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This paper solves the mean–variance hedging problem in Heston's model with a stochastic opportunity set moving systematically with the volatility of stock returns. We allow for correlation between stock returns and their volatility (so-called leverage effect). Our contribution is threefold: using a new concept of opportunity-neutral measure we present a simplified strategy for computing a candidate solution in the correlated case. We then go on to show that this candidate generates the true variance-optimal martingale measure; this step seems to be partially missing in the literature. Finally, we derive formulas for the hedging strategy and the hedging error.  相似文献   

The pioneering work of the mean–variance formulation proposed by Markowitz in the 1950s has provided a scientific foundation for modern portfolio selection. Although the trade practice often confines portfolio selection with certain discrete features, the existing theory and solution methodologies of portfolio selection have been primarily developed for the continuous solution of the portfolio policy that could be far away from the real integer optimum. We consider in this paper an exact solution algorithm in obtaining an optimal lot solution to cardinality constrained mean–variance formulation for portfolio selection under concave transaction costs. Specifically, a convergent Lagrangian and contour-domain cut method is proposed for solving this class of discrete-feature constrained portfolio selection problems by exploiting some prominent features of the mean–variance formulation and the portfolio model under consideration. Computational results are reported using data from the Hong Kong stock market.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of partial hedging of derivative risk in a stochastic volatility environment. It is related to state-dependent utility maximization problems in classical economics. We derive the dual problem from the Legendre transform of the associated Bellman equation and interpret the optimal strategy as the perfect hedging strategy for a modified claim. Under the assumption that volatility is fast mean-reverting and using a singular perturbation analysis, we derive approximate value functions and strategies that are easy to implement and study. The analysis identifies the usual mean historical volatility and the harmonically averaged long-run volatility as important statistics for such optimization problems without further specification of a stochastic volatility model. The approximation can be improved by specifying a model and can be calibrated for the leverage effect from the implied volatility skew. We study the effectiveness of these strategies using simulated stock paths.  相似文献   

We examine the behavior of optimal mean–variance hedging strategies at high rebalancing frequencies in a model where stock prices follow a discretely sampled exponential Lévy process and one hedges a European call option to maturity. Using elementary methods we show that all the attributes of a discretely rebalanced optimal hedge, i.e., the mean value, the hedge ratio, and the expected squared hedging error, converge pointwise in the state space as the rebalancing interval goes to zero. The limiting formulae represent 1-D and 2-D generalized Fourier transforms, which can be evaluated much faster than backward recursion schemes, with the same degree of accuracy. In the special case of a compound Poisson process we demonstrate that the convergence results hold true if instead of using an infinitely divisible distribution from the outset one models log returns by multinomial approximations thereof. This result represents an important extension of Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein to markets with leptokurtic returns.  相似文献   

In this paper, for a process S , we establish a duality relation between Kp , the     - closure of the space of claims in     , which are attainable by "simple" strategies, and     , all signed martingale measures     with     , where   p ≥ 1, q ≥ 1  and     . If there exists a     with     a.s., then Kp consists precisely of the random variables     such that ϑ is predictable S -integrable and     for all     . The duality relation corresponding to the case   p = q = 2  is used to investigate the Markowitz's problem of mean–variance portfolio optimization in an incomplete market of semimartingale model via martingale/convex duality method. The duality relationship between the mean–variance efficient portfolios and the variance-optimal signed martingale measure (VSMM) is established. It turns out that the so-called market price of risk is just the standard deviation of the VSMM. An illustrative example of application to a geometric Lévy processes model is also given.  相似文献   

A portfolio choice model in continuous time is formulated for both complete and incomplete markets, where the quantile function of the terminal cash flow, instead of the cash flow itself, is taken as the decision variable. This formulation covers a wide body of existing and new models with law‐invariant preference measures, including expected utility maximization, mean–variance, goal reaching, Yaari's dual model, Lopes' SP/A model, behavioral model under prospect theory, as well as those explicitly involving VaR and CVaR in objectives and/or constraints. A solution scheme to this quantile model is proposed, and then demonstrated by solving analytically the goal‐reaching model and Yaari's dual model. A general property derived for the quantile model is that the optimal terminal payment is anticomonotonic with the pricing kernel (or with the minimal pricing kernel in the case of an incomplete market if the investment opportunity set is deterministic). As a consequence, the mutual fund theorem still holds in a market where rational and irrational agents co‐exist.  相似文献   

We analyze the implications of dynamic flows on a mutual fund's portfolio decisions. In our model, myopic investors dynamically allocate capital between a riskless asset and an actively managed fund which charges fraction‐of‐fund fees. The presence of dynamic flows induces “flow hedging” portfolio distortions on the part of the fund, even though investors are myopic. Our model predicts a positive relationship between a fund's proportional fee rate and its volatility. This is a consequence of higher‐fee funds holding more extreme equity positions. Although both the fund portfolio and investors' trading strategies depend on the proportional fee rate, the equilibrium value functions do not. Finally, we show that our results hold even if investors are allowed to directly trade some of the risky securities.  相似文献   

We derive a formula for the minimal initial wealth needed to hedge an arbitrary contingent claim in a continuous-time model with proportional transaction costs; the expression obtained can be interpreted as the supremum of expected discounted values of the claim, over all (pairs of) probability measures under which the “wealth process” is a supermartingale. Next, we prove the existence of an optimal solution to the portfolio optimization problem of maximizing utility from terminal wealth in the same model, we also characterize this solution via a transformation to a hedging problem: the optimal portfolio is the one that hedges the inverse of marginal utility evaluated at the shadow state-price density solving the corresponding dual problem, if such exists. We can then use the optimal shadow state-price density for pricing contingent claims in this market. the mathematical tools are those of continuous-time martingales, convex analysis, functional analysis, and duality theory.  相似文献   

It is well known that, under a continuity assumption on the price of a stock S, the realized variance of S for maturity T can be replicated by a portfolio of calls and puts maturing at T. This paper assumes that call prices on S maturing at T are known for all strikes but makes no continuity assumptions on S. We derive semiexplicit expressions for the supremum lower bound on the hedged payoff, at maturity T, of a long position in the realized variance of S. Equivalently, is the supremum strike K such that an investor with a long position in a variance swap with strike K can ensure a nonnegative payoff at T. We study examples with constant implied volatilities and with a volatility skew. In our examples, is close to the fair variance strike obtained under the continuity assumption.  相似文献   

We propose a methodology for evaluating the hedging errors of derivative securities due to the discreteness of trading times or the observation times of market prices, or both. Utilizing a weak convergence approach, we derive the asymptotic distributions of the hedging errors as the discreteness disappears in several situations. First, we examine the hedging error due to discrete-time trading when the true strategy is known, which generalizes the result of Bertsimas, Kogan, and Lo (2000) to continuous Itô processes. Then we consider a data-driven strategy, when the true strategy is unknown. This strategy is free of parametric model assumptions, therefore it is expected to serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of parametric strategies. Finally, we consider a case study of the Black-Scholes delta-hedging strategy when the volatility is unknown in the proposed framework. The results obtained give us a prospect for further developments of the framework under which various parametric strategies could be compared in a unified manner.  相似文献   

This paper presents hedging strategies for European and exotic options in a Lévy market. By applying Taylor’s theorem, dynamic hedging portfolios are constructed under different market assumptions, such as the existence of power jump assets or moment swaps. In the case of European options or baskets of European options, static hedging is implemented. It is shown that perfect hedging can be achieved. Delta and gamma hedging strategies are extended to higher moment hedging by investing in other traded derivatives depending on the same underlying asset. This development is of practical importance as such other derivatives might be readily available. Moment swaps or power jump assets are not typically liquidly traded. It is shown how minimal variance portfolios can be used to hedge the higher order terms in a Taylor expansion of the pricing function, investing only in a risk‐free bank account, the underlying asset, and potentially variance swaps. The numerical algorithms and performance of the hedging strategies are presented, showing the practical utility of the derived results.  相似文献   

We study the problem of expected utility maximization in a large market, i.e., a market with countably many traded assets. Assuming that agents have von Neumann–Morgenstern preferences with stochastic utility function and that consumption occurs according to a stochastic clock, we obtain the “usual” conclusions of the utility maximization theory. We also give a characterization of the value function in a large market in terms of a sequence of value functions in finite‐dimensional models.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of maximizing the expected utility of terminal wealth for a financial agent with an unbounded random endowment, and with a utility function which supports both positive and negative wealth. We prove the existence of an optimal trading strategy within a class of permissible strategies—those strategies whose wealth process is a super-martingale under all pricing measures with finite relative entropy. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the absence of utility-based arbitrage, and for the existence of a solution to the primal problem. We consider two utility-based methods which can be used to price contingent claims. Firstly we investigate marginal utility-based price processes (MUBPP's). We show that such processes can be characterized as local martingales under the normalized optimal dual measure for the utility maximizing investor. Finally, we present some new results on utility indifference prices, including continuity properties and volume asymptotics for the case of a general utility function, unbounded endowment and unbounded contingent claims.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to study the mean–variance portfolio optimization in continuous time. Since this problem is time inconsistent we attack it by placing the problem within a game theoretic framework and look for subgame perfect Nash equilibrium strategies. This particular problem has already been studied in Basak and Chabakauri where the authors assumed a constant risk aversion parameter. This assumption leads to an equilibrium control where the dollar amount invested in the risky asset is independent of current wealth, and we argue that this result is unrealistic from an economic point of view. In order to have a more realistic model we instead study the case when the risk aversion depends dynamically on current wealth. This is a substantially more complicated problem than the one with constant risk aversion but, using the general theory of time‐inconsistent control developed in Björk and Murgoci, we provide a fairly detailed analysis on the general case. In particular, when the risk aversion is inversely proportional to wealth, we provide an analytical solution where the equilibrium dollar amount invested in the risky asset is proportional to current wealth. The equilibrium for this model thus appears more reasonable than the one for the model with constant risk aversion.  相似文献   

In a market driven by a Lévy martingale, we consider a claim ξ. We study the problem of minimal variance hedging and we give an explicit formula for the minimal variance portfolio in terms of Malliavin derivatives. We discuss two types of stochastic (Malliavin) derivatives for ξ: one based on the chaos expansion in terms of iterated integrals with respect to the power jump processes and one based on the chaos expansion in terms of iterated integrals with respect to the Wiener process and the Poisson random measure components. We study the relation between these two expansions, the corresponding two derivatives, and the corresponding versions of the Clark-Haussmann-Ocone theorem.  相似文献   

We examine the portfolio choice problem of an investor with constant relative risk aversion in a financial market with partially hedgeable interest rate risk. The individual shadow price of the portfolio constraint is characterized as the solution of a new backward equation involving Malliavin derivatives. A generalization of this equation is studied and solved in explicit form. This result, applied to our financial model, yields closed-form solutions for the shadow price and the optimal portfolio. The effects of parameters such as risk aversion, interest rate volatility, investment horizon, and tightness of the constraint are examined. Applications of our method to a monetary economy with inflation risk and to an international setting with currency risk are also provided.  相似文献   

We consider an optimal investment problem with intermediate consumption and random endowment, in an incomplete semimartingale model of the financial market. We establish the key assertions of the utility maximization theory, assuming that both primal and dual value functions are finite in the interiors of their domains and that the random endowment at maturity can be dominated by the terminal value of a self‐financing wealth process. In order to facilitate the verification of these conditions, we present alternative, but equivalent conditions, under which the conclusions of the theory hold.  相似文献   

This paper extends He and Pearson's (1991) martingale approach to the study of optimal intertemporal consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints to a framework in which no assumptions are made on the price process for the securities. We show how both their characterization of the budget-feasible set and duality result can be extended to account for an unbounded set II of Arrow-Debreu state prices compatible with the arbitrage-free assumption. We also supply a (fairly general) sufficient condition for II to be bounded, as required in their setting.  相似文献   

Embedding asset pricing in a utility maximization framework leads naturally to the concept of minimax martingale measures. We consider a market model where the price process is assumed to be an d‐semimartingale X and the set of trading strategies consists of all predictable, X‐integrable, d‐valued processes H for which the stochastic integral (H.X) is uniformly bounded from below. When the market is free of arbitrage, we show that a sufficient condition for the existence of the minimax measure is that the utility function u : → is concave and nondecreasing. We also show the equivalence between the no free lunch with vanishing risk condition, the existence of a separating measure, and a properly defined notion of viability.  相似文献   

We consider two risk‐averse financial agents who negotiate the price of an illiquid indivisible contingent claim in an incomplete semimartingale market environment. Under the assumption that the agents are exponential utility maximizers with nontraded random endowments, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for negotiation to be successful, i.e., for the trade to occur. We also study the asymptotic case where the size of the claim is small compared to the random endowments and we give a full characterization in this case. Finally, we study a partial‐equilibrium problem for a bundle of divisible claims and establish existence and uniqueness. A number of technical results on conditional indifference prices is provided.  相似文献   

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