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天津市勘察院创立于1979年,其前身是由天津市建筑设计院勘测队和测绘处勘测队组建而成,隶属于天津市规划局,是以岩土工程勘察,工程测量,建筑与岩土工程设计和桩基施工,  相似文献   

<正>天津市勘察院创立于1979年,其前身是由天津市建筑设计院勘测队和测绘处勘测队组建而成,隶属于天津市规划局,是以岩土工程勘察、工程测量、建筑与岩土工程设计和桩基施工、工程测试为主的专业化综合性生产科研单位。  相似文献   

肖君桂 《魅力中国》2010,(20):158-158
各项工程建设在设计通过对土力学原理、土力学地基基础、工程地质手册及房屋建筑和构筑物岩土工程勘察所依据的主要规范进行了系统的研读,对一些问题的认识和学习体会,同广大岩土工程勘察技术人员交流。  相似文献   

<正>题记:面对竞争白热化的市场,李文春对内深化改革,狠抓管理和创新;对外加强服务,开拓市场,使天津市勘察院管理水平和创新能力显著提高,经济效益取得了历史性的突破,2006  相似文献   

岩土工程勘察为工程建设提供基础保障,是建筑物基础建设的依据。工作方法为依据相关标准规范,采用工程地质钻探、原位测试、现场采样、室内土工试验、勘探点工程测量和总结分析编制岩土工程勘察报告等手段查明建筑场地和地基的工程地质条件。在我国建筑业蓬勃发展的今天,驱动了岩土工程勘察行业不断的进步和持续的优化,然而在行业不断壮大的同时所实施的勘察质量却出现了质量问题。本文根据实际情况,总结分析了岩土工程勘察过程中影响成果质量的主控因素以供行业交流。  相似文献   

本文对岩土工程勘察中的一些问题进行了阐述,提出了一些方法和建议。  相似文献   

改革开放给中国经济带来无限生机与活力,大量的基础设施建设也在全面铺开,作为工程勘察服务单位如何通过自身努力,加大科技含量,争创一流服务,为基础设施建设做出更大的贡献,为此,记者一行专程采访了安徽安庆工程勘察院院长、高张工程师聂张星.  相似文献   

本文针对岩土工程勘察中存在问题。指出了岩土工程勘察现状;分析了岩土工程勘察中存在的问题;阐明了勘探孔深度与间距及地下水的测定问题。  相似文献   

怎么样提高土工试验质量,建立适应的管理模式加强行业监管等,有效地推行实验室的认证机制,确保土工试验数据的准确性,满足工程建设要求。对目前勘察市场部分室内土工实验室的现状,包括人员组成、设备状况、环境条件、行业管理和试验价格等方面进行了剖析,建议采取相应的措施,以确保土工试验数据的准确性,满足工程建设的需要。  相似文献   

黄海荣 《魅力中国》2010,(20):153-153
文章论述了报告编制的程序,主要内容存在的问题,高新技术的主攻方面建议与发展趋势。  相似文献   

<正>天津市建筑设计院(简称TADI)创立于1952年,历经五十多年历史沧桑,现已发展成为技术实力雄厚、人才济济的天津地区最大的综合建筑设计院。TADI现有员工愈干人,其中全国工程设计犬师3人,国务院批准享受政府特殊津贴专家15人,国家人事部批准有突出贡献的中青年专家2人,天津市中青年授衔专家4人,正高级建筑(工程)师40人,高级建筑(工程)师319人,中级建筑(工程)师347人,并有国家一级注册建筑师61人周家二级注册建筑师45人,国家一级注册结构工程师75人,国家级注册监理工程师27人,造价工程师14人。TADI具有国家颁发的各类设计资质证书,其中获得国家甲级设计资质证书的有:工程设计、智能建筑(系统工程)专项工程设计、工程总承包、设计咨询、设计监理。获得国家乙级设计资质证书的有:城市规划设计。经国家外贸部批准,具有对外经营权,是国际建筑工程咨询协会(菲迪克)会员单位。TADl设有建筑、规划、结构、给排水、暖通空调、电气照明、自动控制、广播通讯、经济技术分析、岩土工程、城镇规划、景观与环境设计和室内装修设计等专业。主要承接民用建筑设计、工业建筑设计、城市规划及居住区、住宅小区规划设计;承接民用与工业建筑项目的可行性研究,工程咨询、建设工程监理、工程项目总承包以及技术合作、技术成果转让等业务。承接境外工程的咨询、设计和监理、国外经济技术合作、智能建筑(系统工程)设计等业务。为更好地拓展业务,相继在海南、上海、广州、厦门、重庆等地成立分院。TADI工程技术人员积极进取,锐意创新,先后有8项设计获国家优秀设计奖,其中有三项获金质奖,近200项工程设计、科研和标准设计获得了建设部、市级优秀设计奖、优质工程奖及科研成果奖等奖项。其中:瑞秀花园住宅小医工程荣获国家2005年詹天佑大奖、优秀住宅小区金奖。近几年完成了天津奥林匹克体育中心体育场、天津市人民医院、天津医科大学总医院、保税区精品城、青年京剧团、泰达国际会展中心、泰达体育场、无锡体育中心和风凰商贸广场等一批大型重点公建项目,以其全新的设计理念和现代高新技术,展示了我院的技术实力和创新创优水平。由我院主编的《天津市钢结构住宅设计规程》的科研成果通过了国家级专家鉴定,它是国内第一部钢结构住宅设计规程,具有一定的独创性,达到国内领先水平。  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical analysis of the factors accounting for inflation dynamics in Ghana using the bounds test and other econometric approaches. We find that real output, nominal exchange rate, broad money supply, nominal interest rate and fiscal deficit play a dominant role in the inflationary process in Ghana. To the extent that output growth by far has the strongest impact on inflation, targeting supply‐side constraints will help moderate price inflation. The paper concludes that inflation in Ghana is explained by a combination of structural and monetary factors consistent with prior studies.  相似文献   

The deteriorating performance of first-year economics students has become a concern at many South African universities. Addressing the issue requires an understanding of the factors influencing students' success. Studies analysing academic performance use the education production function approach. This approach identifies inputs that are crucial to learning and to achieving certain outputs. Factors that have been investigated in other studies include the impact of lecture attendance on performance, school-leaving exam (matriculation) results, particularly performance in mathematics, and the gender and age of students.
This study adds to existing local empirical research by analysing the impact of the tutorial programme as an input. The case study investigates the tutorial programme for first-year economics students at Stellenbosch University using quantitative analysis. Results confirm what previous studies have found, namely that lecture attendance, gender, and matriculation results contribute positively to the performance of first-year economics students. The main finding of the paper is that tutorial attendance also contributes positively to academic performance.  相似文献   

Fiji is no exceptin to the rule that exports are an important source of growth and development. In this light, it is important to know the determinants of exports. However, there is no empirical study on Fiji's export demand. This paper uses the modern econometric techniques—in particular, the autoregressive distributed lag approach to cointegration—to investigate whether the standard export demand variables, viz., trading partner income, export price, and competitor price, have a long‐run cointegration relationship with Fiji's real exports for the period 1970 to 1999. In addition, the long‐run results are also estimated by using the dynamic ordinary least squares and the fully modified ordinary least squares. The empirical results indicate the existence of a cointegration relationship among the variables. The long‐run foreign income, own‐price, and cross‐price elasticities are found to be 0.7 to 0.8, −1.3 to −1.5, and 2.1 to 2.2, respectively.  相似文献   

A main focus of this paper is our analysis of the vote function using the vote share of government parties as the proxy variable for government popularity. Utilising Pedroni's (1999 ) panel cointegrated test and the fully modified OLS (FMOLS) technique, we empirically examine the long-run co-movement relationship in a bivariate model between government popularity and macroeconomic outcomes as well as a lag term in accordance with updated data for 11 countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) during the 1975-2005 period. The results indicate the existence of panel cointegration relationships in our empirical model. The panel FMOLS shows that several macroeconomic shocks are responsible for positive contributions to government popularity, especially in regard to economic growth and government expenditures. By contrast, currency depreciation, higher interest payments, and a greater taxation burden on households all contribute to lower government support in our sample countries. Based on such evidence, important policy implications emerge for ECOWAS.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the country‐specific determinants of horizontal and vertical intra‐industry trade (IIT) in South Africa using the gravity model of trade in a panel data setting. It empirically tests new and existing country‐specific hypotheses of intra‐industry trade. To ensure the sensitivity and robustness of the results, three different econometric approaches have been used in estimating the gravity models of intra‐industry trade: the consistent coefficient approach, the fixed effects approach, and the between effects approach. The econometric results are satisfactory in terms of economic interpretation and statistical significance. They are, in most cases, pertinent in determining the country pattern of South Africa's IIT and offer a new empirical validation to the theoretical explanatory variables.  相似文献   

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