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Since the decision on the reported outcome is delegated to the management of the firm, it is commonly held that when the capital market is imperfect the manager achieves consumption smoothing by smoothing the reports relative to the actual outcome. Modeling the firm as a principal-agent contract shows the contrary. When the capital market is imperfect the firm's reporting strategy is conservative, as the manager never reports more than the actual outcome because of fear of an unfavorable future outcome. When the capital market is perfect the firm either smooths the report-reports more than the actual outcome when the actual outcome is low and reports less than the actual outcome when the outcome is hig-or reports more than the actual outcome in order to take advantage of the sharing rule being an increasing function of the report. 相似文献
本文借鉴经济学和心理学最新研究成果,从信息使用者的角度,分析具有前景理论和心理账户理论描述特徵的异质投资者的非理性行为,封会计盈余信息所蕴含价值的市场反应的影响:研究发现,具有前景理论和心理账户理论描述特徵的异质投资者,会倾向于继续持有亏损的股票,并卖出赢利的股票。在这种情况下,股票价格对于新增会计盈余信息的变化,会受到投资者心理账户申对于自身所持股票赢利或亏损分类的影响,造成以股票价格变化来衡量的会计盈余信息价值含量降低。本文的研究成功地把投资者心理因素与行为偏差的影响引入会计研究领域中,为後续研究提供了新思路. 相似文献
This paper quantifies the relative importance of sectoral productivity and labor market distortions for structural change in the U.S., India, Mexico and Brazil between 1960 and 2005. I use census data to compute human capital by sector and infer labor market distortions as sectoral gaps in wage per unit of human capital. I incorporate these distortions into a model of structural change, and calibrate the model to reproduce the time paths of sectoral shares of labor and value added for each country. Counterfactuals reveal that (1) TFP growth in agriculture drives most of the decline in its share of labor; (2) the role of labor market distortions is limited. 相似文献
This study analyzes the effects of listing changes within NASDAQ market segments during the period of 1998 to 2005. We find that firms phased up from the NASDAQ Small Capital Market (SmallCap) to the NASDAQ National Market (NNM) experienced significant declines in bid-ask spreads, the volatility of returns, and the probability of informed trading, and firms that phased down from NNM to the SmallCap experienced decreases in bid-ask spreads, but insignificant changes in the volatility of returns and the probability of informed trading. We also estimate simultaneous equations models of bid-ask spreads, return volatility, and trading volume for both groups of firms. The results confirm that improved liquidity is associated with the listing changes for the phase-up firms. However, the simultaneous equations model suggests that the decreases in bid-ask spreads for the phase-down firms are caused by the changes in share prices. 相似文献
当今社会企业会计造假现象已到了触目惊心的地步,广大公众的投资信心遭受了巨大的打击,信用危机不断恶化。文中从会计监督的基本问题入手,对我国会计监督的现状进行了分析和思考。 相似文献
针对我国股票市场会计信息披露方面存在的不足,本文对我国股票市场会计信息披露司法管制的加强问题进行了阐述,以提高股票市场会计信息披露的质量. 相似文献
Irena Jindrichovska 《European Accounting Review》2013,22(1):107-131
Generally, stock prices reflect future expectations of earnings, whereas accounting data reflect past performance. This paper attempts to discover the relationship between accounting data and market price returns of the companies listed on the Prague Stock Exchange (PSE). The Prague Stock Exchange was established in 1993 and provides an opportunity to make a comparison between a newly established market and the findings of studies of established markets. There has been a wealth of publications and accounting research studies on developed markets. Generally, accounting attributes are thought to be relevant because they tend to be contemporaneously statistically associated with stock prices. Some studies have suggested, and empirically tested, that stock prices lead earnings (e.g. Collins et al., 1987; Kothari, 1992; Kothari and Sloan, 1992; Kothari and Zimmerman, 1995). This study tests the existence of such a relationship in the Czech capital market, relying partially on the methodology proposed by Kothari and Sloan (1992) and Kothari (1992). This paper investigates whether there is a statistically significant permanent relationship between returns and accounting data on the Czech market. The study was conducted using accounting earnings and stock prices during the period 1993–8. The empirical evidence here suggests that a similar relation exists on the emerging Czech market. The relation is statistically significant for measurement windows of one year and longer. The increase in the mean response coefficient, reported later in this study, suggests that one-leading-year returns are as important as contemporaneous returns in terms of their sensitivity to annual earnings changes. However, one cannot infer with a degree of confidence that the Czech capital market views earnings changes to be largely permanent, which would be consistent with the time-series properties of annual earnings. 相似文献
本文对资本市场审计寻租成本进行了研究,分析了审计寻租的成本收益界限,同时建立了审计寻租的成本收益模型,以期为有效抑制资本市场中的审计寻租行为提供帮助. 相似文献
《国务院关于推进资本市场改革开 放和稳定发展的若干意见》,给我国资本 市场规划了宏伟的蓝图,更为企业在资本 市场的搏击发展创造了光明的前景。 我国资本市场经所了12年的快速发 展历程,它是一种上市公司的融资渠道, 或者说是一个投资场所,在市场经济的发 展中占有重要作用。根据中国证监会统计 数据显示,到2003年12月底,中国证券 相似文献
<国务院关于推进资本市场改革开放和稳定发展的若干意见>,给我国资本市场规划了宏伟的蓝图,更为企业在资本市场的搏击发展创造了光明的前景. 相似文献
中国资本市场,按照现在的说法,是一个新兴加转轨的市场,所谓新兴,我们的历史不长;所谓转轨,我们在双重体制下运行,还有很多的改革工作需要进行。按理说中国的资本市场是在中国的改革开放的过程中建立的,应该按照市场经济的方式来运作,但是事实上,由于我们双轨的存在,或者说双重体制的存在,使得资本市场从始建的那天开始就带有了相当多的计划机制的色彩,从而资本市场也进入了一个改革的过程。中国的资本市场需要调整品种结构我们这个资本市场,有时候又被称为证券市场。实际上,许许多多场合人们讲到资本市场的时候头脑中的概念只有一个叫股票,… 相似文献
María Consuelo Pucheta Martínez † Antonio Vico Martínez María Antonia García Benau 《European Accounting Review》2013,22(4):689-711
Since mandatory auditing of financial statements was first established in Spain, very few studies have been conducted to test the information content of audit reports in the Spanish capital market. The aim of this study is, then, to test empirically whether there is a relationship between audit qualifications and stock prices in the context of the Spanish market. We have used the event study methodology for this purpose. Our findings show that qualified audit reports do not have information value for investors. 相似文献
试论资本市场中自愿性信息披露 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在资本市场中,信息不对称问题的广泛存在,严重影响了资源的配置效率。本文从信息披露机制中自愿性信息披露的角度出发,分析了自愿性信息披露的动机、主要内容、可信性以及当前我国自愿性信息披露的现状和存在的问题,以期为解决信息不对称问题提供一个思路。 相似文献
文章指出,中山市目前处于工业化中后期和实现现代化的关键阶段。通过发展和利用资本市场,加快产业结构的调整和升级,弥补招商引资比较优势的弱化,培育和提高企业自主创新能力,优化企业内部治理结构,拓宽城市基础设施建设融资渠道是十分必要的。充分整合资本市场的元素,按照市场规则建立中山市产权交易所,是中山市积极参与我国多层次资本市场建设的现实选择。 相似文献
This paper integrates labor market search into an intertemporal utility maximization framework and analytically solves for equilibrium dynamics. The integrated model improves upon a neoclassical model by generating the realistic hump-shaped response of output to a productivity shock and the counterclockwise dynamics of job vacancies and unemployment around the Beveridge curve. In contrast to a standard search model, our model endogenizes agents' reservation wage as the marginal rate of substitution between leisure and consumption, through which agents' intertemporal consumption decision directly affects the labor market behavior. As a result, even a permanent productivity shock generates non-monotonic dynamics in employment. 相似文献
自愿性会计政策变更对企业价值及股东、经理人利益分配的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文分别以Feltham—Ohlsonk模型和委托代理模型为基础,分析了自愿性会计政策变更对企业价值及股东、经理人利益分配的影响。结果表明,一般情况下自愿性会计政策变更不会影响企业价值;增加企业收益的自愿性会计政策变更可以增加经理人的收益,而股东的利益会受到损害;减少企业收益的自愿性会计政策变更会减少经理人的收益,而股东可以从中获益。 相似文献
《中共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》对发展资本市场十分重视,理论上有许多创新,论述非常精辟、深刻、具体。《决定》关于要“使股份制成为社会主义公有制的主要实现形式”,关于要“有选择分步骤放宽对跨境资本交易活动的限制”等论述,对我国金融体制改革和资本市场的发展,具有深远的指导意义。 相似文献