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对外债务显著扩张是当代美国经济外部失衡加剧的主要表现形式,但对外债务扩张的根本原因在于美国经济的内部失衡。对外债务的根本作用在于弥补美国政府部门财政缺口与私人部门储蓄-投资缺口。研究显示,在经济景气阶段,美国私人部门储蓄-投资缺口会扩大,工商企业会增加对外负债弥补储蓄-投资缺口;在经济衰退阶段,美国政府部门财政缺口会扩大,政府部门会增加对外负债弥补财政缺口。因此,无论美国经济景气还是衰退,其对外债务规模都在增加。考虑到美国经济对对外债务的强烈依赖性,我们有理由认为,未来美国的对外债务仍然会持续扩张。  相似文献   

杨斌 《开放导报》2012,(1):101-105
美欧债务危机暴露了美欧模式的深层次弊端,金融和经济危机正向社会和政治领域不断蔓延。依照美欧奉行的错误政策,中国无论投入多少资金挽救美欧债务危机都是毫无希望的,因为这些资金将落入金融垄断财团腰包而不是用于挽救经济,虽然能暂时换来美欧称赞但长期将会刺激更多的欲望,一旦无法持续满足其贪欲,对方就会翻脸,导致关系更加恶化。  相似文献   

杨琳 《改革》2012,(1):101-110
美国因公共债务率和财政赤字过高等问题,第一次丧失了"AAA"长期主权债务评级。虽然与欧债危机相比,美国债务风险相对有限,但美国作为全球第一大经济体,美元作为国际货币,其债务经济发展模式是否可持续对全球金融的影响更加深远。中美两国经济已高度相互依赖,美国债务危机的解决路径与成效,会直接影响到我国经济与金融走势。  相似文献   

后危机时期的全球公共债务危机和中国面临的挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为克服危机而推行的扩张性财政政策导致了公共债务危机的恶化。美联储推出的量化宽松II不但难以消除美国过度负债的一系列后果,且对全球经济、金融稳定的副作用巨大。在新的一年,中国将面临来自实体经济和金融两方面的冲击:在出口增速下降、大宗商品价格上涨、贸易顺差减少的同时,热钱的冲击将导致资产价格和物价上涨压力的增加。中国现有外汇储备的实际价值也将遭受美国国债价格下降和美元贬值的双重打击。  相似文献   

Public debt has accumulated rapidly in OECD countries since 1970. We assess the political explanations for debt accumulation, paying particular attention to the US and Japan. The key finding is that political competition explains variation in debt accumulation. Political competition encourages fiscal prudence. Hence, non-competitive countries will build up debt. Thirty years of OECD experience provides strong empirical support for this conjecture, and suggests that high debt levels in Japan are more due to political than economic factors.  相似文献   

欧元区债务危机背后的国际政治博弈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧元从诞生起就是国际战略平衡的产物,欧元区债务危机的爆发也似乎是一种国际战略博弈的产物。随着欧洲债务危机的深化,人们似乎忘记了美国才是这场国际金融与债务危机的起源地。然而,美国的危机似乎并未结束。为了解除危机,美欧激烈竞争,吸引新鲜资本。欧洲要走出货币危机,似乎需要更进一步的财政一体化。方向虽然定出,但要具体落实还需时日。中国应支持欧洲统一财政,渡过危机。让欧盟在世界舞台上扮演重要一极的角色对中国来说非常重要。  相似文献   

The sustainability of US external debt, which has been an issue of global concern, is analyzed using a Markov switching (MS) unit root test applied to the flow of debt, i.e., the current account. The first to apply the MS unit root test to the issue of US external debt in order to examine local stationarity and global stationarity were Raybaudi et al. (2004). This paper introduces an extended MS unit root test where the transition probability is time-varying rather than fixed, as is usually the case, and the change of probability is explained by the real exchange rate, which theory suggests has a close relationship with the external balance. The extended MS unit root test calculated by the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method provides us with new insights on the issue of US external debt in recent years, suggesting that even though the debt/current account–GDP ratio remains relatively high, the probability of stationarity (sustainability) is unexpectedly high when recent US dollar depreciation is taken into account.  相似文献   

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has sent shock waves across the global stock markets. Several financial crises in the past too have had a global impact with their reach extending beyond the country of origin. The current study compares the contagion effect of four such crises viz. the Asian financial crisis, the US subprime crisis, the Eurozone debt crisis, and the currently ongoing Covid-19 crisis on Asian stock markets to understand which of these has had the most severe impact. It finds that among all the four crises, the US subprime crisis has been the most contagious for the Asian stock markets. The study also highlights the difference between severities of a liquidity crisis versus a real crisis and identifies the markets that remained insulated from all these crises, a finding which will be useful for portfolio managers in devising their asset allocation.  相似文献   

陈静  倪鹏 《世界经济研究》2012,(4):22-27,87
本文在前人研究的基础之上,总结了主权政府债务规模变动的主要影响因素及影响路径,并根据建立的政府债务理论模型,利用微分、积分和余值等数学方法将经济增长、通货膨胀、财政赤字及其他非常规财政因素对主权政府实际债务规模的变动进行了定量分解。最后,笔者对两次美国联邦政府债务急剧增长时期(1942~1955年和2007至今)的债务及相关数据进行了实证研究,以印证上述方法,结果发现,财政因素是美国政府债务规模急剧增长的主要原因,而面对同期的经济萧条和较高的债务负担,通货膨胀成为了政府削减债务最重要的工具。  相似文献   

The fate of distressed Republic of Texas debt offers a rare example of bondholder gains associated with state annexation. While soaring in hopes of a US bailout, Texas debt prices remained well below par and never seemed to presume full repayment, however. The fluctuations of the Texas debt on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange over the 1845–1855 period between annexation and final settlement feature structural breaks typically connected with either actual legislation or rumors of pending action. Negative turning points follow when US legislative initiatives in 1845 and 1850 failed to yield a quick resolution of the Texas debt.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to evaluate the effects of exchange rates on debt, debt services, and public debt management in Thailand in the 1980s. A simple differentiation technique is used to decompose the changes in debt and debt services into 'management' and 'exchange rates' effects. The latter became more pronounced in the second half of the 1980s largely because of the increased volatility in exchange rates among key currencies. The public sector responded to these changes by adjusting the debt portfolio through new commitment and refinancing, as well as restricting the level of external debt. As a result, a significant amount of debt services was saved in 1989, when the exchange rates among major currencies began to settle down, although the same adjustments initially led to temporary increases in the levels of debt and debt services during the mid-1980s.
Moreover, the diversified structure of public external debt made it possible to compensate a change of debt or debt service in one currency denomination by a counter change of those in another currency denomination. Such a compensating relationship (e.g. between Yen and US dollar during 1985–87) helped stabilise the effects of exchange rates. The baht is now pegged to a basket of currencies. In theory the effects of exchange rates may be completely neutralised if the debt portfolio reflects the weight of each currency in the basket. Such relationships may be incorporated to improve the efficiency of public debt management.  相似文献   

南欧成员国社会福利过度造成的财政支出扩张与经济停滞导致的财政收入收缩是欧洲主权债务危机的内生性成因。美国因素是欧洲主权债务危机的重要外生性解释变量。美国试图通过债务危机打压欧元是为了巩固美元的全球霸权。即使欧洲主权债务危机在短期内对于欧元产生了一定的冲击,但在长期仍有可能造就一个更强大的欧元。  相似文献   

This paper shows that just banning local governments from issuing debts has not eliminated the local government debt in many Chinese provinces. The paper then advocates that local governments should be allowed to issue bonds, but subject to some stringent fiscal rules.These fiscal rules should include a balanced-budget rule and a debt limit rule, similar to those already in place among the US states. Furthermore, such rules can only be made effective if they are accompanied by parallel institutional building efforts such as transparent budget process and budget institutions, independent credit rating agencies, proper accounting and auditing process, and other inter-governmental agencies aimed at alleviating information asymmetry of local government finances. Our domestic currency ratings indicate that all Chinese provinces possess basic creditworthiness that will enable them to issue domestic currency bonds.  相似文献   

本文研究了欧洲主权债务危机的现状与成因,并从比较与借鉴的角度分析了中国地方政府债务的现状与成因,指出中国地方政府由于负债过高因而存在较大的隐性债务风险。研究结果表明,中国地方政府债务与欧洲主权债务有着本质的不同,中国地方政府债务隐性风险尚在可控制范围,中国不会爆发地方政府债务危机。  相似文献   

This paper analyses how fiscal adjustment comes about when both central and sub-national governments are involved in consolidation. We test sustainability of public debt with a fiscal rule for both federal and regional government. Results for the German Länder show that lower tier governments bear a relatively smaller part of the burden of debt consolidation, if they consolidate at all. Most of the fiscal adjustment occurs via central government debt. In contrast, both the US federal and state levels contribute to consolidation of public finances.  相似文献   

随着社会主义新农村建设全面展开,乡村债务的化解工作也步入了整体推进阶段。文章在四川省6县(市)实地调研的基础上,针对西部地区实际情况,提出了今后乡村债务化解的思路。即:以形成服务于民的借债偿债长效机制为目的,大力发展当地经济,提升民主思想意识,保存合理的债务存量,对既有债务科学分类,合理化解,并完善行政、财政体制的制度建设,预防新增债务。  相似文献   

美元作为主权货币国际化,在适应并促进世界经济增长的同时,其内在矛盾成为世界经济失衡、汇率大幅波动以及流动性泛滥的重要因素。解决美国主权货币国际化助推的贸易赤字、财政赤字和巨额债务问题,需要美国政府财政政策、货币政策和产业政策的重大调整,还需要国际货币体系的重大改革,从美元主导的单一货币模式转变为多元模式。美元、欧元以及正在走向国际化的人民币共同构成代表和主导北美、欧洲、亚洲等三大经济圈、覆盖全球经济体的国际货币体系。研究主权货币国际化的内在矛盾以及国际货币体系多元发展路线的历史逻辑,对有效应对复杂多变的国际经济环境,加快人民币国际化进程具有理论和决策参考价值。  相似文献   

日本是发达经济体中财政赤字和政府债务负担最严重的国家。接二连三的欧洲主权债务危机和美国主权债务问题使市场不得不对日本是否将是下一个债务危机发生国产生隐忧。在2008年全球金融危机爆发前,日本的债务结构和低利率环境还可以使其维系高额的财政赤字和债务负担。然而2008年之后,在全球经济疲软和日本经济萎靡不振的背景下,日本处在了主权债务风险一直上升的阶段。更令日本祸不单行的是"3.11"大地震、海啸和核泄露事件,这一连串灾难更令日本在财政赤字和举债问题上如履薄冰。如果日本政府还不尽快实施有效的债务管理政策和可信的财政整顿计划,短期日本经济会难于运转,中长期日本将爆发主权债务危机。  相似文献   

Tracking, monitoring and steering the evolution of public debt over time will be a major policy challenge for almost all governments in the advanced countries in the years to come, in particular for those belonging to the European Monetary Union. In this paper I study public debt dynamics in a two-country monetary union where a representative, risk-averse wealth-owner optimizes his/her portfolio of sovereign bonds issued in the common currency. I obtain two main results with respect to the standard country-by-country approach. First, the interest-rate spread between the two countries is endogenized as the higher-debt country pays a risk premium which is proportional to the level of its own debt with respect to the debt of the other. Second, its debt dynamic path becomes nonlinear and dependent on the evolution of the other country’s debt. The most important policy implication is that “dynamic interdependence” is not fully considered in the implementation of EMU fiscal rules, but it may may jeopardize their goal of convergence and stability of debt stocks.  相似文献   

中国的影子银行会成为另一个次债?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最近几年中国的影子银行或信托融资业务快速发展,反映了利率市场化的实际表现,不过这些业务的潜在风险也引发了对中国经济增长硬着陆的担忧。向公众销售理财产品的信托融资和由金融机构作为中介的委托贷款两种融资方式具有较大的潜在风险。尽管个别违约可能会引发广泛的赎回,但中国的信托融资尚不致形成"资产价格下跌—不断恶化的资产负债表—被迫抛售资产"之间的恶性循环。中国的影子银行也还不会导致系统性金融风险,但完善影子银行业务的监管已经成为一项紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

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