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The present study contributes to accounting education literature by describing context-specific conceptions of learning related to case assignments, and by exploring the associations between the conceptions of learning, students’ characteristics and performance. The data analysed consist of 1320 learning diaries of 336 students, connected with students’ characteristics and course grades. The results are in line with earlier studies in that most students in accounting describe reproductive conceptions of learning. However, instead of only increasing knowledge, case assignments seem to emphasise the application of knowledge to real life. Furthermore, the conception of learning seems to be associated with performance in the course and the age of the student. Since no positive development of the conceptions of learning is visible during the course, using case assignments as such does not seem to solve the problem of reproductive conceptions. Therefore, how case assignments are used in teaching needs to be carefully considered.  相似文献   


Group assessment now plays a significant role in higher education. Existing research has identified a number of benefits that derive from group assessment including the development of generic skills and the promotion of deeper learning. Despite its importance as a learning tool, there has been little research reported in the accounting literature, which has examined accounting students' attitudes towards the use of group assessment. This paper attempts to address this deficiency by exploring students' attitudes to the use of group assessment, in terms of group dynamics and generic skills development, in a cooperative learning environment within a final year undergraduate accounting module. In addition, the study analyses students' attitudes to maintaining a journal or learning log, which recorded the group's experience of completing the group assessment. Specifically, the study considers whether students' attitudes differ according to academic ability and it proffers explanations for the findings.  相似文献   

Many, if not most, business schools rely on student evaluation of teaching (SET) for at least one measure of teaching effectiveness. The accounting education literature seems not to have critically distinguished the purposes of SET, and at least one recent article (Hooper & Page, 1986) appears to accept the conclusion that these evaluations are both reliable and valid for use in administrative decisions (merit, tenure, and promotion). This article partially dissents from that position and examines the validity problems of these instruments as measured by the relationship between SET results and learning, which should be the most critical consideration. The relative ease with which SET are obtained, and their quantitative nature, result in a greater tendency to rely on them, often to the exclusion of other measures of teaching effectiveness. While SET can provide an input to managerial control decisions concerned with teaching effectiveness, undue reliance on them has the potential for serious dysfunctional effects.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
In 1990, the Department of Accountancy in the Faculty of Business at RMIT undertook an experiment to combat the effects of reduced resources and increased pressures on teaching. It looked hard at what is known about good teaching and student learning and considered the ways in which an innovation that built on this knowledge might use education technology. This paper describes and evaluates an innovation that used videos, workbooks and a computer package to teach a component of management accounting. Overall, the innovation increased the level of critical and reflective learning by students and reduced considerably the formal student/staff contact time.  相似文献   

Within the context of accounting education, this paper explores the impact of computer-aided learning (CAL) on students' learning experience, on teaching costs and on staff time available for research activity. The findings of two experiments are reported. The findings of the first experiment suggest that there was no significant adverse effect on the examination perfofmance of those students who opted to use CAL rather than attend lectures on management accounting. However, questionnaire responses from the students who opted to use CAL suggest that CAL had an adverse effect on their interest in accounting. The findings of the second experiment suggest use of CAL in a supplementary role did not improve student's examination performance in a course on financial reporting. The analysis in the paper suggests that CAL, when used in a supplantive role, has the potential, in certain circumstances, to reduce costs and to increase the staff time available for research activity. The paper concludes that if academic managers can be reasonbly confident that students' examination performance will not be affected adversely by the use of supplantive CAL they may consider its introduction in order to capture the benefits of reduced costs and the additional staff time available for research activity. However, in making such a decision, academic managers should bear in mind that saupplanbtive CAL can have an adverse effect on stuedents' interest in accounting.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the potential advantages of integrating student-generated cases into the accounting information systems course. The benefits of the traditional case method are discussed, and the student-generated case technique is presented as a way of further fostering a creative learning environment, which promotes a deeper understanding of the course material than the traditional case method. Further, this paper discusses how the student-generated case method can help students develop their group interaction skills, as well as their oral and written communication skills.  相似文献   

The education literature suggests a student-focused teaching strategy to improve students’ engagement in a lecture. However, in traditional accounting lectures students take the role of passive and anonymous recipients of knowledge. This paper reports on two cycles of an action research project, developing and refining a blended learning model, with the purpose of enhancing students’ engagement in the lectures of a large management accounting course. Results of our study find that engagement was enhanced with the implementation of this model. This study contributes to the accounting education literature through reporting evidence from action research and the effective implementation of a blended learning model that accounting educators can use.  相似文献   

Within the study of teacher training, it is generally accepted that a teacher's behaviour and success in the classroom is influenced by their personal beliefs. This paper discusses teachers' pedagogical beliefs, domain-specific beliefs and conceptions of teaching and learning. We outline empirical results from various studies which explore lecturers' and teachers' perceptions of vocational training in the field of accounting education; then present an empirical study in German commercial schools, conducted via surveys (n= 225 teachers in commercial schools) and in-depth follow-up interviews (n?=?21 teachers). Using cluster analysis we identify different teacher types or belief systems regarding teaching and learning in accounting education: predominantly constructivist or instructional. Of particular interest is a mixed type, which includes both paradigms and emphasises the importance of structured lessons and systematic teaching. Verbal data allow a more detailed analysis of the different pedagogical orientations. We established significant relationships between teachers' beliefs, including domain-specific beliefs, self reports on the organisation of classroom activities and teaching patterns. All in all, the findings show a dominance of instructional ideas and teacher-centred teaching practices in the domain of accounting.  相似文献   

The use of journal entries to teach partnership taxation concepts provides students with a visual tool that liberates them from the memorization of formulas that has long been a staple in partnership tax education. Employing journal entries as our pedagogy, we present a case designed to be a comprehensive project for a stand-alone graduate partnership taxation course. We also provide guidance for how individual components within the case can be assigned, which could be particularly useful to instructors of business entity tax courses. Our case provides a resource that will assist instructors in teaching and students in understanding (1) the book accounting requirements, and (2) the interrelationship between the tax and book reporting requirements. Graduate tax students who completed this case in its entirety agree that the case meets its stated learning objectives, and that journal entries are an effective tool for analyzing partnership tax transactions and make learning partnership taxation easier.  相似文献   

The resource presented in this paper introduces and contextualises the teaching of Customer Lifetime Valuation (CLV) to management accounting students. CLV is a relatively recent innovation. It involves calculating the present value of expected net cash flows generated over the lifetime of an organisation's relationship with a particular customer/customer segment and using this information better to manage returns derived from a customer base. The Teaching Resource provides an introduction to the topic, suggested learning objectives, suitable student reading, and an innovative case (OzInsure case) facilitating students' technical competence and evaluation of CLV. Also included are suggested solutions and further background information situating the use and development of the teaching resource. Feedback received from peers and students indicates the utility of the Teaching Resource, and provides guidance as to its future development. More generally, this resource illustrates the feasibility of using instructors' research experiences to inform learning in management accounting.  相似文献   

Improvements in the tertiary education of accounting students benefit the profession. Analysis of the interaction of learning styles and teaching methodologies in accounting degree programs revealed that when learning styles matched teaching methods used, usefulness was assessed as high. When they differed, usefulness deteriorated. To maximise educational benefit this interaction should be considered, but this has resource implications. Accounting education is critical and any improvements in the tertiary education of accounting students should result in better prepared graduates entering the profession. This study evaluates accounting students’ learning styles and the interaction of learning styles and teaching methodologies in degree programs. Nine classes of accounting students (648 students) spread across four years and two degree programs were evaluated. Students self‐evaluated their learning styles, pre‐instruction. They were then subject to two separate teaching techniques (one active and one passive) in each course. Learning styles were then re‐assessed and teaching techniques evaluated. Accounting students displayed a preference for passive learning, even those far advanced in their degrees. Furthermore, when learning styles matched teaching methods used, usefulness was assessed as high but when learning styles and teaching methods differed, usefulness deteriorated. Overall, active learners rather than passive learners deemed the teaching methods to be more effective. The implications are significant. To maximise educational benefit for the accounting profession, student learning styles should be assessed before designing appropriate teaching methodologies. This has resource implications, which would have to be considered.  相似文献   

In the fall of 1984 Baldwin and Reckers reported the results of an exploratory study of the learning styles of business students based on Kolb's Experiential Learning Model and its related empirical methodology.This study applies the same methodology to investigate the learning styles of accounting practitioners in addition to business students. The results are used to evaluate the potential merits of Kolb's approach for accounting education research and to consider the possible impact on learners of two orientations to accounting education evident in the literature.  相似文献   

会计教学体系研究:来自英国大学的借鉴   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过在英国有关大学的实地调研,文章对英国大学会计教学目标、会计专业课程体系、会计教与学、会计课程考评等几个方面进行了考察和分析。在此基础上,借鉴英国大学的做法,提出了改进中国会计教育的教学目标、教学过程、课程体系和学生学习过程等的具体途径和方法。  相似文献   

Increased teaching workloads combined with pressures to publish in limited outlets has intensified the burnout potential among accounting educators in Australia and New Zealand. However, amongst the few studies on tertiary accounting education, the focus has so far been only on burnout arising from student contact intensity. We broaden this literature by examining how other worklife characteristics contribute to burnout. Based on 158 responses from Australian and New Zealand accounting academics, we find evidence for emotional exhaustion due to high workload. However, professional efficacy continues to remain high. Qualitative responses offer deeper insights on how various burnout factors are interrelated.  相似文献   

A background to the adoption of computing in accounting education is discussed. There has been considerable pressure by the accounting profession for information technology to be taught in tertiary accounting courses. While accommodating these expectations, accounting academics have been concerned that such teaching should focus on conceptual understanding, rather than training. Research on effectiveness of computers and the learning of accounting concepts has been considered and found to be inconclusive and conflicting. It has been argued that an understanding of learning theory is necessary to enhance the effectiveness of teaching computerized accounting. An approach to teaching computerized accounting information systems and integrating learning theories is presented via a practical example: the objectives of teaching computerized accounting and reasons for adopting the SYBIZ Rev L software package are presented. The chosen approach in developing the teaching and learning material is outlined and linked to learning theory. It is argued that computers in accounting education should not merely be treated as a fait accompli, but be recognized as a part of a process which we should understand and influence. Research needs to continue on a number of methodological fronts. Suggestions are given for more specific empirical research, as well as suggestions on how to incorporate the findings of other related disciplines.  相似文献   

我国高校体育教学中的传统教学弊端就是无法从单纯的被动模仿走向合作探究的学习模式。如何做到可以针对不同个体差异,能力和身体素质以及已有的运动训练经验来选择恰当的练习法,从而达到提升高校体育教学的质量的目的。基于此,在高校体育教学中注重结合程序教学法以及学生的元认知学习能力的培养具有重要的现实意义。本文旨在探讨程序教学法与元认知学习策略相互结合的内涵、原则、运用策略以及这种教学范式在高校体育教学中的积极作用。  相似文献   

This paper outlines my teaching philosophy for the Accounting Theory subject. A Critical Theory and Postmodernist approach is recommended, which makes full use of non-accounting “tangential” material [Boyce G. Critical accounting education: teaching and learning outside the circle. Critical Perspectives on Accounting 2004;15(4/5):565–86] and material from popular culture [Kell P. A teacher's tool kit: an introduction to social theory. In: Allen J, editor. Sociology of education: possibilities and practices. 3rd ed. Southbank, Melbourne: Social Science Press; 2004. p. 29–51 [chapter 2]; Nilan P. ‘Reality TV’? School students and popular culture. In: Allen J, editor. Sociology of education: possibilities and practices. 3rd ed. Southbank, Melbourne: Social Science Press; 2004. p. 306–21 [chapter 14]]. The paper discusses some classroom interactive activities, as well as interview results from interviews conducted with 11 international students and one Australian student at Charles Sturt University. The teaching approach proposed in this paper is to conduct classroom interactive activities which study theories and research results from a range of disciplines in order to illustrate key points that apply equally as much to accounting theories and the accounting research process, e.g. the Positive/Normative dichotomy. Classroom interactive activities are discussed in class using the “dialogical approach” to education recommended by Freire [Freire P. Pedagogy of the oppressed. London: Pelican; 1996], Kaidonis [Kaidonis MA. Teaching and learning critical accounting using media texts as reflexive devices: conditions for transformative action or reinforcing the status quo? Critical Perspectives on Accounting 2004;15(4/5):667–73], Boyce [Boyce G. Critical accounting education: teaching and learning outside the circle. Critical Perspectives on Accounting 2004;15(4/5):565–86], and Thomson [Thomson I, Bebbington J. It doesn’t matter what you teach? Critical Perspectives on Accounting 2004;15(4/5):609–28]. Once students gain experience in studying material from outside accounting, the interview results suggest that they are then better motivated [Wynder M. Creative management accountants: short case studies to promote creativity in the classroom. In: Paper presented at the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand annual conference; 2006] and better equipped to study and evaluate accounting theories.  相似文献   

基础会计手工实验课程是经济管理类院校会计学各专业及相关专业开设的必修课程,是在讲授完会计基础理论之后进行的实验教学环节,与传统的会计基础理论教学相比较具有一定的优势,如增强了学生对会计基础理论和基本知识的感性认识,增强了学生对会计业务的识别、阅读能力等,但在教学中也体现了一些不足,本文从改变传统教学模式、改变传统教学方法、更新教育理念三个方面提出对基础会计手工实验进行教学改革的措施。  相似文献   

Pressures on the unit of resources within higher education are noted and the possible implications for assessment practice considered. There is a tension between low-cost and high-quality assessments, yet assessment appears to drive the students' agenda and requires careful thought if the programme design is to lead to high-quality learning outcomes. A theoretical framework is presented with the purpose of developing an assessment strategy which will enhance the quality of learning by the student. A case study of an introductory accounting module is described and issues of teaching, learning and assessment are explored. A message of hope is signalled; it may be possible to foster deep learning through assessments which engage the student actively with the subject, despite the apparent constraints acting upon academics.  相似文献   

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