’. She challenges researchers to move beyond existing epistemological and methodological limits, and offers four concepts which, taken together, serve as a useful starting point for understanding and representing subaltern urban space. In this article I argue that instead of a deductive approach that begins with an a priori identification of slums as subaltern urban space, an inductive approach of identifying subaltern urban space would expand the concept and show that subaltern urbanism exists in the global North. I present original research to show that Flint, Michigan, can be considered subaltern urban space. In the final section of the article I argue that this inductive approach to subaltern urbanism can foster comparative research across the North‐South divide, and generate the transfer of knowledge from South to North.  相似文献   

The paper delineates how our understanding of reflection and knowledge development changes, if we drop the widespread assumption that objects such as tools merely ‘talk back’ (Schön) or ‘bite back’ (Engeström & Blackler) when humans use them. By drawing on the notion of affordances, the paper provides an account of how tools ‘bite first’, which means that their materiality pre-reflectively affords certain patterns of thinking and acting as well as affective states while others are less likely. My 12-month action ethnography basically offers three insights. First, my findings indicate that a tool’s materiality which affords flexibility, complexity, embodied engagement, and happiness is more likely enacted as ‘facilitative reflection’, a type of reflection that results in knowledge creation. Second, if a tool’s materiality affords less flexibility, an entity-focus, detached interaction, and frustration, ‘oppositional reflection’ is enacted, a second type of reflection that does not result in knowledge creation. Since only ‘facilitative reflection’ results in knowledge creation, the affordances-based account of tools-for-reflection also challenges the widespread argument that reflection leads to knowledge creation. Third, I offer some fresh insights into the relation between a tool’s materiality, breakdowns, and associated affective states.  相似文献   

Within the scope of a meta-analysis of empirical studies we will point out the State-of-the-Art of the research on the relationship of company’s culture and success. Apart from the analysis of this relationships the emphasis of this article is on a review of the measurement of company’s culture and success, as it was shown up in the regarded studies. Building up here a measuring concept is developed for both factors, which can be esteemed as the starting point for further studies to estimate thus the influence of the company’s culture on company’s success.  相似文献   

This study presents a bibliometric analysis of the top five economics journals during the period 2012–2016 and provides helpful insights into the document types, the distribution of country/territories, the distribution of institutions, the geographical distribution of authors, the most active authors and their research interests or fields, the co‐authorship network, and global/local cooperation. This paper also provides valuable information about the core historical references and the hottest new papers through co‐citation analysis and citation analysis. A co‐word analysis based on the keywords and thematic noun‐phrases in the titles and abstracts of the sample papers was used to explore the hot research topics in the top five journals (e.g. ‘price’, ‘game’, ‘consumption’, ‘income’, ‘international trade’, ‘employment’, ‘monetary policy’, ‘welfare effects’ and ‘developing countries’). In addition, a comparative keyword analysis was used to explore the differences in the directions and characteristics of each journal and the changes in research focuses between ‘new’ and ‘old’ studies. The analytical methods of this study differ from those of reviews or previous studies, and the results fill the gaps not covered by those works.  相似文献   

This paper describes the successful introduction of a kaizen scheme in a General Motors factory plant in Gliwice, Poland. Employee value systems changed, despite the presence of strong, pre-existing values that might have inhibited this process. These findings are drawn on to examine the concept of ‘resistance to change’ and replace it with a notion of ‘functional persistence’. Our case study illustrates how assuming this position can aid the development of new work attitudes, as opposed to constraining the old ones.  相似文献   

Evaluating risk is a key element in successful investment decision-making. A major risk in forecasting company performance is associated with projecting its cash flow streams by product-line which in turn is strongly related to the expected industry outlook and likely variability about this outlook. This paper sets out a methodology for evaluating this aspect of the investment decision by developing measures of expected real cash flow growth (reward) and expected annual variability of this growth (risk). These measures are constructed for 77 industry classifications at the two and three digit SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) level of detail by solving a dynamic input–output model under various economic secenarios. Aside from producing results which are relevant for producing company valuation bands, the analysis strongly suggests that perceptions of which industries are ‘winners’ and which are ‘losers’ are significantly altered when both ‘reward’ and ‘risk’ are used as criteria as opposed to either one alone. Finally, the methodology also produces results which measures the sources of cash flow growth in terms of relative price performance, productivity, and demand for output. Since there measures can be used as indicators of the quality of industry real cash flow growth, industry performance can be further arrayed within the broad categories of winning and losing industries. Several examples of how this is done are offered.  相似文献   

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