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建立企业营销危机管理系统,应遵循主动性和诚意性等基本原则。营销危机管理系统由危机预警子系统和危机处理子系统构成。通过子系统的整合设计出企业营销危机管理系统的概念模型,并在此基础上利用灰色理论对营销危机管理系统进行科学评价以实现对实体企业营销危机发展情况的科学检测,进而增强企业对营销危机的抵抗力,降低企业经营风险。  相似文献   

The ethics of corporate crisis management is a seriously underdeveloped field. Among recent proposals in the area, two contributions stand out: Seeger and Ulmer’s (2001) virtue ethics approach to crisis management ethics and Simola’s (2003) ethics of care. In the first part of the paper, I argue that both contributions are problematic: Seeger and Ulmer focus on top management and propose virtues that lack substance and are in need of further development. Simola’s proposal is also fraught with difficulty, since it seems to conceive of ethics of care as a course of action that can be chosen in a crisis, something which runs contrary to the idea of caring. In the second part of the paper, I argue that Simola and Seeger and Ulmer are nevertheless on the right track, and I propose some directions for further development of the ethics of corporate crisis management. I argue that the value of codes of conduct is limited. Furthermore, I propose a way of identifying relevant virtues for corporate crisis management and discuss a problem that is prevalent in crisis management ethics (the temptation of ad hoc utilitarianism).  相似文献   

This study explores the survival of firms across countries, and what factors contribute to their ability to withstand large-scale exogenous shocks, focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic. Using corporate default risk as a measure of non-resilience, our empirical results from 97 countries reveal that stringent COVID-19 containment measures created a significant resilience test for businesses worldwide. Further tests suggest that cash holdings, knowledge assets, international sales, and access to foreign capital markets are crucial for global businesses to pull through exogenous shocks. Country-level institutional qualities also play an essential role in shaping business resilience during a crisis. Our study is the first to comprehensively analyze the drivers of business resilience across diverse countries using the COVID-19 outbreak as a major global crisis, providing a nuanced understanding of this topic in international business.  相似文献   

企业应对危机的知识管理思想源起与意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
企业危机管理思想发展历经了朴素危机阶段、科学危机管理阶段、扩大的危机管理阶段、企业危机管理阶段、信息管理阶段和知识管理阶段。“T”型理论表明,危机管理和知识管理是企业生存与维持、竞争与发展的两大基石。在市场环境日益复杂的今天,企业离不开危机管理,而危机管理又离不开知识管理的支持。  相似文献   

黄毅勤 《中国市场》2009,(10):56-57
席卷全球的金融风暴给世界各国的经济发展带来了极大的冲击,世界经济一体化发展的进程使我们看到了国际经济发展的相互影响和制约性。面对这场金融风暴,我国企业更应该加强生产经营管理水平,提高应对风险的能力,本文从生产经营流程管理角度,提出围绕价值创造对企业流程进行再造,更好地加强现金流量管理。  相似文献   

While many measures address, say, marketing ethics, little attention has been paid to ethical dilemmas and decision-making in the more general field of ethics in research management. This paper presents results from the development of a multidimensional measure of ethical dilemmas in research management. The investigator developed three vignettes representing ethical dilemmas that could be realistically found in three phases of most business research (the planning, execution, and termination phases). Each vignette is followed by Reidenbach and Robin's (1990) 30-item response scale tapping five theories of ethics: Justice, Relativism, Egoism, Utilitarianism, and Deontology. Results from 216 management majors validate the three vignettes and support this approach in stimulating heated class discussion.  相似文献   

企业发展中会面临经营危机、管理危机、品牌危机、公关危机等等防不胜防的多种"企业危机",并且无论哪种危机发生,都有可能给企业带来致命的打击.对于企业来说采取何种处理方式往往决定着应对危机的成败得失,危机管理迫在眉睫,它不再仅仅局限于处理突发性事件,而注重挖掘企业管理的深层次原因日渐成为企业管理必不可少的组成部分.  相似文献   


Crisis management affects all institutions. Organizations now operate in a media-saturated world where individuals can disseminate information instantaneously across the globe via the internet. As a result, ensuring future business leaders have an understanding of how crises develop and what alternatives exist is a valuable educational outcome. Through a role-playing exercise, students undertake crisis management for a fictitious organization. The exercise, according to participants, provides a realistic environment where higher level learning (as compared w th merely listening to lectures) resulted. Role-playing also improved student awareness of the components of good crisis management and prepared them to handle a crisis.  相似文献   

We opened our 2010 paper in the Journal of Business Logistics with a 6th century quote by Heraclitus – “The only constant is change.” This immutable law certainly holds in today's volatile business world, especially for supply chain management, and has been the driving factor behind the interest in resilience. Since the seminal works of the mid‐to‐late 1990s and early 2000s, the supply chain discipline has progressed toward a common understanding of resilience. But we're not there yet. This paper reflects on the impact of our 2010 paper, and envisions future opportunities for advances in resilience that will improve both day‐to‐day business continuity and long‐term sustainability. We are honored to be selected for this 40th Anniversary Issue of the Journal of Business Logistics, and proud that our paper has been recognized as the most cited of the decade.  相似文献   

This article explores the fast-expanding market of crowdfunding − a market that will have created over $62 billion in new capital, primarily for entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized business enterprises (SMEs), by the end of this year. We will look at the history of crowdfunding, the main drivers of the current market, the various platforms and business models, and the rapid and exponential growth of the market. We will discuss the importance of the concept of “shared value” in the development and evolution of this market, and look more closely at the United States’ current economy and how the mechanism of access to capital has been disrupted since the financial crisis. We will examine the premise that crowdfunding is the “crowd's” (anyone other than the top 1%) way of responding to this disruption and creating new capital. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

实施跨国经营策略,是我国中小企业摆脱国内过度竞争,绕开非关税壁垒,扩展海外市场的重要途径。目前,我国中小企业正处在国际化经营的初级阶段,在面对融资渠道不畅,海外投资企业管理机制不健全等诸多因素的同时,如何克服国际经济危机影响,特别是应对后经济危机时代发展环境的变化,进而谋求自身发展。是我国中小企业面临的主要问题。在后经济危机时代,我国中小企业应从战略全局的角度来规划运营海外企业的人员、组织管理、资本、产品、技术等各个层面,使之适应本土的社会、文化、法律、宗教、政策等惯例,使企业的一切经营管理融入到本土的社会中去。  相似文献   

Many organizations are curtailing or even abandoning performance management because of difficulties measuring performance and disruptions in performance-based pay due to the COVID-19 crisis. Contrary to this growing and troubling trend, we argue that it is especially important during the crisis to not only continue but also strengthen performance management to communicate a firm’s strategic direction, collect valuable business data, provide critical feedback to individuals and workgroups, protect organizations from legal risks, and retain top talent. To do so, we offer a solution to overcome the challenges associated with measuring performance during a crisis. Specifically, we extend and expand upon the well-established Net Promoter Score measure in marketing and introduce the Performance Promoter Score (PPS) to measure performance. We offer evidence-based recommendations for collecting PPS information for individuals, workgroups, and other collectives, computing a Net Performance Promoter Score (NPPS); using multiple sources of performance data, and using PPS for administrative and developmental purposes as well as to provide more frequent performance check-ins. PPS is a convenient, practical, relevant, and useful performance measure during a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is also an innovation that will be useful long after the pandemic is over.  相似文献   

旅行社财务管理风险及规避   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于静 《北方经贸》2013,(1):58-60
市场环境的复杂多变,市场竞争日益加剧和经营活动日益国际化,旅行社作为独立的经济主体,在经营管理过程中始终会面临各种各样的风险,因此风险管理、危机管理越来越受到各旅行社管理者的重视。资金是企业的血液,资金运动即财务活动贯穿于旅行社经济活动的全过程,是资金筹集,投放,回收和分配各环节的有机统一。而财务活动各环节由于受到内外多种因素的影响都会产生旅行社蒙受经济损失的可能性,从而影响旅行社的盈利水平,从长远来看,最终会影响到我国旅游业的发展。可见,财务管理是旅行社经营活动中的重要组成部分,加强旅行社的财务管理对提高旅行社的经济效益具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The paper demonstrates its ‘CSR at a tipping point’ thesis by juxtaposing views of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as essential for business and societal sustainability against those that see CSR as unaffordable or irrelevant in the current economic climate. Drawing from Kohlberg's seminal theory of moral development, CSR is conceptualised as the development of organisation moral reasoning, and the proposition is illustrated by demonstrating inter‐disciplinary similarities in levels of ethical concern within different approaches to the practice of marketing, human resource management (HRM) and performance management. Levels of concern for CSR are related to environmental and firm‐specific drivers and constraints that influence the CSR dynamic. Environmental influences on organisational CSR stances emanate from a range of stakeholder constituencies, while the importance accorded to CSR is also influenced by firm‐specific factors such as the organisation's stage of development, strategy and leadership. The paper's identification of inter‐disciplinary similarities in the varying levels of concern for CSR and its delineation of CSR drivers and constraints contribute to CSR theory, and these frameworks also represent analytical tools that managers can use to assess or to change an organisation's CSR stance. The multi‐level perspective on CSR adopted by the paper links an organisation's overall or ‘macro’ CSR stance to the ‘meso’ levels of CSR represented by practice within its specialist functions. It proposes that the ‘CSR at a tipping point’ proposition is assessed by utilising the conceptual model in the paper within a case‐study research design to determine whether specific organisations – identified as ‘CSR‐positive’ ones by their relatively high level of concern for stakeholder welfare – are changing the importance they accord to CSR as a result of the new business context, and the extent to which practice in their marketing, HRM and performance management functions are shapers or consequences of this.  相似文献   

明洁 《商业研究》2003,(19):118-121
迅猛发展的电子商务把机遇摆在外贸企业面前的同时,更对外贸企业的内部管理体制提出了挑战。管理创新是外贸企业能够适应新环境从而不断发展的重要保证。因此,着重从内部信息化建设、组织机构再造、财务管理、重组外贸流程架构、战略性人力资源管理、规章制度和监督机制的建立等方面分析了外贸企业如何进行管理创新。  相似文献   

This article examines the current global financial crisis (GFC) and its impact on Bangladesh's economy and discusses international business implications for the country within an institution‐based analytical framework. The article finds that the macroeconomy of Bangladesh has shown remarkable resilience in the face of this massive global crisis, and the impact has been minimal and limited to a moderate slowdown of the economy The country thus could be poised for taking advantage of international business opportunities as the global economy begins to recover. Further, JPMorgan's Frontier Five and Goldman Sachs's Next Eleven classification of Bangladesh indicates enormous potential for growth and development. The article suggests that the Bangladeshi diaspora could serve as a connecting hub so that “brain gain” could be achieved through labor migration and remittances. Strategic alliances among home and foreign firms are also important to the future capacity building of the country. However, strategic management in the form of further institutional, structural, and policy reforms are critical in enabling the country to develop an international‐business‐friendly environment conducive to taking advantage of evolving global opportunities and realizing its full potential. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

本文认为,传统的企业战略管理注重进攻性,考虑的是企业在常规状态下的战略目标、战略选择和战略实施,而忽略了各种危机(如信息危机、产品危机、财务危机、信誉危机、财产危机、人才危机等)给企业带来的影响与危害。同时,企业的外部环境已经改变,当前所面临的危机已经呈现出多样性与复杂性的特点。因此,战略管理与危机管理相结合是经济转型期我国企业管理的必然选择。企业不仅要认识和捕捉市场发展的机会,而且要未雨绸缪,认识、分析、排除潜在的和面临的危机,既要制定企业正常状态下的发展战略,又要制定非正常状态下的发展战略。  相似文献   

While the literature on the effective management of business and natural environment interfaces is rich and growing, there are still two questions regarding which the literature has yet to reach a definitive conclusion: (1) what is the interactive effect between internal and external drivers on a proactive environmental strategy (PES)? and (2) does a PES influence firm's performance? Drawing on the resource-based view for the internal drivers’ perspective and institutional and legitimacy theories for the external drivers’ perspective, this study suggests that the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on a PES is moderated by the intensity of government regulations and customers’ sensitivity to environmental issues. The authors also examine the relationship between the PES and a firm's performance in terms of sales and profit growth. Implications are discussed regarding the role of a PES in achieving a competitive advantage in the marketplace.  相似文献   

裴少桦 《中国市场》2009,(23):97-98,100
饮食服务企业在社会经济生活中的地位、作用越发显得重要,饮食服务企业经营战略确定与选择是饮食服务企业发展的重大课题。饮食服务企业经营战略确定是由饮食服务企业经营特殊性决定的;战略确定的依据是行业政策和企业环境;战略选择原则是发挥整体优势,适应经营环境,战略实施具有连续性和内聚性,战略目标及方向是社会需求和产业化服务。  相似文献   

受国际金融危机影响,2009年我国进出口贸易都有所下降,而服务贸易却不降反升,辽宁省服务外包产业更是获得"井喷式"发展,这与辽宁省良好的基础设施以及产业基础、政府与企业的共同努力是分不开的。在金融危机条件下,辽宁省服务外包企业应转危为机,充分发挥辽宁省的区位优势,积极开展服务外包招商引资,加速企业并购重组,实现规模化经营战略,在逆境中持续、快速、健康发展。  相似文献   

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