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邓楠 《特区经济》2021,(1):95-98
开放二孩政策是我国新时期背景下施行的宽松性生育政策,在计划生育基本国策的前提下放宽生育政策,追求人口长期均衡发展。本文简要论述了中华人民共和国成立以来的生育政策演变以及政策调整的背景;之后提出我国现阶段人口发展存在的问题、开放二孩政策对实现人口长期均衡发展的意义;最后指出施行开放二孩政策要因地制宜灵活变通,并不能一劳永逸地解决我国人口问题。随着社会发展生育政策也会进行调整,最终服务于社会。  相似文献   

D.C. Gibbs 《Local Economy》1991,6(3):224-239
While there has been a growing awareness of environmental issues in recent years, there has been little attempt to integrate environmental policy with economic development issues. This paper argues that this is an issue which should be addressed by local authorities and suggests ways in which local authorities could begin to move towards sustainable local economic development.  相似文献   

By identifying the political motives of officials and local governments, this study aims to provide a new political economic analysis framework for understanding China's incentives for investing in public–private partnership (PPP) infrastructure projects. Chinese urban panel data for the period 2013–17 were used to examine the mechanisms of promotion pressure and financial burden in relation to investments in PPP infrastructure projects. Based on our findings, the following policy recommendations are proposed: standardise the behaviour of local government officials in promoting PPP projects, establish a lifelong accountability mechanism for PPP project performance, establish a mechanism for local government debt risk assessment and prevention, and avoid the risk of local debt arising from over‐investment in PPP infrastructure projects. Moreover, a match should be formed between local economic infrastructure planning and investment plans to avoid over‐ or under‐investment.  相似文献   

Local economic development (LED) planning is of major policy importance in post-apartheid South Africa. Although issues surrounding LED have attracted considerable policy attention, one neglected theme has been the role of tourism as a lead sector for LED. The aim of this article is to examine the planning and workings of one tourism-led LED initiative in South Africa. The case study is that of the Highlands Meander in Mpumalanga province, where five towns are collaborating in their LED initiatives in order to promote the area's tourism products. A key finding is that this growing tourism initiative is currently not benefiting local black communities. Recommendations are offered for developing a pro-poor tourism initiative.  相似文献   

This article appraises the prospects of District Assemblies institutionalising local governance structures and processes that are responsive, democratic and capable of improving the livelihoods of the poor. District Assemblies have been established against the backdrop of a radically reconstituted policy, governance and administrative framework following the transition from one-party rule to multiparty democracy in Malawi in May 1994. The underlying argument of this paper is that the potential success of the District Assemblies is effectively hampered by widespread self-seeking tendencies and orientations among various stakeholders in grassroots development, strategically veiled as lack of capacity on the part of the decentralised planning framework. Unless these seemingly idiosyncratic tendencies are subordinated to the underlying noble cause of the decentralisation policy and institutional reforms, the trinity of good governance, development and poverty reduction in the evolving structures and processes of local government will remain a virtually unattainable ideal.  相似文献   

The concept of the ‘polycentric urban region’ has been popularised both as a theoretical concept for understanding regional urban systems in an era of reduced transport and communication costs, and as a normative policy objective in its own right. This paper explores its relevance to the rapidly urbanising Cape Town city-region. First, empirical evidence for the emergence of polycentric regional development patterns was considered. Shifts in relative settlements sizes (morphological polycentrism) over the period 1991–2011 were examined using population data, and patterns of inter-settlement interactions (functional polycentrism) were explored by analysing commuting information. Contrary to expectations, trends toward polycentric development were found to be weak. Second, the paper considers the relevance and value of polycentric development thinking for regional economic and spatial planning policy, concluding that there are insufficient grounds for policy intervention aimed at encouraging polycentric regional development or countering the dominance of Cape Town in the region.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, Indonesia has placed increasing emphasis on the development of stronger planning capacity at the regional level; however, the concept of regional autonomy is still viewed with suspicion given Indonesia's history of regional separatist movements. This fact has implications for the need for national population policy to be formulated and implemented with a view toward the varying conditions faced by different provinces and regions. The author presents a case study of fertility, mortality, migration, urbanization, and the development of human capital in 1 Indonesian province--North Sulawesi--to illustrate that special characteristics and internal diversity can demand individualized responses by policy makers. In terms of these 5 areas, the following observations can be made about conditions in North Sulawesi: 1) mortality rates are already below the national average, although infant mortality remains unacceptably high; 2) fertility rates are also well below the national average and approaching replacement level without any aggressive family planning outreach activities, but there remains a need to identify the ultimate fertility target and the extent to which intervention is required; 3) there is little scope for absorbing transmigrants, but there are some major issues regarding population redistribution within the province; 4) although there are no large cities, the increasing dominance of Manado is a concern; and 5) the quality of education and an employment structure to match the well-educated labor force are more important than an expansion of these services. A central concern is the ability of North Sulawesi to prevent "brain drain" to Jakarta; however, the province's capacity to do so is dependent on decisions made in Jakarta about the allocation of revenue, regulations regarding the processing of copra and cloves, new air routes, and the extent of regional autonomy to be tolerated in decisions affecting provincial growth.  相似文献   

The 1971 Local Administration Act is the basis for Ghana's attempt to decentralize development planning and budgeting from the centre in Accra to the 68 districts of Ghana. The Act allows District Councils to collect numerous revenues and to retain them as a financial base for implementing District development projects. In 1977 the Economic and Rural Development Management training programme was initiated to help improve revenue collection and the development planning and budgeting capacity of elected officials and civil servants at the district level. Participants worked in teams to determine the potential district revenue base for decentralized development planning, to understand local behavioural patterns in the revenue collection process, and to recommend procedures for improving district revenue administration. The training programme has resulted in dramatic improvements in district government revenue policies and practices leading to a larger financial base for the funding of projects identified and designed locally. Data indicating the positive impact of the training programme for improving local revenue are provided for Techiman District.  相似文献   

The relationship between population and development is frequently highlighted in international debates as signifying that changes in population size, age and gender structures, settlement patterns and other population characteristics have implications for public policy planning and for developing evaluation indicators. This study explores the accessibility, quality, userfriendliness and other aspects of demographic data from a planning perspective. Planners from South Africa's Eastern Cape provincial Departments of Education and Health were interviewed and the policy documents were studied to determine how they incorporate population variables. The findings indicate dissatisfaction among planners with the quality of available demographic data at sub-national levels, particularly for the smaller geographic units - regions, districts and villages. Inadequate coordination of data compilation and evaluation is another common perception. There is consensus on the potential contribution of demographic data to improved planning, and recommendations for improving demographic data accessibility and use were made.  相似文献   

Significant research, both locally and internationally, has been undertaken on tourism development and its impacts on the empowerment of rural communities. This article analyses the extent to which three tourism projects in South Africa, namely the Makuleke tourism initiative, Umngazi River Bungalows and the commercialisation of Manyeleti Game Reserve, have improved the livelihoods of rural communities and contributed to rural economic development. The projects are analysed in terms of both their economic and non-economic benefits, as well as their contribution towards the attainment of certain key policy objectives of the South African government.  相似文献   

I. Introduction Prior to 2002 there was a rural electricity administrative system at the county level andbelow, which was separated from the urban (or state) electricity system. In 1949 when the People’s Republic was founded, there were only 33 small hydropower stations in rural China, with a total installed capacity of 3.63 MW, and total electricity consumption in rural areas was 20 million kWh. Since 1949, rural electrification has made considerable progress and contributed a lot to the …  相似文献   

李彦  陈振华 《科技和产业》2024,24(10):200-205
随着交通强国战略的逐步实施,有关高铁投融资的重要性日益凸显。对中外高铁建设的主要投融资模式进行归类分析,并从融资特征、适用范围、优劣势等方面,就政府融资、市场化融资和PPP融资三种模式展开对比研究。结果表明,国外在高铁项目的市场化融资和PPP融资方面积累了较为丰富的经验,相比之下,中国大部分高铁项目是以政府融资为主;尽管日本、法国和瑞典等国在高铁投融资体制方面具有一定的差异,但合理的公共政策规划保证了项目的正常运营,其成功经验包括鼓励地方政府参与、积极引进民间资本、注重盘活存量资产和改进风险承担方式;为推动我国高铁项目投融资体制创新,应拓宽高铁项目筹资渠道,完善高铁融资支持政策,建立高铁融资保障体系。  相似文献   

《World development》1999,27(7):1173-1189
Plagued by recurrent-cost crises, and nonexistent or vague user fee policies, local-level Ministry of Health (MOH) authorities in many countries have been compelled to design and implement their own fee systems. This has commonly resulted in a national user fee “system” that is a patchwork of idiosyncratic, regional or local practices, replete with inconsistencies, and compromised access, equity, efficiency, sustainability and other MOH objectives. This has been the experience of many countries in Latin America, including Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. This paper provides an assessment of a user fee system that has developed in a haphazard, locally-led manner. After establishing empirically that there are three distinct health care markets in Nicaragua, an econometric analysis of the choice of provider reveals that consumers have very different price sensitivities in each of the markets. A series of simulations investigating the impact of changing MOH user fee levels suggests that the fees for MOH care in rural areas should be eliminated, while those in the capital, Managua, should be increased. The policy implications of these changes are discussed within a long-term planning context that reflects the stated public health goals of the Government of Nicaragua.  相似文献   

物流业对于改善产业发展环境并推动经济增长的突出作用得到了广泛重视,地方政府通过编制规划、出台政策、建设基础设施等多种手段,来推动本地的物流业发展。深圳是国内较早将物流业确立为支柱产业的城市之一,率先从规划的角度开展了物流产业发展的空间布局和规划策略研究,对深圳物流业发展起到了一定的推动和指引作用。本文以深圳过去十年物流产业发展为案例,着重探讨促进物流业发展的规划策略。  相似文献   

Mental health problems are relatively common within the population. For some, the problems February be so severe that they have to give up paid work. However, there is evidence that, not only do the mentally ill have a strong desire to return to paid work but, such work can improve mental health. This paper looks at the varied ways that have evolved to help the mentally ill return to work. Drawing on research undertaken in Glasgow, it finds that mental health projects have developed in isolation from one another and from the wider local economic development network. It argues that a more effective service can be provided if there is improved networking between projects and if they concentrate upon interventions which make optimum use of their particular knowledge and skills. This would involve mental health projects providing the social and therapeutic aspects of support, whilst the economic development projects dealt with vocational training and labour market links.  相似文献   

优化人口分布空间格局、提高城镇化质量对未来保持经济增长的重要性不言而喻,但对于如何优化人口分布格局和提高城镇化质量,现有的文献存在持续争议。文章从经济发展的过程来讨论城市最优人口密度问题,认为各城市之间存在一种赶超现象,少数城市是吸收和转化国外技术的主要场所,是本国的增长前沿,其他城市通过接受前沿城市的溢出来实现增长,城市人口的最优密度与城市在宏观经济增长中的角色有关,人口密度对经济增长的影响随城市在经济发展中的作用不同而不同。借鉴发展经济学的理论,文章在一个赶超的框架下分析了人口密度对城市经济增长的影响,重点考察在靠近增长前沿和远离增长前沿的城市中人口密度对经济增长的影响是否存在差异。运用1999—2014年中国地级以上的城市数据,实证结果表明,对于靠近增长前沿的城市来说,人口密度的经济增长正效应更大;对于远离增长前沿的城市来说,人口密度的经济增长正效应更小或效应为负;进一步研究发现,城市人口密度对经济增长的这种非线性效应随着与增长前沿城市的空间距离和行政边界数量增加而衰减。文章结果意味着,限制增长前沿城市的人口密度将会对它们的经济增长产生负向影响。下一步城镇化的政策重点应该是对这些城市做好发展规划,在增加城市人口密度的同时,通过科学规划公共服务设施和交通基础设施的空间分布,从而控制这些城市的拥挤,而不是简单地限制人口进入和将人口分布在广阔的空间上。  相似文献   

Mandatory joint venture requirements have played an important role in many developing countries' foreign investment policies. However,such policies have been criticized in some of the economic literatures on the grounds that they deter investment and lead to the development of inefficient industries. A significant amount of foreign direct investment in Shanghai has been in the form of joint ventures. Yet,by many measures,Shanghai has benefited enormously. This article argues that there are three reasons to explain Shanghai's successful use of the joint venture for its industrial development. First,local firms and industries have had the capability and willingness to learn from joint ventures and other foreign invested firms. Second,the joint venture policy has been more likely than not to have "crowded in" local investment rather than crowd it out. Third,investment authorities in Shanghai have had sufficient bureaucratic capacity and political insulation to prevent the joint venture policy from being manipulated by rent seekers.  相似文献   

徐恩耀 《科技和产业》2021,21(5):248-250
自正式实施"营改增"政策以来,中国建筑业涉及的主体流转税从营业税转化为增值税,对建筑业产生较大的影响.在经营过程中,建筑业通过选择拆分合同项目、选择甲供工程的计税方法、选择物料的供货渠道以及选择劳务用工形式进行采购环节的税收筹划,以减轻整体税负,促进自身可持续发展.  相似文献   

西部中小城市规划创新的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扈万泰  杨艳红 《改革》2004,(4):57-60
着眼于中国西部中小城市规划工作在深化政府行政管理体制改革、加强城市规划培训、加强规划编制基础工作、有针对性地研究适合西部中小城市特点的规划编制管理办法等方面进行探讨,并提出进一步提高中小城市规划工作水平的改革创新思路。  相似文献   

Some main features of proceedings of a 1985 workshop are presented. In Africa, irrigation has had limited success, and there have been many costly failures. Bureaucratic ineptitude, inadequate farmer incentives and participation, and gigantism are important causes. Technical, institutional and socio‐economic constraints complicate irrigation planning and development. Hydro‐agricultural projects have political, social, economic and ‘grey area’ objectives. Various ecological effects have in the past received insufficient attention. Crop and input selection should be based on the marginal principles of scarcity. In the long run, farmer settlement should veer towards individual tenure, although mixed modes can play a useful role. Water pricing systems should be adjusted to local conditions. Research should increasingly involve existing dynamic models as well as models still to be developed.  相似文献   

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