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根据对浙江地区家族企业的抽样调查研究,本文得到以下实证结论:在我国家族企业治理结构和经营绩效关系方面:家族企业融入外部资本和管理资源都存在一个追求短期销售绩效的倾向;非上市中小家族企业并不存在“一股独大”问题,而是具有“一股独大”优势;家族企业股权分割清晰能显著提高企业绩效;家族企业外部顾问制度的“公正性效率”的提高显著大于“适用性效率”的降低,家族企业的治理效率得到改善。  相似文献   

Our study investigates differences in CEO turnover between focused and diversified firms to determine whether diversification strategies are necessarily associated with governance efficiency in family businesses. We find that large family CEO firms are more likely to engage in corporate diversification than are small non-family CEO firms and their CEOs are seldom replaced. Large family CEO diversified firms also have lower turnover sensitivity relative to focused firms. The results imply that the CEOs of diversified firms have entrenched themselves, thereby increasing agency costs within family businesses. However, we fail to find diversification discounts in family businesses. It is interesting that CEOs tend to diversify their businesses in order to decrease firm risk. Founding families favor risk-reducing decisions in order to maintain family wealth and prestige; suggesting that family businesses are more interested in survival than growth. Although family businesses may benefit from risk reduction, a negative relationship between diversification level and CEO turnover is still evidence of poor corporate governance. Agency theory may not completely account for the adoption of diversification strategies in family businesses and corporate diversification may weaken the effectiveness of internal monitoring mechanisms.
Wen-Hsien TsaiEmail:

《Business Horizons》2017,60(5):647-655
One of the main challenges facing family firms is achieving fairness between family and non-family employees in the workplace. Family and non-family employees have the potential to offer unique and distinct contributions to the firm, which makes the achievement of fairness between them messy and complicated. Hence, two interesting questions are worth exploring: Given the complex nature of the family business human capital, how can family firms achieve fairness between family and non-family employees? Why should family business decision makers and advisors promote fair practices in the family business workplace? We first introduce a fair process model as a possible solution for family businesses to achieve fairness between family and non-family employees. Then, based on several examples and studies, we show that family business owners can benefit significantly from promoting fairness in the workplace both in terms of preserving business reputation and in terms of achieving long-term family business survival and success.  相似文献   

Singapore official discourse speaks of (Chinese) families as both cultural and economic assets and as vestiges of national identity. Chinese families are often described in traditional terms, namely as patrilinial, patrilocal, patriarchal and clearly hierarchical. In Singapore official discourse, the historical success of traditional family businesses is presented as a unique ethnic and national characteristic. Simultaneously, the Singapore state claims to be ‘modern’, ‘Western’, and ‘cosmopolitan’, allowing little space for ‘parochial practices’ and ‘archaic traditions’. Either praised or looked down on, family businesses occupy an ambiguous position within the ‘traditional’ and ‘modern’ discourses of the Singapore state. This article supplies the evidence of changing family and business relations in Chinese–Singapore firms. Three major factors are isolated that influence Singapore attitudes towards family businesses: Chinese culture, globalization and the logic of developing capitalism, and the role of the Singapore state.  相似文献   

The most successful and longest-enduring family firms are progressively encouraging the active presence of women on their corporate boards. Why is the presence of women on boards so important for family firms? And how can policy makers and controlling owners encourage the active presence of women on family business corporate boards? By integrating the literature on women in governance and the goals of family businesses, we take a step toward increasing shareholder awareness of the economic and noneconomic benefits that women can bring to the family business boardroom. Using theory and empirical evidence, we show that the presence of women on corporate boards can be instrumental for the controlling owners of a family business to achieve prosperity and success, to preserve family cohesion, and to improve the reputation of the family and business simultaneously. Furthermore, we discuss the socioemotional and economic ramifications of excluding women from the family business board of directors. We conclude with four practical recommendations for encouraging the active presence of women on family business boards.  相似文献   

近年来,受区位和体制原因的影响,延安小微企业在迅速发展的同时,其人力资源管理和研究相对滞后。总体上,延安小微企业人力资源管理观念落后,常采用家族式和集权式管理方式,导致了吸引和留住优秀人才困难,制约了小微企业的健康发展。提高延安小微企业人力资源管理水平,要通过建立规范化的人力资源管理体系、充分信任和授权于有能力的聘用人才,体现"以人为本"的人力资源管理理念,采取人性化的人才策略等措施,营造引才育才用才和留住人才的良好环境,更好地服务于陕北革命老区经济发展和社会繁荣。  相似文献   

Ubiquitous computing and its effects on small businesses   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Much of the previous literature on ubiquitous computing (UbiComp) has been limited to case studies, reporting innovative practices of specific technologies (e.g., RFID) and social issues. There is a general paucity of research on strategic application of UbiComp, especially to small businesses. To address this issue, this study provides a broad overview of the current practices of UbiComp in leading countries and presents possible future directions. Then, the effects of UbiComp on small businesses are discussed. Through a cross-national comparative analysis, we present four strategies to provide some guidance to the countries that are currently considering entering into the UbiComp race.  相似文献   

近两年,随着"微型企业"成为独立的企业类型及其政策倾斜力度的持续加大,个体工商户的转型升级迎来了更优的政策空间。作为我国特殊经济体制下的个体工商户,在适当条件下稳步向企业转型,将会对个人、企业及国家带来积极的推动作用和深刻的社会意义。发展成熟的个体工商户应该把握机遇,积极进行微型企业转型,不断增强自身素质以及规范化运营体系,从而保持其长久生存与发展能力,更好地发挥在经济、社会中的重大作用。  相似文献   

It has been reported that family businesses perceive excellent customer service as critical to the future of their businesses. However, little research into the customer relationship management (CRM) practices of family businesses has been performed. In this study, we examine CRM implementation among 82 family and 370 nonfamily firms. Family and nonfamily businesses report similar attitudes toward the importance of CRM, their knowledge of CRM, and their success when they do implement it. However, using a logit regression model, we find that the actual implementation strategies of family businesses are significantly different from those of nonfamily businesses. These results remain constant when controlling for size and industry sector.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence suggests that family businesses are very dependent on a single individual (the owner‐manager). However, the degree of dependence previously has not been studied formally. Further, an explanation for why some family businesses are highly dependent on the owner‐manager and others are not has not been explored. Utilizing a national survey of Canadian family‐owned businesses, this paper therefore addresses two central issues: (1) the degree of dependence of family‐owned businesses on a single individual; and (2) the factors associated with this reliance. Self‐report responses from family business owners provided evidence of a high level of dependence on the owner‐manager. In 75 percent of all family businesses, respondents believed that the company was either dependent or very dependent on them. The response to this subjective question is consistent with responses to our three more objective measures. First, 65 percent of owner‐managers responded that they made all the major decisions in at least three of five functional business areas. Second, these businesses had few key managers—in 57 percent of all businesses, there were only two or fewer key managers in addition to the owner. Third, in 62 percent of all family businesses, neither had a successor been chosen nor had a process been put in place for choosing a successor. These results strongly suggest that family businesses are highly dependent on a single individual. Six factors had significant power in explaining the degree of dependence. Two factors related to the owner‐manager—dependence decreased in the age of the owner‐manager and in proximity of the owner‐manager to retirement. Four factors related to the family business: dependence decreased in the value of the firm, the number of shareholders, and the age of the business and was greater where the owner‐manager's family had voting control. Surprisingly, neither the existence of a board of directors with outside membership nor an advisory board with outside membership helped explain the level of dependence.  相似文献   

客户是餐饮企业生存与发展的基础,客户关系管理可以提高餐饮企业的顾客忠诚度。当前,餐饮业客户关系管理还存在着对客户关系管理重视不够,对客户的服务意识不到位,吸引客户的营销手段单调,企业内部组织结构不完善,对企业的价值顾客群判断不准等问题。餐饮企业应利用CRM管理系统,了解顾客,并建立良好客户关系;加强员工培训,提升员工的服务素质;制定合理的价格,维系客户永久关系;树立顾客成本概念,通过提高客户满意度和忠诚度,达到提升客户价值和提升品牌形象的目的,从而实现企业利润最大化。  相似文献   

农民工返乡创业政策满意度影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过实证分析农民工返乡创业政策满意度的影响因素,发现作为中间变量的创业培训评价、创业园区评价、用地优惠评价、简化工商登记评价、信贷扶持评价、信息咨询评价、税收减免评价直接影响农民工返乡创业政策满意度,初始变量中除30-39岁年龄、家庭人均收入、兄弟姐妹数、地理位置、离乡镇远近及村居民收入水平直接影响返乡创业政策满意度外,40-49岁的年龄、婚姻、文化、家庭人口数等因素间接影响农民工对返乡创业政策的满意度。  相似文献   

Corporate governance and family business performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Family business continuity plans commonly establish a governance structure for the family and for the family business. The purpose of those structures is to improve strategy and control mechanisms of the family business and, to organize the communication and relationship between family owners and business executives. This research focuses on assessing the impact of those structures on family business performance. Specifically, the study assesses the impact a professional board of directors has on a company's performance. The research team selected a set of 22 family businesses. Some of these families have undergone a process of developing a family protocol over the last seven years. The authors captured the relevant information for this research by sending out a survey to each family member and to each non-family director or executive.  相似文献   

根据最终控制性家族与上市公司及其核心业务的关系,本文将212家家族上市公司分为创业型家族上市公司(FFB)和非创业型家族上市公司(N-FFB)两大类。通过实证比较研究发现,虽然两类企业都存在某一控制性家族或个人,但两者在家族介入程度、金字塔结构、控制权和现金流权分离程度、债务融资水平等治理特征上存在显著差异。  相似文献   

Many local businesses have and are continuing to struggle as a result of the pandemic crisis due in part to reduced consumer spending. However, the motives behind why some consumers are more supportive than others toward local businesses in such a crisis are not adequately understood. We address this gap in the literature through three experimental studies where we examine how the core consumer value of religiosity explains consumer response to the crisis as consumers seek to act in ways that align with their value system. Study 1 (257 adults from MTurk) shows a positive relationship between religiosity and support for local businesses but only during a pandemic. Study 2 (307 adults from MTurk) shows that this relationship is greatest for local (vs. non-local) businesses, and caring for one's neighbors mediates this effect. Finally, Study 3 (200 adults from MTurk) uses advertising to prime focus on one's neighbors, revealing that a neighbors-focused ad increases local business support to similar levels for consumers of all religiosity levels. Findings build on belief congruence theory with implications for marketing practitioners in the current pandemic crisis and other crises of medical, environmental, and other origins.  相似文献   

The extant literature analysing the impact of value co-creation on consumers' need for differentiated products is sparse, so the present study examines the role of consumers' need for differentiation in relating value co-creation with consumers' word-of-mouth to foster competitive advantage. Specifically, we investigate the effects of innovation differentiation and market differentiation on micro businesses' abilities to co-create value and generate positive word-of-mouth, which ultimately helps them sustain their revenues. We collect data from a sample of 196 female consumers who participated in the co-creation process used in the micro businesses to design trendy apparel. We use structural equation modelling to test the hypotheses. Having a strong desire for differentiation in their dresses, these consumers invest their resources and capabilities in designing their own apparel. The results show that value co-creation not only leads to consumers’ need for differentiated products (enabling the differentiation strategy), but also results in negative word-of-mouth. More particularly, value co-creation leads to differentiated offerings but consumers desirous of possessing unique products do not spread positive words about the professional designer. As a result, sustaining economic development in emerging economies dominated by micro and small businesses is still a big challenge.  相似文献   

我国商业银行中间业务创新研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高长法 《财贸研究》2004,15(1):90-94
中间业务创新是商业银行自身发展的内在要求 ,也是商业银行应对国内国际激烈竞争的外在要求。本文在对中间业务范围界定的基础上 ,重点分析了我国商业银行中间业务创新发展的主要障碍 ,并提出中间业务创新发展的若干对策。  相似文献   

Despite increasing research interest in the mobile telephony sector, only a few studies have devoted attention to informal businesses in the sector. Using qualitative field data collected on young mobile telephony entrepreneurs in Accra, this paper argues that despite the businesses being ‘informal’, they cannot be dismissed as ‘necessity’ enterprises unworthy of support. On the contrary, many young entrepreneurs have aspirations which are influencing their desire to stay in business. The article thus questions the bifurcated nature of entrepreneurial motivations, using the burgeoning mobile telephony sector as a case study, and draws out implications for policy support for youth-run businesses in the informal sector generally.  相似文献   

During the early 1990s, a swathe of small state-owned enterprises (SOEs) was privatized as family businesses in China. This paper examines whether and how the origin (i.e., restructured vs. entrepreneurial) of family firms affects corporate innovation. Using the data of Chinese family firms from 2009 to 2018, we find that restructured family firms generate fewer patents generally than entrepreneurial family firms, but create more high-quality patents than their entrepreneurial counterparts. This effect is more pronounced for those family firms which had formerly been SOEs for a more extended period, without generational succession, and previously controlled by governments entirely. Further mechanism tests show that restructured family firms have a higher likelihood of hiring professional managers, are subject to less intervention from family members, and have fewer informal hierarchies, providing direct evidence for the institutional imprinting channel. Our findings suggest that the institutional imprint underlying the origin of family firms can be critical to their innovation decisions.  相似文献   

In this article we examine how five immigrant entrepreneurs in Malaysia and Singapore have internationalized their businesses and the role of transnational family networks in this process. We show that one of the key means by which these entrepreneurs are able to access resources and make use of contacts across borders is through transnational family and kinship networks that allow them to simultaneously engage in social and business activities in both countries. We discuss the characteristics of these family networks compared with other social networks that make them of particular value in internationalization. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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