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论生物遗传资源的知识产权保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗泽真 《林业经济问题》2007,27(4):307-309,314
生物遗传资源是生物科学研究的重要基础,是人类生存和经济社会可持续发展战略性物资。生物遗传资源的获取和惠益分享与知识产权法律制度有着密切的联系。当前,世界各国采用的遗传资源知识产权保护类型,主要有专利保护、植物育种者权利保护和农民权保护。中国宜采用组合保护的方式,确认遗传资源为国家所有,确立遗传资源权制度、植物品种权利制度以及专利制度,以加强遗传资源的保护。  相似文献   

Cash crop expansion has become a global land use issue in recent decades. While the enlarging cash crop cultivation brings promising profitability, it can impair the delivery of various ecosystem services, with a risk of threat to sustainability and human well being. In order to make well-informed land use policy decisions, it requires elaborate efforts to characterize the trade-off between the benefit and cost of cash crop cultivation. This paper focuses on the enlarging tea cultivation in subtropical China, using a case of Anji County. We first monitor tea expansion from 1985 to 2016 based on time-series Landsat imageries, and then analyze the subsequent changes of water conservation service through an in-field survey of soil loss. Monetary approach is finally employed to evaluate the trade-off between economic benefit and ecological cost associated with the growing age of tea plantations. Results show that tea plantations expanded rapidly from 1985 to 2016 in Anji County. Delivery of water conservation service has been significantly impaired by the conversion from natural forests to tea plantations, but it can be gradually improved during the long rotational life cycles of tea plantations. For a given plot (1 ha at moderate slope), in theory, the economic benefit and ecological cost exhibit opposite trend associated the growing age of tea plantations, and an equilibrium point is approximately achieved at the 12-year growing age. In reality, ecological cost exceeds the economic benefit throughout the study period in Anji County. More specifically, the net difference increases from 11575 Yuan in 1985–1469167 Yuan in 2016. It denotes that economic benefit fails to compromise the ecological cost of the enlarging tea cultivation in Anji County. Conflicting land use policies (ecological conservation vs cash cropping promotion) and ‘household contract responsibility’ system should account for the unbalanced relationship between economic benefit and ecological conservation. We finally propose four major options towards the win–win possibilities between economic gain and ecological conservation associated with tea cultivation.  相似文献   

Variety change and genetic diversity are important means of combating crop losses from pests and diseases in modern agricultural systems. Since the Green Revolution, genetic diversity among wheat varieties released in India has increased but variety change on farms continues to be slow. In this article, we define and summarise indices of variety change and genetic diversity for the wheat varieties released and grown in Indian Punjab during the post‐Green Revolution period. We evaluate the effect of each index on technical efficiency with a Cobb‐Douglas yield model after testing for exogeneity. Findings support the hypothesis that slow variety change has offset the positive productivity effects of diversifying the genetic base in wheat breeding during the post‐Green Revolution period. Policies that speed the rate of variety change and contribute to a more equitable spatial distribution of modern varieties could support wheat productivity in the Punjab of India, reinforcing plant breeding successes.  相似文献   

中国作物秸秆资源量估算与利用状况研究进展   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
该文用文献研究法、综合分析法研究中国主要农作物草谷比取值、中国作物秸秆资源量估算、中 国作物秸秆主要利用方式、秸秆利用存在的问题以及秸秆综合利用的对策。研究结论认为:(1)广义的秸 秆资源包括田间秸秆和农产品加工副产品。田间秸秆量的估算采用作物经济产量与收获指数或草谷比来计 算转换,农产品加工副产品量的估算多采用比重法。(2)目前对主要作物草谷比的取值以及秸秆资源量估 算结果尚存在较大差异。研究表明不同作物草谷比取值差异较大,同类作物受自然条件、品种差异、科技 水平等因素的影响也存在差异。因生长环境、播种面积、估算精度等因素不同,中国秸秆资源量估算结果 有年际差异和年内差异。(3)作物秸秆的利用方式主要有:秸秆还田、秸秆作饲料、秸秆作能源、秸秆作 工业原料和秸秆栽培食用菌,但目前作物秸秆利用效果尚难令人满意。秸秆资源利用仍存在利用率低、转 化率低、经济效益低和环境污染严重等问题。该文对中国作物秸秆资源量估算与利用状况进行综合研究, 提出今后的研究方向,应进一步规范秸秆资源量的估算范畴,准确测量和确定各地作物草谷比,探索秸秆 资源利用与主体产业的结合方式,拓展相关产业。  相似文献   

Genetic resources for food and agriculture are the biological basis of world food and nutrition security; and they directly or indirectly support the livelihoods of over 2.5 billion people. Genetic diversity gives a species or a population the ability to adapt to changing environments. For resource-poor farmers, adaptive animal breeds, crop varieties and cultivars adapted to particular micro-niches, stresses or uses are the main resources available to maintain or increase production and provide a secure livelihood. The economic value of genetic diversity for productivity and yield traits is discussed in the literature. However, it is difficult to value many other aspects of agricultural biodiversity as these have both direct and indirect values in terms of qualitative traits such as food, nutrition and environmental uses that include adaptation to low input conditions, co-adaptive complexes, yield stability and the consequent reduction of risk, specific niche adaptation, and in meeting socio-cultural needs. Together, the direct and indirect values of genetic resources for resource-poor farmers are expressed in a range of options in the form of the crop varieties and species they use for managing changing environments.

The value of genetic diversity to resource-poor farmers is seldom captured by markets or addressed by the international research agenda. This paper presents lessons learned from our work over 5–10 years in the Asia and Pacific Ocean (APO) region on participatory crop improvement, home gardens and on-farm management of agricultural biodiversity. The lessons illustrate how farmers adapt genetic resources to suit local environmental conditions. The paper focuses on the value of genetic diversity of selected crop species to meet people's food and other needs. Genetic diversity valued by resource-poor farmers is often maintained, selected and exchanged by local social seed networks. Identification of such genetic resources and their custodians is important if international agricultural research is to contribute to the reduction of poverty. The paper highlights some good practices from case studies that illustrate how such genetic resources could be exploited by informal research and development strategies or participatory plant breeding or for marketing value-added products.  相似文献   

We employ an integrated spatial economic model to assess the net private and public benefits of converting marginal agricultural land into forest plantations (afforestation) in New Zealand. For numerous locations, we conduct policy analysis considering the magnitudes of net private and public benefits of land use changes to determine whether a policy response is justified and, if so, to identify the appropriate policy instruments to encourage adoption of afforestation. Net private benefit is commonly negative, so much so, that in most cases no policy response is justified. However, in certain cases, net private benefits are slightly negative and public benefits are significantly positive justifying the use of positive incentives as the most appropriate policy instrument to encourage afforestation in New Zealand. The most commonly used policy instruments for afforestation in New Zealand, extension and awareness training, are found to be appropriate in only a minority of situations.  相似文献   

We explore the evolutionary nature of interactions between government policy, farm decision-making and ecosystem services in Shucheng County, Anhui Province, 1950–2015. Analyses of ecological, social and economic trends are complemented by interviews with local farmers. Since the Household Responsibility System started in 1980, there has been a trade-off between rising levels of provisioning services and falling levels of regulating services with evidence that critical thresholds have been passed for water quality. Using a Framework for Ecosystem Service Provision, we argue that farmers have acted only as ecosystem service providers and have not influenced the policies that have brought about the trade-offs. Over the period, ecological degradation is best described as an example of ‘creeping normalcy’ where cumulative conventional actions by individual farmers produce unsustainable losses in regulating services. The Chinese government should act to balance the various ecosystem services through valuation and national policy. In this respect, there is a need for agencies that can provide place-based advice to farmers that will allow them to maintain productivity levels while pursuing restorative actions. Even with new policies, the draw of urban employment, high production costs and an ageing population threaten the viability of farming in these marginal agricultural areas.  相似文献   

Many developing countries face a major challenge today: how to safeguard the biodiversity maintained in the fields of the rural poor - which constitute a national and global public good - whilst meeting those same people's development needs and rights? A solution to this dilemma has thus been sought in adapting the design and implementation of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) concepts to the conservation of agrobiodiversity.Here we review the application of nine such Payments for Agrobiodiversity Conservation (PACS) schemes that have been applied to date in four Latin American countries over the period 2010–2018. These covered 130 threatened varieties across a number of major food crops, and involved over 100 farming communities and 1,100 farmers (45 % of which were women). Conservation service offers were received through a competitive tender mechanism. Average bid offers revealed high heterogeneity, varying between US$675/ha. to ten times as much.In relation to issues identified as key to PES, such as spatial targeting, differentiated payments and conditionality, the underlying design of the PACS schemes may be considered solid. PACS-related prioritisation processes allow for the a priori identification of sites with high ecosystem service densities and high threat levels. The use of competitive tenders permits accounting for cost heterogeneity in the provision of conservation services and for payments to be differentiated. Conditionality is strong.In terms of implementation, a “back of the envelope” calculation based on the results of the competitive tenders suggests that conservation costs are modest. For a priority conservation portfolio of 100 varieties (which may be from different crops) each with a target area of five hectares, costs would amount to just under US$860,000 over twenty years or US$70,000 p.a. at a 5 % discount rate. The small-scale and one-off nature of the interventions realised to date, along with threatened crop variety seed availability constraints, have however meant that environmental effectiveness has been incomplete in the short-term (area cultivated with specific threatened varieties increased, but still below the “not at risk” threshold). The establishment of systematic monitoring systems is required to determine longer-term impacts and inform more regular PACS interventions within a dynamically evolving systems context.  相似文献   

在对曲阜植物资源调查的基础上,分析研究了曲阜观赏植物资源现状;该区观赏植物资源可分为古树名木、栽培观赏植物和野生观赏植物3种类型,其中野生观赏资源有63科150属236种;对曲阜观赏植物资源的开发利用和保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

The behaviour of wild animal species in agricultural landscapes may confer benefits to growers through the provision of ecosystem services (e.g. control of agricultural pests) or inflict costs through direct or indirect damage to crops or livestock. The literature on the costs that species inflict or the benefits they provide has evolved largely independently with few attempts to synthesize information across studies. However, managing cost–benefit trade-offs to maximize agricultural productivity while ensuring native species conservation is vital to the future of ecologically sustainable agriculture. Using birds as a case study, we review the two bodies of literature on the costs and benefits attributed to bird activity in agricultural landscapes. In each case, we examine the major types of costs (e.g. consumption of crops) and benefits (e.g. pollination of crops) and assess approaches to quantifying these in terms of changes in crop yield or monetary value. We then synthesize this information to examine options for balancing cost–benefit trade-offs through coordinated and integrated management strategies that consider all aspects of species activity in agricultural landscapes. Employing strategies that successfully balance costs and benefits is fundamental to future food security and agricultural sustainability.  相似文献   

河南伏牛山植物多样性特点及其保护   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
伏牛山分布着野生高等植物175科,892属,2879种,其中国家级重点保护植物29种,省级保护植物30种;由于自然、人为及社会综合因素的影响,使生态环境遭到严重破坏,植物多样性受到威胁,分析了伏牛山植物多样性特点、保护状况及其变化动态,提出了植物多样性保护的主要措施。  相似文献   

利用样方研究了内蒙古高原东南缘森林草原过渡带植物群落多样性与环境因子的关系。在山地森林区,土壤各因子、郁闭度、坡度和坡向是控制植物物种多样性的主要因子;海拔、土壤ph值和土壤水分是限制高原森林草甸区与草甸草原区植物物种多样性的主要因子。森林草原过渡带植物物种多样性的差异是土壤、环境条件等综合因子的影响,更大程度上受海拔的影响。  相似文献   

健全科技图书馆藏书体系提供信息资源服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐明为知识经济时代提供信息资源服务,作好科技图书馆常用文献、保障文献、特种文献、多媒体文献、科技期刊的收藏工作的重要性,并强调电子化资源建设及网络化信息服务是当今科技图书馆发展的方向。  相似文献   

充分发挥地质资料作用为国民经济建设服务   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文分别从可持续发展战略和为经济、社会发展提供宏观决策以及从为区域经济服务和市场资源配置的角度上 ,论述了地质资料的重要性 ,最后提出信息人员要从服务思路、服务方式等方面积极开拓地质资料的服务领域 ,以满足社会各界对地质资料的需求。  相似文献   

[目的]通过分析秸秆资源利用现状和问题,对废弃资源发展新兴产业进行示范园区规划,以推进废弃秸秆综合高效利用,调节能源结构,从根本上缓解农村饲料、肥料、燃料和工业原料等资源紧张状况,保护农业生态环境,减少空气污染,推进农业供给侧结构性改革,促进农业增效、农民增收,实现社会经济可持续发展。[方法]文章利用文献研究法、综合分析法,充分解读国家产业规划相关政策法规与措施,结合多年规划研究相关经验,寻找案例,深入分析、充分调研、科学选址,并采取现场考察、问卷调查、会议答辩的方式,进行实证分析。[结果]提出符合埇桥区秸秆综合利用整体发展方向、与上位规划符合度高、能够引导园区发展的规划方案,编制安徽埇桥农作物秸秆综合利用现代环保产业示范园区总体发展规划。[结论]通过规划引领园区的创建,投入使用的未来园区可提供清洁的替代能源,有效保护和改善生态环境,改善城乡面貌,具有显著的生态和社会效益。  相似文献   

平潭岛又名海坛是祖大陆距台湾最近点。有秀丽无比的海域风光和别具一格的海岛民俗,最具特色的还是它的地质地貌,专家们称这为“天然的地学博物馆”,具备广阔的旅游地学资源开发前景。  相似文献   

渔业经济的持续增长、专属经济区制度的实施给我国渔业资源造成了巨大压力,为了合理开发和保护渔业资源,提高渔业资源的配置效率,必须加强对渔业资源管理制度的经济学研究,为此首先要了解目前国际上的研究进展。本文回顾了世界渔业资源管理制度的演变和经济学界对渔业资源管理制度的研究,指出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

松嫩平原湖泊湿地植物群落多样性及其保护研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
松嫩平原湖泊群是我国温带亚湿润地区低平原湖泊群,湖泊面积2750km2,湖泊率6%,是我国湖泊密度最大的地区之一,湖泊类型多样,有高等植物148种,隶属于38科77属;有16种植物群落,分属于挺水植物群落、浮叶植物群落、沉水植物群落、漂浮植物群落四大类;研究了松嫩平原湖泊湿地植物群落多样性现状,提出了生物多样性的保护对策;提出了相关的嫩平原湖泊湿地植物群落多样性保护对策。  相似文献   

美国植物种质资源共享管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在参考、分析美国植物种质资源系统网站资料和有关美国植物的法律资料的基础上,介绍了美国植物种质资源系统基本概况,包括组成机构、职能划分和人员经费。在了解基本概况的基础上,进而介绍了美国植物种质资源的共享情况,包括对外共享名录、共享分发指南和申请共享办法。最后分析了植物种质资源共享管理的法律保障情况。  相似文献   

从植物的生物学特征,生境,药用部位,药用价值等方面,介绍了梁山地区52种野生药用植物。  相似文献   

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