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河北省不同利用方式农田土壤氮磷环境风险分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
弄清不同利用方式农田土壤氮磷养分平衡状况,进而明确其环境风险特征,为进一步指导土壤养分管理及环境政策制定具有重要意义。研究以河北省的粮田、果园和菜地为研究对象,通过分析三种利用方式氮磷的输入、化肥和有机肥的分配比例及氮磷养分的盈余状况,并结合化肥使用环境风险指数,评价三种不同利用方式化肥氮磷的环境风险类型。结果表明,氮总输入量为菜地明显高于果园和粮田,磷总输入量为菜地和果园明显高于粮田,且粮田和菜地氮磷输入主要以化肥为主。三种不同利用方式农田氮磷均呈盈余状态,其中氮盈余率为果园(532.6%)明显高于菜地(61.5%)和粮田(31.6%),磷盈余率为菜地(700.4%)和果园(615.7%)明显高于粮田(66.6%)。化肥氮磷的环境风险指数均为菜地(0.83)明显高于粮田(0.59-0.62),三种不同利用方式下化肥氮磷的环境风险类型均达低度风险及以上,特别是菜地达严重风险。为了农业的可持续发展,河北省粮田应控制氮磷肥的投入,果园和菜地应加大减少氮磷肥化肥投入,以减少对环境的潜在危害。同时为了更好地培肥地力,在控制施肥总量的前提下应加大粮田和菜地有机肥的投入比例。  相似文献   

崇明是国家现代农业示范区之一,现有耕地面积75.3万亩,约占全市的1/4.为此,近年来,我们按照市委市政府全面建设崇明生态岛建设的要求,以农业增效、农民增收为核心,以调整优化农业产业结构为着力点,以市场需求为导向,积极推进农业产业化、标准化、市场化、组织化、品牌化建设,大力推动发展崇明高效生态农业. 一是努力改善农业基础设施.全县实施了19.7万亩设施粮田与农业综开项目,建成了6.4万亩设施菜田,完成了17个畜禽场和20个水产养殖场标准化改造;推进了北部高效生态农业实践区建设,建成了1万亩设施莱田、4000亩设施粮田、500亩特色农业种源基地、80个标准化示范基地.  相似文献   

近几年来,嘉定区十分注重加强农业基础地位,加大农业投入和改革发展力度,稳定粮食生产,促进农民增收。据悉,最近新出台的加快农村改革发展、提升农业现代化水平的实施意见,要求到2011年,建成6万亩设施粮田、2万亩设施菜田、12家标准化畜禽养殖场和3000亩标准化水产养殖基地,  相似文献   

浙江省临安县重视生态环境建设,因地制宜,合理利用自然资源,实行综合开发,通过培养典型、示范推广,在稳定粮田的同时,积极地发展经济林木和土特产品,搞好产品加工销售增值,发展市场经济,促进山区农业和农村经济持续、稳定、迅速发展。  相似文献   

从标准粮田建设的必要性和意义出发,论述了河北标准粮田工程建设分区的原则、方法及分区的方案,针对每个分区分别阐述了工程建设的重点及耕地平整、农田水利、田间道路、农田防护林等方面的工程措施组合。  相似文献   

崇明、金山、奉贤设施粮田建设全面启动 崇明、金山、奉贤等区县认真贯彻落实中央农村 工作会议精神和市委、市政府关于"保护粮食生产能 力,稳定粮食生产总量"的有关要求,抓住冬春有利 时机,掀起了2005年度设施粮田建设的高潮。 一是组建工作班子。崇明、金山、奉贤等区县分 别成立了由农委一把手为组长,相关部门负责人参 加的设施粮田建设推进工作小组,负责研究制定本 区县设施粮田建设的相关政策、总体规划及分年度 实施计划,统筹协调建设中出现的相关问题。  相似文献   

近年来,随着农村商品经济的发展,从事粮食生产和从事其它农村商品生产,尤其是非农业生产之间收入的不平衡正越来越引人注目,且已挫伤了农民种粮的积极性。是不是说粮田就必然是低产出,无法获得较高的收益呢?为此,我们选择连城县北团乡车上村进行调查,试图用回归分析来探索粮田的投入与产出关系,从而选择较合理的投入结构,以提高粮食生产经营的经济效益。  相似文献   

高标准粮田建设是黑龙江垦区结合国家粮食生产核心区规划建设要求,按照"合理规划、综合配套、稳定面积、主攻单产"原则,分类规划建设高标准粮田、高标准农田,为高产丰收、调整结构,发展高产农业,奠定了坚实的基础。为了加快高标准农田建设,确保国家粮食安全,针对建设高标准农田的不利因素,提出了加大投入、强化设施、提高标准、示范推动的有效措施。  相似文献   

据《江南时报》报导:今年,浙江温州10多位农民乘坐飞机往返于黑龙江和浙江两省,利用季节差经营他们在两地承包的数万亩粮田。如张少林等9位农民,最近从浙江瑞安农信社贷了107万元资金,准备购买农机具用于北大荒承包地。他们都是瑞安的种粮大户。去年下半年3次北上北大荒进行实地调查后,便与黑龙江农垦总局三江分局前锋农场签订了1.2万亩粮田的承包合同,承包期30年。据了解,目前温州市已有13位农民承包了黑龙江6.7万多亩粮田,在北大荒建起粮仓。温州农民坐飞机跨省种田@平  相似文献   

青浦区白鹤镇就发展现代化农业,提出多项举措。继续加大农业基础设施建设,重点做好16800亩基本粮田建设,今年完成970亩菜地标准化建设;有序实施“草莓产业”发展规划,带动其它农副产品的发展,为白鹤发展休闲观光现代农业奠定基础。  相似文献   

卢闪闪  聂加燕  郝军  程颖  瑞瑞  张鑫鑫 《现代食品》2021,(6):153-155,160
本文依据《粮油检验粉类粮食含砂量测定》对面粉中含砂量进行测量,并对其测量结果进行不确定度分析,探究影响测量过程中不确定度分量来源并进行评定。分析得出,扩展不确定度为0.0004%,面粉中含砂量测定结果为0.017%±0.0004%(k=2)。  相似文献   

分析石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定饲料中镉含量不确定度各个分量,对其测量不确定度进行合理评定,结果表明:饲料样品中镉含量为0.052 mg/kg时,其扩展不确定度为0.0035 mg/kg(k=2),校准过程和测试过程随机效应是引入不确定度的主要原因。  相似文献   

魏敏  姜华军 《现代食品》2022,28(2):208-212
为提高食品中金黄色葡萄球菌定量检测结果的准确性,本文对测量不确定度进行分析和评定.按照《食品安全国家标准食品微生物学检验金黄色葡萄球菌检验》(GB 4789.10—2016)第二法金黄色葡萄球菌平板计数法对人工染菌的乳粉样品进行检测,按照《测量不确定度评定与表示》(JJF 1059.1—2012)分析不确定度来源、评定...  相似文献   

中国水稻生产效率的变动分析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
一、引言中国是世界最大的稻谷生产国 ,水稻是中国最主要的粮食作物。我国加入WTO后 ,在市场经济的调节下 ,稻谷生产与贸易受国际市场和价格的影响越来越大 ,因而如何保护我国的农业 ,提高我国水稻的国际竞争力 ,促进我国农产品的生产和贸易 ,是摆在我们面前的一件重要事情。而生产效率的提高有助于提高我国水稻的国际竞争力 ,所以 ,研究水稻的生产效率很有意义和价值。生产效率是指产出量与全部投入之比 ,表明产出量的变动与全部投入量变动的关系 ,以衡量生产率的变化对经济增长的作用。生产效率一般是指生产系统的总要素生产率 (TotalFa…  相似文献   

本文以明代时期的北直隶、山东、河南为例,从生产要素的角度分析明代华北农业发展的推动因素.一是人口的增长、迁移和耕地面积的增加.二是农田水利,除了治理河流,井灌得到了广泛采用.三是农业技术有所进步.本文还尝试用生产函数模型,分别对中性、劳动增强型和土地增强型的技术进步率进行估计,结苯表明,明代华北农业的增长方式主要依赖于劳动和耕地的增加.在资源约束日益加剧的今天,要进一步重视技术进步在推动农业发展中的作用,同时在技术选择和创新中还特别需要注意与各地的资源禀赋条件相适应.  相似文献   

陈银珊 《现代食品》2021,27(3):177-180
本文根据《测量不确定度评定与表示》(JJF 1059.1—2012)和《食品安全国家标准食品中亚硝酸盐与硝酸盐的测定》(GB 5009.33—2016),利用分光光度法对食品中亚硝酸盐的含量进行测定,建立数学模型对亚硝酸盐含量测定的不确定度来源分量进行计算、分析,食品中亚硝酸盐的测定结果可以表示为X=(11.2±0.70)mg·kg-1,k=2,为评价试验测量结果的真确性提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本文以浙江省农村固定观察点的农户为研究对象①,对近十几年来农户农地利用结构和生产效率方面的变化做一实证分析。一、农地生产率变化分析(一)农地生产率及其经营效益变化从观察户的跟踪观察资料看,随着科学技术的进步和农户生产技术水平的提高,农户的农地生产率总体呈上升趋势。这里我们以浙江的主要农作物粮食的单位面积产量与农地单位面积投工两个方面来说明。从表1可见,在固定观察点建立以来的14年中,按播种面积计算的粮食亩产提高了15.14%(1988年较1986年提高20.60%);同期,每亩农地的用工量减少了36.76%。表1的后半部分是农户农地经…  相似文献   

重庆缙云山旅游竞争力提升研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缙云山作为国家级重点风景名胜区,在自然资源、生态、区位和宗教旅游方面具有一定的旅游竞争优势,但如何有效利用这些优势资源提高景区的竞争力仍是其面临的重要问题。通过分析缙云山的旅游竞争力基本要素,指出其目前存在的旅游产品单一、景区客源市场小等问题。提出改变旅游资源开发方向,完善解说系统,培养专业人才,加强管理等提升缙云山旅游竞争力的相关措施。  相似文献   

Mining has been necessary for human activities and is conducted in line with this need. The location of mines must sometimes be where land use overlaps with other activities because the location of the mined substance cannot be changed. In Turkey, forestland are the most common of these overlapping areas. Therefore, mining has frequently occurred on forestland in Turkey—and worldwide. After the mining operation activities are conducted, the forestland are rehabilitated and returned to the forest administration. The examination of used and returned areas provides an opportunity to create an optimal situation between “mining for sustainable development” and “protection of forestland.”Accordingly, several questions, such as mining production amounts, degrees of social and economic development of the cities in which enterprises are conducting mining, the quantity of the areas they used for mining activities in forestland, the areas which were returned to the forest administration, operating license areas and operation permit areas, and the life of mining operation, were asked to the mining enterprises in Turkey through the “Survey Monkey” program in 2018. Thus, according to mineral groups, different land use rates were compared with the operating license areas, and the land uses for each mineral group were analyzed by considering the operation activity periods. The results indicate that the sustainability of the use of forestry in mining activities in Turkey has changed in a positive direction, particularly because of changes in mining and environmental legislation in Turkey over the last decade.  相似文献   

A complex of raw materials available in a given commune shapes its functional − spatial structure and affects local economic development. The use of the resource base of minerals depends largely on the management of the space and respecting the zoning restrictions connected with protection of mineral deposits. The urgent need to protect them is due to their non-renewable nature and progressive development of the land. Preserving access to deposits is essential to ensure future mineral supply necessary for the economic development. This article presents the results of the assessment of implementation of rules of protection of mineral deposits in spatial planning at the level of territorial units in Poland.The study has been conducted in twenty-three communes of the Lesser Poland voivodeship, for thirty-one unexploited mineral deposits designated for protection in the Spatial Development Plan of the Lesser Poland (Małopolskie) Voivodeship of 2003. In the study of conflict with development of the selected mineral deposits with the environment, factors related to land use, forms of nature protection, water conservation and planned land development have been evaluated. The assessment has taken into account the importance of individual factors of conflict by giving them weights by means of pairwise comparison method. Five classes of conflict of the deposit management have been proposed: non-conflicting deposit, small conflict, medium conflict, major conflict and very big conflict. Almost equal numbers of deposits (9) belong to the class characterized by a of medium, small and large conflicts. Road and technical projects as well as expected significant impact of exploitation on the environment restrain exploitation. The impact is related to the necessity of use of explosives during the exploitation and by the cumulative effect of the mining activity already existing nearby. Analysis of the planning documents of the communes has shown both inadequate protection of mineral resources, including designation of areas of deposits for single-family housing, and a few examples of properly maintained spatial planning in the field of protection of mineral deposits. Information obtained from the environmental survey has been supplemented by assessment of the social aspect. In nine communes it has been determined that the areas of mineral deposits are not subject to spatial conflicts but in seven communes there is opposite situation. The most important benefits from the mineral exploitation which has been indicated in the studied documents included: jobs, access to construction materials and development of the commune.Present work allowed to define the areas and the scale of conflicts induced by development of mineral deposits and to propose measures for rational management of mineral resources. Recognition of the existing and potential conflicts can help to make the right decisions concerning development of the area and minimising impacts of exploitation of the mineral deposits.  相似文献   

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