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教育一直被看作房地产市场的主要卖点,也是支撑购房刚性需求的核心因素。一项统计数据显示,北京居民的家庭总支出中,约有30%用在孩子的教育消费上,望子成龙心切的家长们对教育市场的巨大需求,使得教育地产有了可以与市场匹配的对接点。地处东二环朝内核心区的凯 相似文献
[综合品鉴]合景泰富地产是花都今年五一特别出彩的开发商,4月份至今连续有"天湖峰境"、"马鞍山1号"和"朗悦君庭"等楼盘开盘。其中"马鞍山1号"楼盘户型产品有平层、三错层洋房及叠加式别墅等,首期货量50多套,其中平层和三错层洋房均价在7500元/m~2左右,叠加式别墅售价达到10000元/m~2,是目前花都最高档的洋房,虽然价格相当高,但开盘时仍受到花都 相似文献
调查显示,尽管政府进行了宏观调控,房地产依然居我国富豪所有投资类别之首在全球量化宽松的货币政策下,通胀成为全球的活题。而在中国,货币总量超发的问题也引发了财富阶层对资产的担忧。股市行情始终低迷,30年的黄金牛市被终结,大量财富人群将目光投向保值增值属性俱佳的高端不动产,品质优势突出、占据丰富高端资源的豪宅项目因此备受 相似文献
小户型延续上半年的拼劲,一路高歌猛进,而中高端楼盘在经历了近7个月的沉寂后,终于难耐寂寞,相继入市。下半年,市场供应结构将逐渐从单一走向多元,购房者的置业选择也变得更为丰富。 相似文献
时代地产正在演绎一个房企打造高端品牌的故事。随着时代·白朗峰刷新中山市的豪宅标准、奠定其在高端住宅开发领域的基石后,南沙·依云小镇“也立志打造成珠三角最高端的休闲地产项目”,珠海金湾·依云小镇“将成为珠海市最高端社区的典范”,清远·黄花湖畔也把项目定位为“建筑高端休闲度假社区”这些无不昭示时代地产正逐步将产品转攻高端市场的全新战略。 相似文献
虽然京城楼市整体表现较为疲软,但仍然有一些楼盘销售睛况较好、甚至有些楼盘还是十分热销。小户型、低总价项目依然热销;区域位置好、交通便捷、配套设施齐全的项目销售喜人;高档住宅项目的稀缺性注定了其热销局面,品牌地产项目备受追捧、竞争优势明显。 相似文献
我们的楼盘近期不会有打折、特价之类的优惠促销活动.作为二环边的高档楼盘,我们的定价并不是最高的、开发商对自己的产品及后市有信心.在北京东二环广渠门旁的冠城·名敦道售楼处,售楼员苏小姐对记者这么说.…… 相似文献
The paper studies the dynamics of housing prices in a pure exchange overlapping generations framework a la Samuelson (1958) and Gale (1973), which is extended to include housing as a utility-yielding durable good and a credit sector. We completely characterize the equilibrium dynamics, which alternates between an expansive regime where leveraged borrowing increases housing prices, and a contractive regime where these variables decrease. Regime switches occur due to small but persistent income changes giving rise to boom-bust cycles in housing prices. Price deviations from fundamentals are caused by leveraged borrowing, and turn out to be fully welfare-neutral. 相似文献
Nathaniel J. Mass 《Socio》1980,14(6):281-290
The 1900s have marked two major investment booms in the United States. The boom of the 1920s was followed by the Great Depression of the 1930s, in which investment demand fell sharply. The second boom, of the 1950s and 60s, has been followed by a period of lagging investment. The economics literature reflects two disparate schools of thought on long-term investment behavior: the accelerator theory and the monetarist theory. This paper develops an investment function that interrelates monetary and real variables. Analysis of the investment function identifies several powerful non-monetary forces that can trigger investment booms with subsequent collapse due to overexpansion. Money is shown to be a critical element in sustaining a boom, but monetary contraction during the succeeding decline appears to be a symptom rather than essential cause of investment stagnation. The results thus point toward an integration of the monetarist and accelerator theories. 相似文献
Donald Haurin Stanley McGreal Alastair Adair Louise Brown James R. Webb 《Journal of Housing Economics》2013,22(1):1-10
This paper investigates the relationship between the list and sale price of residential properties over the housing cycle. In down or normal markets the list price generally exceeds the sales price; however, when the housing market is strong, homes sell for more than their list price. This observation is not consistent with the assumptions made in the standard model of home sellers’ search behavior. We consider alternative models. In one, sellers set list prices based on their expectations of future changes in sales prices and the arrival rate of buyers; however, demand shocks occur. This model partially explains our data from the Belfast, U.K. housing market, but it fails to predict the list to sales price ratio during a sustained housing boom. We next describe a model where sellers’ endogenously select their search mechanism depending on the strength of the housing market. We find support for the conjecture that sellers switch to an auction-like model during housing booms. There also is evidence that during a downturn in the market, sellers’ list prices are sticky. 相似文献
Peter Sloane 《Economic Affairs》1984,4(4):58-61
For many years the Olympic Games have been financed from the pockets of the taxpayers of the host nation. Professor Peter Sloane hails the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics as a breakthrough in the private sponsorship of sport, criticises several of the conclusions of the Report of the Howell Committee, and argues for a relaxation of the rules restricting participation in paid sport. 相似文献