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This study examines the expectations and perceptions of overseas students undertaking the post-graduate corporate accounting subject taught at an Australian university. An understanding of students' perceptions and expectations in learning of the subject is important in assisting accounting academics to enhance their teaching programmes, and to manage the diverse student cohorts which are now a feature of university classrooms in Australia. The findings show that overseas students expected the post-graduate corporate accounting subject to be challenging and interesting. Moreover, they expressed a strong desire that the subject should emphasise the practicalities of accounting.  相似文献   

During the last twenty-five years, the changes in Spanish accounting have been radical and significant, especially since 1986 when Spain joined the European Union. Those changes were first introduced in business accounting, following the patterns of the Fourth Directive, but governmental accounting has also been affected by structural reforms that have modified the financial reporting system, the accounting standards and the accounting principles to be applied. However, the governmental accounting system needs further improvement, particularly given the EMU framework and the relationship between governmental accounting and national accounting.  相似文献   


This study investigates the influence of vocational interests on the learning approach of accounting students at the undergraduate level. It brings together two theoretical models: vocational interests and approaches to learning, to investigate student learning in the accounting discipline. The research focus is supported by more general findings from the education literature which suggest that interest-oriented learning leads to superior approaches to learning. The research was tested using 917 tertiary accounting students across two universities. The associations between vocational interests and learning approaches provide support for the theoretical model linking vocational interests (e.g. conventional) with deep learning approaches in a tertiary accounting environment. There are practical implications for the teaching of accounting with particular reference to whether the current curriculum reinforces the values of those individuals with conventional interests.  相似文献   


The accounting profession requires accounting graduates to operate in a complex and often rapidly changing environment. Consequently, they must develop problem-solving skills to enable them to function in situations that are unfamiliar or ambiguous. We describe a test of three measures of problem-solving ability, including two measures of linguistic performance (Idea Density and Grammatical Complexity) and one of cognitive complexity (Paragraph Completion Test, PCT), used previously in several accounting studies. Subjects were senior undergraduate accounting and business students at a large AACSB-accredited Canadian university. Examination questions taken from different business courses were categorized as either structured or unstructured using the method developed by Shute (1979 Accounting Students and Abstract Reasoning: An Exploratory Study, Sarasota, Florida: American Accounting Association). We confirm that students with a high level of cognitive complexity, as measured by the PCT, performed at a superior level on unstructured questions, as found in previous studies. We find also that Idea Density makes the same differentiation, but Grammatical Complexity does not.  相似文献   

Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) provide the opportunity to deliver blended learning approaches that combine mixes of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) with various delivery methods and media. In 2008 and 2009, the University of Winchester in the UK redesigned a variety of accounting and financial management modules for presentation in a blended learning environment. An exploratory, qualitative case study investigated students' perceptions of the new approach. Through focus groups, students reported favourably on the blended learning approach and the views of students correlated with previous research, although there were some contrary findings. Focus groups raised issues concerning students' expectations, competence and engagement. Resources and institutional practices were identified as factors in students' attitudes towards blended learning. Issues about communication, student interaction and collaboration also emerged. Finally, some practical lessons from this case study are proposed.  相似文献   


The increasing significance of ethics in the accounting profession is evidenced by the seminal events that witnessed the collapse of major corporations (e.g. Enron and WorldCom); regulatory interventions (e.g. Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the USA and the CLERP 9 Act in Australia); and calls for increased ethics interventions in the accounting curriculum. This project has two objectives: to investigate the nature of ethics education in the Australian accounting curriculum and how it has changed from 2000 to 2012; and to analyse the barriers to enhancing ethics education by soliciting the opinions of Heads of Departments/Schools of Australian universities. Compared with early empirical evidence, universities responded to the call for ethics education with increased levels of ethics intervention, but had failed to enhance the extent of ethics education coverage in the intervening period in which the data were collected. The lack of qualified staff and research opportunities represent major obstacles to the enhancement of ethics education.  相似文献   

The introduction of International Education Standards (IES) signals a clear move by the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) to ensure high quality standards in professional accounting education at a global level. This study investigated how IES are perceived and valued by member bodies and academics in three counties: Australia, Japan, and Sri Lanka. It examined: (1) levels of awareness of IES; (2) drivers of compliance and convergence and non-compliance and non-convergence with IES; and (3) key factors influencing IES adoption. Both quantitative and qualitative data have been collected from interviews and questionnaire surveys to report on these findings. Further, as part of the study, comprehensive case studies of the accounting education systems of Australia, Japan, and Sri Lanka were developed. These case studies not only provided an insight into issues of diversity, culture, and language as they relate to IES, but also preceded the development of a global model of accounting education.11 In this paper, accounting education refers to education that is provided at both university level (or equivalent) and that offered by member bodies. This model is proposed as a way to assist interested parties in any country to readily identify their own unique system of professional accounting education.  相似文献   

Financial and non–financial information are developing issues in the NPO field. Countries such as Canada, the UK, the USA and Spain have recently updated their accounting systems for NPOs through the implementation of full accrual basis to enhance their accountability and the usefulness of accounting information for decision–making purposes. The information provided by accrual accounting will be incomplete until performance indicators are developed. The performance indicators are essential for making budgets, for planning and forecasting, for evaluating the financial needs, for carrying out benchmarking with other NPOs or governmental entities, and for explaining the welfare activities realised to donors.  相似文献   

The development and implementation of the International Education Standards (IES) for professional accountants is currently an important issue in accounting education and for educators interested in a shift toward international education standards more broadly. The purpose of this study is to investigate professional and research discourse regarding the IES by identifying and analysing articles in accounting publications. Two research questions were formulated to explore the topics in the publications and the opinions expressed towards the IES. Several electronic databases were used to access the articles and a content analysis approach was used to examine 110 articles published in English during the period from January 2003 to August 2011. The relatively small number of publications addressing the IES is surprising and possible reasons for this are discussed. The majority present a positive picture of the IES, however the analysis highlights key themes in mixed opinion and more critical articles and also reviews the challenges to IES implementation that are dominant in the discourse. The findings of this study suggest further discussion and professional debate of issues surrounding the accounting IES is needed. Reflection on the discourse can inform further implementation of the international standards in accounting and also developments in international education standards for other professions.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,从企业环境管理决策的主体出发,对我国企业环境管理会计的关注度进行了描述性统计分析和因子分析,得出结论:(1)我国企业对于可持续发展和科学的环境管理方法等方面的认识还较薄弱;(2)大部分企业实施环境管理是一种策略性行为;(3)目前我国企业财会人员还未能真正参与到企业的环境管理决策工作当中来。  相似文献   

Intermediate accounting instructors need to be engaged in the specific complexities and challenges of the new international financial reporting standards (IFRS) reality within the Canadian multi‐GAAP environment. Intermediate accounting courses are directly affected because they represent substantive coverage of the corporate reporting environment. In this article I make the case that these courses should primarily reflect IFRS standards in order to entrench IFRS competencies in students who wish to pursue a professional designation, to prepare students for the global environment, and to concentrate IFRS expertise issues in a robust instructor group. The competency maps of each of the three Canadian professional accounting bodies clearly reflect IFRS. Students can analyze the implications of major areas of policy differences between IFRS and private enterprise GAAP (PEGAAP) through specific targeted course coverage, but also through active learning elements, particularly research elements. This commentary reflects some of the active debate occurring regarding postsecondary curriculum as Canada adapts to IFRS and PEGAAP, and encourages action.  相似文献   

通过对高校体育教育、教学更新定位与转变的研究,有针对性提出高校教育下的体育教改的建设性规划,以期提高学生参与体育运动的积极性和获得更好的教学效果。  相似文献   


International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are accepted throughout the world, particularly in the European Union, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Emerging economies are also are aligning their practices with IFRS. Historically, the USA has been cautious about accepting IFRS. However, following acceptance of IFRS worldwide, the US Securities and Exchange Commission has recently allowed the filing of IFRS-based financial statements from foreign issuers and is presently considering the same from domestic issuers. Owing to lack of IFRS education and training in the country, concerns have been expressed about such moves of the USA towards IFRS. Following such concerns, the aim of the present study is to review previous literature on IFRS education to reflect on the present status of IFRS education in the USA. The research method includes a review of past literature on IFRS education in the Business Source Complete database from 2001 to 2012. In line with the review, this study reports that active learning approaches that stimulate critical thinking and judgement skills of students are the best methods to teach IFRS. The studies reviewed also report the lack of teaching materials, including software and technologies, to effectively teach IFRS. The only active learning strategies advocated in previous studies were the use of case studies and real life examples. Additionally, this study advocates the use of problem-based learning strategies. This study also reports the lack of research investigating students’ and educators' perceptions of available resources and approaches. Future studies are suggested in this direction, employing surveys and interviews.  相似文献   

Benchmarking is a management accounting innovation (MAI) that can be used for performance measurement and management in both the private and the public sectors. Although public sector accounting researchers have reported some success with the use of benchmarking, frequently charged problems exist in implementing and using this management technique. To look beyond the technical and institutional explanations, this paper takes a translation approach and presents a case study of a local government benchmarking network. We conclude that there is a link between benchmarking implementation problems and initiators’ failure to build a strong network of benchmarking allies. Implementation is facilitated if actors, other than the initiators, recognize the possibility of making benchmarking more relevant and less cost focused. However, even when a network of actors has a favourable attitude towards benchmarking, benchmarking may still appear as an unruly ‘actant’. Furthermore, the perception of implementation failure and success is heterogeneous and connected to various actors’ adoption of benchmarking. We also conclude that there is a connection between the use of benchmarking and 1) actors’ possibilities to use benchmarking in the struggle for resources and 2) the perception of benchmarking information as ‘factual’ or ‘factual enough’. However, the perception of benchmarking information as ‘factual’ or ‘factual enough’ seems not only a matter of correct or incorrect ratios but also of whether such information serves actors’ interests. A final conclusion is that the use of benchmarking increases when actors other than the initiators complement the original idea and ‘counter interest’ the initiators.  相似文献   

This Research Note examines the relationship between specific questions in the Keirsey Temperament Sorter personality preferences test and performance in an entry level accounting course. It develops a structural equation model linking specific questions in the Keirsey Temperament Sorter personality preferences test to grades obtained by majors in business disciplines other than accounting enrolled in an introductory accounting course at one mid-sized, public university located in the USA. The results indicate that six (6) questions in the Keirsey Temperament Sorter may be associated with success in the introductory accounting course. Those teaching an introductory accounting course may elect to take a few minutes to administer these six questions at the beginning of their first class period. Students who, through their responses to these six questions, do not demonstrate a predisposition for accounting could then be counseled as to what steps they may need to take in to succeed in the course.  相似文献   

EU Regulation 1606/2002 requires application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by groups listed on European stock markets. In Spain, listed groups are now obliged to prepare consolidated financial information under IFRS, and legislative changes to bring local rules into line with international standards have been tabled.In this context, the potential impact of IFRS is fraught with uncertainty. Our study of IBEX-35 companies focuses on the effects of the new standards on comparability and the relevance of financial reporting in Spain. We address these objectives by seeking significant differences between accounting figures and financial ratios under the two sets of standards (i.e. Spanish accounting standards and IFRS).The results obtained show that local comparability has worsened. The study reveals that local comparability is adversely affected if both IFRS and local accounting standards are applied in the same country at the same time. Reforms to bring local rules into line with international standards are therefore urgent. We also find that there has been no improvement in the relevance of financial reporting to local stock market operators because the gap between book and market values is wider when IFRS are applied. While there has been no gain in terms of the usefulness of financial reporting in the short-term, improved usefulness may be achieved in the medium to long-term.  相似文献   

This study reports on budgetary reforms in the Dutch health care and higher education sector in the last twenty years. Comparisons between the two sectors reveal that not all reforms adhere to the principles of New Public Management. New budget systems in both sectors are mixed systems, with university budgets developing from input to more output based systems and hospital budgeting systems from output to more input oriented systems. More output-based budget systems appear to stimulate production, contradicting government's policy of cost reduction. The most effective reform measures turn out to be those who are best aligned with opinions and attitudes of medical and academic professionals.  相似文献   

This paper not only attempts to survey the burgeoning literature on environmental, social and governance disclosures and performance and their effects on firm value, but its focus also lies on highlighting stylised observations coming from the most recent work that has not yet become part of the ‘conventional wisdom’ in the field. In addition, it outlines some of the crucial knowledge gaps and interesting questions that have not, as of yet, been addressed and thus outlines a potential agenda for future research on socially responsible investing. Lastly, it introduces the papers published in this special issue of the British Accounting Review.  相似文献   

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