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Purpose: Although alliances offer tremendous strategic potential, firms still struggle to successfully manage new product development alliances (NPD alliances). A prominent explanation for this is the institutional economics' view (see Williamson 1985 Williamson, O. E. 1985. The economic institutions of capitalism: Firms, markets, relational contracting, New York: The Free Press.  [Google Scholar]) that, in general, a key disadvantage of alliances versus vertical integration is that administrative control mechanisms are weaker. Here, a key control mechanism is formalization (the use of explicit rules to govern business activities).

However, regarding formalization's influence on both NPD and alliance performance, conceptual views and empirical findings are mixed, which suggest that unexamined variables moderate formalization's influence on NPD performance.

Therefore, it is surprising that there is no research on whether formalization's influence differs in alliances pursuing an NPD exploration strategy versus an NPD exploitation strategy because both (1) require varying levels of freedom of action and adherence to procedural rules to achieve success, and (2) are extensively employed in NPD.

Further, there is also surprisingly little intrafirm NPD and non-NPD alliance research on formalization in exploration and exploitation contexts because here as well formalization's influence on performance (1) is central, and (2) differs based on the project's innovative and learning intent.

The purpose of this research is to begin to close important literature and industry practice knowledge gaps about formalization's influence on NPD alliance performance in exploitation versus exploration strategic contexts.

Originality, value, and contribution: This research is the first examination ever of two key NPD strategies—exploration and exploitation—in an NPD alliance context. The research sheds light on conflicting views about formalization's NPD performance-enhancing and inhibiting aspects, and offers implications for industry best practices.

Methodology/approach: Empirical examination of survey data from 151 NPD alliances via hierarchical regression and tests of group moderation.

Findings: Results shed light on when and why formalization moderates the influence of key fundamental alliance success mechanisms on NPD alliance performance based on strategic context.  相似文献   

While knowledge exploration and exploitation represent two distinct activities requiring corresponding organizational arrangements, new product development calls for a dynamic combination of the two. Based on a systematic review of the paradox between knowledge exploration and exploitation and various resolving strategies, this research extends the construct of organizational ambidexterity from dual structure to ambidextrous capabilities, and suggests a dialectical method for reconciling this paradox at lower organizational levels. Based on a case study on the development teams of air conditioner in Haier, we find that ambidexterity is a multi-level construct existing not only at the organization level but also at lower levels such as teams and individuals like model managers. Translated and revised from Jingji Guanli 经济管理 (Economic Management), 2008, (11): 44–49 and Jingji Lilun yu Jingji Guanli 经济理论与经济管理 (Economic Theory and Business Management), 2008, (2): 51–57  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical framework to examine if entrepreneurs think and behave differently at various phases of a venture, namely opportunity exploration and exploitation stages. It is also proposed that there is a difference between entrepreneurs in China and in the U.S. due to institutional voids. Furthermore, we argue that the difference increases across the two stages of the entrepreneurial process. Specifically, at the exploration stage, entrepreneurs in China and the U.S. behave similarly when ethics is concerned. However, entrepreneurial unethical behaviors seem to be more rampant at the exploitation stage in China compared with that in the U.S. Lastly, we provide future research directions to build a stream of research.  相似文献   

中国港口民营化改革:进展、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳学信  邹敏  李洋 《中国市场》2009,(45):15-18
在目前全球化背景下,港口成为一国经济发展和区域经济竞争的承载体,也是全球供应链整合过程中的重要环节,如何通过深化港口改革来吸引投资,从而提升区域经济的发展速度和相关企业的竞争能力,成为我国港口面临的一个紧切问题。本文将在分析国外港口民营化情况的基础上,分析我国港口民营化改革进展和当前存在的问题,并对我国未来港口民营化改革提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

The distinction between domestic and international market activities has an idiosyncratic meaning for international business research. This study examines the significant yet unclear role of domestic market activities for the internationalizing firm through the theoretical lens of exploitation and exploration. By means of five qualitative case studies, we show that both the dynamics between domestic–international market activities and the interplay between exploitation–exploration are intrinsically concerned with synergies and tensions. Our findings uncover how firms leverage these synergies and manage these tensions that manifest between and within their domestic and international markets. Synergies and tensions are found to revolve around ambidexterity, networks and organizational market information processes.  相似文献   

The presence of network ties within location plays a significant role in organization and evolution of clusters. This has proven to be particularly true for clusters specializing in knowledge intensive industries, where the organization of resources – people and technology – has been a primary driver for firm and regional performance. With the help of a longitudinal case study of the Bangalore IT cluster in India, we investigate the effect of local and non-local network ties on its evolution. We argue that networks – both local and non-local – play an important role in the development of cluster. We propose a non-linear relationship between cluster evolution phases and the type of network ties most prominent. Our study also outlines the role that embedding, expansion, and extension of ties plays in transitioning cluster from one phase to the other. The consideration of non-local ties is rather nascent in the cluster literature and promises to enhance the understanding of how clusters develop at both levels – policy as well as firm.  相似文献   

While international entrepreneurship (IE) recognizes opportunity recognition (OR) as a central activity and the prominent role of network capabilities in OR, it is not informative as to how different network capabilities influence OR in international markets. We utilize dual network capability through the lens of exploration-exploitation to better understand how these two different capabilities influence the identification of international opportunities. Given that microfoundations perspective and prior experience in IE are under-developed and under-theorized, we explore founder’s prior experience as an essential microfoundation for the dual network capability. By employing structural equation modeling on a sample of 647 early internationalizing firms from a developing country, the study demonstrates that founders’ prior experience is a significant microfoundation of dual network capability in international OR. However, both exploration and exploitation capabilities fail to bring new opportunities in a changing market environment. A post-hoc analysis reveals that at a higher level of market change, younger firms benefit more from network exploration, whereas older firms achieve greater success when leveraging benefits from network exploitation. The study concludes with implications and future research avenues.  相似文献   

While information technology (IT) has been widely applied in global supply chain relationships, academic research in this area is still limited. Drawing on resource-based view (RBV) and interpartner learning theory, we investigate how different pattern of IT use (IT exploitation and IT exploration) influences relationship learning and performance in international customer-supplier relationships. Further, we look into two contingent conditions including technological uncertainty and cultural distance in the proposed model. Based on 240 Taiwanese-based electronics suppliers, this empirical study reveals that only exploration side of IT use was significant on relationship learning and finds significant positive relationship between relationship learning and relationship performance. Moreover, the effect of IT exploration on relationship learning was positively moderated by technological uncertainty but negatively moderated by cultural distance. However, the effect of IT exploitation on relationship learning was negatively moderated by technological uncertainty but positively moderated by cultural distance.  相似文献   

Exploiting existing assets and exploring new assets are two major and often concurrent forces driving firms to invest abroad. Moving beyond prior attention to their separate effects on foreign ownership decisions, this study examines their integrative impact. I develop hypotheses aligning a set of firm‐specific advantages with asset‐seeking motives, and test these relationships on a sample of Taiwanese overseas investments. I find that wholly‐owned subsidiaries are preferred to joint ventures when multinationals are able to tap into host innovatory dynamism by employing extant technological capabilities and to access local natural resources by leveraging corporate scales. Nonetheless, multinationals face difficulties in deploying marketing knowledge in different contexts and thus are more likely to choose joint ventures for an aggressive foreign market entry. Copyright © 2007 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to theoretically investigate if a pay‐as‐you‐go (PAYG) pension system is sustainable in the presence of a declining population and increasing longevity of the retired generation. For this purpose, we use an overlapping generation model with endogenous fertility, endogenous longevity and human capital accumulation in a small open economy. We find that pensions will always increase as long as it is beneficial for parents to invest in human capital. Furthermore, we get the result that the ratio between pension benefits and the consumption of the young generation will strive to a positive limit value, and that a pure PAYG pension system will not run into any solvency problem due to a decreasing fertility rate or ageing.  相似文献   

文章将制造企业创新网络分为垂直创新网络和水平创新网络,构建有调节的中介效应模型,探索了两类创新网络对双元性学习的差异化影响机制,揭示了有效提升企业双元性学习的相关创新网络特征。实证研究发现,网络强度主要通过提升网络质量,间接促进双元性学习,且垂直网络的效果优于水平网络。垂直网络规模对双元性学习有正向的直接和间接效应,而水平网络规模对双元性学习的效应均不显著。网络管理能力强化了垂直网络强度对双元性学习的积极影响,弱化了水平网络规模对双元性学习的消极影响。  相似文献   

Researchers are engaged in a major debate on the value of business planning in new venture creation. This study suggests a potential resolution by applying a process and contingency perspective. The results indicate that planning is beneficial, yet planning processes need to be governed by different planning regimes depending on the type of founding environment. In highly dynamic environments, entrepreneurs will get most value from planning when they focus on select planning activities, and speed up the planning task. In less dynamic environments, they are better of pursuing a munificent approach to planning. The analysis thus reveals a major component of theorization on business planning that has been neglected in previous discussions. As for entrepreneurship teaching and practice, the findings suggest the importance of an adaptive, “toolkit” approach to business planning. Hypotheses were developed based on information-processing and decision-making theory and were tested with an ordered probit analysis on a sample of 100 start-ups backed by venture capital.  相似文献   

Central to the evolution of a digital business platform is the organization’s ability to balance exploration (renewal) and exploitation (refinement) simultaneously. Drawing on prior research—including digital platforms, contradictory tensions, and organizational ambidexterity—and our own experience investigating digital business platforms in organizations, this article provides insights into how executives can manage this evolution successfully. More specifically, we present a framework recognizing three pairs of organizational capabilities (i.e., identifying-nourishing, expanding-legitimating, and augmenting-embedding) that enable balancing renewal and refinement of the platform over time. We close by providing critical managerial practices that executives can use in anticipating, adjusting, and evaluating the evolution of a digital business platform over time, including its initiation, development, and growth.  相似文献   

在对哥伦比亚有关入境口岸限制措施的审理中,WTO专家组第一次适用《关税与贸易总协定》第5条做出裁决。在裁决中专家组解释了该条的适用范围和所规定的具体义务,明确了成员方在不同情形下对过境运输货物的义务,对成员方有关贸易管理措施的实施具有指导意义。  相似文献   

针对海上低截获通信应用,提出了一种低截获卫星通信技术并分析了其抗侦测性能。通过宽频带、低信息速率实现高增益扩频,系统设计上综合高工作频率、高增益天线等措施,降低卫星通信信号的功率谱密度;结合卫星链路计算,重点分析在同步轨道、低轨道电子侦察卫星侦测时的抗截获性能。理论分析和数值计算结果表明,增大扩频增益和天线增益可有效对抗同步轨道电子侦察卫星天线增益优势,对抗低轨道电子侦察卫星轨道优势,实现卫星低截获通信。  相似文献   

“五阶段·五主题”教育模式的提出与推行,旨在贯彻国家关于深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育的要求。在此背景下,安徽财贸职业学院从学校实际情况出发,因地制宜,制定并实施了这一教育模式,即以“爱心、诚信、责任”为核心,以徽商文化为基础,以财商职业岗位技能培养为依据,促使学生树立从事财贸事业的使命感、责任心并具备相应能力。实践证明,安徽财贸职业学院的具体举措将思政教育与专业教育、学院统一引导与各系部分项实施、入学教育与就业创业指导、校内教育与社会教育有机地结合到了一起,取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

本文总结了大豆储存管理经验,分析了大豆储存期间粮情变化和质量变化情况,探讨了高大平房仓大豆安全储藏技术。  相似文献   

科技期刊是科技创新生态的有机组成部分,是学术交流与成果展示的重要平台。本文通过分析12种自然科学综合类期刊2016—2020年的栏目设置、研究领域、作者群体组成以及微信公众号平台运营情况,研究其办刊模式和发展现状,提出了发挥科技智库优势、优化品牌形象、强化作者群体、实现媒体深度融合等4个方面促进科技期刊发展的策略,为中文综合性科技期刊提高传播力、影响力提供参考。  相似文献   

To date there is limited empirical evidence as to how the nature of uncertainty determines the mode of entry into international markets. The aim of this work is to further analyse this relationship by presenting a multidimensional concept of uncertainty within the context of the service sector. Given the complexity and heterogeneity of this sector, we propose that uncertainty influences the choice of entry mode, but that the choice patterns may be different according to the type of service.From a sample of 328 decisions of entry into international markets, this study identifies differences in entry mode choice patterns between capital intensive service firms and knowledge intensive service firms.  相似文献   

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