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1956年时,没有人会想到让悉尼来举办这场盛事,我们坐在悉尼港的一家餐厅,Nico。Nico是家意大利餐厅,老板是从希腊移民来的,经理是老板的儿子。我对面坐的是悉尼当地的朋友,他这样说:那时候,这个地方在晚上5点之后就一片死寂,没有剧院,没有夜生活。小酒吧一般在下午6点之后就关门,要想在此美美地吃上一顿简直就是妄想。朋友大笑,但是事情还是变了,对不对?  相似文献   

中国政府决定为“中国制造”打广告了。 2009年11月23日,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)开始在亚洲市场播出一则非常特别的商业广告——由中国商务部支持制作的“中国制造”形象广告。  相似文献   

Due to its low price and superior quality,the words"Made in China"have been built up in global market for many years and have earned a good reputation from customers both at home and abroad.Recently,the"Made in China"label has fallen under harsh criticism internationally,especially with respect to the toys,food and clothing industries.Many of these fields are some of the most important processing industries in China,and the large amount of negative press on Chinese products seems to have been released by foreign media all at once.This has caused people around the world to question:Is"Made in China"really as bad as they say?  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Angesichts des überangebots an Informationen zu einem Produkt oder einer Dienstleistung orientieren sich Verbraucher bei einer Kaufentscheidung h?ufig am Herkunftsland des jeweiligen Produktes. Dieses auch als Country-of-Origin-Effekt bekannte Ph?nomen wird in diesem Beitrag anhand der weltweiten Wahrnehmung schweizerischer und deutscher Produkte vorgestellt. Aus Sicht der Unternehmen und insbesondere des Marketingmanagements stellt sich die Frage, ob und unter welchen Bedingungen eine konsequente Vermarktung und Betonung des Herkunftslandes der eigenen Produkte erfolgversprechend sind. Prof. Dr. Sven Reinecke Direktor am Institut für Marketing an der Universit?t St. Gallen (HSG) under Leiter des Kompetenzzentrums „Marketing Performance Management“ sowie Mitherausgeber der Marketing Review St. Gallen. Dr. Stephan Feige Gesch?ftsführender Partner bei der htpSt. Gallen Managementberatung AG, einem Spin-Off der Universit?t St. Gallen. Dipl.-Kfm. Peter Mathias Fischer Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand am Kompetenzzentrum Marketing Performance Management” des Instituts für Marketing der Universit?t St. Gallen.  相似文献   

In recent years, Yentai City has witnessed an annual growth of 30 percent in exports since it began to handle its own products. As a result it earned US$220 million in 1993. Xu Zhihqiang, director of the Yentai Foreign Trade Bureau, said that after some of the foreign trade corporations in Yentai obtained the right to handle exports in1989, they sent over 300 trade delegations  相似文献   

如今,找不出几个像家具这样没有被电子商务波及太深的行业了,非标准化产品、高客单价、不便利的物流都成为了这个行业的掣肘。然而,一家来自英国的企业Made.com正在尝试家具行业电子商务的可能性。  相似文献   

汪一新 《国际市场》2001,(11):57-57
亲戚将从美国来探亲,先在电话那头说:"国内现在什么都不缺.买啥礼物好呢?我挑了一件好礼物,精美实用,保你喜欢."礼物来了,打开雅致的包装,不错,一架精巧的台灯,最妙的是可以夹在书页上,卧床夜读,灯光柔柔的,很惬意呀.大家喊好.有人提醒,看看是哪个国家制造的?一看,"Made in China".大家笑了,万里迢迢,买回中国货.亲戚有点窘了.  相似文献   

In the short run, China's export is a usable weather vane for the health of the global economy and the strength of consumer demand. A slump in export to some extent means economic depression elsewhere. Besides, the development direction choices of manufacturer will be pivotal to China's upgrade from export-oriented economy to a more well-rounded economy. The immediate threat to this upgrade is from the global slowdown that Chinese exports declined in November last year heralds tough times in 2009.  相似文献   

China's foreign trade and export enterprises have encountered unprecedented pressure during the global financial crisis - but analysts say they believe innovation is the way out for the "Made in China" brand.
The Quanzhou Baofeng Shoes Company, one of China's leading producer of slippers, is precisely the type of exporter that should be on its knees. Headquartered in Quanzhou, a coastal city in southeastern Fujian Province, Baofeng used to export 90 percent of its annual output to the United States.  相似文献   

In the first half of this year, China‘s domestic trade, inter national trade and international economic cooperation kept a good momentum of development, and played a positive rolein promoting the stable and rapid development of the national economy The smooth operation  相似文献   

瑞星的杀毒软件登陆日本,这在2002年的中国IT行业,无疑是一件大事。因为这不仅意味着中国通用类软件从此结束了自我封闭的局面,开始走向国际化市场,更预示着中国软件行业终于开始借助企业品牌的力量,试图形成在国际市场上代表自己利益的声音。 由此不难看出,一些善于技术创新的中国软件企业,已经不再把自己的企业发展目标局限在中国这个区域市场,而开始对全球各个区域市场予以更大的关注。相对于经常沦为低层次竞争的国内软件市场,国际大市场中存在着更多  相似文献   

瑞星的杀毒软件登陆日本,这在2002年的中国IT行业,无疑是一件大事。因为这不仅意味着中国通用类软件从此结束了自我封闭的局面,开始走向国际化市场,更预示着中国软件行业终于开始借助企业品牌的力量,试图形成在国际市场上代表自己利益的声音。  相似文献   

从“Made in China”到“Design in China”,看似一小步,实则需要所有人重新思考,中国元素的内核究竟是什么?  相似文献   

Dongguan, a city in Guangdong province, due the diligence of 20- more years, has developed from a small agricultural county into an emerging industrial city with international impact, where is the secret existing? With the questions of this kind born in mind, China's Foreign Trade interviewed with  相似文献   

Dongguan, a city in Guangdong province, due the diligence of 20more years, has developed from a small agricultural county into an emerging industrial city with international impact, where is the secret existing? With the questions of this kind born in mind, China's Foreign Trade interviewed with Mr. Yang Dongru, Vice President of Dongguan Foreign Trade and Economy Cooperation Bureau.  相似文献   

这位深信"天行健君子自强不息"的女基金经理,用自己的成功证明了中国市场的成功  相似文献   

从美国南卡罗莱纳州斯帕坦堡市(Spartanburg)郊外的教堂驶出一英里后向右转,会路过两家公司.一家生产橡皮图章.另一家专门负责往帽子和包袋上缝标识。在这两间公司边上.是一家崭新的工厂:运城(美国)凹印版辊厂。所谓版辊,是因为生活中每天都会有饮料瓶盖被打开,这就需要用版辊来印刷那些塑料汽水瓶外的包装。但这家新公司和它在斯帕坦堡的邻居不一样.运城是一家中国公司。它之所以会来到南卡罗莱纳,是因为以中国制造商的标准来看,美国现在的制造成本真是十分之便宜。  相似文献   

HO CHI MINH CITY,VIET- NAM-According to the latest statistics results of Vietnam Airlines show that from January to June, 2007,under the high-quality supervision and operation of Vietnam Airlines,a to- tal of 31,140 flights made safety takeoffs and landings;and the total number of passengers traveling by Vietnam Air- lines is 3,831,376,which is 16.5% over the same period of the last year.Among them,the total number of passengers  相似文献   

静先 《中国电子商务》2006,(10):144-146
借着对“中华国酒”的采访,我们认识了贵州茅台酒股份有限公司董事、总经理乔洪先生。这是一个颇具儒雅风范、在政坛、商界历经风雨的男人。从他谈笑风生、挥洒自如的态度中,我们隐约看到了未来国际奢侈品市场上一个顶级品牌领袖的风范  相似文献   

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