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This paper highlights the importance of product differentiation and endogenous R&D in determining the optimal R&D policy, in a model where investment in cost‐reducing R&D is committed before firms compete in a differentiated‐goods third‐country export market. R&D is always taxed in oligopolies for high degrees of product differentiation. For lower degrees of product differentiation the duopoly is subsidized or the government remains inactive. In contrast, the monopoly is always subsidized. The government with a duopoly may be active or inactive depending on the degree of product differentiation. Thus, we may observe a reversal in the sign of the optimal R&D policy if the degree of product differentiation changes or, alternatively, if there is a change in the number of firms. Similar qualitative results hold if trade policy uses output subsidies, instead of R&D promotion.  相似文献   

In a seminal paper, Eaton and Grossman (1986) conclude that an export tax is optimal if firms produce heterogeneous products and engage in Bertrand price competition. In particular, they made a comment that could be interpreted to mean that even in the case of a homogeneous product, the optimal policy is still an export tax. This paper has re‐examined the case and found that the optimal export policy can be an export subsidy, free trade, or an export tax, depending on the marginal cost differential between the domestic and the foreign firms. Moreover, if government intervention entails a cost, free trade becomes the only optimal policy.  相似文献   

Strategic Trade Policy with Heterogeneous Costs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper examines optimal strategic trade policy under a heterogeneous cost oligopoly. The first‐best policy involves a structure of firm‐specific export subsidies/taxes in which the government favours the most efficient firms only with a sufficiently low social cost of public funds.  相似文献   

Brander and Spencer (1988) and Bandyopadhyay et al. (2000) imply that the robust trade policy recommendation toward a unionized duopoly is an export subsidy. In this paper, we show that we cannot get such a result even in the linear case if the opportunity cost of public funds is sufficiently high. However, if we consider the case where the domestic firm and the trade union lobby the government to set favorable trade policies by giving the government political contributions, then the result of robustness will be restored if the government cares about political contributions sufficiently relative to national welfare.  相似文献   

文章使用边界检验和自回归分布滞后模型等计量和时间序列方法分析了1980-2008年间我国政府支出规模与对外开放程度之间的长期影响关系和关联机制.研究结果显示:我国的政府支出规模与对外贸易开放程度之间存在显著的长期影响关系,规避由贸易条件波动而引致的对外贸易风险是二者长期影响关系的内在关联机制,这一结论与Rodrik(1998)使用截面数据方法得到的研究结论相一致.这也意味着,自1997年亚洲金融危机以来,我国所实施的积极财政政策在防范和抵御对外贸易风险过程中起到了积极的作用.  相似文献   

This paper examines host country government (HCG) commercial policy towards imports resulting from intrafirm trade conducted by a multinational corporation (MNC). the effectiveness of the HCG's commercial policy is impaired by its limited information about the MNC's cost of production. the commercial policy consists of restrictions on intrafirm transactions. We construct and characterize the optimal commercial policy under imperfect information and find that under imperfect information the optimal policy entails a distorted transfer price and a lower level of intrafirm trade relative to the full information case. Welfare implications of commercial policy under imperfect information are also examined.  相似文献   

加入WTO对我国零售业市场集中度的影响分析及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用绝对集中度的扩展模型对我国零售业在考虑对外开放因素前后的市场集中度进行了对比分析指出,在短期内,受对外开放的影响,零售业市场集中度将下降;但长期来看,规模经济性、企业兼并及技术进步等因素将推动零售业市场集中度呈现不断上升的趋势。我国应加强对零售业的政府管制,以实现有效竞争的市场目标。  相似文献   

鲁力 《技术经济》2014,(3):108-112
在碳限额与交易政策下,除政府配给外,企业还可通过减少产量、生产绿色产品和购买碳排放权来获得额外的碳排放权。比较了不考虑和考虑固定成本两种情形下碳排放权市场交易价格与企业绿色产品生产成本的关系。结果表明:当企业生产绿色产品不存在固定成本时,随着碳排放权市场交易价格的提高,企业的最优产量逐渐减少,企业利润先降后增,企业由买入碳排放权转为卖出碳排放权;当企业生产绿色产品存在固定成本时,随着碳排放权市场交易价格的提高,企业生产绿色产品的固定成本的取值范围扩大。结论表明,碳限额与交易政策在控制碳排放和促进绿色制造业发展方面发挥着积极作用。  相似文献   

We consider strategic trade policy when a high‐cost and a low‐cost firm belonging to two different countries compete in quantities in a third country, and technology is transferable via licensing. We characterize the effects of subsidies on (i) licensing payments—a new source of rents, (ii) the decision to license, and (iii) the subsidy bill difference (compared to when licensing is infeasible). We find that, in the presence of licensing, optimal strategic trade policy has several interesting features. For example, even under Cournot competition, optimal policy can be an export tax instead of an export subsidy. Also, unlike results in strategic trade policy with asymmetric costs, we find that optimal export subsidies are not necessarily positively related to the cost‐competitiveness of firms. In other words, governments need not necessarily favor “winners” when licensing is possible. Furthermore, there exist parameterizations such that a government, if it can, might ban licensing.  相似文献   

Policy reforms are often multifaceted. In the rent-seeking literature policies are usually taken as one-dimensional. This paper models policy formation using a political contest with endogenous policy proposals containing two dimensions, e.g. access and quality of education. The two dimensions provide an opportunity to trade off one policy over another to make the lobbying opposition less aggressive. In a first stage, the government proposes a reform over the two policies, and in a second stage engages in a contest with an interest group over the enactment of the proposed reform. As a result, the government makes a compromise, under-proposing in the policy the interest group opposes and over-proposing in the policy the interest group desires. Effectively, there will be strategic bundling of desired policies with undesired ones in an attempt to increase enactment probability and overall utility. We study this prediction empirically using a newly complied dataset on education legislation in the states of California, Illinois and Texas. Results suggest that stronger opposition is associated with less quality reforms. Moreover, as predicted by the model, when bundling access reforms together with quality, the negative effect is counteracted.  相似文献   

Despite compelling rationale based on the theory of comparative advantage for free trade, many countries adopt restrictive trade practices. In this paper we investigate this puzzle in a stylized two-country two-good Ricardian model of international trade. Governments can offer protection to domestic industries via industrial subsidy policy in this model. We prove the existence of a Nash equilibrium in the two-player game where industries choose the level of specialization. We determine the necessary conditions for complete specialization in (a) the free-trade regime; and (b) the protectionist regime implemented through industrial subsidy policy. Our results show that if the government intends to promote complete specialization, then a high degree of comparative advantage and a large elasticity of substitution between export and import goods are required. Empirical evidence on these two parameters indicate that complete specialization is unlikely to survive in the protectionist regime.  相似文献   

Abstract. The problem of monetary policy delegation is formulated as a two‐stage game between the government and the central bank. In the first stage the government chooses the institutional design of the central bank. Monetary and fiscal policy are implemented in the second stage. When fiscal policy is taken into account, there is a continuum of combinations of central bank independence and conservatism that produce optimal outcomes. This indeterminacy is resolved by appealing to practical considerations. In particular, it is argued that full central bank independence facilitates the greatest degree of policy transparency and political coherence.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the use of trade policy in addressing transboundary stock pollution problems such as acid rain and water pollution. We show that a tariff determined by the current level of accumulated pollution can induce the time path of emissions optimal for the downstream (polluted) country. But if the upstream (polluting) country can lobby the downstream government to impose lower tariffs, distortions brought by corruption and foreign lobbying lead to a rise in the upstream country’s social welfare, and to a decrease in social welfare in the downstream country. Thus, the usefulness of trade policy as a tool for encouraging cooperation and internalizing transboundary externalities depends critically on the degree of governments’ susceptibility to foreign political influence.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of a home firm's lobbying on a strategic export policy in a third market with a differentiated duopoly. We focus on its effect on domestic welfare under Bertrand and Cournot competition. Regardless of the mode of competition, the strategic export policy cannot improve domestic welfare in the presence of lobbying if the degree of product differentiation is high or the government is overly concerned with political contribution relative to domestic welfare. Moreover, for the same degree of product differentiation, the lobbying‐induced export policy is more likely to deteriorate domestic welfare relative to free trade under Cournot competition.  相似文献   

本文利用贸易政策形成的需求供给分析框架及利益集团影响贸易政策形成的机制,分析了印度利益集团对印度贸易政策确立与演变的影响。虽然印度各种利益集团的相互博弈在一定程度上影响了印度贸易政策的形成与发展,但利益集团发挥的作用是有限的,印度政党对利益集团的利用是充分的。印度历届政府经常利用利益集团之间的斗争,推进贸易自由化进程。  相似文献   

This paper examines a multinational's choice between greenfield investment and cross‐border merger when it enters another country via foreign direct investment (FDI) and faces the host country's FDI policy. Greenfield investment incurs a fixed plant setup cost, whereas the foreign firm obtains only a share of the joint profit from a cross‐border merger under the restriction of the FDI policy. This trade‐off is affected by market demand, cost differential, and market competition, among other things. The host country's government chooses its FDI policy to affect (or alter) the multinational's entry mode to achieve the maximum social welfare for the domestic country. We characterize the conditions shaping the optimal FDI policy and offer intuitions on FDI patterns in developing and developed countries.  相似文献   

地方保护主义对地区产业结构的影响——理论与实证分析   总被引:53,自引:1,他引:53  
本文旨在考察地区政府保护对地方产业结构的作用,对地区间产业结构趋同问题进行了研究。本文首先提出理论模型,在一个厂商投资行为模型中,从改变地区间贸易成本和政府直接投资两个方面引入地方政府行为变量,讨论政府行为对地区产业结构的影响。模型分析发现贸易成本的增加会促使地区间产业结构趋同,而政府直接投资对产业结构的影响并不确定,在一定情况下会促进地区间产业结构差异化。这些结论在随后进行的对中国近年地区和产业数据的实证研究中得到了验证。趋势分析发现样本年间我国地区产业结构差异的全国平均水平在逐年增大。而以地区为着眼点的计量回归分析则发现,在控制了运输条件、地区资源差异和产业结构等历史因素之后,政府变量对地区间产业结构差异变化有显著影响。政府设置贸易壁垒增加地区间贸易成本,会促进地区间产业结构趋同。政府的投资行为则在整体上促进了地区间产业结构的差异化。  相似文献   

Trade policy and quality leadership in transition economies are analyzed in a duopoly model of trade and vertical product differentiation. We first show that the incidence of trade liberalization is sensitive to whether firms in transition economies are producers of low or high quality. Second, we find that neither free trade nor the absence of a domestic subsidy are optimal: Both a tariff and a subsidy increase price competition and while the former extracts foreign rents the latter results in quality upgrading. Third, there exists a rationale for a government to commit to a socially optimal policy to induce quality leadership by the domestic firm when cost asymmetries are low. Finally, we establish an equivalence result between the effects of long-run exchange rate changes and those of trade policy on price competition (but not on social welfare).  相似文献   

This paper develops a tractable general equilibrium model of an economy with an arbitrary number of industries under increasing returns to scale and imperfect competition. The market structure of the model economy is expressed by two basic sets of parameters: the degree of competition, and the markup ratio prevailing in each industry. The government is supposed to control the degree of competition through antitrust policy and the markup ratio through entry policy. Using this model, I re-examine the results of traditional competitive equilibrium analysis and explore the effects of competition policies on economic welfare and international trade.
JEL Classification Numbers: D43, D50, F11, F12, L13, L41.  相似文献   

Abstract .  This paper demonstrates that the degree of state ownership affects neither the level of socially optimal activities nor welfare if the government chooses optimal trade policy instruments. In the case of rivalry in the home market, the optimal import tariff is independent of the degree of state ownership, and the optimal production subsidy decreases with state ownership if the optimal tariff is positive. For the case of Cournot rivalry in a third market, the optimal export subsidy increases with state ownership, while in the case of Bertrand rivalry with differentiated products, the optimal export tax increases with state ownership.  相似文献   

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