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浅议我国农村小额信贷的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何向农村人口提供金融服务,是农村经济发展必须要解决的问题,也一直是各国政府面临的挑战.农村小额信贷的实践和发展为解决这一问题提供了全新的思路.但我国农村小额信贷的发展目前仍处于实验探索阶段,还面临着各种各样的风险和挑战.本文分析了农村小额信贷发展过程中的问题,并结合实际提出了大力拓展农村小额信贷的建议.  相似文献   

柴兴文 《时代经贸》2013,(22):104-104,107
农村小额信贷作为金融创新的重要形武有效的解决农民融资难的问题,为。三农”问题的有效解决提供必要的手段。本文从利率市场化、完善金融体系、拓宽融资渠道等方面提出了完善农村小额信贷可持续发展的对策措施,从而实现我国农村经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

小额信贷是以贫困或中低收入群体为特定目标客户并提供适合特定目标阶层客户的金融产品,在为中国的贫困农村提供金融支持中扮演重要的角色。随着农村小额信贷的广泛开展,其对稳定的法律制度的需求日益见长,因此探讨我国农村小额信贷所面临的法律困境和对策,对完善相应的法律制度促进农村小额信贷发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

小额信贷是目前世界范围内的一种重要扶贫形式,在孟加拉国以及其他许多国家和地区都取得了良好的效果。我国从20世纪90年代初起,也在许多贫困的农村地区开展小额信贷扶贫项目,虽然取得了一定的成果,但是也出现了一些问题。特别是近年来出现了农户贷款需求萎缩的现象,引起了人们的思考。文章通过建立模型,指出我国农户面临的高昂的农产品流通成本会使得农户不愿意通过在小额贷款项目下进行家庭农业经营获取收入,而更愿意通过劳动力转移来获得收入;因此高农产品流通成本也许是目前我国农村小额信贷需求萎缩的重要原因之一。政府和小额信贷机构应该积极采取措施,帮助农户降低农产品流通成本,促进小额信贷扶贫的发展。  相似文献   

潘秀红 《经济问题》2004,(12):43-45
农户小额信贷是我国农村信贷管理制度的重大改革,对解决农民贷款难、促进农民增加收入、改进信用社业务经营发挥了重要作用。不仅有效缓解了农民贷款难问题,而且有力地促进了农村信用社自身业务发展。农户小额信用贷款,一方面具有垄断性、营销性、适应性等金融产品创新的一般特点;另一方面又具有自身特点。一年来,在人民银行的大力引导和督促下,农户小额信用贷款的推广工作取得了较大的发展,给农户带来了诸多好处,具有较大的社会效益。但是也存在诸多问题及症结:认识不统一,调查欠准确,操作不规范,成本不确定,等等,因此需要纠正影响小额信用贷款推广的若干措施。  相似文献   

陈敏政 《经济师》2012,(10):175-176
农村小额信贷是针对农民贷款难而衍生的创新型金融信贷产品,是一种有效的扶贫手段。但在具体实施过程中还存在一定的问题。文章着重分析了国内外小额信贷现状、特点及我国小额信贷存在的缺陷,并针对存在的缺陷提出了有关改善建议。  相似文献   

进入社会主义新农村建设的新时期以来,中央对小额信贷作为一种适当的金融创新给予了肯定,并大力支持其发展.小额信贷是激活农村金融的催化剂,是完善农村金融的有效补充,是发展农村金融的良好创新.文章根据农村金融发展理论,从农村小额信贷的基本特征、小额信贷存在的必要性以及小额信贷的实际意义等几个方面进行了理论上的探讨.  相似文献   

近年来,大庆市农村小额信贷的发展取得了巨大的成就,并在增加农民收入、发展农村地方特色经济产业、促进农民就业等方面起到了重要作用。然而,随着农村小额信贷业务在大庆市五区四县的广泛开展,给金融机构带来的低贷款回收率等风险渐渐显现出来。这给农村小额信贷带来了巨大的影响,阻碍其发展的步伐。所以,大力发展农村小额信贷保险就成为了重中之重。基于此,本文深入到与开展农村小额信贷的金融机构密切合作的保险公司进行数据调查,分析大庆市农村小额信贷保险的现状,并以大庆市农村信用社代理的保险为例进行个案分析,总结出阻碍大庆市农村小额信贷保险健康发展的原因,为相关部门提出可行性的对策建议,从而开启了大庆市农村小额信贷保险的新篇章。  相似文献   

小额保险是一种新型保险项目,它以低廉的保费为中低收入人群提供能够保障基本生活的保险产品,具有商业性和社会公益性的双重特征,被认为是一项重要的扶贫措施。农村小额信贷在支持三农发展、帮助农村低收入群体脱贫方面起到不可替代的作用。本文分析了小额信贷机构在经营中面临的信贷风险,在对比国际经验的基础上指出农村小额信贷与小额保险相结合的发展模式,是我国发展农村金融可资借鉴的一种良好模式。文中分析指出了农村小额信贷与农村小额保险相结合的必要性与紧迫性,并提出发展农村小额信贷与农村小额保险的政策建议。  相似文献   

发展史上记载中国小额贷款辉煌的成绩,无疑是发挥着重要作用。带领当地农民从贫困中脱离出来,过程中需要不断的完善和改革。但仍然存在一些问题,本文通过分析农村小额信贷存在的问题,并给予提出改善建议。  相似文献   

金融是现代经济的核心和命脉,同样农村金融也是社会主义新农村建设的核心和命脉[1]。我国的农村小额信贷主要服务与农村地区的弱势群体即被金融机构排除在外的广大农户,虽然我国的小额信贷在现阶段取得了一定的成果,但是其可持续发展仍然存在许多因素的制约,主要有资金供需失衡,小额信贷自身的不足,缺乏有效的风险分担机制等。根据国内外小额信贷成功的事例,我国应采取拓展多元化小额信贷资金来源,加快利率市场化改革等措施来促进我国小额信贷的可持续发展。  相似文献   

丁宁 《经济研究导刊》2013,(14):165-166
农村民间金融的存在弥补了正规金融在农村金融活动中的缺位,是对正规金融的一种有益补充,在农村经济发展和社会主义新农村建设中发挥着重要作用,但其在发展过程中存在着诸多问题。因此,分析了农村民间金融存在的主要问题,并提出了完善的对策。  相似文献   

The limited endowment of resources that usually characterised low-income households imposes a binding trade-off between current and future consumption. In many transition countries, microfinance represents the primary source of credit other than informal moneylenders for low-income households which is the situation in the Kyrgyz Republic. Thus, this study analyses the determinants of household microfinance credit allocation in Kyrgyzstan from 2006 to 2010. We model the household’s behaviour through a multivariate approach to allow for multiple choices at the same time. Results indicate that mobile phone and livestock ownership were identified as two key factors which increase the probability of borrowers using microfinance credit for productive purposes. Furthermore, borrowers in the rural Naryn region, one of the poorest areas in Kyrgyzstan, have a higher probability of allocating their loans toward food purchases and the smallest probability of allocating credit toward starting a business or other productive purposes.  相似文献   

Shakil Quayes 《Applied economics》2013,45(18):1909-1925
Using a panel of 764 microfinance institutions (MFIs) from 87 countries, this study analyses the possible trade-off between outreach and performance and shows that greater depth of outreach has a positive impact on the financial performance of an MFI. The empirical results of this study should dispel the widely held apprehension that the recent emphasis on attainment of financial sustainability by the MFIs could seriously impair their outreach efforts and shows that outreach to the poor can actually bolster financial performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the extent to which corruption affects the loan portfolio of microfinance institutions (MFIs). We employ robust econometric estimation on a sample of 507 MFIs across 63 countries from 2005 to 2018. Our results show that corruption is negatively associated with the loan portfolio. However, in semiparametric analysis, we find that lower-level corruption is beneficial to increase the loan portfolio while higher-level corruption is detrimental. The results imply that it is not just corruption that matters as far as its effect on MFIs' loan portfolio is concerned; what matters is the degree of corruption. In further analyses, we find that corruption reduces both the number of active borrowers and average loan per borrower indicating that corruption reduces both coverage and amount of credit extension. The results suggest that the effect of corruption on the loan portfolio is gender-sensitive. Corruption facilitates an increase in loans to female borrowers. Our results are robust to alternative variable measurements and different identification strategies, including two-stage least square.  相似文献   

I show that charging interest on funds provided by donors or investors to microfinance institutions (MFIs) can increase efficiency, the total number of loans and borrower welfare, compared to grant or concessionary funding. In a setting in which MFIs supply costly non-contractible effort, putting a price or raising the price of loanable funds strengthens the MFIs’ incentives to put effort in credit administration or monitoring, to extend more loans, and/or reduce overhead costs. This theoretical result is robust to several variations of the benchmark model allowing for an endogenous lending rate, motivated MFIs and endogenous overhead costs.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the impact of institutional environment resulting from the legal systems, on the financial performance of microfinance institutions (MFIs). Broadly categorized into common law and code law, the legal systems are found to significantly influence the efficiency of MFIs. We use an unbalanced panel of 1272 MFIs over a period of 16 years to analyze the effect of legal systems on their financial performance. In contrast to the accepted notion that common law systems are more conducive to effective market systems, our results show that MFIs operating under code law systems exhibit better financial performance than in common law systems.  相似文献   

Shakil Quayes 《Applied economics》2013,45(26):3421-3433
The primary justification for subsidizing Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) is their enhancement of social welfare by extending credit to the poor households. Therefore, recent emphasis on their financial self-sufficiency has created concern, that this may adversely affect the mission of social outreach. Utilizing data from 702 MFIs operating in 83 countries, this study shows empirical evidence of a positive complementary relationship between financial sustainability and depth of outreach.  相似文献   

This paper discusses credit risk assessment through conventional and specialized credit evaluation metrics. I find that low credit risk is a direct consequence of sound implementation of good governance practices and sustainable financial performance through sound qualitative and quantitative risk management tools. Furthermore, I find that the depth and breadth of outreach and write‐off are by some margin the two most important determinant indicators of a microfinance institutions’ (MFI’s) credit risk control. In addition, I demonstrate that there is no significant statistical difference in terms of risk management among the different types of MFIs. Results also suggest that constructive regulation to promote MFIs has a non‐negligible impact on the risk assessment of MFIs.  相似文献   

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