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本文使用中国综合社会调查(CGSS)数据和基于回归方程的分解方法,将全国、城镇和农村地区的收入差距分解为源于环境因素的机会不均等、源于努力因素的收入不均等,以及源于运气和未知因素的收入不均等三大成分,研究结果如下。(1)2010—2015年,全国、城镇和农村机会不均等均经历了先上升后下降的过程,但出生时户籍的贡献度有上升趋势。(2)通过估算,2010年我国机会不均等为24.39%,2012年为28.04%,2013年达到峰值35.72%,2015年下降到30.56%,而如果不考虑党员身份、迁移两个努力变量以及环境变量与努力变量的交互影响,估算结果会被高估至少8个百分点;居住地、性别、出生时户籍是机会不均等的重要来源。(3)2010—2015年,农村机会不均等平均水平达到33.31%,高出城镇约8个百分点。其中,年龄与性别因素是导致农村机会不均等过高的原因,而居住地差异是城镇机会不均等的主要来源。基于此,本文建议从协调区域发展、完善就业公平竞争机制、加快户籍制度改革三个方面减缓机会不均等。  相似文献   

The sectoral shift from manufacturing to services is one of several potential explanations for increasing income inequality in the United States. This article reframes national-level explanations of rising inequality at the level of urban labour markets and assesses their relative contributions to levels and trends in metropolitan income inequality. We find that sectoral shifts, especially the rates of deindustrialisation and employment growth in personal services, significantly affect changes in Gini indices for the largest constant-boundary MSAs between 1980 and 1990. In addition, rising metropolitan inequality is associated with the trend towards self-employment and such supply-side factors as local education levels, changing family structure and immigration. The study provides mixed support for the mismatch and global cities hypotheses.  相似文献   

Using panel data of 23 provinces during the period 1996–2012, this paper investigates the impacts of financial development and structure on income inequality in different administrative districts (urban, rural and overall) in China. The results produced by the dynamic generalised method of moments estimator provide some evidence for a linear and inverse ‘U‐shape’ relationship between financial development and income inequality, and increasing the relative importance of financial markets to banks helps to reduce income inequality. Furthermore, the results of panel threshold regressions show that the benefits of financial development only occur if the stock market activity has reached a threshold level and disappear if the stock market capitalisation has reached a certain scale. Meanwhile, the impact of the financial structure weakens as the financial development expands and the proportion of financial markets increases. We also find that the impacts of financial development and structure on rural income inequality are stronger than those on urban income inequality.  相似文献   

The potential impacts of multilateral trade liberalisation on developing countries are the subject of numerous controversies. One particular concern is that Brazil, a major agricultural exporter and a country with one of the world's most unequal income distributions, will reap a substantial share of the potential benefits to developing countries from agricultural trade reform, and that most of those benefits will go to large‐scale commercial farmers rather than to the country's smallholders. This claim is explored via a global general equilibrium model and a national model of Brazil containing multiple agricultural and non‐agricultural households. Brazil is found to account for nearly one‐half of all the benefits to developing countries deriving from global agricultural trade reform. These gains are associated with improvements in the welfare of each group and a lower incidence of poverty. Large‐scale producers gain more than smallholders as they tend to be relatively specialised in export products, but there are important gains to agricultural employees, who are relatively poor, and to urban households, who benefit from the expansion of the agro‐food sector. Overall, there is no discernible impact on income inequality, and no evidence that the gains to commercial farmers occur at the expense of poorer households.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamic effect of globalization at the disaggregated level of sectoral export diversification and manufacturing specialization on income inequality using a panel data set of 52 Asian and Western countries from 1988 to 2014. The paper uses dynamic panel data models applying the System Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimations that provide more accurate and better results than those obtained with static panel data models. The results suggest that there is no statistically significant relationship between manufacturing specialization and inequality while sectoral export diversification has been the driving force of inequality. For sub-groups of countries, higher sectoral export diversification increases inequality and higher manufacturing specialization decreases inequality in high-income Asian countries and European Union (EU) member states. Moreover, the study finds insignificant effects in low-income Asian countries and Anglo-Saxon countries.  相似文献   

本文首先采用基尼系数对我国城乡、城镇和农村居民收入不平等程度进行重新测度,然后以政府转移支付为门限变量建立面板门限回归模型,对财政收支分权与居民收入不平等之间关系进行实证检验,结果发现:一是财政收入分权与收入不平等显著负相关,财政支出分权与收入不平等显著正相关;二是财政收支分权对不同类型收入不平等的作用效果存在较大差异.其中,无论是财政收入分权抑或支出分权对收入不平等的政策效应大小依次是城镇居民>农村居民>总体居民;三是政府转移支付在不同区制对居民收入不平等的影响呈现显著地非线性特征.即从相对较低的第一区制跨入较高的第二区制时,转移支付对居民收入不平等的影响由负转变为正.本文以上研究结论不仅对于全面构建央地新型政府间财政关系,还可以为促进公平收入分配提供理论依据与决策参考.  相似文献   

利用2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据研究中国各地区农村劳动力流动和地区(县/区)内部工资性收入不平等的关系。中国地区间的差异是个人工资收入不平等最突出的决定因素,而地区内不平等程度也存在着很大的差别。农村劳动力人口的迁入有助于降低区内的收入不平等,而迁出则起相反的作用,而且这两种作用在县、县级市和市辖区间存在着显著差别。在研究中国劳动力流动与地区内和地区间的不平等关系时,应该从迁入、迁出两个角度分析其影响,并将城乡分割的二元劳动力市场状况考虑进来。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the historical evidence on the relationship between globalisation and economic growth. Divergence in the growth of income and industrialisation in the twentieth century is documented but it is also noted that international income inequality appears to have decreased since about 1870 and that long-run trends in the Human Development Index are much less pessimistic about the experience of developing countries. It is argued that trade liberalisation has been good for growth on average but that successful capital liberalisation requires high institutional quality and that the developmental state may have an important role to play in the early stages of development. The recent claim by Robert Lucas that the 21st century will see a massive reduction in income inequality across countries in a globalised world economy is sceptically discussed in the context of empirical evidence that bad institutions are often persistent and that geography is still a major factor in explaining international income differences.  相似文献   

This paper examines the short and long-term effects of urbanisation, via favourable urban development policies, on income distribution and social welfare for a developing country, in which the urban manufacturing sector is characterised by imperfect competition and free entry. Urbanisation shifts rural workers to the highly productive urban sector, while causing production in urban firms to expand because of scale economies. However, urbanisation may worsen wage inequality between skilled and unskilled labour in the short term. In the long term, urbanisation can attract new firms to the urban sector and favourable urban development policies may result in excessive entry of firms, which can amplify wage inequality in the economy. This entry-amplifying effect is confirmed empirically, especially for low and lower-middle-income countries. If the entry effect is not considered, the impact of urbanisation on wage inequality could be understated by 13% for low and lower-middle-income countries.  相似文献   

A great deal would suggest that the process of urbanisation in developing countries leads to both negative allocation effects and to an increase in income inequality between urban and rural districts. Regional policy measures almed at improving the lot of rural areas would seem called for. Which concepts exist on this issue and how are they to be rated?  相似文献   

论人口乡城迁移对我国农村养老保障体系的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
我国传统的家庭养老模式在持续发生的大规模乡城迁移背景下面临着前所未有的挑战。从养老保障的供给方面看,人口乡城迁移有助于提高农村地区老年人的经济保障水平,但在生活照料和精神慰藉方面会有所欠缺。农民从农村走向城市,不仅提高了人均收入水平,而且在经济上为农村地区开展社会养老提供了可能。事实上,人口乡城迁移在促进我国产业结构升级和城市化进程的同时,也加快了我国农村地区养老观念的转变和养老保障体系的重建。  相似文献   

城乡居民的收入差距是农村劳动力向城市迁移的根本原因,农村劳动力迁移与否要与地区物价差异联系起来,物价指数对农村劳动力迁移具有决定性的影响。本文分析农村劳动力迁移变动的基本特征,论证地区物价指数变动与农村劳动力迁移的相互影响,认为有效协调二者之间的矛盾是保证农村劳动力合理迁移、建立完善社会保障体系的重要途径。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the interaction between changes in tariff protection, informality, inequality and aggregate income. First, we describe some new empirical evidence on informality, the formal/informal wage gap and trade openness in Latin American countries. Then we present a simple model characterized by three (empirically based) assumptions: (1) agents consume both formal and informal goods; (2) the government uses tariff revenues to purchase formal goods; (3) informality is a voluntary phenomenon. The model predicts that tariff reduction increases informality and wage inequality and that the maximization of income requires a positive level of tariff protection. The model's results are shown to be consistent with the empirical evidence concerning Latin American countries.  相似文献   

Based on a cross-national comparison, there is virtually no empirical relationship between the actual size of income inequality within a country and how critically people view these income differences. This finding is revealed by subjective inequality data on 23 European countries and the US. Instead, views on income distribution can be far better explained by the subjective perception of inequality within a society. Similarly, redistributive preferences are less influenced by actual distribution than by perceived inequality.  相似文献   

基尼系数及其实际应用   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
基尼系数是国际和国内分析收入分配差距的常用定量指标之一。系统介绍了基尼系数的含义、计算方法及其实际应用,并用基尼系数分解法分解了城乡差距、地区差距和收入差距来源构成,为分析收入分配差距提供了方法和统计依据。  相似文献   

刘志雄 《江苏商论》2012,(4):155-157
研究表明,随着经济的快速发展以及地方政府政策的支持,广西的财政支农规模不断增加,农民增收越来越快,财政支农对农民增收具有非常明显的正效应。然而,财政支农力度仍然较弱,城乡收入差距较大,农村居民人均纯收入结构不理想。为此,需要制定相应措施,解决存在问题。如继续加大财政支农力度;加快农民增收步伐,缩小城乡居民收入差距;加强财政支农政策引导,合理调整农村居民收入结构;加大农村地区教育资源投入。  相似文献   

文章首先通过将贸易成本引入H—O模型,从理论上探讨贸易成本对国际贸易利益及利益分配的影响,随后运用1978~2009年测算出的贸易成本等相关数据进行协整分析,从实证上对理论分析结论进行验证。研究结果表明:国际贸易利益分配在城镇居民与农村居民两群体间存在差异,扩大了城乡收入差距,同时,贸易成本会影响国际贸易利益及其分配,当农产品贸易成本高于非农产品时,贸易成本会增强国际贸易扩大城乡收入差距的效应。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role of product quality and labor efficiency in shaping the trade patterns and trade intensities within and across two groups of countries, the developed and richer North and the developing South. Recent empirical literature identifies two groups of evidence — the product lines evidence on different export strategies and sources of competitiveness across product groups and countries, and the aggregate trade flows evidence on a positive relation between the income per capita and both export and import prices (also conditional on the exporter). We attempt to provide a theoretical background for these findings and focus on the North–South productivity differences in a four country North–South trade model with two dimensions of firm heterogeneity. Differences in the firms' product quality and cost efficiency impose different competitiveness sources when entering more difficult markets and result in the observed export and import prices and consumption bundles across the rich and poor countries.  相似文献   

Market access for agricultural products is increasingly determined by capability to comply with a wide array of regulatory measures. From a trade perspective, one of the most important aspects of such regulatory measures is their potential distortionary effect, as their cost of compliance is often asymmetrical across countries. This paper investigates the effect of the European Union's sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures on the exports from low income countries. This study finds that SPS measures result in relatively higher burden for low income countries but that membership in deep trade agreements seems to reduce the difficulties related to compliance with SPS measures. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that while many middle and high income countries have the internal capacity to comply with SPS measures, most low income countries do not.  相似文献   

新农村现代流通网络改造与建设思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着改革开放的不断深入和社会主义市场经济体制的完善,我国流通业在促进生产、引导消费、推动经济结构调整和经济增长方式转变等方面的先导作用日益突出。为此应利用现代流通方式改造传统农产品、农村日用消费品和农业生产资料流通网络,构造具有中国特色的农村现代流通网络,为大力开拓农村市场,促进农村经济全面发展和农民增收,统筹城乡协调发展,完善社会主义市场经济体制等方面提供必要的依据和支持。  相似文献   

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