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We examine the effects of international trading activities of firms on creating productivity gains in Turkey by using a recent firm-level data set over the period 2003–2010. We establish treatment models and investigate the productivity improvements of firms through trade by using propensity score matching techniques together with difference-in-difference estimates. Three different groups of treatment are constructed: (1) firms that are involved only with import activities, (2) firms that are involved only with export activities and (3) firms that are involved with both export and import activities. The results of the study suggest that both exporting and importing have positive significant effects on total factor productivity (TFP) and labour productivity (LP) of firms. Importing is found to have a greater impact on productivity of firms compared to exporting. Further, two-way trade is found to have more significant effects than those of one-way trade on firm productivity. Finally, our results indicate that international trade has greater impact on LP rather than TFP of firms.  相似文献   

本文将中国划分为八大经济区,通过实证分析研究不同类型的FDI(水平型和垂直型1)对中国收入差距的影响。首先,选取泰尔指数作为衡量收入差距的指标。其次,将流入中国的FDI按流入国不同,分为水平型FDI与垂直型FDI。通过回归发现,水平型FDI促进中国收入差距的缩小,而垂直型FDI则会促进中国收入差距的扩大。由此得出结论,中国应当在不影响垂直型FDI流入的同时,促进水平型FDI的引入。  相似文献   

The role of corporate governance in FDI decisions: Evidence from Taiwan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There has been a considerable literature on the determinants of why firms undertake foreign direct investment (FDI), but very little on whether firms with different governance characteristics are more or less likely to venture overseas. For example, are family-controlled firms more predisposed to FDI than firms, with similar attributes, but different forms of ownership? Does the presence of institutional shareholders suggest a greater propensity to invest abroad? Does the composition of the Board of Directors have an impact? Most extant studies of corporate governance focus on the impact of governance factors on firm performance. However, these performance outcomes are a function of the strategic decisions made by the firms, which suggests it might be useful to consider the relationship between corporate governance factors and particular strategic decisions. One example is the decision to undertake foreign direct investment. The two main strands of IB literature on the determinants of FDI have little or nothing to say about how corporate governance factors might affect the FDI decision. Both internalisation theory and the resource-based view see FDI primarily as a means by which firms can appropriate rents in overseas markets from the exploitation of their idiosyncratic resources and capabilities. This paper extends this literature by investigating the effects of governance factors on the decision to undertake FDI. In particular, we want to assess the impact upon the FDI decision of (a) the extent of family control, (b) the presence of domestic and foreign institutional shareholders, and (c) the composition of the Board of Directors. We investigate these effects using a sample of 228 publicly listed firms in Taiwan, and our results clearly indicate that family control and share ownership by domestic financial institutions in Taiwanese firms are associated with the decision to undertake FDI. We also find that corporate governance impacts in different ways with regard to Taiwanese FDI in China in comparison to Taiwanese FDI in the rest of the world.  相似文献   

We address calls to incorporate comparative political economy considerations into IB scholarship. In particular, we conceptualise and test empirically the hitherto unexplored relationship between de-industrialisation and relative performance of groups of countries, and FDI inflows in emerging economies. Using a panel dataset over the period 1996–2004 and employing conceptual and methodological innovations (not least the use of comparative independent variables), we find support for the ideas that relative de-industrialisation of developed economies will increase FDI inflows into emerging economies, while the relative under-performance of developed countries will reduce it. We also find that divergence in business cycles-de-coupling between the two groups of countries fosters FDI inflows in emerging economies. These help explain and predict recent changes in the global business landscape and inform public policy and managerial practice.  相似文献   

On the basis of an augmented Euler equation, we use firm survey data provided by the World Bank to investigate the impact of FDI (foreign direct investment) on the financing constraints of firms in China. First we calculate the forward and backward linkages of FDI. Then through empirical estimation, we find that only private firms have financing constraints and that the incoming FDI alleviates this situation. Private firms with more foreign capital shares or having stronger vertical linkage with FDI can get financial resources easily. Furthermore, industries hosting a large amount of FDI are favorite clients of the financial institutions because they are usually much more competitive in the world. As a result, the private firms in these industries also have easier access to financial resources. In the financial market, FDI is a helping hand that reduces the information asymmetry between firms and financial institutions. Financial resources go where FDI goes, which to some extent improves the allocation efficiency.  相似文献   

Evaluating the effects of equity incentives using PSM: Evidence from China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper investigates the effects of equity incentives on firm performance in Chinese listed firms. We address the sample selection problem by employing the propensity score matching methodology. Results show that, (1) On the whole, performance is positively related to equity incentives even after controlling for sample selection bias; (2) The final control rights have an important impact on the effects of equity incentives. The execution of equity incentives in privately owned firms can significantly decrease the agency costs between shareholders and managers, but such effects cannot be observed in state-owned firms; (3) Effects of equity incentives depend on the incentive type, that is, comparing to stock-based incentives, option-based incentives can reduce the agency costs significantly, thus are more effective; (4) Ownership structure also has important impacts on the effects of equity incentives. The agency costs decrease in firms with more decentralized ownership after introducing equity incentive, while in concentrated firms the effect is negligible.  相似文献   

This paper employs matching techniques to investigate the effects of facility export status on environmental performance. Using facility-level criteria air emission data in the US manufacturing industry, we find the industry-specific effects of export status on emission intensity, measured by emissions per value of sale. In some industries, there is consistent and robust evidence supporting the superior environmental performance of exporters relative to non-exporters in terms of emission intensity for all criteria air pollutants tracked. In other industries, we find weak evidence that exporters appear to have a higher emission intensity than non-exporters. This industrial heterogeneity in the effects of exporting on the environment is closely related to industrial characteristics including pollution abatement capital expenditure, trade costs, capital intensity and others.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the impact of corruption on banks' risk-taking behavior, using bank-level data from more than 1200 banks in 35 emerging economies during the period 2000–2012. We find consistent evidence that higher levels of corruption increase the risk-taking behavior of banks, in favor of the “sand the wheel” view in the corruption-development nexus. In addition, we examine the indirect effects of corruption on bank risks, and find evidence that the impact of monetary policy on banks' risk-taking behavior is more pronounced with the increasing severity of corruption.  相似文献   

Extant studies exploring the influences of foreign direct investment (FDI) spillovers on the productivity of local firms have provided conflicting evidence. In particular, they have largely overlooked the important role of institutional mechanisms in the host market in understanding the sources of the variation in FDI spillover effects on the productivity of local firms, especially in the context of emerging markets. Using a comprehensive panel data set of manufacturing firms in China during 1998–2007, our paper presents an integrative framework of how FDI spillovers affect the productivity of local firms in emerging markets. We identify an inverted U-shaped relationship between FDI spillovers and the productivity of local firms in China. This result suggests the coexistence of and the interplay between the opposing mechanisms of FDI spillover learning opportunity and adverse competition. Drawing on the institution-based view, this study also develops contingency frameworks and arguments to explore the question of if FDI spillover effects are contingent on, or independent of, a local institutional context especially in emerging markets. We find that institutional mechanisms, such as the institutionally determined ownership restructuring and the different levels of subnational institutional development within the host emerging market, significantly shape the variation of FDI spillover effects on the productivity of local firms. This research highlights the importance of incorporating institutional effects in understanding the FDI spillover effects in emerging markets.  相似文献   

本文以内生增长理论为基础,通过一个联立方程组回归模型实证分析了中国-东盟FTA(CAFTA)成员经济增长的影响及其对成员吸引FDI流入的效应。结果显示,CAFTA对促进区域整体的FDI流入具有积极影响,但对区域内不同成员的FDI流入促进效应并不均等,即国内市场规模大、经济发展水平高的成员更能吸引FDI的流入,投资效应更加显著。在增长效应方面,FDI对CAFTA整体的增长效应为正且具有显著性。但FDI的溢出渠道在不同成员间存在一定差异。CAFTA的建设中应注意成员间利益的均衡分配问题以维持CAFTA的稳定性和可持续性。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the impact of monetary policy on banks' risk-taking by using bank-level panel data from more than 1000 banks in 29 emerging economies during 2000–2012. We find that, consistent with the proposition of the “bank risk-taking channel” of monetary policy transmission, banks' riskiness increases when monetary policy is eased. This result is robust when we adopt alternative measures of monetary policy and bank risk, and use different econometric methodologies. In addition, we find that bank risk-taking amid expansionary monetary policy is less conspicuous in a more consolidated banking sector and when monetary policy is more transparent.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of corruption on cash holdings and cash value using a panel data set of 4236 firms from 16 emerging market economies. We find that the cash holdings are positively related to the corruption and by managing their cash holdings upwards, the firms can benefit in the corrupt environment by trading cash. Furthermore, cash holding adds value to the firms. However, it is insignificant when the firms are operating in high corruption environment with low investor protection. Overall, the evidence suggests that corruption play an important role in shaping the cash policies of firms in emerging markets.  相似文献   

FDI has been growing at a spectacular pace all over the world and emerging countries have been successful in attracting more FDI compared to developed countries. Institutional factors are becoming more important as determinants of inward FDI for emerging markets. However, research in this area is inadequate and also incosnsistent in terms of findings. In this paper, we have examined the institutional determinants of Pakistani FDI inflows and also examined the relative importance of those factors. The paper has found that certain institutional determinants such as size of the government, legal structure and strong property rights, freedom to trade and civil liberty have strong positive effect on FDI inflows. Among the institutional variables, regulation has been found to be most important to influence inward FDI flow to Pakistan. The paper has also found evidence that there was a structural break in FDI flows in Pakistan which coincides with market liberalization programme in early 1990s. This confirms the effectiveness of conducive institutional environment to attract foreign investment. Moreover, we have found that military government is more successful in attracting FDI compared to democratic government in Pakistan.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of business diversification of banks on their risk, with efficiency taken into consideration as a conduit. Using bank-level data from more than 1000 commercial banks in 39 emerging economies during the period of 2000–2016, we find that increased business diversification exerts two competing effects on bank risk. The direct effect of increased diversification bolsters the stability of banks, but it is offset by the indirect effect whereby lowered efficiency, which is resulted from higher diversification, increases the riskiness of banks. Thus, the overall benefits from bank business diversification on bank stability rely on the trade-off of the two competing forces.  相似文献   

Using Turkish firm-level data for the period 2003–2010, we look at the relationship between foreign direct investment, absorptive capacity, and spillovers at a disaggregated level, and analyze whether firms operating in different quantiles of the productivity distribution respond differently to foreign presence and changes in absorptive capacity. The results reveal that, for a given level of foreign presence, it pays to increase the absorptive capacity of firms operating in lower quantiles. When it comes to inter-industry spillovers, it is counterproductive to increase the absorptive capacity of firms already operating in higher quantiles, as this diverts resources from other productive activities.  相似文献   

Numerous studies on firm-level data have reported higher average wages in foreign-owned firms than in domestically owned firms. This, however, does not necessarily imply that the individual worker's wage increase with foreign ownership. Using detailed matched employer-employee data on the entire Swedish private sector, we examine the effect of foreign ownership on individual wages, controlling for individual and firm heterogeneity as well as for possible selection bias in foreign acquisitions. We distinguish between foreign greenfields and takeovers and compare foreign-owned firms with both domestic multinationals and local firms. Our results show a considerably smaller wage premium in foreign-owned firms than what has been found in studies conducted at a more aggregate level. Moreover, foreign takeovers of Swedish firms tend to have no or even a negative effect on wages.  相似文献   

Nowadays, developing economies are becoming the preferred destination of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow. We draw insights from Dunning's eclectic paradigm to explore how FDI inflow is influenced by the quality of the physical infrastructure and human resources of the host country. We investigate various India‐specific infrastructural factors affecting FDI inflow between 1991 and 2010. Our empirical findings indicate that factors like railway transportation and road network as well as the quality of human resources played a crucial role in attracting FDI. However, air transportation or communication infrastructure is yet to play a significant role. Our study makes a modest attempt to identify areas of concern and scope for the further improvement of India's infrastructure facilities to attract foreign investment in the future. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the conceptualisation of escapism Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) holding for emerging economies to developed economies that face specific institutional failures, such as weak or incomplete regulations, along with high taxation. We combine this literature with the recent development of Dunning’s eclectic paradigm, which includes institutional aspects regarding location factors. We argue that in developed economies with problematic regulations and high taxation, sound institutions and lower tax rates abroad are extremely significant for domestic firms’ internationalisation. A central result regards the moderating effect of host regulatory quality on taxation, which highlights the crucial role of institutions for firms originating in developed economies that lack sound institutions. Additionally, the results challenge the available theorising and evidence on the moderating role of institutions in the prior experience of a firm at a location. We instead provide evidence that once firms establish a subsidiary abroad, they acquire substantial knowledge about the host institutional environment, which translates into an Ot advantage, providing an additional motive for further expansion. This work uses a unique database of the total population of Greek MNEs – released for the first time – for an extended time period, 2001–2010. The results could be generalised to similar developed economies facing analogous regulatory failures and high taxation, such as the southern European Union countries, as well as even for northern European Union countries, such as Germany, according to Bundesbank’s report.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 522 foreign affiliates of Turkish multinational enterprises (MNEs) with varying levels of Turkish equity ownership, this study provides an empirical analysis of the determinants of equity-based entry mode strategies in host country markets. A number of hypotheses are developed to examine the impact of institutional, transaction specific and firm level variables on Turkish MNEs’ choice of equity ownership mode in their foreign affiliates. The results reveal that institutional variables are important in explaining the equity composition of foreign affiliates of Turkish MNEs. Particularly important in determining equity ownership mode were found to be political constraints, linguistic distance, knowledge infrastructure and the extent of parent diversity. Results concerning the influences of the size of the affiliate are contrary to expectations and contradict the findings of previous research. No support was found for the impact of cultural distance on the equity ownership mode of Turkish MNEs in their foreign affiliates. Apart from political constraints, equity ownership choice and its underlying determinants do not vary between emerging and developed host country markets.  相似文献   

杨勇 《商业研究》2011,(4):153-160
理论研究认为国际贸易和FDI可以通过示范/模仿、劳动力流动、出口、竞争,以及MNEs与东道国企业之间前向和后向关联等五种渠道产生生产率外溢效应,而技术差距及东道国吸收能力、区域效应、东道国企业特征、FDI特性和经济发展水平等又是影响是否有外溢效应及效应大小的几类典型因素。问题是在这些渠道中发挥作用的因素及因素之间的影响方向此消彼长,使得总体效应具有明显地不确定性,理论模型也因此从一般均衡分析向局部均衡分析发展,但一般性外溢机制仍然是未解之谜。因此,更加微观的行业、地区分析和实证检验或许才是未来的方向。  相似文献   

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