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旅游目的地的品牌营销   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭英之 《旅游学刊》2006,21(7):9-10
从旅游目的地品牌营销的竞争力内涵来看,旅游目的地品牌营销的竞争力应包含民族文化和地方文化双重内涵,只有具有民族特色、地方特色和文化特色的旅游目的地,才能使旅游目的地的品牌营销竞争力具有持久性和独特性.世界各国的旅游目的地以其独特的民族文化与地方文化,吸引着世界各地的旅游者.发达国家在发达的经济、整洁的环境、优美的景色等方面,都具有旅游目的地得天独厚的旅游目的地品牌营销条件.与法国的浪漫文化、意大利的典雅文化、美国的现代文化、日本的精美文化相比,中国悠久的历史文化与独特的民俗风情,是吸引越来越多的外国旅游者到中国旅游的主要原因.  相似文献   

当前,旅游营销由单纯的产品营销发展到区域目的地整体营销已成趋势,这是中国旅游业发展的必然。与大多数国家从国内旅游到国际旅游的常态发展轨迹不同,中国旅游业是先有国际入境旅游,其后国内游和出境游才蓬勃发展起来,旅游业的发展也逐步由接待事业型向经济产业型转变。与此相应,中国的旅游产品必然有一个从景区、宾馆等简单的旅游设施到旅游带、旅游区域的建设发展过程,这使旅游营销从20年前行业层次的景区、宾馆独闯天下,发展到今天由政府组织、各相关行业、相关部门分工合作的目的地整体营销。  相似文献   

谭笑 《当代旅游》2022,(2):71-73
在我国全面推进全域旅游发展的背景下,黑龙江旅游管理部门高度重视旅游品牌建设,大力推广多种营销策略。地方企业从影视营销、歌曲营销、标志营销、人员营销、活动营销等多方面加强全域旅游品牌的营销推广,使得黑龙江省全域旅游品牌形象更加深入人心。  相似文献   

北京奥运会不仅仅是体育的顶级盛会,更是中国旅游品牌的盛宴。2008,中国旅游的宣传主题是中国奥运旅游年。北京奥运会是展现中国全新品牌形象的绝佳平台。全国各地也在组织、策划一系列品牌营销措施和宣传推介活动,来支持和关注北京奥运,把北京奥  相似文献   

赵茜茜 《西部旅游》2023,(5):106-108
<正>文章首先阐述了旅游商品品牌的定义和特点,然后分析了旅游商品品牌塑造,最后论述了旅游商品品牌营销策略,并在此基础上选取了实际案例进行分析。研究发现,采取有效的品牌塑造和营销策略,可以提高旅游商品品牌的知名度和影响力,激发消费者的购买欲望,从而实现经济效益的提升。  相似文献   

匡林 《旅游学刊》2006,21(6):5-6
纵观全球惯例和我国实践,开展大规模的旅游目的地营销,是中国旅游业亟需抓好的一个重大课题。而增加宣传促销经费,又是重中之重。  相似文献   

近年来,中国旅游市场发生了一系列旅游产业裂变、聚合式的结构性重要变化,消费需求升级,城市营销浮出水面,投资主体多元化,新的旅游盈利模式不断涌现,旅游主流营销方式正在发生改变,以旅游作为核心引爆点和孵化器的城市运营和区域经济运营,正存改变着城市,改变着中国。  相似文献   

匡林 《旅游学刊》2007,22(8):5-6
历届奥运会的经验表明,在奥运综合效应中,旅游行业受益最直接、最显著。举办奥运会,特别能有力地提升国家形象、吸引国际目光,是发展旅游业的巨大引擎。中国推广“奥运一旅游”,可按照以下思路展开:  相似文献   

网络镜像里的中国城市旅游品牌竞争力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市旅游的传播对城市品牌的形成和塑造发挥着极其重要的作用,同时亦是很多城市品牌传播的终极目标.这种投入不仅仅是实体设施和服务的改进,很多时候还表现在营销推广的方式和力度上.  相似文献   

Despite the continuously increasing number of published work on the use of the Internet in tourism and hospitality literature, little has been written specifically on issues faced by hoteliers in developing countries and how they could learn from other successful practices. Indeed, analyzing the well performing destinations would provide useful insights for hoteliers in less performing counterparts around the world so as to better exploit the advantages of Internet technologies within their own constraints. Using Northern Cyprus and Hong Kong as examples, this study attempts first to find out the typical issues and usage of Internet marketing in a less developed tourist destination—Northern Cyprus, and compare the Internet‐related practices carried out by hotels in another well developed tourist destination—Hong Kong. A set of self‐administered questionnaires were mailed to members of major hotel associations in both locations. Results revealed that hoteliers in Hong Kong used the services of professionals in designing their websites and launched their websites before their Cypriot counterparts. A discussion of the findings, implications, and limitations are also given.  相似文献   

茶饮到一定程度,便要讲究境界。第一是识茶。中国茶品类繁多,各有特色。饮者的最起码功夫,要一尝便知什么茶。至少也要懂得花茶、绿茶,红茶,乌龙茶、黑茶的区别。其次便是要分辨得出茶的优劣。茶的品质差别极大,也极细。同是绿茶,龙井与碧螺春有差别;同是龙井,特级与一级有差别;同是乌龙茶,岩茶与铁观音有差别;同是岩茶,本山与外山有差别。虽然不必如专业茶师那么精确,至少也要闻得出香型,喝得出醇厚浅薄,这才能品出韵味。  相似文献   

It is important to understand tourists' willingness to participate in tourism planning and the factors influencing their willingness because they are an integral part of the destination and ultimately one of the main buyers of the product. Timeshare owners are a special group of tourists who have additional connections with the tourism destination through their timeshare. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among timeshare owners' perceptions of tourism planning, civic engagement, sense of place, and willingness to participate in tourism planning.

This study was based on a questionnaire survey of U.S. timeshare owners. The total sample size was 302. A two‐stage structural equation modeling approach was applied in data analysis. Results from the measurement model suggested that the model fit the data quite well. Results from the structural model suggested that timeshare owners' perceptions of tourism planning, their past history of civic participation, and their sense of place significantly impact their willingness to participate in tourism planning, while timeshare owners' past experience in political participation did not significantly affect their willingness to participate in tourism planning. Implications of the findings in tourism planning and tourism destination marketing are presented.  相似文献   

Most of the existing characteristics of wine tourists have been based on the point of view of wineries or have been based on the tourists who have visited wineries. It is therefore necessary to establish a more general profile of wine tourists. In conjunction with this, a more in‐depth look must be taken at the motivations for visiting a destination. These motivations can include the production area of a preferred wine. The correspondence between the production area of a preferred wine and the destination selected by a tourist has been taken as a given in the research performed to date, but it has not been studied in depth. The results obtained show that the profile of a wine tourist can be divided into two groups, thereby considering the variables of gender, income, age, belonging to a wine club, wine consumption habits, and involvement in activities related to wine. Moreover, in the analyzed case there is positive correspondence between the place of origin of a preferred wine and the destination selected when participating in wine tourism.  相似文献   

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