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长期以来,理论界对如何建立服务型政府,正确处理民族地区服务与管理的关系、服务与领导的关系等问题的争议颇多。而研究和探讨这些问题,对进一步深化民族地区的政府管理体制改革,转变民族地区的政府职能,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

长期以来,理论界对如何建立服务型政府,正确处理民族地区服务与管理的关系、服务与领导的关系等问题的争议颇多。而研究和探讨这些问题,对进一步深化民族地区的政府管理体制改革,转变民族地区的政府职能,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文以云南省大理白族自治州、丽江地区为例,对我国民族地区旅游业发展的战略问题进行了分析和探讨。提出我国民族地区旅游业由"政府主导"战略向"政府引导"战略转换应具备以下五个基本条件:(1)旅游基础设施建设具备良好基础;(2)旅游产业体系趋于完整;(3)市场经济体制框架基本确立;(4)旅游业管理方式从依靠行政手段向依法治旅转换;(5)旅游市场逐步规范。笔者认为,当前我国民族地区的旅游业在进入"十一五"发展规划时期之后,不同地区应根据自己旅游业发展情况,选择正确的发展战略。对已经具备战略转换条件的地区,应及时从"政府主导"向"政府引导"转换,而对尚不具备转换条件的地区,则继续实施"政府主导型"战略。  相似文献   

孙冰 《活力》2011,(12):105-105
加强区域合作,推进区域行政—体化进程。有利于完善我国社会主义市场经济体制,进一步优化公共资源配置模式,促进民族地区地方政府公共服务职能的高效履行。同时也有利于激发民族地区地方政府参与建设服务型政府工作的积极性,实现民族地区公共产品和服务的高效供给与公平分配。新时期伴随着我国区域行政—体化工作的深入开展,要求民族地区地方政府通过树立科学发展理念,增强公共服务意识,建立健全法律体系,加强跨行政区域的协调沟通,并切实发挥民族地区各级地方政府自身比较优势,最终提高自身公共服务能力建设水平,实现民族地区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文从民族文化产业发展中的政府-企业合作角度出发,分析了民族文化产业发展中政府-企业合作机制,进而提出政府-企业协作加快民族文化产业发展的具体策略。政府和企业是两个相互作用的利益主体,在民族文化产业发展中扮演着不可或缺的角色。为了促进民族文化产业的发展,我们要有效平衡政府与企业之间的利益关系,构建一套兼顾政府及企业利益,而且适应特定地区经济、社会、文化环境的合作机制。具体而言,政府要明确民族文化产业发展战略,强化政策层面的支持,兼顾本地文化资源的保护与开发,并对相关产业发展给予资金扶持。  相似文献   

在我国现代化建设发展的过程中,服务型政府的建设是政府发展的必然,而少数民族地区服务型政府的构建更是有着重要意义。文章首先概述了构建服务型政府的内涵及意义,接下来从民族地区的实际情况出发分析了在该地区建设服务型政府的重要性,然后提出了我国少数民族地区服务型政府构建中存在的问题,最后针对这些问题提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

根据公众需求提供公共服务.构建服务型政府.是当今世界各国政府行政工作发展的基本趋势。党的十六届二中全会要求“切实把政府经济管理职能转移到主要为市场主体服务和创造良好发展环境上来”。企业作为市场主体.是政府主要的服务对象。政府在服务企业方面到底做得如何?针对这一问题.我们在珠三角地区开展了专项的调查和研究。  相似文献   

孙冰 《活力》2010,(10):35-35
受到上个世纪90年代信息化浪潮的影响。电子政府的构建越来越受到我国各级政府的重视,在构建电子政府的热潮推动下,我国各民族地区政府也已经建立了门户网站等一些有着高效廉洁的行政方式来构建电子政府。然而.由于自然条件和历史文化等诸多方面的原因.我国少数民族地区的经济、文化、教育等相对落后,这就使民族地区电子政府在构建中存在诸多问题.特殊性决定了民族地区电子政府的建构也要考虑民族地区的自身特性。  相似文献   

我国政府投资方式有狭义和广义之分。政府投资存在分级管理与按投资方式管理责任界限不清、投资补助资金渠道和管理部门分散、补贴不到位和过度补贴同时存在、部分政府投资方式规范管理滞后等问题。规范政府投资方式,需重点解决各级政府间"条"与"块"、"分"与"统"的关系,按资金渠道、项目投向和使用主体优化政府投资方式,分级分类规范政府投资方式,酌情取消和精简合并政府投资补助类型,推进政府投资功能化补助、精细化管理,按照项目的服务功能和风险特征拓展政府投资方式。  相似文献   

作者认为,政府创新主要是指政府在管理和服务方面的创新,内容大致包括管理与服务的长远战略选择、功能目标定位、政策策略制定、组织结构设计、运作流程设定、运行机制构建、组织绩效评估、以及新兴技术运用等.从构建和谐社会与政府创新的关系这个针对性来讲,至少需要自觉认识和正确把握以下几个方面:以合理的公共政策为政府管理社会的根本标...  相似文献   

社会服务是重点实验室的基本功能之一。在国家全面建设小康社会,实现中华民族的和谐发展、可持续发展过程当中,民族地区重点实验室管理人员必须充分认识民族地区重点实验室社会服务的功能和重要地位,认清目前民族地区重点实验室社会服务功能之不足并努力清除影响民族地区重点实验室社会服务功能创新的障碍,以充分发挥民族地区重点实验室社会服务的作用,进一步提高民族地区重点实验室社会服务水平,提升民族地区重点实验室对民族地区经济社会发展的贡献力。  相似文献   

社会服务是重点实验室的基本功能之一。在国家全面建设小康社会,实现中华民族的和谐发展、可持续发展过程当中,民族地区重点实验室管理人员必须充分认识民族地区重点实验室社会服务的功能和重要地位,认清目前民族地区重点实验室社会服务功能之不足并努力清除影响民族地区重点实验室社会服务功能创新的障碍,以充分发挥民族地区重点实验室社会服务的作用,进一步提高民族地区重点实验室社会服务水平,提升民族地区重点实验室对民族地区经济社会发展的贡献力。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的不断加快,越来越多的农牧区少数民族通过进城务工,旅游经商等方式进入城市,对城市的社会经济以及民族关系等方面产生了深远的影响。文章分析了乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族流动人口特点及现状,进而探索其对乌鲁木齐现有民族关系产生的影响,并提出针对性的关于维吾尔族流动人口管理与服务方面的对策及建议,这对乌鲁木齐构建和谐民族关系、促进乌鲁木齐市经济发展、社会稳定具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

The United States is now more ethnically diverse than any other time in its history. In 2000, minority ethnic groups comprised 26% of the US population; by 2010, they comprise 35%, and in 2080 they will form the majority of American citizens. And among these ethnic groups, African Americans (12.4%), Hispanics (15.4%) and Asians (4.4%) were the most predominant in 2000. The growth of this segment of the population is not only in terms of numbers but also in terms of economic development. Minority groups are showing marked improvement in income and education levels leading to greater purchasing power. As a result, for‐profit companies are increasingly targeting minority populations with products and promotions specifically designed for specific minority groups. Even non profit organizations such as educational programs, social service and healthcare agencies are striving to design specific services and culturally competent outreach models in order to serve this increasingly diverse marketplace. But despite the strides made by non profit agencies, several studies note the tremendous disparities between the ethnic and racial groups in the seeking and the receipt of health‐care and social services. Additionally, there is limited empirical information about the perceptions of minority consumers. In order to effectively serve minority groups, it is essential to understand their experiences with the non profit service industry and to assess their ongoing concerns. In this study, we focus on two critical components of the non profit world – healthcare and social services. We conducted a survey to compare and contrast the social service and health‐care quality perceptions of three ethnic groups: Caucasians, African‐Americans and Hispanics. Our study, undertaken in collaboration with community health centers, reveals distinct differences in perceptions between the three ethnic groups. Based on our findings, we outline a set of implementable strategies for social service and community health organizations. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research on spatial segregation has suggested that social mix may be a temporary phase in class displacement, where relations between different groups are at best divided or ‘tectonic’, for instance in England. Political and policy discourses, by contrast, tend to uncritically valorize social mix as a means to breaking up concentrations of poverty and providing neighbourhoods with a middle‐class voice. In the literature, little attention has been paid to power dynamics in socially mixed neighbourhoods and the implications this may have for understanding theory and policy. The five articles that make up this symposium address the ways in which social and ethnic groups interact in major cities in Europe and North America and, as the title suggests, this involves taking into account power relations, domination and negotiation between the different groups. There is a need to connect the experience of the deployment of power within neighbourhoods (and between them) with the discussions of power mechanisms at work in wider urban processes.  相似文献   

不同国家由于历史的不同,其国内民族结构也是不一样的,由此导致少数民族经济发展模式的不同。少数民族经济发展是影响民族内涵的一个重要诱因。纵观民族国家发展史,中国的少数民族经济发展模式与其他国家存在明显的不同。国外一般是强调地域而忽视民族,以地区代替民族;中国则不同,我们是先组成了多元的国家,然后通过一体的精神文化逐渐培育出了统一的中华民族,借由各民族之间的经济发展实现文化交融,最终形成中华民族共同体意识。经济动因在中国少数民族经济发展模式形成过程中,一直发挥着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

Despite the extensive literature on ethnic enclaves in American cities, the role of landed property in ethnic enclave formation and transformation has received no attention to date. Drawing upon nearly four years of work as a tenant organizer, I address this issue by examining how the social relations of landed property have been integral to the formation, transformation, and deterioration of ethnic ties among Polish migrants in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Specifically, I argue that the social relations of property among Polish migrants—what I call “enclave property”—have enabled the acquisition, maintenance, and improvement of landed property in and through the production of ethnicity. With the gentrification of the neighborhood, however, the social relations of immigrant housing that helped produce the enclave in the 1980s and 1990s have been strained, and rising property values have transformed relations of ethnicity among Polish migrants into mechanisms for property accumulation by dispossession. The upshot has been the “hollowing out” of the enclave, as Polish migrant tenants have been displaced from Greenpoint, leaving behind a co‐ethnic landlord class and their wealthier American tenants.  相似文献   

文章在分析新媒体的发展现状和新媒体在少数民族地区发展的文化背景的基础上,探讨了新媒体与少数民族文化价值的关系。  相似文献   

Strike proneness is analyzed through the industrial relations system conceptualization. The actors, rules and ideology components of 60 industrial relations systems, of which 15 exhibited a low propensity to strike and 45 a high propensity to strike, are compared via a discriminant analysis procedure. Strike-vulnerable establishments as compared with harmonious units tend to include more strikers and have a more complicated structure of labour representation. In highly strike-prone organizations, negotiations are usually handled by representatives equipped with limited authority. These organizations tend to be less prepared rulewise for a strike situation, and their ideology is less critical of promoting union leaders to managerial positions and less favourable of opening recruitment to out-of-plant competition. The comparison of the technological, economic and power constraints of the two strike propensity groups indicates that the conflictual units, as compared with organizations with a low strike propensity, tend to be larger units and service organizations; they are mostly budget controlled and publically owned. A comprehensive industrial relations system analysis indicates that the internal components of the industrial relations system take priority in discriminating between the two strike groups. Theoretical and substantive conclusions conclude the analysis.  相似文献   

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