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Option valuation models are based on an arbitrage strategy—hedging the option against the underlying asset and rebalancing continuously until expiration—that is only possible in a frictionless market. This paper simulates the impact of market imperfections and other problems with the “standard” arbitrage trade, including uncertain volatility, transactions costs, indivisibilities, and rebalancing only at discrete intervals. We find that, in an actual market such as that for stock index options, the standard arbitrage is exposed to such large risk and transactions costs that it can only establish very wide bounds on equilibrium options prices. This has important implications for price determination in options markets, as well as for testing of valuation models.  相似文献   

Insurance markets are subject to transaction costs and constraints on portfolio holdings. Therefore, unlike the frictionless asset markets case, viability is not equivalent to absence of arbitrage possibilities. We use the concept of unbounded arbitrage to characterize viable prices on a complete and an incomplete insurance market. In the complete market, there is an insurance contract for every possible event. In the incomplete market, risk can be insured through proportional and excess of loss like insurance contracts. We show how the the structure of viable prices is affected by the portfolio constraints, the transaction costs, and the structure of marketed contracts.  相似文献   

We derive the optimal investment policy of a risk-averse investorin a market where there is a textbook arbitrage opportunity,but where liabilities must be secured by collateral. We findthat it is often optimal to underinvest in the arbitrage bytaking a smaller position than collateral constraints allow.Even when the optimal policy is followed, the arbitrage portfoliotypically experiences losses before the final convergence date.In fact, its initial performance may be indistinguishable fromthat of a conventional portfolio with a poor track record. Theseresults have important implications for the role of arbitrageursin financial markets.  相似文献   

We have two primary objectives in this study. First, we examine the frequency of attaining simultaneous equilibrium on spot and forward foreign exchange markets and on domestic and foreign securities markets. Second, we measure the profitability of covered interest arbitrage and one-way arbitrage. Our empirical analysis has been conducted using real-time quotations. The empirical results indicate that: (a) the markets are efficient in the sense that profit opportunities from traditional covered interest arbitrage are rarely available; and (b) the frequency of attaining simultaneous market equilibrium is surprisingly low, thus opening the door for one-way arbitrage.  相似文献   

Equity market liberalizations, if effective, lead to important changes in both the financial and real sectors as the economy becomes integrated into world capital markets. The study of market integration is complicated because one can liberalize in many ways and many countries have taken different routes. To study the effectiveness of particular liberalization policies, the sequencing of liberalizations, and the impact on the real economy, systematic methods must be developed to date the liberalization of emerging equity markets. We provide a synthesis of the current methods and show the impact of liberalization on the real sector.  相似文献   

Jump Spillover in International Equity Markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article we study jump spillover effects between a numberof country equity indexes. In order to identify the latent historicaljumps of each index, we use a Bayesian approach to estimatea jump-diffusion model on each index. We look at the simultaneousjump intensities of pairs of countries and the probabilitiesthat jumps in large countries cause jumps or unusually largereturns in other countries. In all cases, we find significantevidence of jump spillover. In addition, we find that jump spilloverseems to be particularly large between countries that belongto the same regions and have similar industry structures, whereas,interestingly, the sample correlations between the countrieshave difficulties in capturing the jump spillover effects.  相似文献   

We study arbitrage opportunities in diverse markets as introduced by Fernholz (J Math Econ 31:393–417, 1999). By a change of measure technique we are able to generate a variety of diverse markets. The construction is based on an absolutely continuous but non-equivalent measure change which implies the existence of instantaneous arbitrage opportunities in diverse markets. For this technique to work, we single out a crucial non-degeneracy condition. Moreover, we discuss the dynamics of the price process under the new measure as well as further applications.Both authors gratefully acknowledge financial support by the National Centre of Competence in Research “Financial Valuation and Risk Management” (NCCR FINRISK). The NCCR FINRISK is a research program supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The first author also thanks Credit Suisse Group for financial support.  相似文献   

Abstract:   This paper examines whether deviations from a domestic spot‐futures relation, as identified through mispricing series in stock index futures, spillover international boundaries. Such spillovers suggest that information from a mispricing series in one market conveys a signal of similar mispricing in another market. In the presence of arbitrage traders and in the absence of market frictions, mispricing series should be independent across international boundaries. The study employs a VAR analysis of stock index futures mispricing across three large futures markets – Australia, the UK and the USA. Using time zone differences, tests are conducted for the daily transmission of arbitrage information. The results reveal the relationship between mispricing series is bi‐directional. Based on this finding, a trading strategy is employed to examine the economic significance of apparent profits. The results show that some profits are possible after transaction costs but that a long horizon, probably beyond the scope of most traders, is required to exploit the spillover information.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of the time it takes foran index options market to return to no arbitrage values afterput-call parity deviations, using intraday transactions datafrom the French index options market. We employ survival analysisto characterize how limits to arbitrage influence the expectedduration of arbitrage deviations. After controlling for conventionallimits to arbitrage, we show that liquidity-linked variablesare associated with a faster reversion of arbitrage profits.The introduction of an Exchange Traded Fund also affects thesurvival rates of deviations, but this impact essentially stemsfrom the reduction in the level of potential arbitrage profits.  相似文献   

This study examines the pricing efficiency for the leading cryptocurrency, Bitcoin using spot prices and all CBOE and CME futures contracts traded from January 2018 to March 2019. We find that the futures basis provide some predictive power for future changes in the spot price and in the risk premium. However, the basis of Bitcoin is a biased predictor of the future spot price changes. Cointegration tests also demonstrate that futures prices are biased predictors of spot prices. Deviations from no-arbitrage between spot and futures markets are persistent and widen significantly with Bitcoin thefts (hacks, frauds) as well as alternative cryptocurrency issuances.  相似文献   

Extreme Correlation of International Equity Markets   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Testing the hypothesis that international equity market correlation increases in volatile times is a difficult exercise and misleading results have often been reported in the past because of a spurious relationship between correlation and volatility. Using "extreme value theory" to model the multivariate distribution tails, we derive the distribution of extreme correlation for a wide class of return distributions. Empirically, we reject the null hypothesis of multivariate normality for the negative tail, but not for the positive tail. We also find that correlation is not related to market volatility per se but to the market trend. Correlation increases in bear markets, but not in bull markets.  相似文献   

Foreign Speculators and Emerging Equity Markets   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
We propose a cross-sectional time-series model to assess the impact of market liberalizations in emerging equity markets on the cost of capital, volatility, beta, and correlation with world market returns. Liberalizations are defined by regulatory changes, the introduction of depositary receipts and country funds, and structural breaks in equity capital flows to the emerging markets. We control for other economic events that might confound the impact of foreign speculators on local equity markets. Across a range of specifications, the cost of capital always decreases after a capital market liberalization with the effect varying between 5 and 75 basis points.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and extends the existing literature on covered arbitrage, delineates the conditions for profitable arbitrage with the hedging instruments of forward and options contracts in the foreign exchange markets, and defines the maximum possible profits out of a given market environment. Next, the simple rules on speculation are articulated with and without transaction costs, and then we show how speculation can be covered with options and forwards. Finally, speculation is integrated with arbitrage and hedging, and further compounding of profit possibilities is illustrated.  相似文献   

The Risk Exposure of Emerging Equity Markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The low correlation between returns in emerging equity marketsand industrial equity markets implies that the global investorwould benefit from diversification in emerging markets. Thisarticle explores the sensitivity of the emerging-market returnsto measures of global economic risk. When these traditionalmeasures of risk are used, the emerging markets have littleor no sensitivity. This finding is consistent with these markets'being segmented from world capital markets. However, the correlationbetween the emerging-market returns and the risk factors appearsto be changing over time.  相似文献   

This article provides evidence of information transmission fromthe United States and Japan to Korean and Thai equity markets.Information is defined as important macroeconomic announcementsin the United States, Japan, Korea, and Thailand. Using high-frequencyintraday data, I find a large and significant association betweendeveloped-economy macroeconomic announcements and emerging-economyequity volatility and trading volume at short time horizons.Previous studies’ findings of at most weak evidence oftransmission from developed to emerging economies may be dueto their use of lower frequency data and their focus on developed-economyfinancial market innovations as a proxy for information. (JELE44, G14, G15)  相似文献   

Rule 415 allows a firm to register all the securities it reasonably expects to sell over the next two years and then, at the management's option, to sell those securities over these two years whenever it chooses. This paper examines whether equity offerings made under Rule 415 (shelf offerings) differ in issuing costs from equity offerings not sold under this rule. We find that shelf offerings cost 13% less for syndicated issues and 51% less for nonsyndicated issues. We also investigate the empirical relevance of the market overhang argument which suggests that shelf registrations depress the price of the registering firm's shares more than traditional registrations. Our data does not support the market overhang argument.  相似文献   

Market Integration and Investment Barriers in Emerging Equity Markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article develops a return-based measure of market integrationfor nineteen emerging equity markets. It then examines the relationbetween that measure, other return characteristics, and broadlydefined investment barriers. Although the analysis is exploratory,some clear conclusions emerge. First, global factors accountfor a small fraction of the time variation in expected returnsin most markets, and global predictability has declined overtime Second, the emerging markets exhibit differing degreesof market integration with the U.S. market, and the differencesare not necessarily associated with direct barriers to investment.Third, the most important de facto barriers to global equity-marketintegration are poor credit ratings, high and variable inflation,exchange rate controls, the lack of a high-quality regulatoryand accounting framework, the lack of sufficient country fundsor cross-listed securities, and the limited size of some stockmarkets.  相似文献   

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