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Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, such as SAP, have become widely used in recent years, especially in large companies. Although a considerable amount has been written about them in the professional accounting and computing literature, somewhat surprisingly comparatively little attention has been given to them in accounting research journals. However, the field studies which are beginning to appear suggest that ERP systems are having only a relatively moderate impact on the character of management accounting and the work of management accountants. However, it is argued in this paper that as such studies adopt a relatively 'static' approach, they do not explore the processes of management accounting change or study how opportunities are opened up by the implementation of ERP systems. The paper reports a longitudinal case study of the implementation of SAP in the European division of a large US multinational, in which management accounting change is viewed as an evolutionary process. In this case, although there were no fundamental changes in the nature of the management accounting information used following the implementation of SAP, there were changes in the role of management accountants - in particular: (i) the elimination of routine jobs; (ii) line managers with accounting knowledge; (iii) more forward-looking information; and (iv) a wider role for the management accountants. However, it is not claimed that SAP was the driver of these changes; rather it is argued that the characteristics of SAP (specifically, its integration, standardization, routinization and centralization) opened up certain opportunities and facilitated changes which were already taking place within the company. The paper ends with a call for further longitudinal case studies of the implementation of ERP systems to study how these characteristics facilitate and reinforce processes of management accounting change in other companies.  相似文献   


Although Byrne and Pierce [(2007) Towards more comprehensive understanding of the roles of management accountants, European Accounting Review, 16(3), pp. 469–498] found that an increasing regulatory burden may decrease accountants' chances of getting involved in business, little is known about corporate reporting practice and whether, and if yes how, regulation impacts on accountants' work. In order to fill this gap, the paper provides a case study analysis of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption and its impact on and implications for an accountant's role, positions, practices and work in a continental European context. This study describes how IFRS expect information preparers to take more responsibility for reporting than domestic accounting standards. Thus, the present study contributes to the literature by arguing that it depends on the set of accounting standards how they impact on accountants' work. The study shows why and how especially IFRS' requirement of ‘business involvement’ in accounting revolutionises accountants' work and how it has implications on their roles, practices and positions in the case firm. Finally, the paper explains how learning and knowledge creation required by IFRS adoption was made possible through communities of practice and hence how it was possible to clarify the responsibilities of divisional and group accountants in the case firm. Thus, the present study enhances our understanding of reporting activity by describing actual practices of and mechanisms used in corporate reporting.  相似文献   


Over the past decades, scholars have dedicated substantial attention to the process of HRM implementation. Most progress has been made with debates on HRM system strength, roles of organisational actors in HRM implementation, and intended, actual and perceived HRM. In this paper, we challenge the current view on HRM implementation as being too static and one-directional. By building on structuration theory, we show that the process of HRM implementation is less straightforward than has been previously assumed. After their initial introduction, HRM practices evolve through turbulent developments. Furthermore, instead of neatly distributed roles following meticulously scheduled planning, HRM practices are influenced by various organisational actors. For successful implementation, HRM practices need to become inscribed into the interpretive schemes of organisational actors, resources have to be distributed, the HRM practice has to gain legitimacy. We develop a comprehensive framework that assists in understanding the process of HRM implementation.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to investigate and interpret the possible link between culture and the perceptions of accountants on corporate environmental reporting practices (ENRPs) on a two‐country basis, i.e. between Malaysia and Australia. Using Hofstede's (1980) and Gray's (1988) cultural value framework, the paper employs a qualitative approach through interviews conducted with corporate accountants in publicly listed companies in Malaysia and Australia. It is revealed that ENRPs in both countries are influenced by cultural values, in particular collectivism, high uncertainty avoidance, uniformity, conservatism and secrecy. Despite the fact that types of cultural and sub‐cultural dimension pertaining to reporting practice in Malaysia and Australia are similar, mixed findings are found when compared with national cultural values (Hofstede, 1980) and sub‐cultural values (Gray, 1988). The consistencies of cultural dimensions found in ENRP in these two countries and the orientation of the practice across nations indicate a promising move towards standardization and harmonization of successful implementation of environmental accounting and reporting. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

This study addresses the development of environmental strategies and associated management control in the international hotel industry, a sector of major economic and environmental impact hitherto largely neglected in the environmental management and accountability literature. The low key level of commitment to environmental management currently exhibited by the industry is considered in the context of dominant systems of hotel management performance evaluation and control, as well as the industry's current strategic management and budgetary practices. Informed by Giddens' structuration theory, the study offers a new theoretical framework, environmentally efficient resourcing, as a structured approach to the development of hotel environmental strategy and its management. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This paper explores whether the adoption of an EMS and/or TQM, both administrative innovations, lead to the development of cleaner technological innovations. We draw on the stakeholder influence literature and Daft's (1978) dual core model of organizational innovation to determine the factors affecting a facility's decision to undertake cleaner technological innovations. Using Canadian facility level manufacturing data, we find that an EMS reduces the likelihood that a facility will implement environmental technologies that change the production process (clean technologies) while TQM increases the likelihood that the facility will implement clean technologies. We also find that administrative pressures (corporate headquarters and shareholders/investors) have no impact on technological innovations while external stakeholders such as regulators, community groups and environmental groups as well as customers and suppliers each increase the likelihood that facilities will use cleaner technologies. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

ERP系统环境下企业内部会计控制体系结构的构建研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ERP系统在管理控制上所具有的先进性、集成性特点,对企业内部会计控制体系提出了创新需求。本文从会计控制观念、控制方法、控制模式、会计人员知识结构四个方面分析了构建内部会计控制体系的创新需求;并且从整合业务流程和会计流程的视角设计了一个通用的三层内部会计控制体系结构模型,并分析了模型的控制机理。  相似文献   

Technology adoption is one the most important elements of a firm's strategy. In this paper, we address an essential, yet largely overlooked, question: What should a firm do when faced with several alternative proprietary designs of a new technology? In our base case we assume there are two technology designs, each described by an independent stochastic process of technology evolution. We show that, in equilibrium, a buyer chooses the leading technology design as soon as the discounted payoff from doing so is positive. When the option value of waiting is very high, it is jointly optimal to delay adoption. But because sellers cannot commit not to extract all of the buyer's future rents, inefficiently early adoption takes place. Strategies that improve commitment to low future license fees, such as increasing the number of competitors or cross‐licensing, may alleviate the hold up problem. Although previous research stressed the benefit of such commitments in terms of increasing the rate of technology adoption, we present a class of cases when the benefit from commitment is efficiently to delay adoption.  相似文献   

Accounting and environmental management both hold improved resource‐use efficiency as an ultimate goal, but intermediate processes and objectives vary and consequently it is separately assessed within each discipline. This paper intends to make visible the globalizing trends in accounting practice, which aim to standardize financial reporting to produce comparable information so that shareholders can maximize their economic wealth. This paper seeks to contrast this comparability strategy with the apparent need for diversity in accounting information exhibited by actual accounting practices, the information needs of environmental management and, ultimately, the cultural needs of sustainable development. We argue that a more pluralistic model, that enables a holistic assessment of corporate performance and balances diverse stakeholder objectives, is better suited to an uncertain future. Implementation requires accountants and environmental managers jointly to create and test a new order of reporting. There are many practical challenges but most significantly accountants and environmental managers must combine to enhance the visibility and credibility of these diverse performance measures. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment  相似文献   

This paper argues that practice-based management and IS literature has tended to portray a voluntaristic account of human agency that downplays the contribution to emergent social outcomes of more deeply rooted psychological dimensions of the human condition. Within the IS research community, this tendency is exemplified in work using Giddens' structuration theory, which, whilst acknowledging the importance of human interpretive properties, has foregrounded cognitive aspects to interpretation at the expense of important non-cognitive ingredients such as affect and biographical identity. These non-cognitive ingredients are less amenable for study using the structurational model, but receive comprehensive treatment elsewhere in Giddens' work. Accordingly, it is argued that a useful direction for future theory development would be to seek a more balanced account of humans' co-constitutive relationship with technology in practice. This could be achieved by supplementing the structurational perspective, with its primary focus on emergent social structure, with a more explicit engagement with Giddens' broader concern with emergent biographical structure. An initial integrative framework is offered as a first step in this direction.  相似文献   

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems represent a major IT adoption decision. ERP adoption decisions, in the chemicals and allied products sectors, were examined between 1994 and 2005. Networks of strong ties and weak ties partners are investigated. Results show that neighbouring companies linked with strong ties can have an influence on organisations making such adoption decision. Past decisions made by major trading partners have a significant influence on the decision to adopt an ERP system for a given organisation. This reflects the complex nature of the knowledge required for such adoption.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the impact that the task environment has on the adoption of environmental innovations by firms. Specifically, we investigate the impact of two dimensions of a firm's external context – munificence and dynamism. We investigate both of these factors by drawing on the relevant literatures, developing hypotheses and testing our hypotheses with data drawn from the US printing industry. Our major findings are that firms in highly dynamic environments, as well as firms that have adopted other productive innovations, are more likely to adopt a greater number of environmental innovations. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

The ability to incorporate environmental concerns into the product development process is becoming increasingly important as diverse constituents make greater demands upon firms for improved environmental performance. Based on a review of the capabilities literature, we propose that environmental design capability derives from expertise on environmental impacts and technologies both internal and external to the firm (knowledge resources) coordinated with product development teams through dense information networks (communication linkages) embedded in a context where environmental information is understood and valued (interpretive structures). Through a series of case studies, we find support for our proposition that environmental design capabilities are related to the integration of diverse knowledge resources. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the current state of specific corporate responsibility practices in the global forest sector. We compare the motivations for the leading forest industry companies to invest in certification from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), and in the ISO 14001 environmental management system. For the empirical investigation, we use quantitative survey data collected from 60 of the world's leading forestry companies. This study's empirical results indicate that incentives for adopting forest certification are more often external rather than internal, and more market driven than regulation driven, which would suggest the dominance of extrinsic motivation. The results also indicate that the adoption of ISO 14001 certification represents a reactive strategic approach, emphasizing customer satisfaction as a key motivation. Motivations differ depending on the firm's business sector and the geographical location of its headquarters. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Few studies have explored the relationship between green products development (GPD) and product portfolio management (PPM). When considering evidence from emerging economies, the knowledge gap is even deeper. Consequently, the objective of this work is to analyze how green and traditional practices of new product development (NPD) influence product portfolio and NPD performance. In addition, we explore how GPD opens new markets and technology opportunities. The empirical evidence is based on a sample of firms that are developing products and belong to innovative industrial sectors in Brazil. In general, the framework developed and tested in this research indicates the following: (i) the adoption of GPD practices significantly influences product portfolio performance; (ii) the adoption of GPD practices tends to generate positive results with regard to obtaining technological and market opportunities; (iii) the adoption of traditional PPM practices influences the dependent factors. Unexpectedly, correlations between a firm's size or age and its performance were not confirmed. This is the first empirical evidence relating GPD, PPM, and market and technology opportunities in Brazil. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

We investigate the association between corporate governance strength and EU listed firms' choices with respect to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption in 2005. We measure governance strength by aggregating variables such as board independence, board functioning and audit committee effectiveness. The firms exhibit heterogeneity in both compliance and disclosure quality; some firms do not even meet the minimum disclosure requirements. Regression results show that stronger governance firms disclose more information, comply more fully and use IAS 39's carve-out provision less opportunistically. These findings are germane to accountants, managers and regulators in countries soon to adopt IFRS.  相似文献   

Organizational citizenship behaviors for the environment (OCBEs), which are based on individual, voluntary and informal initiatives, are increasingly considered as an essential ingredient of corporate greening. Drawing on the emerging literature on this issue, this paper explores the determinants and consequences of managers' OCBEs. A study of 304 managers from the manufacturing sector allowed us to validate a new model of managers' OCBEs based on structural equation modeling. The model shows the role of environmental values and perceived behavioral control (PBC) in the adoption of OCBEs. As expected, the model also shows positive and significant relationships between OCBEs, environmental management practices and performance in this area. The study sheds new light on the impacts of OCBEs and explores the reasons why they can be used to lead by example and to improve environmental performance. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

The requirements engineering (RE) processes have become a key to conceptualising corporate-wide integrated solutions based on packaged enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. The RE literature has mainly focused on procuring the most suitable ERP package. Little is known about how an organisation exploits the chosen ERP RE model to frame the business application development. This article reports an exploratory case study of a key tenet of ERP RE adoption, namely that aligning business applications to the packaged RE model leads to integral practices and economic development. The case study analysed a series interrelated pilot projects developed for a business division of a large IT manufacturing and service company, using Oracle's appl1ication implementation method (AIM). The study indicated that AIM RE improved team collaboration and project management experience, but needed to make hidden assumptions explicit to support data visibility and integrity. Our study can direct researchers towards rigorous empirical evaluations of ERP RE adoption, collect experiences and lessons learned for practitioners, and help generate more effective and mature processes when exploiting ERP RE methods.  相似文献   

This paper explores hypothesized determinants of accountants' earnings using a conventional Mincer earnings function. Findings indicate that the CPA credential, MBA degree, and years of work experience increase earnings. Also presented is a more detailed analysis of the earnings gap between accountants employed in traditional accounting positions and those in finance-related positions.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the motivations, internalization challenges and outcomes of implementing certifiable standards for corporate biodiversity management. For this purpose, a qualitative study based on interviews with 39 environmental managers, auditors, consultants and other experts in the field was conducted. The findings show that the adoption of new standards for biodiversity management is essentially driven by the need to improve the social acceptability of activities that can have a significant impact on natural habitats. The possible benefits of certification, particularly in terms of stakeholder relationships, and the difficulty of measuring the intangible aspects of biodiversity issues are also discussed. The study contributes to the emerging literature on organizational biodiversity management and to the debates on the symbolic versus substantial adoption of certifiable environmental standards. Managerial implications for organizations interested in biodiversity management are also discussed. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

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