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This article focuses the attention on energy models in relation to spatial systems. After a discussion of three types of methods used in the field of energy modeling (econometric models, input output analysis and programming models), the framework of a multi-component regional- energy econometric model is presented.  相似文献   

Turkey is a developing country in the Middle East, and is attracting an increasing number of foreign investments and joint ventures. However, the Turkish accounting system is not one of the topics that is studied in detail, the language barrier perhaps being the main reason. As the amount of foreign investment and the number of joint ventures increase and the Turkish stock market develops, a new responsibility will fall on accountants to disclose and discuss the current accounting system in Turkey. This paper attempts to fill this gap by describing the current accounting system and state of the profession in Turkey.  相似文献   

关联方交易已经越来越频繁地被不同的交易主体所运用,但是,由于现有的规范关联方交易披露的制度还没有完全建立,导致目前我国的关联方交易已经沦为弄虚作假的手段。改进关联方交易披露中的不足,已经成为亟待解决的问题。文章采用实证分析的方法,剖析了当前关联方交易披露中存在的主要问题及成因,并提出了改进建议,以充分发挥出关联方交易的积极作用。  相似文献   

Drawing upon Wittgenstein’s theory of language games, we apply a pragmatic approach to organizational communication. The study extends current theories of computer-mediated communication, and explores how language actually gets used across media. We conduct a comparative study of face-to-face versus computer-mediated reference transactions in an academic library, and analyze people’s use of politeness strategies. The study observes that people use politeness strategies to play different language games across media, and that a dynamic interplay exists among the three constituents of language games: sense making, language use, and forms of life. In particular, we found that: First, people use significantly more negative politeness strategies and fewer positive politeness strategies online than face-to-face. Second, language use influences people’s understanding and precedes practical forms of life. Third, CMC is a different form of life than a face-to-face communication. The new online form of life shapes people’s sense making and the way they use language, resulting in emerging new grammars of CMC. Finally, our findings suggest the interplay among multiple forms of life. This study offers important theoretical and managerial implications for organizational communication and the production and delivery of services in the rapidly expanding digital economy.  相似文献   

目前,对会计信息质量特征的内容,我国学术界尚存在一些争议。本文通过对存在争议的特征的剖析,认为以可靠性作为会计信息质量特征从哲学角度理解比客观性、真实性更为合理;而重要性、谨慎性与实质重于形式不宜作为会计信息的质量特征来看,只作为会计操作及其相关依据和影响因素的修正与限制。  相似文献   

GRC的整合与《会计法》的实施--国外的经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
变被动、强制地遵循为主动地遵循,是<会计法>及其他相关法律法规得以有效贯彻必须树立的理念.本文借助普华永道国际会计公司在2004年的调查结果,结合公司治理(G)、风险管理(R)和遵循管理(C)在国外的实施情况,探讨了"遵循"的新含义,介绍了国外关于整合GRC的思路、运作模式、关键步骤与程序,分析了整合的GRC运作模式对我国进一步贯彻<会计法>的借鉴意义及在我国实施整合的GRC应注意的问题.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework to identify the determinants of acquisition premiums so as to explain their cross-section variability. Observed premiums are predicted to be positively related to (1) the magnitude of the acquiring firm's estimate of acquisition gains and (2) the acquired firm's relative bargaining strength. Increased acquisition gains are argued to result from two sources—underpricing and undermanagement. The variables representing these sources are constructed from pre-acquisition data. A gains variable based on the post-acquisition stock-price reactions of the acquiring and acquired firm is also constructed. It is argued that acquired-firm bargaining strength is enhanced by an increase in the degree of competition in the acquisitions market and by the inclusion of anti-takeover amendments in the acquired firm's corporate charter. The predictions are tested on a sample of 77 completed cash-for-stock and stock-for-stock acquisitions over the time period 1975–80. The empirical results provide strong support for the predicted effects of the determinants of (2) and mixed support for the determinants of (1). This is the first study to document the predicted effects of anti-takeover amendments on observed premiums.  相似文献   

随着企业产权结构的不断变动 ,购买、处置子公司的行为已不鲜见 ,由此将引起合并报表范围的频繁变动。另外 ,合并范围政策的变化等 ,也会引起合并范围的变动。  相似文献   

我国会计准则与国际会计准则的趋同分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上市公司执行新准则标志着我国会计准则的国际趋同。我国会计准则和国际会计准则是否存在着差异及差异存在原因是什么,本文对此进行了探讨。对投资业务、固定资产业务和无形资产、存货业务的具体准则进行对比,分析其中差异,并结合我国会计环境对差异存在的原因进行了分析,同时提出对策建议。  相似文献   

Two hundred and fifty members of the general public were interviewed in central London and asked to assume that they had been given a certain sum of money, all of which they had to donate to a single good cause. The interviewees were presented with the names of three organisations in different fields (cancer care, animal welfare and human rights) and asked to make a selection. Respondents were then questioned about their personal values, inclinations and other characteristics potentially relevant to the choice. It emerged that personal values and inclinations exerted powerful influences on selections. Moreover, the possession of certain personal values and inclinations correlated significantly with specific organisational values that the respondents most admired. Copyright © 2003 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

A special feature of China’s housing market is land use rights in the form of land leasehold contracts granted by the government. We consider an equilibrium model in which a representative developer may choose to redevelop existing centrally located housing or to develop new housing at the periphery of the city. We show that as the city grows, the land leasehold system results in the city center being developed less intensely and more land being used on the outskirts of the city when compared to a fee simple environment. Thus, cities in China are likely to be relatively more spread out, with city centers relatively older than would be the case with “fee simple” ownership. Our model suggests that excess residential land use is about 6 percent. In addition, compared with the ownership case, housing supply will grow more quickly in the near future, but more slowly later on during the transition of the Chinese economy. Parallel to the supply growth pattern, equilibrium price grows relative slowly in the near future, but more quickly later on. While we focus on residential uses, we believe our model can be applied to other land uses.  相似文献   

李振泉 《价值工程》2011,30(14):162-162
会计信息是评价财务状况,做出财务决策的重要依据。人为会计信息失真的社会危害性更大,最大的问题是虚假会计信息危害市场经济秩序,导致严重的不公平竞争,滋生腐败、掩盖腐败,损害国家及社会公众利益,加剧信用危机。本文从失真现状、成因入手,针对性的论述了治理会计信息失真的对策。  相似文献   

袁素琴 《价值工程》2012,31(1):194-195
通过会计发展史看会计所具有的国际性,分析了培养国际化会计人才对会计行业以及相关领域的影响,进一步分析了我国会计国际化现状及趋势,指出我国会计领域人才培养的应对措施和国际化会计人才培养的目标。  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of cross-sectional variation in lease ratios. Results indicate that leases substitute for debt and that relative lease use is negatively related to the size of the lessee. Leased assets, as a fraction of total assets, are negatively related to the financial strength of the lessee. Relative lease use is positively related to the lessee's level of non-debt tax shields, and some support is found for a negative relationship between leasing and the tax rate. Additionally, asset factors, as proxied by industry, provide most of the explanatory power of the model.  相似文献   

《企业会计准则第21号--租赁》规定,在租赁期内,企业要采用实际利率法分摊融资租入资产的未确认融资费用。在手工方式下计算每期应确认的融资费用分摊额既复杂又不准确,利用Excel财务建模建立计算模型,可巧妙地解决这一问题,为会计实务工作者处理此类业务带来方便。  相似文献   

2013年是《事业单位新会计制度》施行的第一年,由于该制度适应了财政改革的需要,有许多的规定与原来的制度不同。同时又参考了《企业会计准则》,但又不同于企业会计的核算,为了更好地理解本制度,本文将企业会计与事业单位会计的基本业务核算进行了比较。  相似文献   

王雁翔 《当代会计》2021,(15):165-167
大数据时代下,计算机信息技术和互联网技术的迅速发展改变了企业经营中信息数据收集、处理和运用方面的管理方式.与此同时,新的信息技术也逐步替代了会计工作中重复性和低价值的工作.为顺应新的发展趋势和数据时代的需求,传统的核算型会计必须尽快向管理会计转型.文章阐述了大数据时代的基本内涵,以及财务会计和管理会计的内涵与异同,通过分析大数据时代财务会计向管理会计转型的原因,提出其转型的有效策略,以期为现代企业财务管理工作发展提供参考方向.  相似文献   

对于现代企业来说,财务会计的主要工作是核算企业的经济业务,管理会计除了针对经济业务展开核算外,一些管理活动也在其工作范畴内,这与大数据背景下的企业发展相契合。然而目前很多企业对转型的重视程度较低,在大数据技术得到普遍应用的背景下,必须通过行之有效的途径促使企业管理者正确认识管理会计的价值,在此基础上寻找行之有效的转型措施。论文主要针对大数据背景下如何将企业财务会计转型为管理会计展开深入探析,提出切实可行的转型策略。  相似文献   

新财务会计制度下如何加强与完善医院成本核算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李江柠 《企业科技与发展》2012,(11):149-150,156
成本核算是医院经济管理的基础工作,加强成本核算是做好医院经营管理的重要手段。在医院财务会计制度发生重大变化的背景下,医院通过不断加强成本核算,强化成本管理,努力减少消耗、降低成本、提高效益,走出了一条医院内涵效益型发展之路。  相似文献   

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