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去年9月,全面爆发的全球金融危机在世界船舶工业领域持续蔓延并不断深化。相继引发了诸多矛盾和问题。以欧洲船舶企业所引领的裁员潮和降薪潮便是这些矛盾和问题的集中体现之一。由于手持订单被撤销、船东延迟接船以及新船订单量严重不足等,包括STX欧洲、丹麦欧登塞、德国蒂森克虏伯海事、达门罗马尼亚以及部分亚洲船厂不得不采取(临时)裁员降薪以度过艰难岁月的策略.最终达到降低人工成本的目的。  相似文献   

近年来.一系列船舶建造新标准相继出台,主要包括《油船和散货船结构共同规范》(CSR)、《船舶专用海水压载舱和散货船双舷侧处所保护涂层性能标准》(PSPC)、《国际防止船舶造成大气污染公约》(MARPOL附则Ⅵ)、《国际船舶压载水和沉积物控制与管理公约》、《国际安全与环境无害化拆船公约》草案等。业内专家表示,这些新标准的出台和实施对于我国造船业来说,既是挑战.  相似文献   


This article aims at understanding the evolution of the administrative methods devised by the Spanish monarchy to interact with regional private initiative for the production of warships. It also aims at understanding the practice of financing naval shipbuilding in the royal shipyards of Spain and Spanish America by public contribution, in the form of both credit and voluntary donations. These processes were largely influenced by the need of both political systems to perform efficiently in war. This article addresses the relationship between the state and local entrepreneurs and examines the reach and objectives of the Habsburg and Bourbon naval administrations, seen as variants of the ‘contractor state’.  相似文献   

尽管金融危机打击了船东接船的积极性,船厂普遍面临交船难题,但是倘若船厂能够在保障船舶质量及建造进度的基础上,疏而不漏地做好证据保全工作,即便无法顺利交船也能够最大限度地保护自身的合法利益。那么,如何才能疏而不漏地做好证据保全工作呢?北京大成律师事务所合伙人律师彭彦洪在接受记者采访时表示,开展证据保全工作,船厂应严守“六大军规”。  相似文献   

在金融危机后,造船行业竞争日趋激烈,甚至涌现造船企业破产浪潮。发展大型、高技术、高附加值船舶业已成为世界船舶市场竞争的焦点和热点。本文深入分析国有造船企业技术创新体制、创新选择、创新管理等方面的现状,并提出对策。  相似文献   

“中国船舶工业30年成就奠定了技术进步的基础,在当前的形势下,依靠科技进步,增强竞争能力,是我国船舶工业应对金融危机的重要措施。”中国造船工程学会理事长黄平涛在接受记者专访时表示,造船企业加快建立现代造船模式是提高造船效率的重要途径。国内船厂应加强新产品开发和技术创新、改进造船工艺和流程,面对激烈的市场竞争,寻求新的机遇。  相似文献   

There is growing awareness that some fundamental change has for some time been affecting the major European economies, involving a shift of manufacturing away from the developed market economies of Europe towards the developing countries. The following article analyses the process of European deindustrialisation and discusses some of the possible consequences.  相似文献   

韩国从上世纪70年代初期开始发展造船业。造船业起步后,船舶配套设备完全依赖从国外进口,从船板、船机到各种配套部件,几乎是100%的进口货。一艘船建造完工交付后,韩国造船企业算算细账后发现,自己仅挣下了几个劳动力的血汗钱。这种切肤之痛使韩国造船人深深体会到要发展本国的造船工业,就必须同时下大力气发展船舶配套业,要尽快实现国产化,  相似文献   

2011年11月29日-12月2日,2011年中国国际海事技术学术会义和展览会在上海新国际博览中心召开。虽然市场与天气同样“严寒”,这一亚洲排名第一的海事会展依然热潮涌动,  相似文献   

Throughout the OECD, the period since the 1970s saw a secular decline in manufacturing's share of GDP and a secular rise in the share of services. Despite this being a central feature of growth, the economic forces behind deindustrialisation and the reasons why its pace varied so markedly across OECD countries are not well understood. Adopting an econometric approach founded in neoclassical production theory, we provide an empirical analysis of the role of changes in relative prices, technology and factor endowments in driving changes in production structure. The speed of adjustment to changes in these determinants of production structure varies across OECD countries and is correlated with levels of employment protection.  相似文献   


This article introduces a novel approach to payment innovations. It t identifies a cross-industry (retail trade and retail banking) and multi-country (USA, some Western European countries and Japan) approach to the interaction between these industries and the new retail payment systems from the 1970s to the mid 1990s. It documents and discusses the different trajectories that have been seen in the different competitive environments, particularly in regard to payment cards. It also analyses the involvement of bankers and retailers in the evolution of card payment systems and their contribution to the global adoption of bank cards. These processes have occurred within a framework in which sectoral boundaries have taken precedence over the payment alternatives associated with cross-industry solutions.  相似文献   

Literature suggests many countries across the world are facing a growing political backlash against the consequences of deindustrialisation. Intensifying anti-globalisation sentiment associated with this backlash has important implications for international business. In the absence of empirical evidence, it is however unclear to what extent deindustrialisation has contributed to a recent slowdown in the rate of growth of globalisation. Considering the importance of this knowledge, this paper tests predictions in the literature that this slowdown has to some extent been caused by deindustrialisation (declining country shares of manufacturing’s output in gross domestic product). Granger and generalised method of moments findings suggest some support for these predictions. On the basis of the findings, it is argued that compensation should be prioritised for those that stand to lose due to deindustrialisation. Further research is also called for, to explore other ‘root’ causes of current anti-globalisation movements, and to address them, before consequences spill over into a post COVID-19 era of uncertainty for international business.  相似文献   


This article discusses the transformation of global brands between the 1880s and the early twenty-first century, through the example of the Swiss watch company Longines. It shows that the concept of ‘global brand’ changed over time and was related to the nature of the product. Until the 1970s, luxury was linked to precision. Manufacturers focused on the production of movements and adapted the design of end products to each market. Yet the paradigm shift brought about by electronics led to a new definition of luxury during the 1990s, a change which led to a new generation of global brands.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of small- and medium-sized multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the dynamic development of global production networks (GPNs) in the maritime industry. It studies the dynamism between subsidiaries of Norwegian maritime firms and regional actors and institutions in the Greater Shanghai Region of China from the perspectives of the subsidiaries. It argues that strategic coupling, recoupling and decoupling are partly the results of regional selection mechanisms. However, in the cases where the subsidiaries are embedded within the host region, the strategies and behaviour of MNEs are of decisive importance for the dynamic development of GPNs.  相似文献   

Growth Potential for Maritime Trade and Ports in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global economic development in recent decades has been characterised by a rapidly progressing intensification in world trade and the international division of labour. As a result of the expansive development of international merchandise trade, cargo shipping has been one of the fastest growing economic sectors. The progressive global integration processes, the future reduction in trade barriers and the expected increase in prosperity in numerous regions of the world will also call for a marked expansion in world trade and cargo shipping. This designates maritime logistics as an economic sector with favourable perspectives for development. What growth rates can be expected for EU maritime trade? And what impact will these have on Europe’s ports? This article is based on the HWWI and Berenberg Bank study “Maritime Trade and Transport Logistics” published in 2007.  相似文献   

The sectoral shift from manufacturing to services is one of several potential explanations for increasing income inequality in the United States. This article reframes national-level explanations of rising inequality at the level of urban labour markets and assesses their relative contributions to levels and trends in metropolitan income inequality. We find that sectoral shifts, especially the rates of deindustrialisation and employment growth in personal services, significantly affect changes in Gini indices for the largest constant-boundary MSAs between 1980 and 1990. In addition, rising metropolitan inequality is associated with the trend towards self-employment and such supply-side factors as local education levels, changing family structure and immigration. The study provides mixed support for the mismatch and global cities hypotheses.  相似文献   

This article follows up earlier research which had found that in the 1970s and 1980s the incentives to invest in Europe-wide businesses had often been lacking or even negative: for example, the most profitable Europe-wide businesses were less likely to be European market leaders and were likely to have lower market shares than their principal competitors; they were less likely to be innovative, having entered the market as follower rather than leader. The author finds evidence that this started to change even before the single market and that the change has continued. The key success factors for profit in European business are coming closer into line with the success factors for growth – innovation, quality and intellectual property.  相似文献   

3月14-16日.第十二届亚太海事展在新加坡成功举行.在国际航运与船舶市场萧条的困难形势下举办的此次海事展.在听到不少让人忧虑的问题的同时.也透露出来一些令人鼓舞的信息.只是较少。  相似文献   

中小船企经过近几年的快速发展,造船产量和手持订单量已经占到总量的47%左右,成为我国船舶工业的重要组成部分。在金融危机的冲击下,这些企业正面临着巨大的经营风险和融资难题.撤单问题日益恶化。专家指出:中小船企如果出现问题,受冲击的不仅是他们本身,而是整个船舶工业。正如中国船舶工业行业协会会长张广钦所说,如果这些企业中出现大规模倒闭现象。势必会给中国造船业多年来积累的良好国际形象带来负面影响。因此,为使我国船舶工业保持平稳发展,中小船企的“过冬”问题也需加以解决。本刊推出“中小船企过冬”专题,希望能给这些企业在应对危机方面提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

This article discusses and analyzes the European Union's (EU's) competition policy and the 2001 General Electric‐Honeywell merger fiasco within the areas of global business and transatlantic issues. Based on a brief literature review of marketing, competition policy/antitrust law, vertical/horizontal integration, and global business, the article tries to explain those conditions that led to this failed merger. It is expected that in the coming years, the EU's competition policy and the United States' antitrust law will continue to differ and may create problems for those multinationals seeking large‐scale mergers and acquisitions in North America and Europe. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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